ZNZ Resources [formerly Zovy] I OverviewZNZ Resources is the leading provider of accessible data governance solutions. ZNZ Resources offersindustry-leading data archiving, email archiving, backup, and eDiscovery solutions that allow companiesto simplify IT strategies, lower overall costs, and free up resources without having to make sacrifices interms of functionality, security, or control. ZNZ Resources is the best solution for any organizationseeking a partner to help them develop, implement, and execute a customized data governance strategyfor their organization.ZNZ Resources and Consumers Energy PartnershipZNZ Resources is proud to have partnered with Consumers since 2017, beginning with supporting theirlegacy on-premise HPCA archive system. ZNZ began by improving the operation of the on-premisearchive. Moving the archive to the hosted Zovy Archive system allowed Consumers to realize significantsavings, by decommissioning 25 on-premise servers, 3 SQL servers, and 192 TB of storage.Consumers Energy is in the process of transitioning to utilizing Office 365 for email archiving. Thisincludes exporting key legal hold data from the system. This export effort will extend beyond the currentsubscription end date of July 24, 2024, and this proposal extends the subscription to allow Consumersto complete the process.ZNZ wants to ensure that Consumers Energy can receive maximum value for the additional contractperiod. To that end, we are extending an offer to allow Consumers to utilize the value of the subscriptioncontract for ZNZ’s new Ai Data Bridge, while still having access to the hosted archive to complete theexport process.Ai Data Bridge is designed to affect immediate Return on Investment (ROI) by reducing and re-tieringunstructured data. It turns unstructured data (and troublesome dark data) into Actionable Smart Data,ready to store permanently in long-term storage, structured systems, data lakes, or other locations._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________1
ZNZ Resources I Aligning Your Strategic InitiativesThis proposal includes Ai Data Bridge data analysis for up to 100 TB of unstructured data at noadditional cost.Understand and Prepare your data for Structured Systems90% of the data that organizations accumulate is unstructured data. Understanding and organizingthis data for storage in structured and semi-structured environments such as document managementsystems and data lakes is a daunting task. At best, these systems can become overloaded withunneeded data, increasing the cost. At worst, polluting the system with poorly classified data erodes theoverall usefulness.Ai Data Bridge starts by ensuring that data is properly identified, accurate, complete, and reliable, toprevent garbage-in-garbage-out scenarios that lead to unintended consequences or unnecessary riskdue to incorrect conclusions or actions.Ai Data Bridge provides comprehensive reporting and AI-augmented analytics capabilities, offeringdetailed insights into data usage, storage optimization, compliance metrics, and more. Your organizationcan leverage these analytics to drive data-driven decision-making, measure the effectiveness of datamanagement strategies, and identify areas for improvement.Ai Data Bridge: Eliminate ROT, Save MoneyThe Ai Data Bridge is designed to provide rapid visibility and deep insights into the intricate landscapeof data stores. By unlocking the untapped potential of data assets, this powerful solution empowersenterprises to gain unparalleled visibility, make informed decisions, and maximize the value of their data.Data Detect is a cutting-edge tool that offers you a robust solution for optimizing your data storage,bolstering efficiency, achieving regulatory compliance, substantially decreasing data storage expenses,and unlocking the inherent value of your data assets. The solution's machine learning algorithms allowyour organization to intelligently decide what data to retain and what to discard, making datamanagement more effective. These algorithms comb through vast volumes of data, accuratelydistinguishing between valuable data and ROT (Redundant, Obsolete, and Trivial data).Through Ai-augmented analysis and defensible deletion, you can remove unnecessary data thatexceeds defined retention schedules, achieving immediate cost savings and a more streamlineddata environment.Through ROT elimination and storage re-tiering of the initial 100 TB alone, Consumers Energy can expectsavings of $614,000 over 5 years. When Consumers confirms the value and continues using the tool,the savings for a petabyte of data will be $6.1 million.These estimates were created using AI-generated best practices and standards for the Energy industry.You can see the full ROI report, including assumptions and costs, here, and Consumers will have access2
to the ROI Calculator to run detailed ROI calculations with numbers specific to the organization.Enhanced eDiscovery for Unstructured DataLegal searches and eDiscovery for unstructured data are slower, more difficult, and harder to managethan archived or structured data sources.Your organization can streamline the discovery process and reduce time and cost. With patternrecognition and natural language processing capabilities, Ai Data Bridge enhances the quality andrelevance of data exported during the early case assessment process. Your organization can streamlinethe discovery process, reduce time and cost, and improve overall litigation readiness.The full Ai Data Bridge presentation can be found here.Standard pricing is included on page 28 for reference.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3
See It In Action: General ElectricThe Ai Data Bridge is a proven tool, in use at one of the largest power, energy, and aerospacecompanies in the world.Cost Table: Estimated Before and After Reduction per Tiered and Overall Storage Cost SavingsWatch the GE testimonial video on how the Ai Data Bridge solved their data allocation at scale anddelivered $30M in storage cost savings:4
Renewal Economics I 2024-2025The 2025-2025 renewal, includes Ai Data Bridge data analysis for up to 100 TB of unstructured data.This will result in projected savings of $122,000 per year, based on standard estimates of storage costsand typical rates of redundant, obsolete, and trivial (ROT) data for the energy industry. This is a 5-yearsavings of $613,000. Access the full ROI report including key assumptions here.Renewal EconomicsData Volume Analyzed100 TBsYear 1 Savings$122,000Subscription Cost$290,000Year 1 Net Cost$168,0005 Year Savings$614,000Total Net Cost$-387,000Utilizing the tool beyond the initial 100 TB will result in larger impacts. The savings for a petabyte of datais projected to be $6.1 million utilizing standard data from the Energy industry._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5
Contract Terms I 2024-20256