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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual   Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022Concur Process Notes Contents Page
1.  Add a New User to Concur 2.  Adding Comments to Invoices 3.  Adding Credit Card Statements to Concur Expenses 4.  Adding Receipts to Expense Claim Online 5.  Adding Receipts to Expense via Mobile app 6.  Assign a Company Credit Card to User's Profile 7.  Assigning a User Profile to New Vendor Accounts 8.  Assigning an Expense Type to a Supplier 9.  Change Approval Flow for Invoices – Workflows 10. Change Approval Flow for Purchase Orders – Workflows 11. Change Policy on Concur on Invoice Capture 12. Changing or Removing a User Assigned to a Vendor Account 13. Check Audit Trail on Expense 14. Check Audit Trail on Invoice 15. Create an Expense Claim Online 16. Data that Needs to be Captured to Save Any Changes Made in the Processing Stage (Comments, New Vendor etc)17. Deleting Documents 18. Export Invoice Data to Excel 19. Final Review a Credit Card Expense Claim 20. Final Review a Personal Expense Claim 21. Finding Unassigned Section in Concur 22. Hint and Tips of How to Identify CRB and CCR Education Supplier Invoices 23. How to Proxy into an Account 24. How to Review an Expense Claim for Final Review 25. How to Run the Invoice Capture Report for Ignored/Failed Invoices 
Adding Comments to Invoices

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 26. How to Search for an Invoice Number or Supplier on Concur 27. Identifying PO Invoices in the System. 28. Import New Suppliers 29. Import Supplier Access Mapping 30. Incorrect Supplier Selected - Change to Correct Supplier 31. Log into Concur 32. New Vendor’ Supplier selected – Change to Correct Supplier Add a New User to Concur 33. Opening an Invoice in the Capture Screen 34. Raise a Support Query on Concur 35. Request a New Employee Concur Profile 36. Selecting Expense Type in Data Capture Screen 37. Submit an Expense Claim 38. Unassign Invoice 39. Updating Mileage Rates 40. View Comments Added to Invoices.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual   Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022Add a New User to ConcurVersion Number 1.0SectionConcurDate of implementation29/09/2022Date of Last Review29/09/2022
Process ScopeThis is the process on how to add a new user to concur, so they can submit expense claims / creditcard statement claims or process supplier invoices.
Process Steps1.  Log into Concur 
2.  Select Administration – Company – Company admin

3.  Select Add User

4.  Roles – Select what the employee will need concur for and which employee group they relate to.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 5. Under General Settings complete the below fields 5a) CTE login Name = email address 5b) Password = this is a tempory password they will receive to login for the first time 5c) Verify Password = same password as 5b. 5d) Title = e.g Mr, Mrs, Miss 5e) First Name = Employee First Name 5f) Last Name = Employee Last Name 5g) Employee ID – if you have the internal employee ID please use if not please use first name initial and surname 5h) Email Address = email address 6. Under Expense and Invoice Settings complete the below fields 6a) Employee Goup – Which company the employee works for and if they have car allowance. 6b) Invoice Group - Which company the employee works for. 6c) Country of Residence – Which country the employee lives 6d) Ledger – Always Retail & Education for our group 6e) Reinburesement Currency – Currency we will pay the employee expenses 6f) Business Group - Always Retail & Education Group for our group 6g) Interco Account - Which company the employee works for 6h) Initative/Brand Code – code designated to company the employee works for 6i) Department – Department the employee works in e.g G&A, PS etc 6j) Business Group - Always Retail & Education Group for our group 6k) Default Language – Change default Language English (United Kingdom) 7. Once completed, Press Save and notify New User – this will send the email to the employee so they can access their account.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting Adding a New User to Concur, must only be completed after we have received a signed completed expense request Form from their line manager.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 Adding Comments to Invoices Version Number 1.0 Section Concur Date of implementation 17/09/2022 Date of Last Review 17/09/2022 Process Scope The comment section on the invoice in concur, allows users to make a comment of anything important regarding that specific invoice e.g.: if the department needs to be changed to the balance sheet once approved by the business. The business can also use this comment section to add comments for finance e.g.: in query credit needs to be raised Process Steps 1. Log into Concur 2. How to proxy into an account 3. Opening an invoice in the capture screen 4. Type in the comment you would like to make in the box underneath ‘Comments’. To be able to save the comment you have just entered, select the correct option in each of the following dropdowns according to the invoice: ➢ Ledger: Select the business that the invoice is for – (EPOS) in this case ➢ Company/Initiative: Select the business name again (36) EPOS

