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Camp Ginkgo Diptych Project

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West Park Cultural Center at the Fairmount Park Horticulture CenterCamp Ginkgo2023

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West Park Cultural Centeruses arts and culture as acentral tool in programsthat help children andyouth tap into theircreative and academicpotential.

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Camp Ginkgo is an arts and nature campstarted in 2002 to provide a qualitylearning experience in a safe andbeautiful environment for inner-citychildren and youth. The following are examples of theirDiptych Project!

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DiptychsDiptychs are a work of art consistingof two pieces that come together toform a whole. Campers took twophotos to put together, related bycolor, shape, theme, texture, concept,to create a piece that can be seen asone.Instructor: Natasha Cohen-Carroll

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We here at West Park Cultural Center are so proud of the studentsat Camp Gingko! We want to thank you for supporting ourorganization by purchasing this book of student-generated artwork.As a nonprofit organization, we rely heavily on community support.None of our efforts would be possible without the help of donors,volunteers, and supportive community members like you! Thank you for being a part of our story. Sincerely,West Park Cultural Center We at West Park Cultural Center are proud ofour Camp Gingko children! Thank you for supporting our organization and being a part of our story.Sincerely,West Park Cultural Center