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August 4, 5, 11, 12 | 7:30 | New Bern Civic Theatre

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Cast Dr. Munsterfield...................................Justin Raye YatesIgor..............................................................................Loki OmuraLuxuria......................................................Victoria McGarveyAvaritia.............................................................Devon BeckettInvidia......................................................................Olivia BrownAcedia..................................................................Amélie Saxon Superbia............................................................Jessica SaxonGula.......................................................................Nikki GardnerIra................................................................................Kara Jordan Temperantia.................................................Megan LathamHumanitas......................................................Krista BeamonDiligentia..............................................................Sylvia MooreHumilitas................................................................Emily ShoreCasitas..................................................................Casey BeamCaritas............................................................Ashlynn AfrkenPatientia.................................................................Jamie DuffyLab Kitty...................................................................Mia BrownLab Rats....................................................................Neil Oliver, Peyton Jenkins & Mike BeckmanSpecial Thanks To... Our backstage and tech crew:Dennis Creamer (rigging and fly operation), Sarah Alger(makeup & stagehand), Natalie Singletary (stage hand),James Moore (sound), Kris Pierson (lighting design andoperation), Katy Oliver & Claudia Solis (spotlightoperators), Jasyn Griffith (costumes) and Olivia Corallo(rehearsal coordinator). Marzanne Draves, owner of Marz Aerial Arts & Fitness,for the rehearsal space. We are proud to call the studioour home! All of the wonderful staff and volunteers at the New BernCivic Theatre for helping us put on this show.

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We just got a letter.........................….…Dr. Munsterfield, Lab KittyIn the name of science……….........….................Dr. Munsterfield, IgorTainted ambitions............................................................................LuxuriaKlepto in the making.......................................................................Avaritia Envious desires.....................................................................................InvidiaCrimes of science........................................................Acedia, SuperbiaJailbreak..............................................................Luxuria, Avaritia, InvidiaWhat the feathers?....................................................... ........................GulaFever dream..................................................Luxuria, Avaritia, Invidia, Acedia, Superbia, GulaWrathful wreckage.....................................................................................IraIgor's experiment unveiled..............................................Temperantia, Humanitas, Diligentia, Humilitas, Casitas, Caritas, PatientiaAct 1Igor's creations….…….....…….......................Temperantia, Humanitas, Diligentia, Humilitas, Casitas, Caritas, PatientiaBalance and restraint………...…..............................Temperantia, GulaKind and diligent.................................................Humanitas, DiligentiaGraceful humbling presence............................Humilitas, SuperbiaExcellence and modesty...........................................Casitas, LuxuriaGenerous and giving....................................................Caritas, AvaritiaA reward for your patience..............................................Patientia, IraOutsiders...........................................................................................................AllSinister plot unveiled..................................................................................All You've created a monster........................................Dr. MunsterfieldChaos in the lab ............................................................Dr, Munsterfield, Luxuria, Avaritia, Invidia,Acedia, Superbia, Gula, IraAct 2

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Thank you to our sponsors and a special donation from an anonymous donor

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Justin Raye Yates is an entertainer and entrepreneuroriginally from Louisville, KY. While serving as aSergeant in the Marine Corps, Justin was stationed inEastern NC, where he now calls home. Justin and hispartner James Moore are co-owners of Silent EdgeEntertainment, known for award-winning films andattractions such as the Nightmare Factory HauntedHouse in Havelock..Had you asked Loki Omura where he would be aftermoving to New Bern just over a year ago, this would nothave crossed his mind. However, after waking up onefateful Sunday and materializing at the "Marz AerialArts & Fitness" Studio, Loki wouldn't have it any otherway. With 15 years of Live Theatre Experience and over10 years of both Film & Scare Acting, he is ecstatic tobegin his adventure within the circus world. Loki is everthankful to the "Dangerous Prodigy Circus" for allowinghim to join and expand his horizons. He really is just a kidwho ran off and joined the circus.Victoria McGarvey's journey with aerial arts and fitnessbegan in January 2021 and within a few months shebecame an instructor for Marz Aerial Arts and Fitness andalso joined Dangerous Prodigy Circus. She teaches Polefitness, Polography, and also practices and trains for chair,lyra, silks and lighted flow arts. Victoria loves theperforming spotlight. She has competed in Pole SportOrganization’s Cary Triangle Pole Competition, winning 1 stplace in her category and level. She has also taken part inother New Bern Civic Theatre productions such as Rock ofAges and A Funny Thing Happened on the way to theForum. Victoria is so grateful for the opportunity to be onthe stage again, doing what she truly loves…performing!Devon Beckett has been practicing aerial arts for overfive years. She currently teaches silks at Marz AerialArts & Fitness in James City and has experienceteaching lyra, pole, and choreography class as well.Outside of the studio, she dabbles in hula hoops andother flow arts. She loves performing, costume making,and helping others put routines together. Devon madeher New Bern Civic Theatre debut in November 2021 inRock of Ages, and she is thrilled to be back on thisstage. She has a degree in Materials Science andEngineering and works as a Senior Failure Analystconducting forensic aircraft investigations at CherryPoint.