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 ➢ Vat Code: Always select 1400-20-0-00 ➢ Tax ID: This is generally P-VAT 20% unless stated otherwise on the invoice ➢ Department: Allocate to G&A (for now, unless the correct selection is known) Click ‘Save’ at the bottom left as highlighted. Click on ‘Back to list’ at the bottom of the page on the left-hand side. This will take you back to the list view of all the invoices on concur. The comment made for that invoice will be visible as shown below. Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 Adding Credit Card Statements to Concur Expenses Version Number 1.0 Section Concur Date of implementation 29/09/2022 Date of Last Review 29/09/2022 Process Scope This process shows you how to attach your credit card statement to your expense claim. The credit card statement needs to be attached to credit card expense claims so the total claim can be confirmed against the credit card statement. Process Steps 1. Log in to Concur 2. Click on Expense Tab – Manage Expenses – Select the Expense Claim you want to add the credit card statement to. 3. Select – Add Expense

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 4. Select Create New Expense – Search Credit card / Select Credit Card Statement 5. Fill in the below highlighted fields Payment Type : Change to Company Paid Amount: Will be £0.00 Receipt Status: Change to Receipt

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 6. Then click on Upload Receipt Image Click on the Upload receipt image Select the file you want to attach, click on open This will attach the uploaded file to the line item

