Reesheda Graham WashingtonFounding Executive DirectorMaiya Sinclair ShackelfordDirector of Operations and ProgrammingThe KCAF team is currently comprised of 3 staffmembers, with a goal of growing to 4 by FY 26. Twoof the KCAF's staff members live in the communitywe serve, and two were raised in the communitywe serve. Our work is predicated upon listeningclosely and being in authentic, organicrelationships in the community. We couple that intentional presence with aresounding ethic of love as defined by bell hooks.That philosophy informs our vision, strategy,decision-making, and partnership developmentpractices. We are also firm believers in promotingand supporting solopreneurs who are tied to thecommunity we serve. Consequently, our publicrelations, program logistics, and socialmedia/communications needs are sourced toindependent contractors who mirror and reflectthe community we serve. OUR MISSIONThe KCAF fosters and creates artistic, creative expression and civic engagementthat animates the human spirit in ways that prioritize the Black experience in theAustin neighborhood of Chicago and beyond!The KCAF recognizes the importance of honoring and uplifting the Black community while embracing itscultural diversity. We are intentional about creating spaces and sharing power to celebrate, promote, andpreserve the ways of being that are central to the Black community and its collective priorities.COMMUNITY EDIFICATIONEDUCATION INCUBATIONThe KCAF curates space to educate and inspire the community through the arts, civic engagement, andtalent incubation. We are intentional about prioritizing opportunities that create windows and mirrors toreflect the culture of the Black community, while exposing our patrons to the vast world around them.OUR VALUESOUR TEAMHUMAN EXPRESSIONWe embrace and encourage expressions of the human spirit in ways that uplift and inspire the Blackcommunity. We catalyze opportunities for sharing creativity, curiosity, and innovative power with intention.ENTREPRENEURIAL SUSTAINABILITYThe KCAF is committed to doing business and developing partnerships that inspire, innovate and createopportunities for community members to participate in the local economy. We are intentional about sharing,allocating, and acquiring resources that create a long and healthy legacy, both for the center and itssurrounding community members.Janelle MartinCoordinator of Allyship and Programs3
Christine Taylor CondaExecutive Management, Ravinia FestivalBrandon Allen Store Manager, Target CorporationSacella Smith Northeast Regional ManagerOffice of Regional EconomicDevelopment, Illinois Department ofCommerce & Economic OpportunityElizabeth Jamison-DunnPrincipal, Catalyst Circle, Rock SchoolDarnell ShieldsExecutive Director, Austin Coming TogetherOUR BOARDYuan-Ying Hsu Interim Chairperson, Partner, McGuireCorey WilliamsDean of Students, Roosevelt UniversityThe KCAF board currently has 7 members witha goal of growing to 9 by FY 26. Two of theKCAF’s board members live in the communitywe serve, and four of them work in thecommunity we serve. Our current foundingexecutive director stepped down from theboard to take the current ED role. She is a Blackwoman who is from the community we serve. Following a Carver givernance boardstructure, the KCAF board is an ends-oriented board. The board isresponsible for developing, maintainingand upholding board bi-laws, ensuringa succession plan, andhiring/supporting the executivedirector. The board reviews and adoptsthe annual budget. Our board consistsof two committees: governance andfinance. Both committees report back to the largerboard of directors. The board is instrumental insecuring relationships and partnerships thatoften result in revenue acquisition as well asin-kind donations. We currently meet bi-monthly and participate in one board retreatannually. 4
