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Buyer's Guide - Real Est

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GUIDEbuyer'sF O R A S U C C E S S F U L D R E A M H O M E P U R C H A S ET o n y a B u r t o n | E X P R e a l t y , L L C . | ( 3 1 7 ) 8 5 0 - 2 5 8 1

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about meI am a native of Indianapolis Indiana, and currentlyresides in Lawrence Township where  I've lived forover  20  Years.  Prior  to  becoming  a  Real  EstateProfessional  at  worked  at  JP  Morgan  Chase  for  15years.I've always been fascinated with Real Estate, and in2017  I  invested  into  my  first  Real  Estate  Investingmentorship.  By  2021,  I  decided  to  resigned  fromChase  to  pursue  Real  Estate  full-time.    Shortlythereafter,  I  obtained  my  Indiana  Real  EstateLicense. In 2022, I joined EXP RealtyI  am  passionate  about  great  service,  care,  andprofessionalism  with  my  ultimate  goal  being  toprovide an extraordinary experience for my Clients.So, You're THINKING ABOUT BUYING A HOME? ThisBuyer's Guide is the best place to start. In additionto what you will learn in this guide, I will be engagedwith you every step of the way. I plan is to make thehome buying process enjoyable and worry-free. Let'sget started!.meetTonya BurtonYOUR LOCAL REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALREALTOR®contactREAL ESTATE IS NOT ONLY MY PROFESSION,it's also my passion.(317)

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5 EASY STEPS to purchase your new home01STEP 1: PREPARESave up and get your finances in orderGet a mortgage pre-approvalFind a real estate agent to work with02STEP 2: FIND YOUR HOMETell your agent what you're looking forFind homes that interest you and ask your agent to book showingsWrite an offer and negotiate price & terms03STEP 3: POST-OFFER TASKSHome inspectionAppraisalTitle search04STEP 4: CLOSING PREPHomeowner's insuranceChange addresses and utilitiesStart packing05STEP 5: MOVING INPre-closing walkthroughSign closing documentsWelcome home!

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01prepareSTEP 1:SAVE UP AND GET YOURFINANCES IN ORDERGET A MORTGAGEPRE-APPROVALFIND A REAL ESTATEAGENT TO WORK WITHAs you probably already know, buying a home isnot cheap. Not only will you have to save for adownpayment, but you will also have to calculateadditional expenses, such as closing costs,earnest money deposit, and moving costs. Werecommend you save for a healthy downpayment (at least 5-20% of the sale price), plus asum to cover the extra fees you will incur duringthe home buying process. Based on all thisinformation, come up with a maximum sale price,you would feel comfortable purchasing.Before you start shopping around for homes, it iscrucial to get a mortgage pre-approval if you arenot making a cash offer. We recommend youchoose a mortgage broker to find the best loanoptions for you. During a mortgage pre-approval,expect to fill out lots of paperwork, provide proofof income, bank statements, etc. Mostimportantly, lenders will be checking your creditreport, so make sure you are informed of yourscore and try to improve it if the number is toolow. If your credit score is good, maintain it thatway by avoiding credit and making any largepurchases until closing day.Buying a home will be one of (if not the most) themost significant purchases you will make in yourlife. Therefore, it is essential to have anexperienced real estate agent representing yourbest interests during the home buying process(after all, the listing agent's allegiance is to theseller). The best part about having an agent backyou up is that a buyer's agent's services are FREE!As a buyer's agent, I offer unique and customizedservices to my buyer clients, includingneighborhood expertise, handling challengingconversations and negotiations, guiding yourthrough all the paperwork, and helping you enjoythe home buying process as much as I can!

