• Painless • No anesthesia • No change of pigmentWith the use of a special pigmentation device, we apply flesh or skin coloredpigment ink into your clients stretch marks, scars,c-section scars, or self hurtinjuries to make them appear as less noticeable as possible.We glide the needles across the surface of the skin to add a light dispersion of fleshtone color to camouflage the treated area. While the needles are gliding andpigment is being distributed we also activate new collagen production.S T R E T C H M A R K C A M O U F L A G ETREATMENT AREAS→ Stretch Marks→ Abdominoplasty Scars→ C-Section scars→ Breast augmentation scars→ Self-inflicted scars→ Skin DiscolorationsWHAT IS SKINCAMOUFLAGE
S T R E T C H M A R K C A M O U F L A G ES T R E T C H M A R K C A M O U F L A G EWHAT IS STRETCH MARK CAMOUFLAGE?STRETCH MARK CAMOUFLAGE IS A NON-INVASIVE DISTRIBUTION OFCAMOUFLAGE PIGMENTS.The stretch mark scar camouflage tattooing method is very similar to traditionaltattooing, using skin tone inks to repigment scars to be the same colour as thesurrounding skinWITH THE USE OF THE LATEST DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY, WE APPLY SKIN COLOREDCAMOUFLAGE PIGMENTS INTO YOUR STRETCH MARKS, SCARS, C-SECTIONSCARS, SELF INFLICTED INJURIES TO MAKE THEM APPEAR AS LESS NOTICEABLE.RESULTS ARE SEEN RIGHT AFTER THE TREATMENT, BUT THE SKIN IS STILLSENSITIVE. FINAL RESULTS CAN BE SEEN AFTER 3-4 WEEKS WHEN THE INK FULLYDISPERSES AND THE SKIN IS FULLY HEALED.****30-60% IMPROVEMENT CAN BE SEEN IN JUST ONE SESSION, FOR BESTRESULTS 3 TREATMENTS ARE RECOMMENDED.****ADVANTAGESHOW DOES THE TREATMENT WORK?Stretch marks begin as reddish or purple lesions. Over time they lose pigmentation.Dermis is affected by preventing the fibroblasts from forming collagen and elastinfibers.We apply skin matched pigment into the stretch marks and scars to make themappear as less noticeable as possible. The PIGMENT is transferred over ”damaged”layer of the skin. Results are seen right after the treatment, but the skin is stillsensitive. Final results can be seen after 3-4 weeks when the ink fully disperses andthe skin is fully healed.WHAT CAN WE TREAT WITH THIS TECHNIQUE?STRETCH MARKS, ABDOMINOPLASTY SCARS, C-SECTION SCARS, BREASTAUGMENTATION SCARS, SELF-INFLICTED SCARSM O D U L E 1Introduction
ScarsBurnsStretch marksSkin pigmentation disordersYour scar is fully healed;The scar does not show any kind of redness;Your scar is not raised; andYour scar is more pale/white than the skin surrounding itSKIN COLOR TATTOO: WHAT IT CAN DOWill skin camouflage cover an old tattoo scar? Yes it can. This tattoo has an inkflesh tone. Matching skin color is not easy to do. I know how to assess the color toadd or get rid of in the process.The following are the things a skin color tattoo can hide:If you have a scar you want to disguise, skin tone camouflage tattooing is thesafest and most effective way of concealing it.This process is done by carefully placing a layer of permanent skin-colored ink intothe scar tissue through tattooing or needling. The ink tone and strategy in injectingit into the skin will help blend the scar into the surrounding skin.Although this process is effective, it requires maintenance as the ink can changeand fade over time due to sun exposure and aging. You may need a touch up tokeep the scar disguised every 3-5 years.. By doing so, it seems that there is nosign of your scar being there, it will be less noticeable.CAN IT COVER ALL SCARS?A Scar camouflage tattoo can only cover certain types of scars by matching yourskin tone. You must make sure that:S T R E T C H M A R K C A M O U F L A G E
