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Home Buying Guide: Your Tool For A Successful Purchase

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Message STEPHANIE OLIVERAnderson real estate groupRealtor®, eXp 773-1343All the details youneed to successfullypurchase your home!BUYER GUIDE

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helloHi, I'm Stephanie andI’m here to walk youthrough the entirehome buyingprocess. Whether you're a first-time buyer or havealready been through this process sometime ago, this guide is designed to provideyou with valuable insights, tips, and step-by-step information to make the home-buyingprocess smooth and successful.Buying a home is a significant financial andemotional investment, and we understandthe importance of making informeddecisions at every step.FROM START TO SOLDFrom understanding your budget and financingoptions to navigating the real estate market,negotiating offers, and completing the closingprocess, we've got you covered.Whether you're looking for your dream home, aninvestment property, or a cozy space to call yourown, our goal is to empower you with theknowledge and confidence needed to make well-informed decisions. Real estate transactions can becomplex, but with the right information andguidance, you can navigate the process with ease.Get ready to embark on this exciting journeytowards homeownership. Let's start by exploringthe fundamental aspects of the home-buyingprocess and laying the foundation for a successfuland rewarding experience.

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Stephanie OliverR E A L T O R ®Meet Stephanie, a seasoned and dedicated REALTOR®, servingthe real estate needs of first-time homebuyers and sellers, as wellas seniors, in Long Beach and its surrounding areas. With a solid network of trusted vendors, Stephanie ensures a seamlesshome buying process while safeguarding clients from potential pitfalls.Her value shines at each step while navigating the transaction process,equipping clients with strategies that offer a competitive advantage. She has honed her skills working on top, high-producing teamsthroughout her industry tenure of over 20 years in real estate,along with continuously enhancing her expertise through training.Partnered with a top 1% agent nationwide for sales and a valuedteam member of the Anderson Real Estate Group, the #1 team inLong Beach 12 years running, she brings a wealth of experience tothe table. Stephanie prioritizes leveraging technology, effectivecommunication, and ongoing education, all while maintaining astrong focus on customer satisfaction. Stephanie has a proven track record of navigating her buyer clients to consistently win in competitive environments while getting them the most beneficial outcomes. As a member of esteemed organizations, and being among the few agents to invest in obtaining the Accredited Buyer Representative (ABR) designation, and Pricing Strategy Advisor (PSA) and Negotiation Expert (RENE and CNE) certifications, Stephanie is deeply committed to delivering exceptional service. Look to her for a friendly and experienced approach to real estate, and let her guide you through every step of the process!ABOUTABOUT MEPhone : 310.773.1343Email :Stephanie.O@Anderson REG.comWebsi te:StephanieOliver.eXpRealty.comOffic e: 6615 Pacific Coast HWY, #180 Long Beach, CA 90803Insta gram: @connectwithSMOFaceb ook: Stephanie Oliver Real EstateServicesCONTACT INFO

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BUYING PROCESSPROCESSSUCCESSFULI KNOW THAT BUYING A HOME CANBE EXCITING AND STRESSFUL...I’m here to walk you through the entireprocess from start to finish. I will guide you along the way in order toprovide you the best experience possible. We’ll talk about the key stages of the home-buying process, addressing commonquestions and concerns along the way. Below is a guide to show the steps along thehome buying process.CONSULTATIONPRE-APPROVALBEGIN HOMESEARCHTRANSACTIONCYCLESUBMIT ANOFFERCLOSE ON THEHOUSE &CELEBRATE!

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HOME BUYERSTRATEGY SESSIONThis is where we make the blueprint of a plantogether. As your agent, I’m going to be asking youquestions about your goals for buying your home,and addressing any questions or concerns you mayhave. Please take a moment to think about thosethings before our consultation so the we can ensurewe make the best use of our time together andaddress the most important items on your home wishlist!We’ll also be going over all of the key parts of atransaction that buyers can either be winning orlosing in, during this strategy session, so that you canbecome savvier and better-educated than mostbuyers out in the market, and have every advantagewhen the time is right to make your move.CONSULTATIONThings to think about before we meet...What is your wants vs needs list? Deal-breakers?What is your financial comfort zone?What are any additional questions you may have?Please write these things down and we can talk through them when we meet.

