Program SponsorSissets Home Furnishings
Producer/Faculty Director -Ted Lewis Student Directors-Natalie Culleton andMadeline Elyse SmythStage Manager-Brooke BelcherAssistant Stage Manager-Ashley ThompsonChoreographers- Xavier Ayala-Vermontand Sophia VernonMusical Director-Amanda BarwickLighting Design-Roby Hart and Hayden SmithSound-Jack SagerCostumer-Dori LloydCostumer Asst.- Loren Smyth
A Note from the Faculty Producer/Director The Buchholz Players are one of few school theater programs in Floridathat has managed to maintain their seasons and have continued tocreate Art despite the challenging circumstances of the past two years. In 2019 we finished our season two hours before everything shut downand in 2019/2020 we shifted gears and traded live performances for filmsthat we streamed. The students were definitely the driving force behind making thisadjustment. They weren’t willing to sit idly by or restrict themselves toZoom plays. They wanted to take it a step further and convert plays overto films, utilizing other locations (primarily outdoors) where Covidprotocols could be followed. This resulted in an adaption of War of the Worlds, a Hallmark Special style Holiday show, 5 One Act plays filmed without an audience,and a Robin Hood story which was filmed at a replica of an Irish castle in Villano Beach. By the end of the year we were once again allowed to perform live so wewrapped the year with our first live production in masks. This year we began by reprising our live show at a local communitytheater so we could let the students perform without masks. Unfortunately, Delta and Omicron brought back a lot of the old protocolsand our auditorium was scheduled to begin renovations in the Fall so wehad to move our projects off site. Chorus Line is the third offsite show wehave done this year and we are fortunate that UF was willing to workwith us and make this show possible. Throughout our rehearsal period (despite our students being vaccinated)our production has been plagued by Omicron and missing cast membersat rehearsals; but these students haven’t given up and continue to adaptto the unusual circumstances. Chorus Line has been a difficult project to pull together but the Student Directors and their cast/crew have continued to forge forward. We thought that given the past two years, a show about actors and theirchallenges would be an appropriate presentation. I can’t begin to tell you how the students have stepped up to everychallenge and through their determination, dedication and talent havecontinued to produce quality performances through two of the mostdifficult years this country has ever seen. Thank you for your continuing support of the Arts. Ted Lewis
Directors Note
MADELINE ELYSE SMYTH (SENIOR) DIRECTOR/SWINGMaddie has been part of the BHSdrama program since the sixthgrade and she has appeared inover ten productions as part ofTroupe 1452. This is the firstmusical she’s had the opportunityto direct. Maddie thanks Ted forhis trust. She’s been performingsince the age of seven, and she hasloved working on the productionside of things. Maddie is extremelyproud of the cast and crew thathave worked so hard for this show.Thanks to her family and friendsfor their support; especially herChorus Line partners Natalie,Sophia & Xavi. NATALIE CULLETON(SENIOR) DIRECTOR/SWINGNatalie is a senior and has beenactive in the Buchholz Dramaprogram for all four years ofhigh school. This is her 6thshow at Buchholz and thesecond production that she hasdirected. She would like tothank her family and friends forall of there support, especiallyher amazing co-director. From,Your Family FanClub