WHAT WE DO VENUE: The Kehrein Center for the ArtsIn Chicago’s Austin community, the KCA is an 850-seat, state-of-the-art auditorium.The KCA is a cornerstone for arts, culture, and civic engagement on the West Side.The center serves as a gathering space for residents, artists, activists, and civic leaders.The KCA fosters connection through practices that share ideas, resources, and inspiration.A Stage Built for ExcellenceThe KCA features cutting-edge lighting, sound, and technology for top-tier events.We have hosted over 150+ performances, welcoming 10,000+ patrons to date.We offer a premier space where creativity thrives and communities come together.The KCA offers versatile event spaces beyond the main auditoriumAva DuVernay Atrium – Bright, elegant space for gatherings and exhibits.Debbie Allen House – Intimate venue for small, personal events.Barack Obama Room – Flexible space for meetings and workshopsA Commitment to AccessibilityThe KCA prioritizes inclusivity through physical accessibility and sliding scale rental rates.The center ensures spaces remain financially accessible to diverse users.We empower the community to gather, create, and connect.Whether hosting a major performance, a community meeting, or an intimatecelebration, the Kehrein Center for the Arts offers unparalleled spaces andservices to make every event extraordinary. Experience The KCA difference—where art, community, and innovation intersect. Click below submit a requestand review our brochure.GET STARTED5
In January 2024, the Kehrein Center for the Arts Foundation (KCAF) entered a newera with the appointment of its founding executive director, Reesheda GrahamWashington. Under her leadership, the KCAF launched its own originalprogramming, introducing a dynamic series of initiatives and events that celebratethe intersection of art, history, and culture. Following a successful inaugural year,these events are poised to become cherished annual traditions, enriching the Austincommunity and beyond.KCAF: PIONEERING TRANSFORMATIVE PROGRAMMINGTHE LIVING ROOM (LVR) SESSIONSRooted in the KCAF’s core values of justice, advocacy, and community edification,The Living Room Sessions blend therapeutic artistry with civic engagement.Through panel discussions, audience participation, and performances inspired bydialogue, these events tackle pressing community topics. With vendors, food, andwellness resources, LVR Sessions foster economic growth on Chicago’s West Sidewhile using art for healing and activism.ART AS A FORM OF HEALING & ACTIVISMAFRICAN FEST OUT WEST HONORING BLACK & AFRICAN CULTURAL ARTSIn August 2024, Chicago’s Mayor Brandon Johnsonproclaimed August 30th as Chairman FredHampton Day. To commemorate this and honorFred Hampton’s birthday, the KCAF hosted AfricanFest Out West—a celebration of social justice andcommunity empowerment.Key Highlights:Local Vendors – Showcasingbusinesses that drive economicgrowth.Panel Discussions – Exploring themesof justice, activism, and communitystrength.Live Performances – Featuring localartists who inspire and captivate.The KCAF’s programming underscores its commitment to creatingspaces where art, advocacy, and community engagement intersect.Each event provides a platform to honor history, address critical socialissues, and inspire collective action, ensuring that the KCAF remains abeacon of cultural and civic vitality for years to come.6
The Kehrein Center for the Arts Foundation (KCAF) ishosting six Just(US) Dinners from January to June 2025—creating a safe space for community members toshare a meal and unpack their experiences.KEY HIGHLIGHTS:Safe & Supportive Space – Monthly dinnersfostering open dialogue on personal and collectivechallenges.Guided Group Sessions – Led by a licensed clinicalpsychologist, covering topics like politicalrepresentation, maternal health, and the “glass cliff”in under-resourced leadership roles.Mental Health & Community Support – Expandsaccess to culturally reflective therapists andencourages ongoing care through insurancebenefits and a developing resource bank.Economic & Social Impact – Strengthenscommunity resilience by tackling systemicinequities and promoting healing.JUST(US) DINNERSA SPACE FOR HEALING & EMPOWERMENTJust(US) Dinners embodyKCAF’s commitment tojustice, advocacy, andempowerment—buildinga stronger, moreconnected community.Every March, the KCAF in partnership with One Earth Collective, hosts “SustainingWomen, Sustaining the World,” an event that highlights the vital work of women atthe intersection of art, ecology, and entrepreneurship. This "glocal" (global + local)initiative shines a light on women’s contributions to sustainability, offering thought-provoking discussions, artistic exhibitions, and interactive sessions designed toinspire community members to take action in their own lives.SUSTAINING WOMEN, SUSTAINING THE WORLD A “GLOCAL” INITIATIVE77
