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Dive in deeper withStellar Content Do you want to learn the ins andouts of creating and batching contentthat aligns with your goals and drivesresults? Check out my StellarContent Membership and let meshow you from the ground up how toget it done right.LEARN MOREWELCOMESo you want to be a content marketing pro,huh? That's great! Content marketing is anessential part of any marketing strategy, and itcan be a lot of fun. But where do you start?That's where this workbook comes in. We'll help you figure out who your audienceis, what kind of content they want to see, andhow to get your content seen by as manypeople as possible. We'll also give you some tips and tricks forcreating killer content that will keep youraudience coming back for more. So let's getstarted!

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01Define your business goals and objectivesYou've all heard the saying, "If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there." The same istrue for businesses - if you don't have clearly defined goals and objectives, your content marketing strategy islikely to be ineffective. That's because, without a destination in mind, it's impossible to create a map that willget you there.So, before you can start developing your content marketing strategy, you need to take some time to thinkabout what you want to achieve. What are your business goals? What objectives do you hope to accomplish?Once you have a good understanding of your destination, it will be much easier to develop a plan that will helpyou get there.There are a few key things to keep in mind when defining your goals and objectives for your business.First, be specific.Don't just say you want to increase sales or drive more traffic - define what you mean by that. For example, doyou want to see a 10% increase in sales over the next quarter? Do you want to see a 20% increase in webtraffic from organic search?Second, make sure your goals and objectives aremeasurable.If you can't measure them, you won't be able to tellif you're making progress.One way to measure your goals is to use percentageincreases or decreases. For example, if you want toincrease sales by 10%, you can track the change insales from one period (e.g. quarter, month, year) tothe next. This will tell you whether you're makingprogress towards your goal or not.You can also use absolute numbers. For example, ifyou want to increase web traffic from organic searchby 20%, you can track the number of visits you getfrom organic search each month. This will againallow you to see if you're making progress towardsyour two | Stellar Media Marketing

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And third, make sure they're achievable.Don't set yourself up for failure by setting goals that are impossible to achieve. Make sure your goals arerealistic and achievable, given the resources you have available.Now that you know how to set goals and objectives, it's time to start thinking about what you want to achievewith your content marketing. What do you hope to accomplish? What do you want to achieve?Some common goals for content marketing include: - Increasing brand awareness- Generating leads- Nurturing prospects- Driving sales- Building customer loyalty- Improving customer satisfactionChoose the goals that are most important for your business and start thinking about how you can use contentto achieve them.It's important to set goals that will challenge you and push you to do better, but it's also important to berealistic. If you set goals that are too ambitious, you'll likely end up disappointed and frustrated.Choose a few goals that you think are achievable and start thinking about how you can use content to three | Stellar Media Marketing01Define your business goals and objectives

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Goal SettingGoalsProblemsProgress TrackerAction StepsDate Progress

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Before you can create content that resonates withyour audience, you need to identify who your targetaudience is. This can be a tricky task, especially ifyou're trying to appeal to a wide range of people.However, there are a few key questions that can helpyou narrow down your target audience.First, identify who you are trying to reach.Do not make the mistake of saying "everyone." Youcannot appeal to everyone, and trying to do so willonly result in ineffective content. Instead, focus on aspecific group of people.For example, if you're a B2B company that sellssoftware, your target audience might be smallbusinesses in the United States.Or, if you're a B2C company that sells clothes, yourtarget audience might be teenage girls in the UnitedKingdom.If you really want to dig into this you can create anIdeal Client Avatar. I teach you how to do this in myStellar Content Membership. If you want to learnmore go to, consider what problem your product or servicesolves.It's important to know the kinds of problems yourproduct or service solves because that's what peopleare looking for when they're searching for a five | Stellar Media MarketingWhen someone is looking for a solution to a problem,they'll typically search for keywords related to thatproblem. If you can identify the kinds of problemsyour product or service solves, you can createcontent that targets those keywords and attractpeople who are looking for a solution to theirproblems.The best way to discover the problems your clientshave is to ask them directly. You can do this in anumber of ways, including surveys, interviews, andfocus groups.Another way to get information about your clients'problems is to monitor their online behavior. This canbe done by using tools like Google Analytics orKissmetrics. These tools will give you insights intowhat people are searching for and what kinds ofproblems they're trying to solve.Facebook groups and Quora are other places tocapture valuable data about what your ideal clientsare struggling with. If they are asking about it ingroups and on Quora, you can bet it is a problemthey need help with.Remember, people don't buy products or services,they buy solutions to their problems. Byunderstanding the kinds of problems your targetaudience is trying to solve, you can create contentthat resonates with them and helps them find thesolutions they're looking for.02Identify your target audience

