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Convocation Program 2024

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S E P T E M B E R 1 0 , 2 0 2 41 1 : 0 0 A . M .M I L L S T H E A T R E&L I V E S T R E A M2024ConvocationCeremony BAY PATH UNIVERSITY HONOR PLEDGEAs a Bay Path University student, I will honor myself and my fellow students.In making this commitment, I will act withhonesty, integrity, and respect and will takeresponsibility for my actions.SINCEREAPPRECIATIONTOO U R S E C O N D D A Y S T A R T SL A T E R B E C A U S E W E E N DL A T E R .JODIE BAKERRAMONA EASTELIZABETH KOZIELGREG KOWALEWSKIKELLEY MAAKLAUREN MASDINAH MOOREBRADY PARENTROBYN RAWSONBIANCA ROMEROCAREY ROYCEDARYLL SVERRISSONROBERT J. TOMASULOMEGAN VERTERAMOMARY LEE WALSHKATHY WROBLEWSKICarpe Diem!

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“What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide whatkind of difference you want to make.”- Jane GoodallFACULTYPROCESSIONALGREETINGSFROM THEBOARD OFTRUSTEESPRESIDENTIALREMARKSWELCOMEPETER TESTORI, ED.D.AS SO CI AT E VI CE P RE SI DE NT , ST UD EN TEN GA GE ME NT & A CA DE MI C RE SO UR CE SROBERT J. TOMASULODI RE CT OR O F PE RF OR MI NG A RT S &MU SI CA L AC TI VI TI ESCARRIE BURR, ’86 CH AI R, B AY P AT H UN IV ER SI TYBO AR D OF T RU ST EE SSANDRA J. DORAN, J.D.BA Y PA TH U NI VE RS IT Y PR ES ID EN TALUMNASPEAKEREMILY BOURQUE, ’19STUDENTAFFIRMATIONS& DONNING OFTHE CAPSNATALIA BLANK, PH.D.VI CE P RE SI DE NT F OR A CA DE MI CAF FA IR SBA Y PA TH U NI VE RS IT Y AL UM NASENIORAFFIRMATIONBARERA ALISE NI OR D EL EG AT EFIRST YEAR &TRANSFERRESPONSETREAZURE PRIDGENNE W ST UD EN T RE PR ES EN TA TI VECONCLUSION DR. BLANKWelcome to Bay Path University’s learningcommunity. We invite you to join us in ourjourney to become leaders who seek to bringsocial justice and change in the 21st Century.We are self-motivated problem-posers andproblem-solvers inside and outside theclassroom. We are partners in curiosity and in ahunger for knowledge. We value each other forour differences and we learn from ourexperiences in order to live thoughtfully anddeliberately. We aim to foster life-long learningthrough open dialogue and partnership as wereimagine a future that is inclusive and equitablefor all. We have been woken by your call to our newcommunity.We are empowered to becomeleaders who will bring social justice and changethrough the 21st Century. We will approach thefuture with openness, creativity, and integrityand will commit to becoming life-long learners,both inside and outside the classroom. It beginsat Bay Path University, it will go on forever.MUSICALINTERLUDEMR. TOMASULO(F ac ul ty p le as e re ce ss t o the mainfl oo r an d ai sl es a ro un d th e students)MIRANDA DAL ZOVO, ’10 G’16AL UM NI A SS OC IA TI ON C OU NC ILPR ES ID EN T

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“What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide whatkind of difference you want to make.”- Jane GoodallFACULTYPROCESSIONALGREETINGSFROM THEBOARD OFTRUSTEESPRESIDENTIALREMARKSWELCOMEPETER TESTORI, ED.D.AS SO CI AT E VI CE P RE SI DE NT , ST UD EN TEN GA GE ME NT & A CA DE MI C RE SO UR CE SROBERT J. TOMASULODI RE CT OR O F PE RF OR MI NG A RT S &MU SI CA L AC TI VI TI ESCARRIE BURR, ’86 CH AI R, B AY P AT H UN IV ER SI TYBO AR D OF T RU ST EE SSANDRA J. DORAN, J.D.BA Y PA TH U NI VE RS IT Y PR ES ID EN TALUMNASPEAKEREMILY BOURQUE, ’19STUDENTAFFIRMATIONS& DONNING OFTHE CAPSNATALIA BLANK, PH.D.VI CE P RE SI DE NT F OR A CA DE MI CAF FA IR SBA Y PA TH U NI VE RS IT Y AL UM NASENIORAFFIRMATIONBARERA ALISE NI OR D EL EG AT EFIRST YEAR &TRANSFERRESPONSETREAZURE PRIDGENNE W ST UD EN T RE PR ES EN TA TI VECONCLUSION DR. BLANKWelcome to Bay Path University’s learningcommunity. We invite you to join us in ourjourney to become leaders who seek to bringsocial justice and change in the 21st Century.We are self-motivated problem-posers andproblem-solvers inside and outside theclassroom. We are partners in curiosity and in ahunger for knowledge. We value each other forour differences and we learn from ourexperiences in order to live thoughtfully anddeliberately. We aim to foster life-long learningthrough open dialogue and partnership as wereimagine a future that is inclusive and equitablefor all. We have been woken by your call to our newcommunity.We are empowered to becomeleaders who will bring social justice and changethrough the 21st Century. We will approach thefuture with openness, creativity, and integrityand will commit to becoming life-long learners,both inside and outside the classroom. It beginsat Bay Path University, it will go on forever.MUSICALINTERLUDEMR. TOMASULO(F ac ul ty p le as e re ce ss t o the mainfl oo r an d ai sl es a ro un d th e students)MIRANDA DAL ZOVO, ’10 G’16AL UM NI A SS OC IA TI ON C OU NC ILPR ES ID EN T

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S E P T E M B E R 1 0 , 2 0 2 41 1 : 0 0 A . M .M I L L S T H E A T R E&L I V E S T R E A M2024ConvocationCeremony BAY PATH UNIVERSITY HONOR PLEDGEAs a Bay Path University student, I will honor myself and my fellow students.In making this commitment, I will act withhonesty, integrity, and respect and will takeresponsibility for my actions.SINCEREAPPRECIATIONTOO U R S E C O N D D A Y S T A R T SL A T E R B E C A U S E W E E N DL A T E R .JODIE BAKERRAMONA EASTELIZABETH KOZIELGREG KOWALEWSKIKELLEY MAAKLAUREN MASDINAH MOOREBRADY PARENTROBYN RAWSONBIANCA ROMEROCAREY ROYCEDARYLL SVERRISSONROBERT J. TOMASULOMEGAN VERTERAMOMARY LEE WALSHKATHY WROBLEWSKICarpe Diem!