Contents68Carla E. Mathis-WellsBody of WorkArt & Healing Journey & Painting WithPurpose Healing Art Wellness ProgramExplore her work, Creative Accounts andProcess750Art & SoulVision Art JournalsA Creative Wellness CompanyThree Volumes Filled With Power CreativeProcesses to Heal1
MastherpeaceSacramento, CAwww.carlawells.artcw@carlawells.artCarla E. Wells Carla E. WellsSydney MathisFrancois Mercer, Francisco Andrade,Jin Ae Soo.Kelly SonnireaSydney MathisCarla E. WellsKelly SonnireaSydney MathisSydney Mathis Kelly SonnireaEDITOR-IN-CHIEF ART DIRECTIONPHOTOGRAPHERSCONTRIBUTING WRITERSMANAGING EDITORCONTENT DIRECTORContributorsPlace a short biography of this magazine'scontributor here.Place a short biography of this magazine'scontributor here.2Magazine
This is the first time I have writtena letter of this kind, well the firsttime as editor-in-chief of amagazine and I’m not entirely surehow it’s supposed to go. I've beenthinking and dreaming of having amagazine for a long time but Ihadn’t yet known exactly whatgenre or category it would fall into.The idea of a magazine always feltglamorous to me. So for thismagazine to come to fruition isvery fulfilling.I envision a magazine wherecreative expression can freely flowwithout judgment. Whetherinterviewing seasoned artists andcreatives who have mastered theircraft or hearing their stories andprocesses. To emerging artists likemyself at 57 going through thediscovery phase or on the oppositeend of the spectrum of people whofeel they don't have a creative bonein their bodies makes me curious.We are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew, so we cando the good things he plannedfor us long ago.EditorWords from the3The idea of the reaction of peoplestaring at a blank canvas intriguesme. Remembering my ownexperience of how I felt led me toexplore and document the answer.MastHerPeace Magazine (MHPMagazine) is a place to showevidence of inner work, a placewhere ideas will come to light. Itstarted from the realization thatthere wasn’t a place or platformfor artists and people withdifferent creative interests to talkabout their creative journey. Themagazine and its focus developedover time to what it is now,essentially to create a dialoguebetween the arts, healing, design,technology, and the effects it hason wellness.We’ve begun to create acollaborative space forconversations, to exchange ideasand learn from each other, as wecover topics and the latesthappenings in the art world. I hopethat as we continue, we become aplatform that also gives a voice toemerging and underrepresentedartists.If any of this means something toyou, connect with us on ourInstagram theme page MHPMagazine, and share your artwork,performance, or writing, andplease share your thoughts onwhat we’ve put together so far.We’d love to hear what you think.In our launch today, we’re sharingarticles that examine the role artplays in healing and wellness. Youwill look into my journey throughart and healing Redeemed by CarlaWells's recent art exhibits, andexplore my process of using paintto process pain for purposethrough Activism, Restoration, andTeaching (A.R.T) My virtual onlinegallery features work from the verybeginning in 2017.This is a beginning, and it wouldn’thave been possible without thesupport, encouragement, and hardwork of our amazing team. I’mbeyond excited to publish ourcontent today and for what we’ll bedeveloping in the coming months.Hoping you enjoy MastHerPeaceMagazine.Carla E. WellsEditor-In-Chief
THE ARTISTBy Carla E WellsPhotography by Hannah Morales4Carla e. WellsCarla e. Wells
Creative Expression IsA Spiritual PracticeIn a span of one year Idove deep into mypain processing itthrough art which Ihad experienced sixyears earlier when I participated in an artand healing program.Remembering thetools, I learned, I wentto work on myself. Mymental strength andconfidence wasRESTORED. When I emerged, mylife felt very different,my thoughts weretransformed, the way Ireacted to pain anddisappointments hadchanged. I attribute that changeto learning how to usemy visual voice tocommunicate my feeling and emotionsthrough creativeexpression. I found my internalinherent love languageand discovered thevery essence of who Iam. So, my mission isto TEACH and share the power of art andhealing in order toshow others how toprocess pain forpurpose starting withthe family dynamic of women, youth andchildren. Carla Wells is theCEO of Well Living Inc.having devoted the lastseven years to helpingwomen and men achievestable housing throughher work as antransitional housingoperator, creator and facilitator of the PAINTWith Purpose HealingArts Wellness Programfor Art & Soul, and now aHousing & ResourceNavigator for WellLiving, Inc. Carla holds a lead rolealong with buildingcommunity partner-ships and in facilitatingthe Wellness Programsfor the residents as theCEO of Carla Wells, Inc.,with industry expertiseas an Interior Designer,Event Planner, and Art &Healing Programfacilitator. The work inside me took32 years to surface, whattriggered ACTIVATIONhappened in 2017. Afterbeing in a ten-year relationship with a manwho I thought I wasgoing to marry ended, Ihad to take a long hardlook at myself. There was deep seeded painthat I had not dealt withthat resurfaced in myromantic relationships,but this time I didn’t runfrom the pain I faced ithead on. C5But! My life hasn't always looked like this...
