EAGLEENDOWMENTANNUAL REPORT(2023-2024)Program OverviewGrace Brennan, Program CoordinatorPrepared by
100%80%EAGLE ENDOWMENTYEARLY OVERVIEWThis year marked significant strides for The Eagle Endowment, with notable achievements ingrant acceptance rates, campus visibility, community outreach, and alumni engagement. Ourcomprehensive fall rebranding campaign utilized tabling events, extensive flyer distribution,and impactful social media initiatives to heighten awareness. We also took pride in hosting analumni panel event, where we recognized Rick Evanche as the first inaugural Legacy Awardrecipient. Through dedicated fundraising efforts, we successfully raised up to $2,500, furthering ourmission to support initiatives that positively impact the greater DMV area. Noteworthyaccomplishments include a 100% increase in grant applications and acceptances, with all 5fall grants and 3 out of 5 spring grants already completed. The remaining 2 spring grants arescheduled for completion during the summer and fall of 2024.Program Updates & RecapIn just one year, we haveeffectively accepted 10 grantswhich doubled the previousyear's total.Increased Grant AcceptanceGrants Completed Fall Grant Total: $2,992.85Spring Grant Total (to date): $1,720.10Average Grant Amount: $590Total Expenditure: $4,712.95Financial Records8 out of the 10 grants have beensuccessfully executed, with theremaining 2 on track for timelycompletion.40%Highest Service Concentration4 grants were dedicated toeducation equity efforts, markingthe most substantial allocationwithin our grant portfolio.
Project Goal: Addressing the critical issue of food deserts impacting over 2 millionAmericans, with 80,000 residents in DC alone affected, this initiative strives torevolutionize our approach to food insecurity. In collaboration with KIPP DC, The Food forThought Foundation (a nonprofit founded by AU students), and the support of the EagleEndowment, a vertical farm was procured and generously donated to a high schoolclassroom. Here, students planted their inaugural crop.A dedicated team of AU students united to seamlessly integrate the vertical farm into theexisting curriculum and successfully planted the first batch of 30 crops. Anticipated toyield its harvest within a month of integration, the produce will be distributed to 20 food-insecure students. This initiative embodies a transformative step toward addressing foodinsecurity in our communities.Farms for Thought Vertical Farming Event - $1000.00Recipient: Ekua HudsonProject Goal: As we navigate an unprecedented progression and retraction of rights forgirls and female-identifying individuals, young people have expressed an urgency tofight for justice in their communities. Now more than ever before, young people yearnto not only be invited to decision-making tables, but to collaborate alongsidestakeholders to enact tangible, systemic change with regard to gender justice. With thesupport of the Eagle Endowment grant funds, a summit was hosted at the UnitedNations Foundation in Washington D.C., bringing together 50 club leaders from theDMV region.The primary focus of this gathering is to deliberate on the most effective ways tomobilize young individuals in our communities for the cause of gender justice.Girl Up DMV Leadership Summit - $713.99Recipient: Denia SmithFALL GRANT 2023“BACK TO SCHOOL, BACK TO SERVICE”
Across the two-day summit, emerging leaders will exchange insights, delving into theessence of authentic and bold leadership while devising strategies to propel intersectionalgender equity at both local and national levels. Attendees will be immersed in educationalpresentations, panels, and workshops on intersectional feminist organizing, networkingsessions with attendees, and wellness activities while hearing from notable activists onthe frontlines of the gender justice movement.Project Goal: Through collaboration with the Community Based Research ScholarsProgram (CBRS), this initiative seeks to offer college support to students residing in wards5, 7, and 8 in Washington DC. Partnering with SOUL DC, a local nonprofit organizationdedicated to assisting student-athletes, the event convened on the campus of AmericanUniversity to provide SOUL DC students with an immersive college experience. CBRS andSOUL DC participants partook in team-building activities, shared meals, toured thecampus, and engaged in discussions aimed at leveraging research to enhance the SOULDC program. The overarching aim was to empower high school students in DC byenlightening them about the advantages of pursuing higher education and the myriadresources available to them beyond high school.SOUL DC College Visit Day - $452.13Recipients: Robert McClammy & Stella KochProject Goal: One-third of the people living in DC don’t know where their next meal willcome from. This initiative aims to address the prevalent issue of food insecurity in theGreater DC area. In partnership with the organization Martha’s Table, the event gatheredAU students to make meals and donate them to our community. Over 30 studentsworked to successfully create and package 231 turkey and cheese sandwiches, surpassingthe original sandwich count goal. A handwritten note was attached to each meal, andstudents were connected with further opportunities for change-making, encouragingtheir dedication to community service. The event gained attention from on-campusorganizations dedicated to food security and will be replicated every month to continuefighting food insecurity in DC. Make & Donate Meal Packaging Event - $500.00Recipient: Silvia Postigo
