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Reduce the Fees! Increase the Payout!

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CONNECT™ Life Settlements is seeking to disrupt the lifesettlement market with a new intermediary assistedexperience that streamlines the process, bringstransparency, reduces cost and provides seniors with highercash pay-outs than historically possible. Tens of thousands of$’s more!Navigating the Market!The life settlement market has long been a contentious subject for originalowners of life insurance policies, policy sellers, regulators, service providers,carriers and buyers! Sellers find the subject difficult, regulators miss the main area for their concerns,service providers find the regulation anything but simple to comprehend, carriersdo not like it as it reduces their bottom line, and the seller often gets a poor deal! All the above create costs, fees and commissions, leading to the seller receivingsignificantly less than the difference between the [net] price paid to the originalowner for the purchase and the total, gross purchase price actually paid for thepolicy by the eventual owner! CHALLENGEWhy?Result!

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The challenge for the seller is that they have little information to help them toassess the value of the policy. The individual seller therefore must rely on aplethora of advisors and too many middlemen who take fees with the policygoing, according to one registered provider, through up to five ‘advisors’charging undeclared fees before the policy is finally transferred to the ultimateowner. Often, as a first step an advisor will request the policy surrender value this leadsto a market where the comparison is between the surrender value and the offer.Joe says he wants to sell his policy and he presently has a surrender value for$25,000. Joe is over the moon when he is offered $35,000 not knowing that theunderlying value of that policy could be $100,000! That’s what the eventualowner pays. The difference between the figures - $65,000 goes to ‘costs and commissions!’.Anyone who knows the market will know of examples such as ‘Joe’!Who, in this process actually ensures the seller gets a fair share?It is almost certainly this issue, and the reputational risk for buyers that hascurtailed the growth of this market to around 3,000 policies a year when manymore should qualify! CEO of newly launched NASDAQ company ABACUSsuggests there are “trillions of dollars on a market that we barely tapped into at$4 billion”. Whilst this does not accurately reflect the number of policies thatmight qualify it is certainly more than $4billion in face value. So What?Comment: a new model was needed to bothrow the market and ensure that the seller whogenerally NEEDS the money is fairly treated!““

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CONNECT™ Life Settlements changes the approach anddisrupts today’s methodology! CONNECT™ is seeking to disrupt the life settlement market with a new direct toconsumer, AI-assisted experience that streamlines the process, bringstransparency, reduces cost and ultimately provides seniors with higher cashvalues than historically possible. CONNECT™ has a comprehensive marketingplan to reach its audience of seniors and their advisors. The advertising,marketing and PR plan seeks to drive awareness, educate, build credibility andultimately drive traffic to the CONNECT™ website to develop lead generationand facilitate the sale process.The advisor downloads the CONNECT™ APP or joins the website and providessome simple information on the policy seller, if the policy passes the firstqualification, the seller is registered with CONNECT™. The seller is then askedfurther questions by qualified life underwriters and passed through an AI assistedcalculation that leads to the provision of a health assessment report. Fees aredeclared and transparent. Fees are collected when the sale closes.A mid-market price is then offered with the opportunity for immediatecompletion, or the policy is passed on to an Auction platform. Fees aredeclared, transparent and are only collected when the sale closes.Comment: The intention here being to offer animmediate purchase price giving the seller certaintybut providing them with the option of going throughthe auction, accepting that the auction process will beslower and possibly less profitable. ““ADDRESSING CHALLENGES!

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Coventry First and its affiliate, Life Equity, bought more than 1,400 policies in2021 – over three times as many as its closest competitor, and more than 45% ofall life settlement transactions in 2021. Coventry also led the league tables byvalue and total investment, purchasing more than $1.4 billion [face amount] inpolicies. According to Coventry, the market transactions are approximately 3,000policies per year. The other major player is Abacus Life Settlements that has justlisted the company on NASDAQ (ABL).MARKET SIZE & COMPETITIONINDUSTRY ANALYSISAs mentioned above, much of the business is done by the two major players, andthey have had poor market penetration. A challenge for the market isovercoming its poor reputation among the Financial Intermediaries and the non-commission earning financial institutions. Additionally, the fact that life settlementpolicy investors hold the policies to maturity (i.e., the policies do not lapse) andtypically pay premiums only on a ‘cost of insurance’ basis means that the carriersdo not support the life settlement market.EXPECTATIONSThe market predominately attracts business through the financial advisors anddirect TV advertising. The major reason why the market is so small – 3000 policiesper year - is that the Financial Intermediaries in general will not deal with themarket due to the lack of transparency and widespread examples of poorbusiness practices. CONNECT™ is pursuing the Financial Intermediary market andthe investment community with the new transparent and easily understoodmodel that we provide. Comment: This of course means that there is alikelihood that a transparently valued and pricedpolicy will find acceptance from the FinancialIntermediaries meaning that CONNECT may expandthe market as well as accessing the existing one! ““

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Why Us?At this point in time everybody followsthe same rules. Some suggest that theyattempt to reduce or eliminateintermediaries [disintermediate], but themajor players still use commission hungryfinancial advisors and sell throughndependent providers. The numbers offingers in the pie are purportedlyreduced by those players, but fees andcommissions are still high and, in almostall cases, not transparent.Comment: we expect to develop a new marketthrough advisors who until now have not trusted themarket!““The business operations of CONNECT™ have been developed and coordinated byCONNECT’s Founder who was responsible for developing Life Settlement Leads andLife Policy Traders before he was bought out in 2010. He has spent a career buildingindependent businesses and, along with his team, is responsible for ensuring the successful launch and development of all systems to deliver the model.

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The current alternatives are as described above, and, as their models aredifferent and serve a limited market, it is hard to see them as real competition. Nevertheless, they are active, and we see their activities as being helpful. Ourmarketing and sales are based upon the differences and the inherentopaqueness of their marketing efforts. Our advantage is that since 2010 the internet and social media have taken off,and the older generation, who are said to be one of the faster growing groups onsuch platforms as Facebook, can access the information we provide, with our AIdriven ads costing little to produce and disseminate. They, the sellers, are alsomuch more able to provide the correct information online. We are supplying oursoftware to the Financial Intermediaries in a form that allows them to simply inputthe required information of the prospective seller within moments, or have thatclient complete it themselves. Our target market is seniors of 70+ or those younger individuals with life-threatening illness who own policies with a death benefit in excess of $100,000. They are likely to be Indexed Universal Life, but we accept Whole Life,Term, 2nd Death and particularly those larger corporate policies. TARGET MARKETCOMPETITIONComment: it is this last point that makes this modelso attractive. The market believes that Seniors areincapable of completing the required information.We disagree! When broken down you can seethat it really is quite simple! ““Join the website and we will provide access so that you can follow the stepsyourself and try it for yourself! WEBSITE

Page 8 941 248 3408242 S. Washington Blvd., #163, Sarasota, Florida, 3423IRS CIRCULAR 230 DISCLOSURE: To comply with requirements imposed by theDepartment of the Treasury, we inform you that any U.S. tax advice contained in thiscommunication (including any attachments) is not intended or written by thepractitioner to be used, and that it cannot be used by any taxpayer, for the purposeof (i) avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer, and (ii) supporting thepromotion or marketing of any transactions or matters addressed herein. Connect LifeSettlement™ and its affiliates do not provide tax, legal or accounting advice.This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intendedto provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice. Youshould consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in anytransaction.