Art & Soulis a creative wellnesscompany our vision is toconnect and bridgehumanity throughcreativity. How we dothat is through events,experiences,empowerment programs,environments, andeducation. We believethe process of creatingart leads to Activation, Restoration andTeaching (A.R.T.).Engaging in the arts is away of visuallycommunicating the truenature of our heARTS. Itserves the desires of thehuman spirit andrealigns our gifts andtalents to serve oneanother. It opens thewindow to the soulallowing self-healing,physically, mentally andemotionally for thepurposes of strengthening ourmental health, wellbeingand fostering spiritualgrowth. Art & Soul isdedicated totransforming the lives ofwomen, youth andfamilies through artfrom all backgrounds byinviting them to engagein diverse communitywhile exploring throughvarious art modalities. We believe images,words, music andmovement are powerful AActivism Restoration Teaching7expressions that canempower lives and fuelthe human spiritthrough self-love,building relationshipsand serving community.We serve diversecommunities throughbreak out art expressionseries that focus on eachunique group whether,age, gender, culture or orspiritual preference. Wetailor the art andactivities to the topicsyou want to teach orexperience.
BodyofWorkBy Carla E. WellsPhotography by Francois Mercer Sharing My SOUL8
Subscribe tomastherpeaceEnjoy huge savingsFree home deliveryGet your copy before everyone elseCatch the freshest featuresUpdated QuarterlyRead anytime, anywhereNever miss an issue!Visit our online editionwww.carlawells.artMagazineVisit The Virtual Online Art Exhibition Redeemed by Carla Wells 9(mhp)
Lay Handsby Carla E. MathisMedia: Mixed, Collage Watercolor, Acrylic201810
CREATIVE ACCOUNTLay Hands was revealed to meafter my breakthrough from myhealing art journey and when Istarted serving other women tohelp them heal through art.I had founded Art & Soul andcreated the Art & Healing Cohort 6-Week program now called PAINTWithPurpose Healing Arts Program andreceived a grant to serve AfricanAmerican Women in mycommunity. In 2018 I held three Art& Healing Cohorts 6-weekprograms and hosted severalevents.The figure in the center representsme, I am surrounded by women inmy program, hugging me, touchingme and laying hands on me. Therewere other women in mycommunity who encouraged me,www.artsoulhealing.com 11helped and supported me andlifted me up when I was in doubt,who believed in my program.I had started working on thispiece during the second programand what I now come tounderstand, thatwas the way I expressedgratitude. I was fulfilled in mymission to serve women in thisway.I revealed Lay Hands during mythird program end and what Iexperienced on that day wasprofound
Carla E. Mathis-WellsMedia: Mixed Watercolor Collage, AcrylicLAY HANDSWomen started interpreting myart. The words they spoke of thispiece stays with me to this day.As my sisters continued tointerpret my art, what I perceivedas a belt around my waist, onewoman saw as a fetus. Westarted speaking about new life,birthing new ideas, nurturing ourbodies and loving andsupporting one another. Therewasn't a dry eye in the room. Apowerful moment in bedded inmy spirit.There is power in sharing our heART through Creative Expression
CARLA E. MATHIS-WELLS ARTISTwww.artsoulhealing.comCreative Process12
Surrenderby Carla E. MathisMedia: Mixed Watercolor, Acrylic Enamel201713