Bridging Blackness & WomannessAN ANNUAL AFFAIRThe Black AuraA LIBERATING WEEKNDKCAF’s annual evening of performance, held every March 1st, bridges Black HistoryMonth and Women’s History Month. In 2024 we held “An Evening with ReeshedaGraham Washington,” as our entree into the vision she was setting as the new,founding executive director.This year’s signature event promises to honor thecontributions of Black and Latina women in the artsthrough a fusion of music, dance, and spoken word.As such, the KCAF will collaborate with Ballet 5:8 topresent “Struggle & Resilience: Celebrating Black andLatina Women in the Arts.” This powerful productionfeatures performances inspired by icons such as DukeEllington and Maya Angelou, uniting students andcommunity members from Chicago’s West, South, andNorth Sides. Through the art of ballet, the eveningfosters appreciation for the arts while encouragingparticipants to embrace their passions and creativity.Held between Juneteenth and July 4th, The Black Aura is a weekend event designedto immerse artists and community members in the rich tapestry of Black history,identity, and liberation. Through artistic performances, workshops, and communityinteractions, this event fosters deeper connections, strengthens community bonds,and uncovers new artistic talents.Reesheda Graham Washington explains, “The Black Aura is an opportunity to explorethe meaning of liberation in Chicago today. I want our community to celebrate ourhistory, uncover their individual and collective giftedness, and leave feelingempowered to shape the city’s future.”8
BEYOND OUR WALLSThe Kehrein Center for the Arts Foundation is committed toextending its influence beyond its physical space bypartnering with Chicago-based organizations to curate andfacilitate meaningful experiences that celebrate art, culture,and civic engagement throughout the city.CURATION This commitment wasexemplified this year whenChoose Chicagocommissioned the KCAF tosource entertainment for theprestigious First Bites Bash.Held at the iconic Field Museum, this event served as the kickoff to the 18th Annual ChicagoRestaurant Week. Over 1,500 participants gathered to sample offerings from more than fivedozen restaurants, while entertainment curated by the KCAF added an unforgettablecultural dimension to the evening. Collaborations like these underscore the KCAF’sdedication to enriching Chicago’s cultural landscape and fostering connections thatamplify the city's vibrant artistic and culinary communities.9
100 Black Women and their Allies (100+) is a coalition of Black Women andTRUSTED allies who rally together to support the mission of the KCAF. Thisintentionally crafted circle was developed to create a community of women andtheir allies to connect relationally, to organically work together to transformthemselves, each other, and the Chicagoland area, and to be transformed by theexperiences that the KCAF intentionally crafts towards their own becoming.100 BLACK WOMENAND THEIR ALLIESBUILDING COMMUNITY AND WIDENING HORIZONS#CONNECTIONFEARLESS FIELDTRIPSFearless Field Trips offer Black women andtheir community on Chicago’s Greater WestSide transformative opportunities to expandtheir exposure to culture and the arts byengaging in experiences they may havenever considered before. These excursionscreate a safe, supportive group dynamic,encouraging participants to step outsidetheir comfort zone, knowing they won’t haveto face these new adventures alone. Byfostering a circle of encouragement,Fearless Field Trips empower women toembrace new endeavors together.Indiana Winery ExperienceSkiing in Lake Geneva WHERE WE’VE BEENWHERE WE’RE HEADEDThe program will continue to challengefears and spark growth by connectingparticipants with African artists,entrepreneurs, and civic leaders, inspiringnew visions for their communities. By returning home with fresh perspectivesand renewed agency, participants will re-imagine the look, sound, and feel of theirneighborhoods, reinforcing the idea thatcollective growth begins with fearless steps.GHANAA sister circle to enjoy programs withFood and beverage discountsPriority parking spacesPriority theater seating at KCAF-hosted eventsMembers of 100+ enjoy the benefits of:More than perks, 100+ subscribers help decolonize philanthropy and sustain Black-led arts programming for the future.10
