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Configuring Brand Settings

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How to configure and use Brand Settings in Simplebooklet  Setting up your account 

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Change the default language for navigation elements Allows you to quickly provide complete contact information to any Simplebooklet Place a brand logo on your Simplebooklet  Why configure your brand? 

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To configure, go to the dashboard and select Brand Settings from the lefthand toolbar

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Set the language for navigation buttons your readers will use.

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Enter in your Business information and click Save 

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You can upload and add your logo to several places throughout your Simplebooklet. To upload a logo, click Tap To Upload, and select the logo from your computer.

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You can save themes for your Simplebooklet This saves the background, as well as buttons that are responsible for turning the page

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Ensure that your Search Engine Access is turned on so that you more visible online

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Enter in your Google Analytics ID so you can track customer interaction across all Simplebooklets

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At this point, your brand settings have been configured.