CREATIVE ACCOUNTOn Bended Knees I SURRENDERALL!Father I humbly kneel at your feetthanking you for your love, sendingyour son to die for my sins. I marvel at the unconditionallove you show me each and everyday. I lift you up I praise your holy name. Thank you for theexample you have gifted me withyour son’s life.There is none like you. The light youhave shown me and the world isthe brightest I’ve ever seem in my life. You guide my mindand thoughts to you. I am thankfulfor your grace and understanding. I thank you for loveand protection. You are thebeginning and the end. The alpha and omega. Father forgiveme of all that I have done. www.artsoulhealing.com 14Lord I pray that I walk out your word, live by your exampleand lead others back to you. Use me as your vessel. I am willingto do what your will is. Father I askthat you decrease my ego and selfish ways to be able tohumbly serve those which youhave called me to serve. I open my heart, mind body andsoul to you. I give my life for yourglory. Carla E. MathisMedia: Mixed Watercolor,Acrylic EnamelSURRENDERLord as I prepare to teach, I praythat your message will be clear sothat others will also call out your name. Let everythingthat I do be a witness to thepower you have in my life. As you use my creativity as a tool toshow how to use the gifts youhave blessed me with, let it be revealed to others how to serveusing the gifts you have giventhem. As we are all one body we lift up our hands in praise toyou. There is power in sharing our heART through Creative Expression
CARLA E. MATHIS ARTISTwww.artsoulhealing.comCreative Process15
Shattered by Carla E. MathisMedia: Mixed Watercolor, Collage201716
CREATIVE ACCOUNTShattered is a self-portrait thatrepresents my divorce. She is one of afive part healing journal series, where my deepest healing began. It’sironic that I chose collage as themedia to express myself. Ripped, cutand torn random pieces of paperrearranged into what you see now. It isthe first piece I used this techniqueand where I discovered my love forcollage. I explored with creatingdifferent textures like my hair to showmovement and depth. Collage is avery forgiving process and at thattime, I was learning to forgive myself for the part I played inmy divorce. I allowed the pain I experienced whilecreating to flow through me as Iplaced each piece of paper on thecanvas, in this case a heavy weightpaper. I felt free and energized. I feltthe joy of what I was creating anew. I felt the excitement of what wascoming.www.artsoulhealing.com 17 I worked on this piece for about aweek. I couldn’t wait to share itwith the healing arts group I hadjoined online. I was so immersed in this processI didn’t realize until five years laterthat there was a womanshredded up in the bra top of mydress. Her head, arms, hands,face eyes and legs all torn apart. For me this was Gods grace ofsparing me that pain at the time Icreated her because nowCarla E. MathisMedia: Mixed Watercolor, CollageSHATTERED I understand the meaning and significance of what thatrepresents. The ugliness ofdivorcee and how it tears youapart. The name came about from a visitfrom my best friend Kelly, whohas been apart of my healing artjourneyfrom the beginning. When shelooked my artwork, she said shelooks Shattered!
MY POETIC TONGUEwww.artsoulhealing.com 18Carla E. MathisMedia: Mixed Watercolor, CollageSHATTEREDConsumed by what everyoneelse thought I should be, I lost allsense of my identity. Through marriage, divorce andthree children to raise, God giveme strength and I’ll give him thepraise. Shattered dreams, delays, hopeand despair, there is nothing tohard for him to repair. For he uses all things workingtogether for the good who is callby his purpose as I understood. What you might see is shatteredpieces of me, but God helpedme to MastHerPeace!