HOW & WHY WE DO ITAt The Kehrein Center for the Arts Foundation, our work is rooted in theembodiment of love—an intentional commitment to creating spaces that arenurturing, inclusive, and transformative. This guiding principle informs everythingwe do, from the way we engage with our community to the programs we design.We prioritize the traditionally marginalized, ensuring that voices often excludedfrom the cultural and civic conversation are heard, valued, and celebrated. Bycentering our work on equity and accessibility, we challenge the systemicbarriers that have historically kept these voices from flourishing.We embrace decolonizing practices, questioning and dismantling norms andstructures that perpetuate exclusion or inequity. Our programs foster capacitybuilding, equipping individuals and communities with the tools and resourcesthey need to grow, lead, and thrive. Additionally, we are deeply trauma-informed, understanding that historical and personal traumas impact howpeople show up in the world. We design our spaces and initiatives to berestorative, empowering individuals to heal, connect, and transform. Throughthese core values, The KCAF continues to build a vibrant, inclusive communitywhere art and culture are catalysts for meaningful change.At The Kehrein Center for the Arts Foundation, we believe in the transformativepower of arts and culture to shape new possibilities for individuals andcommunities. Every program and experience we offer is intentionally craftedthrough this creative lens to ensure that transformation is not only realized butalso sustained. By centering arts and culture in our work, we invite people toengage more deeply with one another, forging inclusive spaces whereeveryone’s voice and perspective are honored. Through this collective culturalexpression, we build a shared vision that values resilience, innovation, and thehealing potential of creativity.Our commitment to restoration and reconciliation is also expressed through thearts, acknowledging how historical and personal traumas can be healed byfostering dialogue and shared experiences. In this way, we equip people with thetools, resources, and capacities needed for self-determination—empoweringthem to own their narratives and shape their futures. Ultimately, our goal is tocultivate a community that is confident in its ability to rely on itself, channelingthe unifying force of artistic and cultural engagement to thrive and grow. This iswhy we do what we do the way we do it: to nurture a vibrant, self-reliant, andresilient future, grounded in creativity and cultural celebration.ROOTED IN LOVEDECOLONIZINGENSURING VOICESARE HEARDCENTERED INEQUITYPRACTICIESTRAUMA INFORMEDHEALING BUILDINGCAPACITYTRANSFORMATIONREALIZED ANDSUSTAINEDSHAREDVISIONCREATIVITYEQUIP PEOPLE WITHTOOLS FOR SELFDETERMINATIONCONFIDENT UNIFIEDCULTURALENGAGMENT11
Black Women in Leadership & The ArtsAt the KCAF, we prioritize the impact of our mission on Black women in leadershipand the arts because their voices and leadership are essential to creating equityin cultural spaces. By amplifying their stories, providing opportunities, anddismantling systemic barriers, we honor their contributions and fosterenvironments where they can lead, create, and thrive.Conveying the Essence of the Chicago Arts SceneThe KCAF conveys the essence of Chicago’s arts scene bycelebrating its unique blend of creativity, cultural legacy, andactivism. By showcasing the city’s diverse artistic voices, we honor itsrich traditions while highlighting its role as a hub for innovation andtransformative expression.OUR PRIORITIESDeb D.E.E.P. Mouton, PoetLaureate of Houston, & EmmyAward Winning Composer &Librettist, Jasmine Barnes,performing at The Black Aura2024, photo credit: CrystalJackson | Inaugural Chicago PoetLaureate, avery r. young, and dadeacon board, performing at TheBlack Aura 2024, photo credit:Crystal JacksonOUR IMPACTOver the past five years, the Kehrein Center for the ArtsFoundation (KCAF) has grown from a rental space to a full-fledged producer of dynamic arts and cultural programming.Key Highlights:150+ performances and programs, many spanningmultiple nights12+ deeply resonating original events produced last year10,000+ patrons welcomed, even amid the pandemic,through in-person and live-streamed offeringsBoard diversity doubled in the past year, ensuringleadership reflects the community’s lived experiencesExpanded philanthropic and programmatic partnerships,fostering a broader and more inclusive range of voicesand resources12