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 This is what the image will look like once uploaded. Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 Adding Receipts to Expense Claim Online Version Number 1.0 Section Concur Date of implementation 17/09/2022 Date of Last Review 17/09/2022 Process Scope This process enables you to upload a photo of the receipt/s that relate to the expense being claimed back from the business. This is a required part of the expense claim process on concur. Process Steps 1. Log in to concur. 2. Click on Expense as shown below.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 3. Click on Upload Receipt Image as shown below. 4. Select the image file that you would like to upload and add to the expense claim by selecting the file and then click on open.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 5. The image will then show in concur under available receipts for you to be able to attach to an expense claim when created.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 ALTERNATE METHOD A. When creating an expense claim, there will be an upload receipt image link as shown below which you can click on.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 B. The below screen will then pop up. You can either select an image that you have already uploaded as per steps 1 to 5 and click on Attach or you can upload a new image at this point by clicking on Upload Receipt Image.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 C. Follow step 4 above. The image will then display as per below in concur and will be attached to the expense claim you are creating. Once complete, save the expense that has been created.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 Adding Receipts to Expense Claim via Mobile app Version Number 1.0 Section Concur Date of implementation 29/09/2022 Date of Last Review 29/09/2022 Process Scope This process enables you to take and upload a photo of the receipt/s on your mobile device using the concur mobile app to submit a claim for reimbursement. Process Steps 1. Open the Concur app on your mobile device and click on ‘ExpenseIt’ as highlighted below.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 2. The below screen will then open. Take photos of the receipt/s required for the expense being claimed. 3. It will then automatically attempt to read the value on the recipe and ask you to confirm whether the value is correct or not as per below. If the value is correct, click on the value displayed. If the value is incorrect, click on ‘incorrect’ and the app will allow you to type in the correct value.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 4. You can then add another receipt if required by clicking on ‘Next Receipt’ where it will take you through the process from step 2 again. If you do not have another receipt to add, click on ‘Done’ to finish. 5. The receipt will then be uploaded onto the concur platform under your profile and can be accessed on the app as well as online as shown below. Concur will try and analyse the photo of the receipt and automatically give suggestions of the type of expense claim that it is, which can be amended as required.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 Assign a Company Credit Card to User's Profile Version Number 1.0 Section Concur Date of implementation 17/09/2022 Date of Last Review 17/09/2022 Process Scope This process is used to link a user’s Concur profile to their NatWest company credit card. The Concur system is linked to the NatWest system, therefore any time the company credit card has a movement of funds the transaction detail will automatically appear in the users concur profile. Process Steps 1. Log into Concur 2. Select Administration – Company – Tools. The screen below will appear. 3. Select Company card.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 The below screen will appear. 4. Stay on the ‘Manage Accounts tab’. Select the appropriate search option. We would normally ask for the last 4 digits of a credit card and use the ‘Last Segment’ option. Select the ‘Show Only’ option that would suit your search. Recommendation would be to use the ‘All Individual Accounts’ option.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 Leave the Include deleted/Cancelled accounts unticked. 5. Populate data in the search block and select search. The data that matches the search criteria will appear. 6. Select the appropriate line, then select ‘Assign’.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 The below screen will appear. 7. Enter at least 3 characters of the employees name and select the look up glass. The data that matches the search will appear.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 8. Select the appropriate line and then select ‘Assign’ Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting • Check that the employee already has a Concur account set up prior to trying to link the credit card. If employee is not set up, refer to process Add a New User to Concur to get them added.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 Assigning a user profile to new vendor accounts Version Number 1.0 Section Concur Date of implementation 17/09/2022 Date of Last Review 17/09/2022 Process Scope When new suppliers are created in GP, they are pulled through to concur via a connector, they need to be assigned to a user’s profile in concur, so when that vendor is selected by the capture team the system knows who to send this invoice to for processing. Process Steps 1. Log into Concur 2. Select ‘Invoice’ 3. Select ‘Supplier/Vendor manager’. 4. Select ‘Supplier/Vendor mapping list’.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 5. Filter on invoice owner by selecting ‘Invoice Owner’. 6. Select a line with a blank invoice owner and click on ‘assign default invoice owner’. 7. Select the type of ‘Search field’ you want to use.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 8. Populate data in starts with and select the looking glass and select the profile you want to assign this vendor to and click assign Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting If there is no user selected this will land in the unassigned bucket

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 Assigning an Expense Type to a Supplier Version Number 1.0 Section Concur Date of implementation 17/09/2022 Date of Last Review 17/09/2022 Process Scope If suppliers have the same expense type for all purchases we can assign an expense type to a supplier, so when new invoices come in for this supplier the expense type is auto populated. We cannot assign a department to a supplier. Process Steps 1. Log into Concur 2. Select the invoice Tab 3. Select Supplier Manager

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 4. Select Manage Default Expense Type 5. Select your search options 6. Add in your text into the search block then select the looking glass. Then Select the vendor you want to add an expense type to and select Assign Default Expense Type

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 7. You can flip through all the expense types with the arrows below

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 8. If you know what the name of the expense type is, then you could search for this and select it and assign Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 Change Approval flow for invoices - Workflows Version Number 1.0 Section Concur Date of implementation 29/09/2022 Date of Last Review 29/09/2022 Process Scope This process allows you to add new approvers, change approvers, increase / decrease approval limits and remove approvers for invoices. Process Steps 1. Log into Concur 2. Select Administration – Invoice.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 3. Select Workflows (on the left hand side) 4. Select Authorised Approvers.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 5. Under “Purchase Request Authorised Approver List” Tab • Press the drop down for global. • Press the drop down for Retail and Education (these are the Vesta companies) • Select the company you are working on. 6. On the right-hand side, you will see the approvers and their levels. (These approvers and levels will come from the relating business head)