Promiseby Carla E. MathisMedia: Mixed Watercolor, Acrylic, Collage201719
CREATIVE ACCOUNTPromise, is seeing the vision in myimagination and laying it down oncanvas. There's a lot of symbolism inthis piece to remind me of how greatmy God is!The moon lit sky, the universe isinfinite, and all things are possible. The sunthat shines bright carries the hope forthe future. The barn structure in thebackground is building community todwell, learn, play and develop,grow and teach in. The winding tree isconnection that is rooted in newpossibilities. This group of diverse,multi ethnic women centered in thework are made up of all shades, colorand backgrounds.They are standing barefoot in the fieldof grass that grounds our resolve toembrace our differences. We gather inhealing circles to shareour experiences and honor our stories,our vulnerability is protected in sacredlove and understanding as we connectin authentic ways like naturewww.artsoulhealing.com 20connecting the flowers and trees, the birds and the bees.There is abundance, and plenty for everyone. The rainbowappearingafter the storm is believing God’s promises not only to notflood the earth but standing on the promises of faith,trusting in God andbelieving that one day we will be standing on the hundredsacres of land he promised.Carla E. MathisMedia: Mixed Watercolor, CollagePROMISE
Hairitageby Carla E. MathisMedia: Mixed Watercolor, Acrylic, Enamel201721
CREATIVE ACCOUNTThere is this looming question embedded in my soul about myheritage. I have become so comfortable with my AfricanAmerican identity that I don’t even think about where weactually come from. Only recently have I begun to seek answers to that question. Whenwe created Hairitage it serves as a reminderto never stop searching. I hope to leave her strong dominantimage edged in the minds of my offspring toalways seek the truth of who we are, the land our ancestors walkon, the traditions of our tribe and thelanguage of our hearts.www.artsoulhealing.com 22Carla E. MathisMedia: Mixed Watercolor, Acrylic, EnamelHAIRITAGE
MY POETIC TONGUEwww.artsoulhealing.com 23Carla E. MathisMedia: Mixed Watercolor, Acrylic, EnamelHAIRITAGEWhere did I come from, my roots, myname, my heritage, my looks, myways? Where do I belong? There is a kaleidescope of questionsintertwined in my mind. I am mebecause of ? I seek to understand howI walk, how I talk, how I look gathering thepieces from what’s been took. What I do know is that I come fromthe Akan people in Ghana or so I'vebeen told. A 2000 year history from my maternal lineage, there was a Akanwoman in the fold. I can use my imagination tho, for therest. Kings and queens I come fromhierarchy, I come from the best. The traits that I carry, skills and myways have me urning for home soonand some day I’ll be at rest. This quest, this journey is not just forme, I want my children, grandchildren,great-grandchildren and lineage to see we come from nobility. By the way we stand, by the way wewalk, by the way we look by the waywe talk let the power of our imaginations carry us back home tothe land that we come from to theland where we belong. There is a kaleidescope of questionsintertwined in my mind. My Heritagecarries ancestral thoughts they cry out to me my daughter set us free.
Church Ladyby Carla E. MathisMedia: Collage201724
CREATIVE ACCOUNTChurch Lady represents myconnection and experience to religionand the church. I grew up ina traditional Baptist church that setthe foundation for my spiritual journey,however what I’vecome to know and understand is thatchurch is not the only way to connectto spirit, connect to other believersand to connect to God.Everything in this Vision Art Journal, allof the art I create comes from a placeof spirit and connection to God. Ialways say, We create the art together,people look at me with a question ontheir face and before they can ask I tellthem, it’s me and God who createtogether. He gives me the images, hedirects my thoughts, he influences thework, we create the masterpiecestogether.Creative expression is a spiritualpractice, I use it to teach how toconnect with Christ throughcreativity.www.artsoulhealing.com 25It is my mission and purpose toshow others how to tap intotheir creative energy toreveal their purpose and utilizetheir gifts, talents and abilitiesto serve God and others.I have released the Idea of rules,rituals, regulations and religion.My soul cries out for realauthentic connection notcontempt and judgment.Carla E. MathisMedia: CollageCHURCH LADYWhen I let go of the confiningperimeters Ibegan to manifest the promisesGod had for me.This is a deep spiritual journey ofknowing who I am and who’s Iam. For my purpose wascreated by him to serve him andothers through creativeexpression.
Can I get an AMEN!