Pregnant or breastfeeding women are not allowed to undergo camouflage skintattooing. You may consult for an appointment after your pregnancy and onceyour baby has fully weaned from breastfeeding.The majority of those who have surgical scars of more than two years old arecandidates for a camouflage tattoo. If your skin is tanned, it is best to wait for the tanning to completely fade beforeundergoing a camouflage tattoo procedure. This is to ensure the pigment usedmimics your natural skin tone, not your tanned skin tone.People who have chronic skin disorder may be contraindicated to get acamouflage tattoo.AM I A CANDIDATE FOR A SCAR CAMOUFLAGE TATTOO?This section will help you determine if you’re a candidate for a scar camouflagetattoo. Here’s what you need to know:That’s why it’s always best to consult your healthcare provider or book aconsultation to determine if you’re a suitable candidate for camouflage tattooing. A pre-screening is required of all clients to ensure your safety and prevent anyhealth issues that may arise from the procedure. WHAT TO EXPECT DURING A CAMOUFLAGE TATTOO PROCEDUREIn a camouflage tattoo procedure, you can expect initial consultation. Theprocedure will be explained to your client, the aftercare and touch-up appointmentsin the future. A camouflage tattoo procedure is a life-changing commitment and youshould commit to being the professional tattoo specialist that will help your clients achieve what they are aiming for. PAIN LEVELOn a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 as the most painful), the consensus of previousclients on the pain level of the camouflage tattoo procedure is between 4 to 5.During the procedure, there will be minimal yet tolerable discomfort to expect. Surgical scars are less painful to be tattooed over as compared to other scars likekeloid scars and burn scars. However, if there’s nerve damage in that area, thescar tissue may be less sensitive to pain. That’s why it is best to talk to ahealthcare provider before a camouflage tattoo to determine if there’s a presenceof nerve damage.S T R E T C H M A R K C A M O U F L A G E
So you may ask, does a camouflage tattoo procedure require the use of a topicalanesthetic or numbing cream? The answer is no. Numbing agents are not used toavoid interference of the purity of the pigment used. This is to ensure the tattoo isclosest to your skin color. The Immediate AfterlookRight after the procedure, you can expect that there’s little to no downtime. You canresume with your daily tasks or go back to work, right after the procedure. Easybreezy! However, you can expect minimal redness and swelling 1-3 days after theprocedure, which is normal. The complete healing time varies from person toperson. It will depend on your age, diet, sun exposure and overall general health.On average, it takes between 45 to 60 days for the total healing of the camouflagetattoo. THE AFTERCAREDuring the first 3 days, swelling and inflammation is expected. For the aftercare,your tattoo artist will educate you on how to minimize inflammation, how to keepthe area clean and proper ice application.After several weeks, the redness will start to fade, which means skin healing starts.Tattoo care also includes the use of an antibiotic ointment, gentle washing,avoiding swimming and scratching. Make sure to take down notes on the tips onaftercare of your camouflage tattoo. Just a heads up though if you’re planning to get a tanned body after a camouflagetattoo, your whole body might get tanned, but the color of the camouflage tattoostays the same. May it be a spray tan, a result of sunbathing, or in the tanning bed. S T R E T C H M A R K C A M O U F L A G E
S T R E T C H M A R K C A M O U F L A G ES T R E T C H M A R K C A M O U F L A G EM O D U L E 2All About Skin
S T R E T C H M A R K C A M O U F L A G ES T R E T C H M A R K C A M O U F L A G EWHAT ARE STRETCH MARKS?Stretch marks (medically known a striae) are actually a form of scarring on theskin caused by tearing of the dermis, the middle layer of the skin that plays acrucial role in retaining the skin’s shape. Stretch marks come in all shapes, sizes,and colors and do not look the same on everyone.Appearance of stretch marks varies according to your skin’s natural color andtone; they are regularly reddish brown, brown, pink or dark brown, and may fadeto a lighter color over time.Stretch marks are common. According eMedicine.com, seventy percentof all people develop stretch marks during puberty, and ninety percentof women who have been pregnant have stretch marks. For such acommon condition it is shockingly difficult to find effective methods fortreating and eliminating existing stretch marks.INTRODUCTIONTO STRETCH MARKS