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PRE-APPROVALGetting pre-approved for a home loan provides financial clarity, increases your chancesof securing the home you want, and streamlines the overall transaction. Want to look asgood as cash to the seller? Let’s discuss how to have that advantage!PRE-APPROVALWHY IS GETTING PRE-APPROVED SO IMPORTANT?NEXT STEPSNEED HELP FINDING A LENDER?QUESTIONS TO ASKYOUR LENDER C H O O S E A L E N D E RF I L L O U T T H E L O A N A P P L I C A T I O NP R O V I D E A P P R O V A L D O C U M E N T S S U C HA S P A Y S T U B S , B A N K S T A T E M E N T S , T A XR E T U R N S , P R O O F O F E M P L O Y M E N T A N DC R E D I T S C O R E . W H A T I S T H E I N T E R E S T R A T E ?1 .A R E T H E R E A N Y A D D I T I O N A L F E E S ?2 .W H A T I S T H E L O A N T E R M ?3 .I S T H E R A T E F I X E D O R A D J U S T A B L E ?4 .W H A T I S T H E D O W N P A Y M E N T R E Q U I R E M E N T ?5 .W H A T A R E T H E Q U A L I F I C A T I O N C R I T E R I A ?6 .C A N T H E R A T E B E L O C K E D , A N D F O R H O W L O N G ?7 .W H A T D O C U M E N T S A R E N E E D E D F O R A P P R O V A L ?8 .A R E T H E R E P R E P A Y M E N T P E N A L T I E S ?9 . H O W L O N G D O E S T H E L O A N P R O C E S S T A K E ?1 0 .I H A V E S O M E T E S T E D A N D T R U S T E D L E N D E RR E C O M M E N D A T I O N S I C A N P R O V I D E T H A T W I L LP R O V I D E C O N T R O L O V E R Y O U R T R A N S A C T I O N , A N DT R E A T Y O U L I K E A V I P !

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HOME SEARCHYOUR HOME SEARCH Let’s talk about the features of yourfuture home. Here are some things toconsider:• Location• Price• Square Footage• Bedrooms• Baths• Style• Features• SchoolsWe’re going to get down to your needs,what’s important, and why, so I can do thework of finding a suitable home for you.NOTESUNDERSTANDING WHAT YOU’RE LOOKING FOR IS A TOP PRIORITY.

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SEARCH TOOLSSEARCH TOOLSHERE ARE SOMEKnow when homes hit the market first!• Multiple Listing Services - I’ll add you to my MLShome search data base and you’ll be emailed onlywhen a home matching your specific desiredcriteria hits the market. Our home strategyconsultation will save you time here!• Feel free to search on your own using Zillow,Realtor, Redfin or any online search tool. .Doknow, though, that they aren’t updated as often,so there is a risk of seeing a home that’s notavailable.• Agents talk! And we can find out through ournetwork what’s hitting the market and when. I amvery well-connected and in many groups, andthese connections have won transactions whenneck-and-neck against other buyers with an offer. • If you see an open house, I encourage you to stop inand check it out! Let the agent on call know that youalready have a real estate agent you’re working with andgive them my name and contact info. Then, I can handlethe many follow-up calls from the agents, and you won’tget stalked. • Search through listings on my website• If you see a home that’s For Sale By Owner, letme know and I’ll contact them to find out detailsand schedule a showing. Your representation andprotection is especially important with an owner,and I can absolutely negotiate for your bestinterests. 010402050306MLSOnline SearchOpen HousesFSBOAgent NetworkMy WebsiteB e i n g a t o p - p r o d u c i n g t e a m , w e h a v e a n e v e r - g r o w i n g p r o p r i e t a r y l i s t o f o f f - m a r k e tp r o p e r t i e s , s o t h a t y o u g e t o p p o r t u n i t i e s o n d e a l s t h a t n e v e r h i t t h e m a r k e t ! P l u s , w e h a v e o t h e r s t r a t e g i e s t o f i n d y o u a n o f f - m a r k e t h o m e .

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MAKING AN OFFERMAKING AN OFFEROnce you find a home that you love, it’s time to make an offer! We’ll work together to do research, look at marketdynamics, determine the best price and terms to offer, especially in regards to contingency durations and ways tomake an appealing offer to the specific seller, as well as ways to set yourself apart when in competition and how tobest structure the proposed closing date. I will create a professional offer package with the key components to putyou in the best light and get your offer to the top of the stack. We’ll discuss earnest money (part of your total downpayment, typically 2-3% of the purchase price, and providedonce escrow is opened), which lets the seller know you’re serious.Next, the offer will either be accepted, counter-offered, or declined. We will always review meanings, benefits andconsequences, and discuss your options, as well as strategies, so that you can make an informed decision.LET’S WORK TOGETHER!ONCE YOU FALL IN LOVE WITH A HOME, IT’S TIME TO MAKE AN OFFER!

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OFFER ACCEPTEDWHEN YOUROFFER IS ACCEPTEDNext it’s time to give earnestmoney to the escrow company!Then, time to buckle down and gothrough the whirlwind of getting allof your questions answered andreviewing the tons of reports anddisclosures that will be coming yourway. The next steps are inspection,appraisal, home insurance, andcontingency removal, then finalizingmortgage details and the finalwalkthrough. Once all of these items have beenchecked off the list, it’s time toclose!Next, we’ll talk about all of theitems that will be included in yourclosing costs.