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 7. To add a new approver into the current list you would select New To Modify one of the approvers e.g. change the approver, or the approvers approval limit you would select Modify. To remove on of the approver levels you would select Remove. 8. You now need to complete steps 5 – 7 under the tab “Cost Object Approver List” as well Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting No Change of approval flow for invoices should be actioned unless the request has come from the business Head.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 Change Approval flow for Purchase Orders - Workflows Version Number 1.0 Section Concur Date of implementation 29/09/2022 Date of Last Review 29/09/2022 Process Scope This process allows you to add new approvers, change approvers, increase / decrease approval limits and remove approvers for purchases. Process Steps 1. Log into Concur 2. Select Administration – Invoice.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 3. Select Workflows (on the left hand side) 4. Select Authorised Approvers. 5. Under “Purchase Request Authorised Approver List” Tab • Press the drop down for global. • Press the drop down for Retail and Education (these are the Vesta companies) • Select the company you are working on.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 6. On the right-hand side, you will see the approvers and their levels. (These approvers and levels will come from the relating business head) 7. To add a new approver into the current list you would select New To Modify one of the approvers e.g change the approver, or the approvers approval limit you would select Modify.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 To remove on of the approver levels you would select Remove. 8. You now need to complete steps 5 – 7 under the tab “Purchase Request Cost Object Approver List” as well Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting No Change of approval flow for invoices should be actioned unless the request has come from the business Head.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 Change Policy on Concur on Invoice Capture Version Number 1.0 Section Concur Date of implementation 17/09/2022 Date of Last Review 17/09/2022 Process Scope Changing the policy on concur is very important, as this determines the approval flow of the invoices. The approval flow refers to the different levels of approval by the businesses for different invoices based on their total value. This should be one of the first selections to be changed in the processing of invoices. Process Steps 1. Log into Concur. 2. How to proxy into account. 3. *Note: Prior to selecting any of the data from the dropdowns, ensure that the policy has already been changed. Changing the policy clears the selections made in the following dropdowns: Business group, Ledger, Company/Initiative, Vat code, Tax ID and Department. Click on the invoice that you would like to open. Once opened, click on the Actions dropdown at the top left hand corner of the page.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 4. Hover over Change Policy and then click on *R&E Jonas Group Payment Request Policy. 5. You will then notice that the policy has changed as highlighted below.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 Changing or Removing a User Assigned to a Vendor Account Version Number 1.0 Section Concur Date of implementation 17/09/2022 Date of Last Review 17/09/2022 Process Scope This feature is used to update the assigned users to vendor accounts. Process Steps 1. Log into concur 2. Select the ‘Invoice’ – ‘Supplier/Vendor Manager’ The below screen will appear 3. Select the ‘Supplier/Vendor mapping list’.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 The below screen will appear 4. Search for the vendor by using any of the suitable search options. Once you have entered data into the search block select the look up glass. The lines that relate to this search option will appear 5. Select the line that you want to make changes to by ticketing the box next to the supplier’s name. The options of either assigning/removing a default invoice owner will appear. If you need to change the owner select Assign Default Owner and the below screen will appear. We would not use the remove default Invoice owner as there always needs to be a default owner on each Vendor account.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 Select the search field you want to use 6. Populate data in ‘starts with’ and select the looking glass and select the profile you want to assign this vendor to and click assign Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 Check Audit Trail on Expense Version Number 1.0 Section Concur Date of implementation 17/09/2022 Date of Last Review 17/09/2022 Process Scope This process allows you to see who has approved the expense and if there have been any issues where the expense has been sent back to the individual to amend etc. Process Steps 1. Log into Concur 2. Click on Expense 3. Click on Process Reports 4. Click on Run query & then click Reports Ready for Processing

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 5. Click on Employee Name, this will put the list in alphabetical order by surname. This allows you to check that employees are not submitting multiple claims within one month. (Employees should only submit 1 personal expense and 1 credit card statement claim per month. Unless a personal expense is requested by the business to be paid urgently) Click on the expense you want to review 6. When the expense report opens, Click on Details and Select Audit Trail