WHAT CAUSES STRETCH MARKS?PregnancyIt’s no secret, pregnancy stretches out the skin on your belly. The unfortunate andnearly inevitable result is the emergence of stretch marks during the expansion ofa woman’s belly late in her pregnancy. It is not uncommon for stretch marks toalso occur on the buttocks, thighs, hips, and breasts.Rapid Growth/Weight ChangeSkin elasticity refers to the skin’s ability to stretch. If it reaches its limits because ofthe onset of extreme weight fluctuation or growth the connective fibers and tissuesin the skin break, resulting in a stretch mark.BodybuildingEven if you aren’t a serious bodybuilder, anyone who starts putting on moremuscle mass at a rapid pace are still susceptible to stretch marks. When seriousweightlifters or athletes bulk up and add mass/weight to your frame, the skinstretches as a result.PubertyPuberty among other genetic factors are popular causes of stretch marks. Duringthis stage in your body’s development rapid growth spurts are common. Similar torapid growth/weight change, whenever the body grows or expands at a faster ratethan the elasticity your skin can withhold, stretch marks may appear. Hormonalchanges, genetics, diet, exercise also play a role in the skin’s capacity towithstand stretching forces.Hormones and Stretch MarksHormonal imbalances have been labeled as a common cause of stretch marks.Hormonal imbalances that occur during pregnancy, puberty, obesity, and evenduring weight lifting cause collagen and fibers to tear over the stretched skin,triggering the formation of stretch marks.S T R E T C H M A R K C A M O U F L A G ES T R E T C H M A R K C A M O U F L A G E
S T R E T C H M A R K C A M O U F L A G ES T R E T C H M A R K C A M O U F L A G EVitiligo is a skin disorder, most often autoimmune, which is caused by unknownreasons and is characterized by the loss of pigmentation. Technically, the loss ofpigmentation happens due to the deficiency in melanocytes, which prevents itfrom producing the necessary amount of melanin.For the patients with vitiligo the problem of camouflaging is painstaking. The areasthat are prone to the appearance of white patches include face (lips, nostrils, andeyes), arms and hands, legs, feet, and genitals. Since there are no medicationsfor full and irreversible treatment of this disease and the cosmetic covering is notalways easy, the procedure of micropigmentation (also called correctiverepigmentation), offers convenient and the most reasonable solution.It is worth mentioning that the PMU artist must not take the responsibility ofdiagnosing vitiligo or making any conclusions about the way it’s going to progress.For one thing, this disease takes a lot of medical tests to be identified. It can easilybe confused with other dermatological conditions, for example, Tinea versicolor,secondary syphilis, etc. For another thing, the state of vitiligo defines whether themicropigmentation treatment is feasible.Only patients with stable vitiligo qualify for micropigmentation, otherwise they riskdeveloping a Koebner phenomenon; the development (or the further spreading) ofvitiligo at the site of physical injury, i.e. cuts, abrasions, or in the given case thewounds from the tattoo needle. The non-progressive state of vitiligo is usuallydefined as the state when new white spots have ceased to appear and theexistent ones aren’t getting larger, however, sometimes the disease can progresswithout obvious signs, thus the need for an artist to collaborate with the patient’sdermatologist.Prior to the procedure the informed consent should be signed with the patient,stating that the micropigmentation of vitiligo is a multiple-sessions treatmentextended in time, as layered pigment application is required for the mostsatisfactory results. A patch test is vital and is performed on a small, hardlynoticeable area before the actual treatment. Firstly, it helps to instill patient’sconfidence in the procedure, and secondly, it makes the artist more assured of aproper color match.WHAT IS VITILIGO?