Fight Withinby Carla E. WellsMedia: Acrylic201726
CREATIVE ACCOUNTI had been working in my 9 x 12journal creating my healing art but I had a deep desire to create art on a larger scale. I remember toiling around for days on how or what I wanted to create. I decided I wanted to paint, so I purchased a blank canvas and some acrylic paints. Easy right!No!! So much loathing and self-criticism rose up in me. I wasterrified to even start. I stared atthat blank canvas, every time I went to start fear parlayed my hand. Nothing!This went on for two weeks. I finallygot the courage to make the firststrokeand continued to open up and acceptwhat I was creating. It was truly a Fight Within. www.artsoulhealing.com 27 It is my mission and purpose toshow others how to tap intotheir creative energy toreveal their purpose and utilizetheir gifts, talents and abilitiesto serve God and others. I have released the Idea of rules,rituals, regulations and religion.My soul cries out for real authentic connection notcontempt and judgment. Carla E. MathisMedia: Acrylic on CanvasFIGHT WITHIN
MY POETIC TONGUEwww.artsoulhealing.com 28Carla E. MathisMedia: Acrylic on CanvasFIGHT WITHINBig hips big thighs big lips big eyes big smile. I dance in the rhythm of Carla. I give thanks for the vessel God has created. I feel myself letting go while painting my self portrait. I gave myself permission to play and be free of todays troubles. The fight within myself is the greatest battle I face. Afraid to be my total self to laugh & love. How I express the fight to be my total creative self without tearing myself down. I thank God for my Big hips, big thighs big lips, big eyes big smile. The last time I remember BEING is when I was 18. My life changed when I became pregnant. All the decisions I would make from that point on changed. I now have another life to consider. What I realized is it would continue for the rest of my life. How do I get back to myself ?The art and healing classes I’ve taken and the art I have created has helped me see me again. I am reminded of who I was before life happened.
Sisters by Carla E. MathisMedia: Mixed Watercolor, Acrylic201929
UNLOCKEDunblockedHow Creative Expression By Carla Wells Photography by Jin Ae Soo13& Set ME FREE30
I AM by Carla E. WellsMedia: Mixed Watercolor, Acrylic202031
CREATIVE ACCOUNTThe original piece is acrylic,watercolor and markers onwatercolor paper 15” x 22 ¼ “.Giclee Print: Canvas 40” W x 60”HIn a state of tension, the bottled-up energy I needed to releasecame forth I AM ID! I felt like I wasgoing in circles, not clear aboutwhat direction to take or the nextmove to make. I felt stuck, in themiddle of no ware. What did I wantto do, where did I want to go, whowas I really are the questions thatstarted to surface? I rememberknowing I needed to create, butwhat? I didn’t want to over think soI channeled my inner child. JustPlay! The selection of art materialsreflects that. With the blank canvas, I started todoodle, I allowed my intuition totake the marker on a journey of www.artsoulhealing.com 32new discovery with nopredestined place in mind. WhenI was done, I started to laugh notout of judgment but out ofmystery. What was this? I turnedthe tangled and twisted linesupside down and sideways, Istared at it an entire day beforetaking the next move. What was itbecoming? On day 2 she startedto reveal herself, it then took on a Carla E. WellsMedia: Mixed Watercolor, AcrylicI AMlife of its own. This was the birthof the Intuitive Doodle (ID),artwork, processes, courses, andworkshops.