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 This screen will pop up and will show when it was approved and who approved it. Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 Check Audit Trail on Invoice Version Number 1.0 Section Concur Date of implementation 17/09/2022 Date of Last Review 17/09/2022 Process Scope This process allows us to see who has submitted the invoice for approval, when it was approved by the business, who approved it once it came back under accounting review and the dates all these steps took place. Process Steps 1. Log into Concur 2. How to proxy into an account 3. This screen will open, click on Invoice

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 4. Next to view click on the drop-down arrow and select All My invoices, then you can search on the vendor’s name or invoice number as highlighted below, then click on Search. 5. Click on the invoice you want to check the audit trail on 6. This screen will open, Click on the arrow next to Details & select Audit

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 7. This screen will open once you have clicked on Audit Trail This screen will show who the invoice was submitted by who approved it from the business, any comments that have been made on the invoice. It will also show who did the final approval once received back in accounting review. Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 Create an Expense Claim Online Version Number 1.0 Section Concur Date of implementation 17/09/2022 Date of Last Review 17/09/2022 Process Scope This process is done in concur online and is used by employees to submit personal expenses and credit card claims. Process Steps 1. Log into Concur. 2. Select the Expense Tab. 3. Select Create New Claim or Create New Report.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 The screen below will appear. 4. Populate a claim name (Recommendation - Month and Year Claim is being created and Personal/Credit Card). This is limited to 30 characters including spaces. Claim Date – Leave as date populated by system. Do not make changes to the Interco Account, Initiative/ Brand Code and Department. This will cause issues with these expenses pulling through to the GP financial system.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 5. In the bottom right corner, a button called Create Claim needs to be selected. Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 Data That Needs to be Captured to Save any Changes in the Processing Stage Version Number 1.0 Section Concur Date of implementation 17/09/2022 Date of Last Review 17/09/2022 Process Scope When changing or adding any new information to the data capturing screen of the invoice for the first time, certain dropdown selections will have to be made according to the information supplied on the invoice for the system to allow any changes to be saved. If this is not the first time, you will notice that selections for the below dropdowns have already been made. In this case, double check this information is correct and then just save your changes/additions. Process Steps 1. Open the invoice – Opening an invoice in the capture screen 2. Make the change that is required to the data that has been captured from the invoice or add any additional information that is required. In this case, a comment has been added for the first time and therefore, the selections are blank. 3. To be able to save any changes you have made, select the correct option in each of the following dropdowns according to the invoice: a. Business Group: Always select (R&E) Retail and Education if not already selected

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 b. Ledger: Select the business that the invoice is for – (EPOS) in this case c. Company/Initiative: Select the business name again (36) EPOS d. Vat Code: Always select 1400-20-0-00 e. Tax ID: This is generally P-VAT 20% unless stated otherwise on the invoice

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 f. Department: Allocate to G&A (for now, unless the correct selection is known) g. Click ‘Save’ at the bottom left of the page. h. These selections/additions that have been made will then be saved and should reflect accordingly. Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 Deleting Documents Version Number 1.0 Section Concur Date of implementation 17/09/2022 Date of Last Review 17/09/2022 Process Scope We have the option to delete documents off concur if they are not meant to be there and cannot be processed. Process Steps 1. Log into Concur. 2. How to proxy into account. 3. Opening an invoice in the capture screen. 4. Click the Actions dropdown and then click on Delete invoice. 5. A little screen will pop up, click Yes to confirm and delete the document. ***A document can also be deleted from within the list view of all the invoices as shown below. 1a. Follow step 1 and 2 as above.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 2a. Select the invoice that you would like to delete by clicking in the little square box on the left of the invoice name and a tick mark should appear. Then click ‘delete’ at the top. (Make sure that you have only ticked the invoice that you would like to unassign) 3a. A little screen will pop up, click Yes to confirm and delete the document. Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting Documents that can be deleted includes but is not limited to documents that are: ➢ Not an invoice (e.g. a reminder letter, statement, quote) ➢ Duplicate invoice that has been processed and is already on GP