2025STRATEGIC OVERVIEWWHY IT MATTTERSThese strategic goals and objectives position The KCAF for lasting impact in the Austincommunity and the broader Chicago region. By nurturing authentic engagement,promoting equity and justice, and ensuring operational stability, we lay thegroundwork for positive transformation that can endure. Over the next three to fiveyears, these goals will help us build sustainable growth, strengthen community ties,and cultivate a dynamic environment where the arts spark empowerment and inspirecollective progress.INCREASE LOCAL PARTICIPATIONDevelop a Communications Strategy: Create clear, consistent messaging tailored to ourimmediate community, ensuring timely updates on events and opportunities.Design Relevant, Resonant Programming: Use community listening sessions and the localQuality of Life Plan to inform and shape cultural offerings that truly matter to our neighbors.Implement User-Friendly Systems: Streamline ticketing, scheduling, and engagementplatforms to make participation accessible and inspiring for all.INCREASE REGIONAL AWARENESSRobust Narrative Sharing & Storytelling: Leverage traditional and digital media to highlightKCAF’s impact, emphasizing personal stories that resonate with broader audiences.Effective & Synergistic Partnerships: Collaborate with organizations across Chicago toamplify reach, share resources, and co-create meaningful cultural experiences.Leverage Arts & Incubation Assets: Position KCAF as a creative and entrepreneurial hub thatnot only showcases art, but also incubates and supports local talent for city-wide benefit.MOBILIZE CORE VALUES TO ENHANCE LIVELIHOODS THROUGH ARTS-DRIVEN CIVIC ENGAGEMENTDesign Programming for Economic & Civic Development: Create initiatives that empower localartisans, entrepreneurs, and civic leaders, fueling economic growth and community justice.Foster Organizational Symmetry: Lead collaborative storytelling efforts that align communityorganizations, encouraging cooperation, shared resources, and unified advocacy.INCREASE ORGANIZATIONAL SUSTAINABILITY, WHEREWITHAL, AND ENDURANCETHROUGH ARTS-DRIVEN CIVIC ENGAGEMENTUphold an Ethic of Love: Embed compassion and mutual respect into every policy, partnership,and decision-making process.Decolonize & Practice Authentic Allyship: Consistently evaluate and update workflows to be anti-racist, equitable, and transparent.Acquire & Steward Resources: Pursue diversified funding, cultivate partnerships and sponsorships,and explore real estate opportunities to enhance long-term viability.Develop a Volunteer Program: Recruit and train community members, creating a supportiveecosystem that mitigates staff burnout and promotes shared ownership.13
INVITATIONSupport the transformative work of the Kehrein Center for the ArtsFoundation by becoming a Friend of the KCAF. Your one-time gift orrecurring donation helps us uplift communities, celebrate diverse artisticvoices, and create meaningful experiences through the power of the arts.Together, we can build a vibrant future for creativity and culture.Visit www.kcachicago.org/donate to join today and make an impact!BECOME A FRIEND OF THE KCAFBe part of a transformative movement by joining the 100+ Black Women and Their AlliesSponsorship. This reimagined philanthropic effort invites Black women and their trustedallies to contribute $25, $35, or $47 monthly to support the mission of the Kehrein Centerfor the Arts Foundation (KCAF). Together, we create a powerful collective of decolonizedmindsets, driving programming that is relevant and resonant in Black communities whilereshaping philanthropy for Black-led arts organizations.JOIN THE 100+ BLACK WOMEN AND THEIR ALLIES SPONSORSHIPA sister circle to enjoy programs withFood and beverage discountsMembers of 100+ enjoy the benefits of:More than perks, 100+ subscribers help decolonize philanthropy and sustainBlack-led arts programming for the future.Priority parking spacesPriority theater seating at KCAF-hosted eventsClick Here!Click Here!Click Here!Click Here!Click Here!Click Here!MONTHLYANNUALLYBECOME A FRIEND$35/$420Click Here!Click Here!Click Here!Click Here!Click Here!Click Here!14