HypertrophicA hypertrophic scar is confined to the original wound area, and does not extendoutside the boundaries of the initial area of damage. This scar is raised and thick,and is often darker than the surrounding skin. They are occasionally very red, andsometimes painful.KeloidEven after a wound has healed, collagen may continue to be produced in excess,resulting in a keloid scar. A keloid scar is a thick cluster of tissue that grows beyondthe edges of the original wound area. The result is an exaggerated reddish growththat projects well above the rest of the skin. Keloids are itchy and typically form onthe chest, ear lobes, and shoulders, but can occur anywhere The darker your skin,the more likely you are to develop this particular type of scar formation. Becausesurgery can sometimes make keloids worse, it’s best to prevent this kind of scar inthe first placeBurnMost burn scars are caused either by heat, electricity, or friction. Burn scars oftenturn into a hypertrophic scar or a keloid scar. Very deep, severe burn scars may gobeneath the dermal layer and result in nerve damage. These deep scars – orcontracture scars – result in a permanent tightening of the skin, and must besurgically corrected. Burns can be treated with silicone very effectively.Post-SurgicalPost-operative scars may result either from cosmetic surgery or another type ofmedical operation.TraumaticAccidents happen, and when they do, a traumatic scar may result. Traumatic scarscan vary from hypertrophic scars to flat red scars to keloid scars. Unlike surgicalscars, traumatic scars tend to heal poorly because of their intense, random nature.SCARTYPESS T R E T C H M A R K C A M O U F L A G ES T R E T C H M A R K C A M O U F L A G E
Skin stretch is very important for proper pigment placement. Stretching allows us toplace the pigment directly to the dermis while minimizing pain and sensitivity.Stretching prevents the needle from tugging on the client’s skin and unnecessarilyhurting them. Your stretching hand will be the hand that isn’t holding the machine. Ifyou are right-handed, your stretching hand will be your left hand and vice versa. THERE ARE TWO TYPES OF STRETCHING2-POINT STRETCH: Using your thumb and your pointer finger or your middlefinger, you want to stretch the skin in the opposite direction of each finger to stretchalong the skin. 3-POINT STRETCH: To do a 3-point stretch, you will do a 2-point stretch with yourstretching hand and with the pinky of your machine hand, you will stretch outwards.Your stretching hand will be stretching in the opposite direction as well. SKIN STRETCHS T R E T C H M A R K C A M O U F L A G ES T R E T C H M A R K C A M O U F L A G E
S T R E T C H M A R K C A M O U F L A G ES T R E T C H M A R K C A M O U F L A G EIMPLANTATION TECHNIQUES The objective of this article is to learn the ideal and most frequently usedtechniques to implant pigments for cosmetic and body art tattooing. I have dividedthe more popular pigment/ink implantation techniques into groups depending onthe movement. Also, as you read you will learn why some techniques deposit morepigment than others, and the influence of the speed you work with. It is my hope toassist you in differentiating and properly applying each technique. Most technicians would agree tattoo techniques can be categorized in threedifferent implantation movement families. a. Dots (pointillism) b. Circular (coils, ovalvoid, spiral) c. Lines (sketching, strokes) Dotting: The Dotting techniques are considered to be methods of saturation sincethe pigment is implanted cylindrically and in a deeper manner. These techniquesare considered to be very gentle and do not traumatize the area. However, theycan also be the most uncomfortable. Some feel the dotting techniques should beused only for lining. Using these techniques for camouflaging or filling, according tosome, can result in a less than desirable effect. Yet, when applied on thick, oily ortraumatized skin it could ultimately be the best option. Absolutes in permanent makeup are not a good idea and I want to leave the optionof using this technique on specific types of skin open for consideration. The use ofdifferent needle configurations depends on the type of machine being used. Generally, I do not recommend more than a three-prong cluster needle when usingthe lighter rotary pen devices and the dotting technique. The use of larger clusterneedles and pointillism do not deposit enough pigment. This happens due to thebouncing of the needles off the skin. Use a perpendicular projection when usingpointillism. Camouflage Techniques