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Jessica Saxon started her aerialist journey in 2018. Shehas trained on lyra, cube, sphere, chairs, and pole, andshe currently teaches lyra, pole, and poleographyclasses at Marz Aerial Arts & Fitness. Jess loved everyminute of her first NBCT performance in Rock of Agesin November 2021 with Devon and Victoria, and she isso happy that the circus is returning to this theater'sstage for the third time in just two years! In addition toher circus and aerial work, she is the researcher andwriter for the Small Town News podcast. Jess also hasa PhD in Victorian literature and teaches at a localcollege.Amélie Saxon has been training as an aerialist since2018. She is a rising sophmore at New Bern High whereshe performs with the choir and does tech work for thetheater program. This is Amélie’s third stage productionwith DPC, and she has also performed with the circus atvarious local events and festivals. Whether she is on thelyra, silks, cube, or sphere, she is happiest when she isspinning fast and hanging upside down.Nikki Gardner has been training in aerial arts for over sixyears and teaches at Marz Aerial Arts & Fitness inJames City. She is one of the founding members ofDangerous Prodigy Circus. This is her third show at theNew Bern Civic Theatre; she was also in Found AcrossTime and Magical Unreality. Nikki is also DPC’s graphicdesigner and social media coordinator. When not flyingthrough the air, Nikki can also be found diving withsharks.Olivia Brown started training in aerials almost two yearsago, and she joined Dangerous Prodigy Circus inFebruary of 2022. She has performed on the New BernCivic stage twice before in Found Across Time andMagical Unreality. Her passion for aerials now includesteaching newcomers at Marz Aerial Arts & Fitness.Olivia loves the spotlight and never turns down anopportunity to perform! She has two beautiful little girlsand a very supportive husband. She holds her Mastersin Social Work and is a Licensed Clinical Social WorkerAssociate.

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Kara Jordan grew up in Bridgeport, Connecticut, thebirthplace of the Ringling Brothers Circus. She grew upwatching the circus and dreaming of being in the bigtent. After committing 21 years to horseback riding and5 years to aerial arts, she was hired on as a rider for theAlanian Riders to perform in Circus Sarasota in early2020. Since then she has built her own troupe,Dangerous Prodigy Circus, with the help of her ever-loyal friends and fellow performers.Megan Latham is from Nashville where she graduatedfrom Belmont with a BM in Music Education and a MM inVocal Pedagogy. She has performed with the NashvilleSymphony, the San Diego Symphony, and the PacificLyric Opera Company. Some of her recent roles includeJustice Charlier from "Rock of Ages", Julia Sullivan from"Wedding Singer”, and Vibrata from "Funny Thing".Megan is a voice and piano instructor at Craven andLenoir Community Colleges. She also runs her ownprivate music studio in New Bern. This is Megan's firstperformance with the Dangerous Prodigy Circus!Krista Beamon started her aerial arts journey two yearsago and joined Dangerous Prodigy Circus this year.Earlier this year, she performed at Vaudeville at theNBCT, and with DPC at Dickenson After Dark inGreenville. Growing up, Krista was a dancer and being apart of the circus has reminded her just how much funperforming on stage is! She has a Masters in Businessand works as a Regional Commodity Buyer responsiblefor Real Estate & Construction at Bosch.Sylvia Moore started her aerial journey two years ago,training on lyra, pole and silks, and joined the DangerousProdigy Circus in May of 2023. She debuted withNBCT for their Vaudeville show and immediately fell inlove with performing on stage. In addition to performingat the Civic Theatre, Sylvia has also competed in PoleSport Organization’s Cary Triangle Pole Competition.She is grateful and excited to be able to perform againin the next DPC production with such an incredible cast.In addition to all things aerial, Sylvia is also workingtowards her Masters in Criminal Justice.

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Emily Shore was born in Winston-Salem, where shediscovered her love of dance at the age of 2. Shetrained and competed in a variety of dance stylesthrough high school. After moving to New Bern in 2020,Emily found her love of aerial arts and flow arts at MarzAerial Arts & Fitness in 2022. She also continues herballet training at Miracles in Motion. When she’s not inthe studio, she loves cooking and spending time with herdog, Sammy. This is Emily’s first performance on theNBCT stage and with DPC.Casey Beam has been practicing aerial arts includingsilks and lyra for just over a year and comes from agymnastics background. This is her first circusperformance and her first performance on stage at theCivic Theater. Casey has a degree in environmentalscience and works as an environmental planner.Ashlynn Arfken first started fire performing inNovember with the fire staff and performs seasonally atthe nightmare factory as a side show performer. Shethen was a performer this past April in the New BernFollies. Since learning the fire staff she also has startedlearning poi. She is very stoked to be in this productionand would love to thank her Mom and Dale forsupporting her.Jamie Duffy is one of the newest additions to theDangerous Prodigy Circus. He was born and raised inHavelock, NC. He tarted his career performing with theNightmare Factory Haunted Attraction. After 7 years ofacting experience and being put in the Silent EdgeEntertainment Hall of Fame, he has decided to try outbeing on the stage for his first performance with theDangerous Prodigy Circus.

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At 7 years old, Mia is the youngest performer with theDangerous Prodigy Circus. This is her third timeperforming on the New Bern Civic stage. Mia is knownfor her quick wit and sweet spirit. Her favorite thingabout being apart of DPC is “how kind everyone is.” Miawants to be a therapist and aerialist like her mom, OliviaBrown, when she grows up.You may recognize Neil Oliver from the shows he hasdirected and many roles he has played at the New BernCivic Theatre. Most recently he played Dr. Frank-N-Furter in Rocky Horror. Neil stays busy supporting localtheater but is never too busy to lend a helping hand toDangerous Prodigy Circus. This will be his 3rd time onthe stage with the group.Peyton Jenkins is thrilled to take a break fromresponsibilities after directing Rocky Horror to be amushroom er... lab rat for the Dangerous ProdigiesCircus production of Dr. Munsterfield's MonstrousMarvels. Mike Beckman has been involved with a variety of playsand musicals here in New Bern. His favorite roles wereCol. Mustard in the NBCT’s production of Clue and thatof Mr. Cladwell in RTP’s Urientown the Musical. Mikealso volunteers as a set builder for many of the showsaround town and was recently the Lead Builder forRocky Horror and Flight. “I am always in awe of theamazingly talented people we have in New Bern and I’mproud to be part of cast and crew of Dr. Munsterfield!