CARLA E. WELLS ARTISTwww.artsoulhealing.comCreative ProcessFigure- I started to see outlines and poses of a figure I saw herarms raised above her head; I saw her arms folded. It was likeshe was contemplating. Color- I layered the colors started with watercolors I love theiridescent effect of brings to my art. I use high quality markersto draw in the detailsCells- each cell became my playground. Like DNA I filled ineach cell with vibrant colors and shapes unique to itself. Mind-one of the final phases of completing this artwork wasthe white background with scroll work shown in the head. Itwas like my mind expanded. I was no longer blocked; I allowmyself to create a world beyond my imagination to expandinto the universe where I believe all things are possible. 33
Yhue In Me by Carla E. WellsMedia: Mixed Watercolor, Acrylic202334
CREATIVE ACCOUNTI created Yhue In Me, Sub Title: Sisterhood 3 Women InOne.Inspired by authentic connectionswith my sisters in 2023.Do you see them?For the last few months, I havebeen intentional about connectingwith women whether going to empowerment events or sitting inCalifornia Black Women's HealthProject @Sisters mentallymobilized sista circles where heartfelt stories were revealed. To top itoff I spent the last four weeks witha dynamic group of ladies where we wrappedup a DRY Bones Consulting virtualevent www.artsoulhealing.com 35of creative exploration to unlocked our awareness throughcreativity where I was the guestartist and facilitator. The firstweek of these sessions revealed thisartwork to me. In case you don't see the threewomen I've created a video tobreak down the process. ENJOY!Carla E. WellsMedia: Mixed Watercolor, AcrylicYHUE IN ME
CARLA E. WELLS ARTISTwww.artsoulhealing.comCreative Process36
Head Strongby Carla E. WellsMedia: Mixed Watercolor, Acrylic on Paper202337
CREATIVE ACCOUNTHead Strong is a mixed-media artpiece and my most recent. I am ona journey of deep self-discoveryand determined to evolve into theartist I am becoming.Much love to those who are on asimilar journey whether your pathis art or not but resolved tobecome who you are created tobe.Continue to explore, and try new thingsand awaken new possibilities.www.artsoulhealing.com 38Carla E. WellsMedia: Mixed Watercolor, Acrylic on PaperHEADSTRONG
CARLA E. WELLS ARTISTwww.artsoulhealing.comCreative Process39
Mother Earthby Carla E. WellsMedia: Mixed Watercolor, Acrylic on Paper202340
Sweet Embraceby Carla E. WellsMedia: Mixed Watercolor, Acrylic on Paper202341
CREATIVE ACCOUNTThis work of art is apart of the“Royalty Collection” My first ever.Mid year June or July 2023 I wasyearning to create art thatrepresented the African Diasporabut I didn't know where to begin.Yes there are thousands ofbeautiful images and artwork thatspeaks to this genre but I desiredto go on a visual exploration andexpress it through my visual lens.Headstrong was my first work ofart stylized in the technique, shecame to me in November 2023 as a reminder to never giveup. Never to give up on my Dreams!Never to give up on my Desires!Never to give up on my Vision!Never to give up on ME! Thislonging to create African inspiredart was embedded in my soul. Itfeels like home, I want to go home! www.artsoulhealing.com 42Carla E. WellsMedia: Mixed Watercolor, Acrylic on PaperSWEET EMBRACEHome is not a structure or aplace it’s inside me. I hear thecry's of my ancestors, their calling of Sweet Embraceand belonging. Imagine notBeing! Being remembered, or becoming who God createdyou to be as a human being.To express the highest, truestcalling on your life. That wastaken from our ancestors andwe sometimes struggle as a culture toidentify with self. Thedisconnect from my Africanroots and lack of knowledge of my heritage hasfueled my curiosity andendeavor to create this bodyof work.
CREATIVE ACCOUNTI’m an explorer! A creativeEntrepreneur In fact that’s why Icreated Art & Soul, A CreativeWellness Company, to teach youhow to reconnect to self, build on relationships and develop aspiritual practice through creativeexploration. In my quest tounderstand how the effects ofcreativity plays in opening up newpathways in our mind, lead me to research newmethods. I came across a new process that helps unlockcreativity and expands your mind. It is a practice similar to what I’vebeen doing and teaching inworkshops for years now, but now Iunderstand the science behind itand if I understand it I can teach itto you. It's a form of Meditation! Neurography was discovered anddeveloped by Pavel Piskarev, aRussian psychologist and creativityentrepreneur. Neurographicadrawing is a Metacognitiveprocess. Since I discovered thisprocess, I’ve created Neurographicdrawing every morning to releaseanxieties and stress. CreatingNeurographic drawings is abeautiful meditative process basedin mindfulness. www.artsoulhealing.com 43Carla E. WellsSWEET EMBRACEIt bypasses the rationalthinking mind and is able toreach deep into hidden layersof one’s psyche. Your unconscious, ordinarilyinaccessible