S T R E T C H M A R K C A M O U F L A G EWHAT ARE PIGMENTS MADE OF? There are two types of pigments used in permanent makeup/cosmetic tattooindustry: 1.ORGANIC PIGMENTS2.INORGANIC PIGMENTS ORGANIC PIGMENTS Very few pigment companies produce 100% organic pigments. Organic pigmentsare obtained from plants and animals. For example, green pigments may bederived from kiwis, red pigments may be derived from berries, etc. (ingredients varywith colors and manufacturers). Organic pigments are essentially made fromcarbon derivatives. Organic pigments have a shorter life expectancy but theyproduce brighter colors. When tattooed, organic pigments are more vibrant on theskin. Organic pigments are soluble, meaning they can be dissolved in solvent. Organicpigments are “coated” in hydroxide of alumina, and are insoluble, meaning theycannot be dissolved in a solvent. An example of soluble vs. insoluble would be:sugar is soluble because when combined with water it dissolves, while oil isinsoluble because when mixed with water it stays separated.Organic pigments are coated in hydroxide alumina to prevent pigments fromdissolving in our body. Once coated with hydroxide alumina, the pigment becomesheavier and will hold under the skin better and increase color retention. Anotheradvantage of coating the organic pigments is that the coat isolates the organicpigment from our body which will reduce the risk of an allergic reaction. Contrary to popular beliefs, organic pigments are not the safest options becausevegetable dyes cause serious allergic reactions. Therefore, organic pigments aremore likely to cause an allergic reaction compared to inorganic pigments. S T R E T C H M A R K C A M O U F L A G EPigmentation & ColorimetryTHE SCIENCE OF PIGMENTS
Pigments with smaller particle sizes will last longer in the skin compared topigments with larger particle sizes.Yellow has a large particle size, therefore, yellow usually fades first.Red has a small particle size, therefore, red lasts very long in the skin. This is why I keep my pigments dark and cool. Darker pigments tend to becooler and I keep my pigment selection generally cool because red is very hardand stubborn to correct. Therefore, red eyebrows are much harder to correctthan grey eyebrows. INORGANIC PIGMENTS Inorganic pigments are widely used in permanent makeup and they are popular inrenowned pigment lines. Inorganic pigments are synthetically produced frommetals such as iron oxides, titanium oxides, manganese violet, etc. Over 95% ofmajor PMU pigments use both organic and inorganic colorants in their pigmentlines. WHAT IS IRON OXIDE? Iron oxide is widely used in inorganic pigments because it is the most stable andmost common material compared to other elements. Iron oxide is found in a widearray of cosmetic tattoo pigments and they are made synthetically. Iron oxide isgentle, non-toxic, non-irritating and provides a variety of color. Iron oxide particlesare larger than the size of carbon particles and, therefore, do not last as long underthe skin. When used on the skin, iron oxide is usually hypoallergenic and they’reeven great for those with sensitive skin. There are no studies and no research thatshow that they are allergens or irritants. Iron oxides have been most commonlyused in cosmetics for over a century and they are safe ingredients in themanufacturing of cosmetics and beauty products. WHAT IS TITANIUM DIOXIDE? Titanium Dioxide is a naturally occurring mineral that is processed and purified forcosmetic tattoo inks. It has a very large molecule that gives opacity to pigments. PARTICLE SIZE: WHY DOES IT MATTER? S T R E T C H M A R K C A M O U F L A G E
SKIN TONESAND UNDERTONES.Understanding skin tones and undertones is important for finding the right color foryour client and preventing residual color. Skin tone and undertone are two differentthings. Skin tone is your skin color. It’s determined by the amount of skin pigment(melanin) in the uppermost layer of the skin. Undertone is the hue from underneaththe surface of your skin. Skin tone can change overtime however undertone doesnot. There are different ways to classify skin tone. You can classify skin type by usingdescriptions ranging from ivory to ebony or you can use a numerical scientific skintype classification commonly known as the Fitzpatrick Scale. S T R E T C H M A R K C A M O U F L A G E
The Fitzpatrick scale is a numerical, scientific system to classify skin color. Thissystem is based on the amount of pigment in your skin and your skin’s reaction tosun exposure. When choosing a pigment color for your client, it is important toconsider their skin tone. The following are the 6 Fitzpatrick skin types along withtheir characteristics such as skin color, sun reaction, tanning abilities, andassociated details.* *The features listed of each Fitzpatrick type are common examples andcharacteristics. These characteristics are not limited to the above. FITZPATRICK SCALES T R E T C H M A R K C A M O U F L A G E
In addition to skin tones, understanding the different undertones will allow you toknow which pigments to choose for your clients and which pigments to avoid toprevent residual color. Undertones, unlike skin tones, never change and they arebased on your skin’s underlying hue. There are 3 major undertones: warm, cooland neutral. If your client’s undertone is warm, you should avoid pigments with too muchwarmth. You should typically choose a pigment color that is slightly more cool-neutral. This will prevent your client’s brows from fading to red. If your client’sundertone is cool, you should avoid pigments that are too cool. You should typicallychoose a pigment that is slightly more warm- neutral. This will prevent your client’streatment from fading to grey. For neutral undertones, you should avoid choosingpigments that are both too warm or cool. UNDERTONES T R E T C H M A R K C A M O U F L A G E