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01Who are you trying to reach?Where are they hanging out online?What kind of problems or questions do they have?How can you help solve their problems or answer their questions?020304Target Audience

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03Determine the topics and content you will createNow that you know who your target audience is and what kinds of problems they're trying to solve, you canstart planning the topics and content you will create. One way to do this is to create a list of potential topics.To get started, think about the problems your target audience is trying to solve and brainstorm content thatwould help them find a solution. You can also use keyword research tools like Google AdWords KeywordPlanner and Surfer SEO to find topics that are being searched for by your target audience.Once you have a list of potential topics, it's time to start creating content. But before you start writing orrecording, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.First, make sure your content is helpful and informative. Don't just create content for the sake of creatingcontent. Remember, people are looking for solutions to their problems, so your content should be helpful andinformative if you want them to keep coming back for more.Second, focus on creating quality over quantity. It's better to have a small amount of high-quality content thana large amount of low-quality content.Third, make sure your content is engaging and interesting. Nobody wants to read or watch boring content.Make sure your content is engaging and interesting if you want people to stick around until the end.And finally, don't forget to include a call-to-action. A call-to-action is a statement or question that encouragesthe reader or viewer to take some kind of action.For example, if you're writing a blog post about how to start a business, your call-to-action might besomething like "If you're thinking about starting a business, be sure to check out our free guide on how to getstarted."By including a call-to-action in your content, you can encourage your readers or viewers to take the next stepin their journey, whether that's signing up for your email list, downloading a free guide, or even buying yourproduct or seven | Stellar Media Marketing

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Once you have an idea of the topics andcontent you want to create, it's time to startplanning when and where you will publish it.This is where a content calendar comes inhandy.A content calendar is simply a schedule ofwhen and where you will publish yourcontent. Having a content calendar will helpyou stay organized and on track with yourcontent strategy.To create a content calendar, start by decidinghow often you want to publish new content.This will depend on a number of factors,including your business goals, the amount oftime and resources you have, and the needs ofyour target audience.Once you've decided how often you want topublish new content, start planning out whenand where you will publish each piece. Ifyou're blogging, for example, you might planto publish a new blog post every Monday,Wednesday, and Friday.If you're posting on social media, you mightplan to post once or twice a day on eachplatform. And if you're creating videos, youmight plan to publish a new video every week.Once you've decided when and where youwill publish your content, be sure to add it toyour calendar so you can keep track ofeverything. There are a number of differentways to do this, including using a physicalcalendar, an online calendar, or even aspreadsheet.04Create a content calendar

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Content PlannerThis Month's Topic IdeasFinalized Content Titles:

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Social media Posts PlannerPost InformationCaption:Topic:Post Title:Design Caption Scheduled PostedHashtags:Purpose:Call to Action:ChecklistNotes:

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30 days social mediaBusinessIntroductionTeamIntroductionPersonal InsightProductPromotionStory Behindthe BrandQuickTipCustomersTestimonialsCreate a PollMotivationalPostFunFactsQuestion &AnswerVirtualEventsCuratedContentBlogPostEducationalPostHelpful TipBehind theScenesShareNewsletterPromoteNewsletterFreeShout-outShare aTutorialProductPromotionCareerThrowbackOffer aFreebieEngagingPostInspirationalQuoteBusiness TipsExclusivePromotionCustomer ofthe MonthThank YouFollowers

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A content strategy is essential for any business looking to reach their target audience online.By defining your business goals and objectives, identifying your target audience, andcreating relevant content, you can create a successful content marketing plan that willengage and convert customers. I hope this workbook has helped you start thinking abouthow you can create a winning content strategy for your business. Thanks for reading! - Kelly MirabellaContent Marketing Strategist THANK YOUDive in deeper with Stellar Content Do you want to learn the ins and outs of creating and batching content that aligns with yourgoals and drives results? Check out my Stellar Content Membership and let me show you fromthe ground up how to get it done