ALEX RPP (JUNIOR) - PAULSAN MARCOAlex Rupp is a Junior at BuchholzHigh School. Prior roles includeThe Streetsinger (Brooklyn theMusical), and Little John (Marianor…). Alex would like to thank hisparents, his friends, and hisGrandma Sandy.ANNA TOMLINSON(FRESHMAN) CONNIEAnna performed in Little Women& Fairytale Misfits at HSP as wellas the Star Center's production ofAll Together now. Anna is afreshman in the entrepreneurshipprogram and is excited to performin her first Buchholz production.She would like to thank her family,the cast, and the crew for makingthe show possible.CHRISTOPHER MARSHALL(SOPHOMORE) ROY-BOY WITHTHE HEADBANDMy name is Chris. I'm aSophomore and have been in thedrama department sinceFreshman year. I'm ecstatic to bein A Chorus Line as Roy. Priorroles include Guard/Townsperson(Marian, Tales Robin Hood) andWorker (Hadestown). I will beattending States for theater inMarch and, I'm also planning onauditioning as Pythio in Head overHeels.CAMILLA LOWRY (FRESHMAN)MAGGIE WINSLOWCamilla is a Freshman, and hasbeen in theater since she was veryyoung. She is very excited to be apart of this production and thisprogram.ELLIOTT HORWITZ (JUNIOR)GREGElliott is a Junior, and has beenextremely active with the BuchholzThespians since Freshman Year. Heis excited to be bring “A Chorus Line”back to life after his previousproduction of it back in 2018. Priorroles include Barfee (Putnam CountySpelling Bee), Albert Peterson (ByeBye Birdie), and Taylor Collins(BKLYN). Elliott would like to thankMom, Quinn, Grandparents, Cast,Crew, and especially his fantasticDirectors Natalie and Maddie for theLove and Support. EOWYN VERHAEREN (SOPHOMORE) KRISTINEEowyn Verhaeren is a Sophomore atBuchholz High School and has beenactive in theatre since the age of 7.Notable roles of hers includeCharlotte (Charlotte’s Web),Anne(Anne of Green Gables), andmost recently, Shirley(Marian). Sheis incredibly enthusiastic to performin her first troupe 1452 musical andbring her character to life on stage!AMELIA RUFFINO(JUNIOR) MARKAmelia is a Junior and has beenactive in the drama departmentsince freshman year. Someprevious shows she was in areWar of the Worlds, Bye Bye Birdie,and Marian. She is very excited totake on the role of Mark in AChorus Line. She hopes you enjoythe show!AMBER BETHEL (JUNIOR)DIANAAmber is a Junior and is veryexcited to be playing Diana in oneof her favorite musicals, A ChorusLine! She has been active in thetheatre program for 3 years nowand has been doing theatre sinceshe was 9 years old. Prior Rolesinclude Paradice in the musicalBKLN, Kendra in 13 the Musical,Deborah Sue in the Bye Bye Birdiethe musical. She would love tothank her close friends in the castfor being there for her and liftingher up. DANIEL MOCCIA (SENIOR)ZACHThis is Daniel's final year atBuchholz Drama and he wants toend it out in a bang... or let's say apop. Daniel has had a few set backsduring the production of A ChorusLine but nothing compares to whenhe dislocated his knee (which wasnot because of theater). HoweverDaniel is ready for one of his finalshows and is ready to perform withall of his friends.
JASON SMITH (FRESHMAN)RITCHIEHello I'm Jason Smith and I proudlyplay the role of Richie Walters. I enjoybeing in this show and I hope youenjoy watching the show.JENNY ZHANG (JUNIOR)BEBE BENZENHEIMERJenny is a Junior and is very excited tobe part of such a talented and hardworking cast and crew. This is hersecond on stage production, her firstone being Bye Bye Birdie in the springof 2020. She directed and performedin the One Act Festival as well as co-directing Brooklyn the Musical in2021.JOSEPH LOWRY (JUNIOR)AL DELUCAJoseph Lowry has performed forBuchholz High several times; in showssuch as Bye Bye Birdie, Marian, War ofthe Worlds, Brothers Grimm, and thisproduction. He is thrilled to beperforming as Al, and enjoys workingwith all of his fellow thespians. He plansto work in the drama program his Senioryear.KAYLEE KEAR (SOPHOMORE)FULL ENSEMBLE/LORI SWINGKaylee is a Sophomore in her firstyear of the drama program, and isvery excited to be a part of A ChorusLine. After dancing for many yearswith Cameron Dancenter, andparticipating in chorus, she looksforward to more experiences withBuchholz Drama.MADELYN FRENCH (JUNIOR)CASSIE Madelyn is overjoyed to play the roleof Cassie! Cassie has been herfavorite character she’s ever played.She loved working with her directorsand friends Madeline Smyth andNatalie Culleton. Some of Madelyn’sprevious roles include Kim (Bye ByeBirdie), Faith (BKLYN), and manyothers. She is excited to show herpassion for theatre throughBuchholz’s A Chorus Line!KAITLYN NONOG(FRESHMAN) LORIKaitlyn started doing drama in 8thgrade. She is now in 10th grade. Sheis excited to perform her first livemusical. She plans to continuetheater throughout the rest of herhigh school years.