SKIN TYPESAND HOW TO WORKWITH THEM..As a PMU artist, you will come across all types of skin. It is important to be familiarwith the different types of skin in order to be prepared on how to properly handleeach case. Your client’s skin type and skin health have a major impact on how itwill react during the procedure and how the healed results will turn out. Skin type is determined by the amount of oil on your face. Skin can be categorizedinto 6 basic categories: normal, dry, oily, combination,sensitive/acne-prone, andmature. NormalSensitive/AcneMatureDryOilyCombinationS T R E T C H M A R K C A M O U F L A G E
HOW TO TELL Your client’s skin is well-balanced – not too dry and nottoo oily. She doesn’t experience many breakouts orflakiness. She doesn’t tend to react negatively toweather changes or new skincare products. She has abalanced t-zone. WHAT TO EXPECT / HOW TO HANDLE Clients with normal skin take pigments very well andtheir healed results are usually exceptional. NORMAL DRY HOW TO TELL Your client’s skin generally looks and feels dry anddehydrated. Dryness is caused by the lack of oil in theskin. Her skin may sometimes feel flaky, rough, scaly,itchy or irritated. Her skin may also feel tight at times andit may show small, fine lines when the skin is pinchedtogether. WHAT TO EXPECT / HOW TO HANDLE Clients with dry skin usually take pigments very well andhave the best retention. However, if your client hasexceptionally dry skin and experiences dry patches andflakiness, you may notice that during the procedure thebrows may look unblended since pigment may takemore on those dry patches. S T R E T C H M A R K C A M O U F L A G E
HOW TO TELL Your client’s skin may have both dry and oily areas.For example, she may experience oiliness on her t-zone and dryness on her cheeks. Many clients withcombination skin tend to have trouble figuring out whattype of skin they have since they experience bothdryness and oiliness. WHAT TO EXPECT / HOW TO HANDLE Clients with combination skin may have mixed results.This depends on whether the skin area is oily or dry. Ifthe area shows signs of oiliness, please refer to theoily skin type section and if the area is usually dry,please refer to the dry skin type section. HOW TO TELL Your client’s skin has an excess of oil, most commonlyon her t-zone (forehead, nose, and chin) and her skinmay always seem to be glowing. She may feel asthough make up and skincare don’t stick throughoutthe day. Oily skin often has large pore, look shiny andfeel greasy. Your client may be prone to breakouts andblemishes. WHAT TO EXPECT / HOW TO HANDLE Clients with oily skin tend to have poor retention withlighter and patchier healed results. With oily skinnedclients, you may want to use a darker color or shademore for better healed results. Going for a bold stylewill allow for the brows to last longer. You may noticethat during the procedure the treatment may takelonger to complete. Excessive skin oil tends to promotefading so you may advise that healed results may belight and patchy. OILY COMBINATIONS T R E T C H M A R K C A M O U F L A G E
HOW TO TELL Your client’s skin is well-balanced – not too dry and nottoo oily. She doesn’t experience many breakouts orflakiness. She doesn’t tend to react negatively toweather changes or new skincare products. She has abalanced t-zone. WHAT TO EXPECT / HOW TO HANDLE Clients with normal skin take pigments very well andtheir healed results are usually exceptional. MATURE HOW TO TELL Your client’s skin generally looks and feels dry anddehydrated. Dryness is caused by the lack of oil in theskin. Her skin may sometimes feel flaky, rough, scaly,itchy or irritated. Her skin may also feel tight at times andit may show small, fine lines when the skin is pinchedtogether. WHAT TO EXPECT / HOW TO HANDLE Clients with dry skin usually take pigments very well andhave the best retention. However, if your client hasexceptionally dry skin and experiences dry patches andflakiness, you may notice that during the procedure theskin may look unblended since pigment may take moreon those dry patches. SENSITIVE/ACNE S T R E T C H M A R K C A M O U F L A G E
WHAT GIVES THE SKIN ITS COLOR?When looking at various types of skin, we can see the color, or better yet, thetones. These can be tones of brown, yellow, pink, red, orange, blue and green.Skin color depends on various factors, including blood flow, but the main ones arethe following three: melanin (brown), keratin (yellow) and hemoglobin (red).MELANIN Melanin is an organic pigment in our skin. It absorbs ultraviolet rays, thusprotecting the deeper layers of the skin from radiation damage and infuses colorinto the skin. There are two types of melanin- pheomelanin and eumelanin.Pheomelanin serves to form yellow and red pigments. It has a weak capacity forphoto absorption of sunlight. Pheomelanin prevails in the skin of people with areddish complexion (we often call them copper top). On the other hand, eumelanin serves to form brown and black pigments. Theintensity of dark color is determined by two types of eumelanin. For example,brown eumelanin is responsible for fair hair, whereas black eumelanin isresponsible for dark hair. Eumelanin prevails darker skin tones. Identifying the skin type, the nuances of its tone and the mostflattering pigments to use are probably the most difficult tasks forthe specialist in permanent make-up. Let's startatthe beginning.IDENTIFYINGTHE SKIN TYPES T R E T C H M A R K C A M O U F L A G ES T R E T C H M A R K C A M O U F L A G E