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Closing CostBreakdownWHAT ARE CLOSING COSTS?Here are the items that could be included in your closing costs:Closing costs are the various fees and expenses associated with finalizing a real estatetransaction. These costs typically include fees for services provided by lenders, escrow andtitle companies, and other professionals involved in the home-buying process. Examples ofclosing costs include loan origination fees, appraisal fees, title insurance, escrow fees, andproperty taxes. Buyers and sellers both incur closing costs, and the specific items can varybased on location and the terms of the transaction. I will help you to gather the estimate onthese costs, so you know what’s coming and prepare. It's essential for homebuyers to budgetfor closing costs in addition to the down payment when planning their home purchase.CLOSING COSTSP R O P E R T Y A P P R A I S A LH O M E I N S P E C T I O NP R O C E S S I N G F E EU N D E R W R I T I N G F E EL E N D E R F E EL O A N D I S C O U N T F E ER E C O R D I N G F E EE S C R O W O F F I C E R F E ET I T L E I N S U R A N C ED O C U M E N T P R E P A R A T I O N F E E SE S C R O W T A X E S A N D I N S U R A N C E SP R E P A I D I N T E R E S T P R E P A I D P R O P E R T Y T A X E SC R E D I T R E P O R TT R A N S F E R T A X E SN O T A R Y F E E

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CLOSING DAYCLOSING DAYCongratulations, It’s the big day!! In California, the closing is done without being present in-person, with a Title company.Closing Day is the day that the Title company records the Grant Deed at the CountyRecorder’s office, and you’re officially “closed” once we receive the confirmation call.Closing is when funds and documents are transferred in order to transfer ownership of theproperty to YOU, the buyer! Just prior to, the escrow officer will look over the contract andfind out what payments are owed by who, prepare documents for closing, make sure allpayoffs are completed, and then title is recorded.The most exciting thing EVER is receiving that phone call that you’re now a homeowner! After closing keep a copy of all closing documents for taxes.

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NOTES AND QUESTIONSLet’s talk!This is all simply an overview, and I look forward to diving in deeper with you to explain in more detail.

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what othersARE SAYINGNicole & GarrettKimmy & SeanWe would 100% recommend Stephanie to anyone looking to buyor sell! My fiancée and I used Stephanie recently to purchase ourfirst home. The experience was nothing short of fantastic. Beingnew to the home buying process, we had no idea what to expectthroughout process. Stephanie was incredible. She laid outeverything in an organized and detailed manor. She communicatedeverything to us thoroughly and consistently every step of theway. Once she found us the perfect home, which didn’t take long,she guided us through putting in an offer. Not only was she quickand incredibly knowledgeable, but she helped us to negotiate anincredible offer with fantastic terms. We would 100% recommendStephanie to anyone looking to buy or sell! Thanks Stephanie!!! We were very impressed with Stephanie's knowledge of the homebuying process. She is sharp and on the ball. She is personable andwe had ease in communicating with her. She really listens andoffered us valuable information so that when we needed to, wecould make an informed decision. Stephanie goes to work for you!She is a gem and I would recommend you have her on your team.TESTIMONIALS

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what othersARE SAYINGAmanda & BrianCameron J.She has an amazing ability to understand the needs of her clients. Herprofessional contacts and insight into the Los Angeles market wereinstrumental in helping us submit a strong offer, navigate the counter bidprocess and purchase our dream home. Stephanie has an optimisticapproach to searching for the perfect home for her clients. She took thetime to listen to what we really wanted, helped me comb through all thelistings and got answers to all our questions. When we changed ourwish-list to include a completely new neighborhood & type of home sheseamlessly pivoted with us and got right to collecting all the informationwe would need to evaluate our options in the area. I truly appreciatehow generous Stephanie is with her time and how patient she washelping us navigate the search and purchase of our home. I don’t saythat lightly, Stephanie worked with us intermittently for over 5 years!She stuck with us, steadily checking in, but not overwhelming us withcommunication. She has an amazing ability to understand the needs ofher clients. In the end, Stephanie’s strong relationships in the business,and many useful tips & tricks that have been collected over the years,helped us position our offer and gave it that small edge over thecompetition. Those small but powerful insights helped us get the houseof our dreams! TESTIMONIALSStephanie worked hard (I would underline if I could) for us. Shewas super knowledgeable, responsive, and dedicated. She's one ofthe best.

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what othersARE SAYINGErika & MattOlive & Bibo Stephanie is a wonderful realtor who was there every step of theway with us. She represented us when we were buying our condo,as well as when we decided to sell it. She was available wheneverwe had questions and was great at communicating everything thatwas happening. These things can get complicated especially withbalancing the rest of your life that is going on while trying to buyor sell your home so it was great to know she always had ourback. The cherry on top is that she was also able to get us wellover our listing price!TESTIMONIALSStephanie provided us a full-service, from contracts to the close ofescrow! As a first time home buyer, we had tons of questions andStephanie always patiently and promptly responded to our emailsand phone calls. Working in the area for so long, she has a goodknowledge of the neighborhoods. She was very responsive whenthere were questions or problems. We encountered some loanissues during the process and we found that Stephanie was alwaysthere for us and we together went through it in the end.