Project Goal: This initiative aims to tackle the communication barriers and empowerimmigrant workers within the facilities management department at AU. The programfocuses on teaching English to migrant workers, equipping them with essential languageskills for self-sufficiency and empowerment, both within their workplace and in thebroader community. What distinguishes this program is its collaborative curriculumdevelopment approach, involving direct engagement with end-users to customize contentaccording to their specific needs and experiences. Administered through the Center forLatin American and Latino Studies, this initiative signifies a significant stride towardlinguistic inclusion and empowerment.Language Liberation / Liberación Lingüística - $326.73Recipient: Diana Garay Flores
Project Goal: Despite the premise of the American Dream and the illusion of equality,minority and economically disadvantaged students consistently achieve lower test scoresand an insufficient overall education compared to their white peers. This educationaldisparity stems from continuous and systematic underfunding, resulting in limited accessto modern reading materials and supplies. Economically disadvantaged students do nothave access to modern reading material or supplies, making it harder to learn andworsening the achievement gap in education. The Cover-to-Cover Project aims to directlyaddress the lack of funding for minority schools by providing reading and literacystudents at Miner Elementary with the school supplies and books they need. Phase one aims to refurbish and supply the Reading Partners classroom in MinerElementary. New and updated supplies will be used during tutoring sessions to positivelyimpact the student’s learning. The supplies needed for the classroom include pencils,markers, crayons, construction paper, dice, motivational posters, alphabet charts,personal whiteboards, and erasers. Phase two involves hosting a book fair, offeringdiverse books to students to foster a love for reading and promote education at home.Each book provided to students will represent the classroom's diversity and encouragethe exploration of a variety of identities. This project pinpoints the exact needs ofstudents and gauges their interest and passion for reading development while promotingdiversity and inclusion.Cover-to-Cover Project - $969.04Recipient: Sensi Messner-BakerProject Goal: Many children within the DC community face challenges with readingbecause they lack access to adequate materials, particularly books Kids Korner - $467.00Recipient: Genesis KiddSPRING GRANT 2024“SPRING INTO ACTION”
suited to their reading level. Stories mirroring their unique backgrounds and experiencesare particularly compelling, especially those showcasing characters fromunderrepresented communities and minority groups. Recognizing the importance ofrepresentation in literature, the Kids Korner initiative has been launched to bridge thisgap by providing culturally diverse books to public school students in the region.Through the support of The Eagle Endowment and The Lambda Zeta Chapter of AlphaKappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., the Kids Korner program has taken a significant step forward.Over 300 books were donated to students at Robert Gray Elementary School, with eachchild in grades 2 through 5 receiving a book to take home. Additionally, the initiativeprovided each teacher with 3 to 5 books to read aloud in the classroom, further enrichingthe reading experiences of the students. By empowering children with diverse, engagingliterature, the Kids Korner program is making a meaningful impact on educational equityand promoting academic success.Project Goal: This initiative aims to address the educational challenges faced by thosecurrently incarcerated by providing them with much-needed resources and opportunities.Recognizing the significant literacy gap among the incarcerated population, the projecthas collaborated with the DC-based non-profit organization, DC Books to Prisons, to fulfillits book wishlist. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, a staggering 75% of stateinmates, 59% of federal inmates, and 69% of jail inmates have not obtained a high schooldegree or equivalent. Incarcerated individuals require access to books not only foreducational purposes but also for cognitive enrichment and personal growth. Through the support of the Eagle Endowment Grant and the School of Public AffairsLeadership Program, this initiative has taken a crucial step in tackling the educationalinjustices faced by those behind bars. As a result, DC Books to Prisons received 24 booksrequested by incarcerated individuals, providing them with the resources they need toimprove their literacy skills and expand their horizons. By addressing the educationalneeds of the incarcerated population, this initiative is working to create a more equitableand just society. Through collaborative efforts and targeted resource allocation, it aims toempower those currently incarcerated and break the cycle of educational disadvantage,ultimately contributing to their successful reintegration into the community.Books to Behind Bars - $284.06Recipient: Jackson Gold