KERATIN Keratin belongs to the fibrous protein category. It forms the basis of the epidermisof the skin and its derivatives, namely hair and nails.Although insoluble in water,keratin is capable of bonding and retaining water molecules, like all other proteins.Keratin is synthesized by the skin. Its continuous regeneration produces germ cells located on the basal membraneof the skin. During maturation, these germ cells gradually move toward the skinsurface. In the last stage of their development, they transform into horny scales.The life cycle of the skin cell from its birth to its shedding from the skin surface,takes two to four weeks, depending on the area of the body. Keratin imparts a yellow tone to the skin, and we obtain this protein through thefood we eat. The intensity of this yellow hue also depends on the thickness of ourskin.HEMOGLOBIN Hemoglobin is a complex, iron-rich protein capable of reversibly binding tooxygen molecules and facilitating its transfer into the tissues.The main functions ofhemoglobin are to carry oxygen from the lungs to the tissues, and then to returncarbon dioxide from these tissues to the lungs. Hemoglobin makes our blood red.Thanks to hemoglobin, our cheeks turn pink and we're able to blush with emotionswhen, under the influence of the hormones released, the blood vessels dilate.S T R E T C H M A R K C A M O U F L A G ES T R E T C H M A R K C A M O U F L A G E
II. TYPES OF SKIN COLORTHE FlTZPATRICK SCALE In 1975, American dermatologist Dr Thomas Fitzpatrick conducted research andcreated a system for classifying skin types based on the response intensity ofhuman melanosomes and melanocytes to ultraviolet light. First there were onlythree types, but in 1985, the classification was expanded to six types. As a result,the Fitzpatrick Scale was born.IMPORTANT ASPECTS OF PERMANENT MAKE-UP To properly identify the skin type, you need to bear in mind that there arecountless mixed marriages, nowadays.Because of this, we often deal withcomplexions that belong to subgroups of the above-mentioned groups.Suppose there were mixed marriages between individuals with the first skin type(with a pink skin tone) and the sixth skin type (with a blue skin tone). A person born from such parents is likely to have a complexion that corresponds moreclosely to the fourth or fifth type. When mixing second and fourth types - the thirdcategory will usually arise. A very complex and challenging situation we comeacross is when the fourth and fifth groups are mixed, as both have many tones inthemselves. While the skin can change its color when tanned, the tone remains the samethroughout life; some changes may appear, though, due to using certainmedications or eating certain foods that are rich in keratin. When selecting pigment color and technique to use when applying permanentmake-up, it is necessary to consider the structure of the skin.S T R E T C H M A R K C A M O U F L A G ES T R E T C H M A R K C A M O U F L A G E
S T R E T C H M A R K C A M O U F L A G EWHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU TAN YOUR STRETCH MARK CAMOUFLAGE?Stretch mark camouflage technique covers up your stretch marks, scars and allsorts of skin discolorations! But what happens to it when you tan?Based on research over the last decade scientist assume that 70% of world’spopulation has stretch marks. That includes both men and women.You probably heard numerous explanations how the stretch marks develop, so wewill do a shorter and clearer explanation.Our skin tissue is divided in different layers. Let’s break it down to just the main 3: Epidermis, Dermis, Hypodermis.Dermis is the thickest layer of our skin.Dermis is home to collagen and elastin fibers. You probably heard a lot aboutcollagen in the past few years, since it is no.1 secret weapon of major beautycompanies. Everyone is doing a skin care line or ampoules with collagen boost. But does it work when it comes to stretch marks or scars?We all know at this point, that collagen is crucial when it comes to skin aging and itis also crucial in skin regeneration.Stretch marks are a way of tissue scarring and what you may not know is thatwhere the stretch mark form, the collagen and elastin fibers broke. That means that skin can’t heal herself to look like the rest of the skin. Whenstretch marks are still red the inflammation phase is still present and when they arehealed they turn white.TANNING
S T R E T C H M A R K C A M O U F L A G EFor those of you, who are not so skin flash oriented and are not confident when itcomes to stretch marks or scars on your body, we have a new technique to coverthem up.Stretch mark camouflage is a pmu (permanent make up) technique and we areperforming it on a daily basis. We use a special designed device to implementpigments similar to your skin tone to cover up the stretch marks, scars.If you haven’t heard of the stretch mark camouflage treatment you can read moreabout it here.So, when we perform the stretch mark camouflage and when you heal you will hopinto your favourite pair of bikinis. A lot of people are asking us what happens if theytan their fresh stretch mark camouflage on their skin.And here is the answer.First things first. Stretch marks are white. Your skin tone is let’s say peachy beige.You can imagine the contrast right?
