Construct Services Trade e-Book Australian Capital Territory - New South Wales – Victoria – Canberra – Brisbane – South Australia – Western Australia – Northern Territory Services Trade e-Book 080721_V1 Page 2 of 6 T ABLE OF C O NTE NT S T ra d e e - Boo kCoronavirus (COVID-19) Standard Operating Procedures ................................................................. 3 Trade Manual•• Trade Manual URL LinkTerms and ConditionsMaterial Supplier – Terms and ConditionsMaterial - Supplier T&Cs URL Link• – Terms and Conditions• Trade – Terms and Conditions• Trades T&Cs URL LinkJob Site Analysis Sheet ............................................................................................................................... 5
Construct Services Trade e-Book 161020_V1 Page 3 of 6 CORO NA VIRUS (COVI D -19 ) S tandard O p e rating Procedur es Step 1: Appointment Booking Procedure You must ask the policyholder these two questions when arranging the appointment. 1. Have you or anyone living, staying or working at this property been diagnosed with Coronavirus, developed symptoms or been advised to self-isolate by a health professional? 2. Have you or anyone living or recently staying or working at this property returned from visiting countries listed as high risk by the Australian Government within the past 14 days? If “No” - If the answer to both questions is “No” the visit can proceed as normal. If “Yes” • If the answer to either question is “Yes” the appointment cannot be arranged and notify your Job Manager. • Appointments must be deferred for at least 14 days from the current date. Each person living or staying or working at the property that has been infected with a confirmed case of COVID-19 must provide evidence from a health professional before an appointment date and time is confirmed. If “Unknown” • The policyholder must provide a clear answer, “Yes” or “No”. Step 2: Site - Arrival Proced ure You must ask the policyholder these three questions before entering the property. 1. Have you or anyone living, staying or working at this property been diagnosed with Coronavirus or been advised to self-isolate by a health professional? 2. Have you or anyone living or recently staying or working at this property returned from visiting countries listed as high risk by the Australian Government within the past 14 days? 3. Do you or anyone living at this property feel unwell with flu-like symptoms, coughing, fever, sore throat or shortness of breath? If “Yes” • the answer to any question is “Yes”, the appointment must be terminated immediately and notify your Job Manager.
Construct Services Trade e-Book 161020_V1 Page 4 of 6 Step 3: Site - Contamination Risk Prevention Procedure Respond “Yes” or “No” to each statement. • I feel fit and healthy, I am not experiencing flu-like symptoms (coughing, fever, sore throat or shortness of breath). • I will stay at least 2 metres away from adult occupants at all times • I will stay at least 4 metres away from children and elderly occupants at all times • I will wash my hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before starting work • I will not touch or place any items on surfaces where food is prepared or consumed • I will politely decline any refreshments or food that is offered to me • I will not touch my face while working and will wash my hands if I do • I will put on clean and sanitised standard PPE • I will provide my own rubbish bin with a plastic liner for my personal waste • I will open windows and doors to allow fresh air to flow into my work area • I will sanitise all surfaces prior to touching them • I will dispose of my personal waste in my own rubbish bin and remove from site • I will sanitise my tools after I finished my work • I will sanitise all surfaces I touched after finishing my work • I will wash my hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds after completing work • I will wear clean clothing everyday If you answered “No” to any statement you must not start work and notify your Job Manager.
Construct Services Trade e-Book 161020_V1 Page 5 of 6 JOB SITE ANALYSIS Job Number Start Date Finish Date Time Company's Name Assessment undertaken by name Site Address Signature *** Please upload completed J SA to the J ob and re tain a c opy f or your re cords *** If you have identified any of the listed or other potential hazards on the site, you will need to enter a suitable control below to show how you have controlled the hazard(s). If any further hazards are introduced, record them and update the table at the bottom on this page. If you identify any high risk construction work, you require a Safe Work Method Statement. # Items to consider when conducting a risk assessment 1 Can parking arrangements at the site cause incidents and injuries to any persons? 2 Are there any slips, trips and falls impacting on the safe access and egress? 3 Are there any other trades or activities that may impact on my work safety? 4 Have I communicated with other trades/workers in this area? 5 Are there any amenities for the site? Can the use of amenities affect workers’ health due to poor maintenance? 6 Is there a risk of injury due to fall zones and penetrations not being protected? (eg stair voids, roof areas, balconies) 7 Can something fall on me or can I cause something to fall onto someone else? 8 Is there a risk of workers or pedestrians being hit by moving plant and/or motor vehicles? 9 Is there a risk of injury due to impaling hazards not being appropriately protected in the work area? (eg star pickets, reo bars, stacked pallet stack) 10 Is there a risk of injury due to open trenches or excavations? 11 Is there a risk of workers coming in contact with the overhead or underground services? 12 Am I using correct manual handling techniques? 13 Will there be any airborne contaminants (asbestos, lead, fumes etc) requiring ventilation of the work space or a respirator to be worn?
Construct Services Trade e-Book 161020_V1 Page 6 of 6 JOB SITE ANALYSIS Date Hazard(s) identified Actions taken By Whom All corrective actions must be completed prior to work being undertaken.