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02find your homeSTEP 2:TELL YOUR AGENT WHAT YOU'RE LOOKING FOREvery buyer is completely different. Each person has their own style, needs, desires, and budget forpurchasing a property. Therefore, let us know what you're looking for in a home to narrow down oursearches and only show you properties suitable for you. Before you tell ME what you're looking for, make a list of things you require and things you desire to have inyour new home. Then, discuss the list with your co-buyer(s) (if applicable) and make sure you all agree tohave everyone on the same page and make the house-hunting process run much smoother.FIND HOMES THAT INTEREST YOU AND ASK YOURAGENT TO BOOK SHOWINGSAfter narrowing down a list of what you're looking for, I will start looking at homes for you in my internaldatabases and external sources. I also invite you to look for listed properties that look appealing to you andsend them to me for further screening. After selecting various properties, you will let me know a convenientdate and time to view the homes in person. At that point, I will schedule showings, and we will repeat thisprocess until you have picked a property you would like to call home!WRITE AN OFFER AND NEGOTIATE PRICE & TERMSOnce you would like to make an offer on a property, it's essential to act fast! First, we will sit down and look at the neighborhood's trends and comparable market values. Based on thisinformation and the subject property's features and overall condition, we will determine the price you wouldlike to offer.Next, I will write an offer based on your directions on the offer price and contingencies. While you may offerwhat you wish, please keep in mind of the following components that make an offer more appealing to aseller: a strong offer price, a larger earnest money deposit, a shorter inspection period, no financingconditions, and a closing day that is convenient for the seller. To make your offer stand out from the others, Ialso recommend you write a personalized letter to the seller explaining why you love the home!Once an offer is submitted, the seller can: accept the offer, decline the offer, or counter-offer.

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03post-offer tasksSTEP 3:HOME INSPECTIONIf you decide to add a home inspection contingency in your offer, you will have a deadline to waivethe condition and proceed with the transaction. The typical timeframe to waive this contingency isbetween 1-7 days of offer signing.As a buyer, you will most likely have to incur the cost of the home inspection. As it depends on thecompany and its services, you should expect to pay anywhere from $300-600. The home inspector is a professional who will do a thorough investigation of the property you wantto purchase (this part typically takes around 3-5 hours). Once complete, the inspector will provide afull report of what they found and give you some tips on how to maintain the home should youproceed to purchase it. If any issue is found inside the property, you can accept them as-is, or youcan try to negotiate with the seller to get the problems fixed or lower the price. It's important to notethat we have to be careful not to be overly picky about smaller issues. Still, we will also takenecessary precautions on potentially significant problems. APPRAISALLenders will typically request an appraisal toensure that the value of the property isjustified. Additionally, an appraisal typicallyhelps homebuyers by bringing in a third partyto make sure they don't overpay for a home.Lenders typically hire an appraiser, butbuyers incur their fees on closing day.TITLE SEARCHIn simple terms, a title is a legal documentthat identifies the registered owner(s) of aproperty.A title search is the process of researchingpublic records to determine a property's legalownership and find out if there are any claims(such as liens) on that property. A TitleCompany must complete a title search beforeclosing day, and a clear title must beobtained to transfer ownership.

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04closing prepSTEP 4:One of the principal tasks includes getting homeowner's insurance, which protects youagainst events such as floods, fires, and storm damages. We recommend you start shoppingearly to compare rates and get the best deal possible.Another task you will have to complete before closing is changing all theaddresses on your subscriptions, bills, banks, etc. Additionally, a few weeksbefore closing, you should call all utilities to have your name changed andschedule them to service your new home in time for when you takepossession.While organizing for the big move, you will haveto start packing! If you have lots of items to moveout, we recommend you start by sorting throughall your belongings and donating or selling itemsthat you no longer use. As for things you plan tokeep, try dedicating a few minutes or hours everyday leading up to move to pack. Additionally, hirea moving company and/or rent a storage unit ifyou require these services.HOMEOWNER'S INSURANCECHANGE ADDRESSES AND UTILITIESSTART PACKINGONCE AN OFFER ISFIRMED UP, YOU WILLHAVE MANY TASKS TOCOMPLETE BEFORECLOSING DAY:

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05Valid government-issued IDCashier's cheque to pay for closing costsAny outstanding documents requested fromyour lawyer or lender.A rested handUnderwriting feesEscrow feesHomeowner's insuranceTitle search/Title insurance feesLand transfer taxesLawyer's feesMortgage Application feesAppraisal feesHomeowner's Association (HOA) or condofees, if applicableAt closing, you will be reviewing and signingmany documents to finalize the transaction. Make sure you bring:Both the buyer and the seller will incur closingfees. For the buyer, these fees typically include:moving inSTEP 5:PRE-CLOSINGWALKTHROUGHA few hours or a day before closing, we will go toyour new home together and make sure that theproperty is in the same condition (minus minorwear and tear) as the inspection. If there are anysignificant issues, we can bring it up to the seller'srepresentatives before closing on the property.This allows you to have peace of mind during themove.CLOSING DAY REFERS TO THE DAYTHAT FINALIZES YOUR PURCHASE!AFTER CLOSING, YOU WILL RECEIVETHE DEED + KEYS FROM YOURLAWYER; YOU ARE OFFICIALLY ANEW HOMEOWNER!SIGN CLOSINGDOCUMENTSWELCOME HOME!Congratulations on the purchase of your newhome! It was a lot of hard work, but now you canrelax and throw a party to celebrate! Also, if youhave any concerns after closing, I am always hereto assist you.

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COMMON BUYERmistakesWHEN PURCHASING A PROPERTY, AVOID MAKING THESE MISTAKES!SHOPPING AROUND BEFORE GETTING A MORTGAGE PRE-APPROVALTo ensure that your financing doesn't fall through, make sure you receive a commitmentfrom your lender. Shopping around without a mortgage pre-approval may result inheartbreak if you find out you cannot afford or put an offer on properties you love. To do amortgage pre-approval, your lender will check your credit, verify your employment anddownpayment, so start collecting all the paperwork necessary for your qualification. Weknow great local mortgage brokers and lenders, so if you need help, we'd love to put youin touch with people we trust.USING UP ALL YOUR SAVINGS AND NOT ANTICIPATING COSTSClosing costs are typically 1-2% of the purchase price, and while many fees are found inevery transaction (e.g., taxes, lawyer fees, etc.), you may incur extra costs depending onthe type of property you purchase and the area. Additionally, keep in mind that you mayneed to upgrade or fix certain areas of your new home, or you will need an unexpectedrepair not long after your purchase. Therefore, make sure you don't use up all your savingsand budget to pay for closing costs, the down payment, moving expenses, and some extramoney in case of urgent repairs.BUYING A HOME WITH THE LISTING AGENTAlthough the listing agent often knows more about e, Although the listing agent oftenknows more about the property you want to purchase,they are still working for the seller.This means that their job is to get the best purchase price and contingencies for the seller,not you. Therefore, purchase a house with a different agent who will work for YOU. Bestpart? In most cases, you don't pay anything for a buyer agent's services!NOT COMPARING OR APPLYING WITH MULTIPLE LENDERS Just like you will most likely call multiple moving companies to compare services and fees,do the same with lenders! Mortgage interest rates and other costs vary from lender tolender, but many don't bother to shop around. By comparing different lenders, you willmost likely save hundreds of dollars, so shop until you find the best lender!

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CLIENTreviews"When we started out on the home buyingprocess we had no idea what to expect orthe requirements, but as we dealt with upsand downs we knew that God will send usthe right Realtor. Tonya was the Realtor wehad been praying for! She was verydetailed. She kept us informed from day 1to the Closing Day! She knows her job andgoes above and beyond to ensure herclients happiness!-The Hatchetts', Indianapolis"Tonya is great real estate broker I'm so gladshe closed the deal on our Oxford duplex. The transaction was very smooth on theseller side. She was very patient with thehiccups on the Buyer's side. If only half the brokers had her passion forreal estate this business would be great. Matt Watson, Farrie properties LLC,-Indianapolis Investor-, Indianapolis Investor

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