S T R E T C H M A R K C A M O U F L A G ESo when we are done with theprocedure, your stretch marks arenot white anymore but look justlike your peachy beige skin tone.They are now even to yournormal tone.When you go to the beach andtan, your skin tone turns intobronze beige. That is a five skintone difference. Well, thecamouflage doesn’t change thecolor. But, the contrast betweenprevious white stripes and thestripes we matched to your skintone is HUGE!Not only your stretch marks or scars will look less noticeable, they will look more‘’healthy’’ because they are not white anymore.However, do not forget to use sun protection (50+) on your body and your treatedareas, because the stretch mark camouflage is not a protection. It is a skinpigmentation for cosmetic purpose only. If you are willing to give a shot you should try this technique on yourself. The bestpart of it is it doesn’t hurt and gives great results.
S T R E T C H M A R K C A M O U F L A G ES T R E T C H M A R K C A M O U F L A G EHEALING AFTERTREATMENTDo not work out 48 hours before procedure.NO alcohol or caffeine 48 hours before procedure (Yes, there is caffeine in decaf coffeeand tea!).Avoid sun and tanning on your scar area 2 weeks prior to your service.Do not take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E or Advil/Ibuprofen 48 hours before procedure.Avoid Fish Oil, Prenatal Vitamins, Nutritional Shakes (Shakeology, etc), "Hair, Skin, Nail"supplements two weeks prior to procedure.In order for your scar to heal properly (and look its best) these Pre & Post Care Instructionsfound below are of the UTMOST IMPORTANCE! Pre-Care instructions are designed to limitbleeding during the service.Attention Please: We strongly advise prospective new clients to book their appointments atleast 1 month in advance of Vacations, Weddings, and Special Occasions to allow anyscabbing to heal. SCAR CAMOUFLAGE PRE-CARESCAR CAMOUFLAGE POST-CARE1. With clean hands, gently wash area using a fragrance-free gel cleanser (such as Cetaphilor Ceravie) and water.2. Allow to completely dry before applying ointment (pat dry with paper towel or air dry).3. Once fully dried, apply a thin layer of Aquaphor with clean fingertips. Repeat above steps2x per day for 10 days after service.DO NOT rub, pick or scratch the treated area. Let any scabbing or dry skin naturally exfoliateoff. Picking will cause more scarring!Avoid sun exposure and tanning beds for a minimum of 4 weeks after your procedure. Directsunlight/tanning can cause hyperpigmentation and additional scarring.NO underwater swimming and bathing for 4 weeks to avoid bacterial infection.Avoid pool, sauna, steam rooms, steamy showers, and hot baths for 10 days.The above Pre and Post-Care for brows will affect how quickly or slowly you heal in additionto mature age, poor diet, stress, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, age, generalhealth, sleep/fatigue. The more fatigued you are the lower your immune system is andinfection is more likely to occur. Please get plenty of rest and drink lots of water to hydrateprior to your procedure!
Sessions 2 sessionsSessions 3 sessionsTreatment time50 minutes + prep timeTreatment time50 minutes + prep timeCamouflage performedon side glutes with that are iron free.Camouflage performedon side glutes withpigments that are ironfree.Price: $800-$1,200Price: $800-$1,200THE RESULTS AREOUTSTANDING!S T R E T C H M A R K C A M O U F L A G E
Sessions 2 sessionsSessions 2 sessionsTreatment time35 minutes + prep timeTreatment time50 minutes + prep timeCamouflage performedon belly with pigmentsthat are iron free.Camouflage performed onarm scar with pigmentsthat are iron free.Price: $400-$550Price: $500-$1,300THE RESULTS AREOUTSTANDING!S T R E T C H M A R K C A M O U F L A G E
THE PRICE LISTS T R E T C H M A R K C A M O U F L A G ETHE PRICELIST*These are the standard prices calculated based on international variations. Pricescan be corrected for your own business and can be even higher.