S E P T E M B E R 1 0 , 2 0 2 41 1 : 0 0 A . M .M I L L S T H E A T R E&L I V E S T R E A M2024ConvocationCeremony BAY PATH UNIVERSITY HONOR PLEDGEAs a Bay Path University student, I will honor myself and my fellow students.In making this commitment, I will act withhonesty, integrity, and respect and will takeresponsibility for my actions.SINCEREAPPRECIATIONTOO U R S E C O N D D A Y S T A R T SL A T E R B E C A U S E W E E N DL A T E R .JODIE BAKERRAMONA EASTELIZABETH KOZIELGREG KOWALEWSKIKELLEY MAAKLAUREN MASDINAH MOOREBRADY PARENTROBYN RAWSONBIANCA ROMEROCAREY ROYCEDARYLL SVERRISSONROBERT J. TOMASULOMEGAN VERTERAMOMARY LEE WALSHKATHY WROBLEWSKICarpe Diem!
“What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide whatkind of difference you want to make.”- Jane GoodallFACULTYPROCESSIONALGREETINGSFROM THEBOARD OFTRUSTEESPRESIDENTIALREMARKSWELCOMEPETER TESTORI, ED.D.AS SO CI AT E VI CE P RE SI DE NT , ST UD EN TEN GA GE ME NT & A CA DE MI C RE SO UR CE SROBERT J. TOMASULODI RE CT OR O F PE RF OR MI NG A RT S &MU SI CA L AC TI VI TI ESCARRIE BURR, ’86 CH AI R, B AY P AT H UN IV ER SI TYBO AR D OF T RU ST EE SSANDRA J. DORAN, J.D.BA Y PA TH U NI VE RS IT Y PR ES ID EN TALUMNASPEAKEREMILY BOURQUE, ’19STUDENTAFFIRMATIONS& DONNING OFTHE CAPSNATALIA BLANK, PH.D.VI CE P RE SI DE NT F OR A CA DE MI CAF FA IR SBA Y PA TH U NI VE RS IT Y AL UM NASENIORAFFIRMATIONBARERA ALISE NI OR D EL EG AT EFIRST YEAR &TRANSFERRESPONSETREAZURE PRIDGENNE W ST UD EN T RE PR ES EN TA TI VECONCLUSION DR. BLANKWelcome to Bay Path University’s learningcommunity. We invite you to join us in ourjourney to become leaders who seek to bringsocial justice and change in the 21st Century.We are self-motivated problem-posers andproblem-solvers inside and outside theclassroom. We are partners in curiosity and in ahunger for knowledge. We value each other forour differences and we learn from ourexperiences in order to live thoughtfully anddeliberately. We aim to foster life-long learningthrough open dialogue and partnership as wereimagine a future that is inclusive and equitablefor all. We have been woken by your call to our newcommunity.We are empowered to becomeleaders who will bring social justice and changethrough the 21st Century. We will approach thefuture with openness, creativity, and integrityand will commit to becoming life-long learners,both inside and outside the classroom. It beginsat Bay Path University, it will go on forever.MUSICALINTERLUDEMR. TOMASULO(F ac ul ty p le as e re ce ss t o the mainfl oo r an d ai sl es a ro un d th e students)MIRANDA DAL ZOVO, ’10 G’16AL UM NI A SS OC IA TI ON C OU NC ILPR ES ID EN T
“What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide whatkind of difference you want to make.”- Jane GoodallFACULTYPROCESSIONALGREETINGSFROM THEBOARD OFTRUSTEESPRESIDENTIALREMARKSWELCOMEPETER TESTORI, ED.D.AS SO CI AT E VI CE P RE SI DE NT , ST UD EN TEN GA GE ME NT & A CA DE MI C RE SO UR CE SROBERT J. TOMASULODI RE CT OR O F PE RF OR MI NG A RT S &MU SI CA L AC TI VI TI ESCARRIE BURR, ’86 CH AI R, B AY P AT H UN IV ER SI TYBO AR D OF T RU ST EE SSANDRA J. DORAN, J.D.BA Y PA TH U NI VE RS IT Y PR ES ID EN TALUMNASPEAKEREMILY BOURQUE, ’19STUDENTAFFIRMATIONS& DONNING OFTHE CAPSNATALIA BLANK, PH.D.VI CE P RE SI DE NT F OR A CA DE MI CAF FA IR SBA Y PA TH U NI VE RS IT Y AL UM NASENIORAFFIRMATIONBARERA ALISE NI OR D EL EG AT EFIRST YEAR &TRANSFERRESPONSETREAZURE PRIDGENNE W ST UD EN T RE PR ES EN TA TI VECONCLUSION DR. BLANKWelcome to Bay Path University’s learningcommunity. We invite you to join us in ourjourney to become leaders who seek to bringsocial justice and change in the 21st Century.We are self-motivated problem-posers andproblem-solvers inside and outside theclassroom. We are partners in curiosity and in ahunger for knowledge. We value each other forour differences and we learn from ourexperiences in order to live thoughtfully anddeliberately. We aim to foster life-long learningthrough open dialogue and partnership as wereimagine a future that is inclusive and equitablefor all. We have been woken by your call to our newcommunity.We are empowered to becomeleaders who will bring social justice and changethrough the 21st Century. We will approach thefuture with openness, creativity, and integrityand will commit to becoming life-long learners,both inside and outside the classroom. It beginsat Bay Path University, it will go on forever.MUSICALINTERLUDEMR. TOMASULO(F ac ul ty p le as e re ce ss t o the mainfl oo r an d ai sl es a ro un d th e students)MIRANDA DAL ZOVO, ’10 G’16AL UM NI A SS OC IA TI ON C OU NC ILPR ES ID EN T
S E P T E M B E R 1 0 , 2 0 2 41 1 : 0 0 A . M .M I L L S T H E A T R E&L I V E S T R E A M2024ConvocationCeremony BAY PATH UNIVERSITY HONOR PLEDGEAs a Bay Path University student, I will honor myself and my fellow students.In making this commitment, I will act withhonesty, integrity, and respect and will takeresponsibility for my actions.SINCEREAPPRECIATIONTOO U R S E C O N D D A Y S T A R T SL A T E R B E C A U S E W E E N DL A T E R .JODIE BAKERRAMONA EASTELIZABETH KOZIELGREG KOWALEWSKIKELLEY MAAKLAUREN MASDINAH MOOREBRADY PARENTROBYN RAWSONBIANCA ROMEROCAREY ROYCEDARYLL SVERRISSONROBERT J. TOMASULOMEGAN VERTERAMOMARY LEE WALSHKATHY WROBLEWSKICarpe Diem!