part of yourbrain, is opened up. Newneural networks are formed inthe brain. What you thought isimpossible suddenly becomesa reality. The results can rangefrom immediate insights andrevelations to changes in yourlife that take place in the mostunusual and creative of ways.Since you’re working with theunconscious, you may surpriseyourself days later with asolution that comes seeminglyout of nowhere.That is exactly what happenedto me. I had created dozens ofNeurographic drawings, I gotit! It works, but I get boredquickly, remember I'm anexplorer I’m wondering whatam I going to do with all theselines drawings. This drawingtechnique has become anintrical part of my morningmediation and seemingly outof nowhere gazing at mebetween these inter-connected, inter-twined softneuographic lines I started tosee African women wearinghead dresses. This comesfrom the same spirit and gifts that Michael Angelo had andhow he could see the sculpture of Dave in that block ofmarble, that same spirit allowsme to see the beauty andpotential in environments as an interior designer, thebeauty on the other side ofnegative circumstances, with mybelieve that all things worktogether for the good to themthat love God who arecalled according to his purposeand my ability to see the beautyand potential in people. Now I see women of Africandecent carved in between theentangled, soften stretchedconnected lines, dressed to thenine in what becomes myinterpretation of modern African prints. I am apart of theAcon tribe from Ghana and what Iimage if I were born and raisedthere I would have been one thatwould have created beautiful African prints and been amerchant selling my goods. I amre-imaging my Africanmatriarchal ancestors dressed inmy designs. You see I thought Iwas going to be a fashion designer, because I loveunique styles, my chooses early inlife that change that trajectory;however things that areembedded in your spirit neverleave. I now havean opportunity to create anddesign a symbiotic connectionbetween art,fashion andentertainment as I bring to youmy new Sister Circle Series,“TheArt of Sisterhood” An African Diaspora ExperienceThrough Creativity, Connection,Culture and Community to life.Enjoy my new “Royalty Collection!
CARLA E. WELLS ARTISTwww.artsoulhealing.comCreative Process44
Black Butterflyby Carla E. WellsMedia: Mixed Watercolor, Acrylic on Paper202345
CREATIVE ACCOUNTBlack Butterfly is apart of my SisterCircle Series, “The Art ofSisterhood” An African DiasporaExperience Through Creativity,Connection, Cultureand Community.This is my very first art series andcollection. Mid year June/July 2023I was yearning to create art thatrepresented my culture but I didn'tknow where to begin.Yes there are thousands ofbeautiful images and works ofart that showcase women ofAfrican decent but I desiredto express their beauty through mylens using my visualvoice.When I’m compelled to create artthere is an overwhelming feelingwww.artsoulhealing.com 46Carla E. WellsMedia: Mixed Watercolor, Acrylic on PaperBLACK BUTTERFLYthat washes over me, It’s veryspiritual and deep seeded. Inever know who is going tocome forth or the messagethat will be conveyed throughthe work. When I begancreating Black Butterfly sheseem to appear out of theentangled lines of my handpainted papers. Herheaddress sitting high on herhead was revealed as her facepeaked through. BlackButterfly emerged and infusedherself in my mind, body, soul andspirit, my internal garden was infull bloom.I was compelled to use whatevermediums I could find, whether,watercolors, acrylic paints, pen,markers orcollage to navigate the materialsto help-breath life into her wingsand to share her story.
CREATIVE ACCOUNTLike the metamorphosis of thebutterfly, it’s a journey to thespread of her wings for the worldto see her full beauty. For realchange, you have to endure theinternal struggles but not alone.There is power in sharing in safespaces and in sisters’ circles.Listening to women describe theirpain on one hand and the promise of change on the other.Hearing their struggles and mesharing mine, feeling their hurt andsharing their hope, connected us inways that pierced my soul. This isnot just a black experience, Iconnect with many cultures, but diving deep incommunity and conversation withmy sisters of the African diasporaand understanding firsthand theexperience of being a black womanin America we can only relate. Thisis the inspiration for BlackButterfly. This work is a reminder to mysisters to spread their wings incelebration and triumph ofsisterhood. To continue to sharetheir inner struggles and to showtheir outer beauty and strengththrough creativity, connection,culture and community. www.artsoulhealing.com 47Carla E. WellsBLACK BUTTERFLY
CARLA E. WELLS ARTISTwww.artsoulhealing.comCreative Process48
Vision Art Journal HealHerSeriesby Carla E. WellsCollection
SE RI AL EN TR EPR EN URECR EA TIV IT Y COA CHSacramento, CA carlawells.artcwells@carlawells.artVirtual Art ExhibitAR TI ST