We are so proud of your movebehind the scenes and outsideof your comfort zone.Amazing job to the whole castand crew of A Chorus Line.Congratulations!Love Mom and Dad and Tyler
MIA BILLINGSLEY (SOPHOMORE)VAL Mia Billingsley is a Sophomore at BHSand has enjoyed theater for years.Some of her favorite roles includeAnnie at GCP and Will Scarlett at BHS.She is thrilled to be performingtheater live again as Val in thisproduction of A Chorus Line. Shewould like to thank all of the cast andcrew, especially the directors, formaking this such a fabulousexperience. NIA DOBSON (JUNIOR)ENSEMBLEDIANA & RITCHIE SWINGThis is Nia’s first musical. She isexcited to be part of Troupe 1452.She hopes to continue performingin her last two years of high schooland beyond.SIENNA CURCIO (JUNIOR)JUDY TURNERSienna is a Junior at Buchholz, andhas been performing for over adecade. Previous roles includeSchwartzy (The 25th AnnualPutnam County Spelling Bee), Faith(Columbinus), and Marian (Marian,or the True Tale of Robin Hood).SOPHIA VERNON (JUNIOR)SHIELA Sophia is a Junior in the Academy ofFinance who dual-enrolls at Santa FeCollege. She has had a wonderful time co-choreographing A Chorus Line andgetting to know the delightful cast.She would like to thank Maddie andNatalie for making the experience sofun. We did it!TORIE GRIFFIN (FRESHMAN)BOBBY Torie is a Freshman and a dualenrolled student at Santa Fe College.Her previous roles include Mimi (RENT),Bebe (A Chorus Line), and Ginger (ThePortal Traitor: the Musical). She isexcited for the opportunity to playBobby in this production of A ChorusLine. She would like to thank herdirectors, choreographers, castmates,and family.VERONICA BROWN (FRESHMAN) ENSEMBLE Veronica is excited to be part ofher first theatre production atBHS. She is currently in 9thgrade. Previous roles include co-lead in Freaky Friday, Star-to-Bein Annie, and Ariel in the LittleMermaid, all at Musical MeTheater. She is enthusiasticabout her one-act "Call Me onthe Line" being performed inMarch at BHS.XAVIER AYALA-VERMONT (JUNIOR)MIKE Xavier is thrilled to be performinghis 9th production at Buchholz.He’s a tech officer, varsity athlete,and racing fanatic. He’s proud tohave choreographed this showwith Sophia. He’d like to thank hisfamily and friends for theirsupport. Break a leg to everyoneelse, and may Red Bull Racing winthe WDC.BROOKE BELCHER (SENIOR)STAGE MANAGERBrooke has been a part of theprogram since freshman year. Sheloves working behind the scenes.Prior shows she has worked onincludes Chicago (Crew), Putnamcounty spelling bee (StageManager), Marian (Stage Manager),The Demon (Director), Brooklyn(Sound), Bye Bye Birdie (Ensemble),and Brothers Grim (Stage Manager) JACK SAGER (SENIOR)SOUND DESIGNJack is a senior and cannot wait tograduate. He wants to thank thewonderful directors and star castfor making this show what it is. Hehopes that the run goes well.
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BHS DramaSpring2022