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 Export Invoice Data to Excel Version Number 1.0 Section Concur Date of implementation 17/09/2022 Date of Last Review 17/09/2022 Process Scope Exporting the invoice data from concur allows us to have an excel document that represents all the information visible from the list view of the invoices on concur. We can then edit, filter, comment on and make use of this data for any specific reason. Process Steps 1. Log into Concur – refer to Log into Concur. 2. Proxy into the ‘Group, Vesta S’ account in order to delegate from the Group rather than an individual user. Refer to How to Proxy into Account 3. Click on ‘Download as Excel’ in bottom right-hand corner of the page. 4. Once the excel document has finished downloading, click on ‘open file’ in the downloads pop up.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 5. The downloaded excel document will then automatically open as shown below. Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 Final Review a Credit Card Expense Claim Version Number 1.0 Section Concur Date of implementation 29/09/2022 Date of Last Review 29/09/2022 Process Scope This is the final review of a credit card claim before it is approved to go through the connector to Great Plains (GP) Process Steps 1. Log into Concur 2. Select Expense 3. Select Process Claims / Run Query / Reports Ready for Processing

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 4. Select the relevant claim 5. The Checks we need to do a) There is a zero-value line with the expense type “Credit Card Statement” with a copy of the credit card attached. b) The value of the claim matches the value of the credit card. c) There are receipts for the claims – if missing receipt there is a valid reason in the comment box 6. If any of the above checks are not able to be completed – this must be returned to the employee Click on Send Back to Employee, and provide a reason why you send it back 7. If all above checks are completed and we are happy with the claim we must select Approve – this allows the claim to be pushed through to Great Plains (GP) Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 Final Review of a Personal Expense Claim Version Number 1.0 Section Concur Date of implementation 29/09/2022 Date of Last Review 29/09/2022 Process Scope This process is the final stage that an expense claim is approved and submitted to GP for payment to the employee for the expenses they have paid. Process Steps 1. Log into Concur 2. Click on Expense 3. Click on Process Reports 4. Click on Run query & then click Reports Ready for Processing

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 5. Click on Employee Name so that it puts the list in alphabetical order , so you can see if there are multiple claims. (There should only be one claim per payment run, per employee) 6. Click on the expense you are going to review and then approve Example Below: This screen will open

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 7. Click on the first line item and the information for this expense will appear to the right and state where it has been allocated to and what it is for *NB .. Personal Car mileage won’t have a receipt as this is for the miles they are claiming You will need to click on each individual line item to check what the expense is, where it is being allocated to and check there is a receipt attached. Example below: Click on the receipt tab and it will open the receipt as below:

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 OR You can click on Receipts and select View receipts in new Window and it will open all the receipts in one document. With regards to Fuel, as below example. The total amount is for the receipt value, but the approved amount is £0.00. This is due to the employee claiming the miles travelled. Once you have checked each line item and the receipts match the amounts claimed, you can click on approve. (This is in the top right hand corner) Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting 1. We only approve expenses for the companies we deal with. You can see the company name under the initiative/brand column 2. If there is tax on the receipt but not claimed, check the city of purchase i.e.: something is purchased in Ireland there won’t be tax claimed. 3. If there are multiple expenses for an employee that are submitted around the same time, send these back and ask them to resubmit all in one claim.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 Finding Unassigned Section in Concur Version Number 1.0 Section Concur Date of implementation 17/09/2022 Date of Last Review 17/09/2022 Process Scope These are invoices that are not assigned to a Company and need to be assigned in order to be submitted to the business for approval. Process Steps 1. Log into Concur 2. Click on Invoice 3. This screen will open , click on Unassigned Invoices.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 4. This will show invoices that have not been assigned to any group / Company 5. Opening an invoice in the capture screen (Point 2 proxy into Group Vesta,S does not need to be followed) follow point 3 onwards. Example of invoice below: This is for EPOS – So needs to be assigned to the Group Vesta S Click on Assign – Top right-hand corner This pop-up screen will appear – type in Group Vesta S and then click on Assign *Only assign invoices for the companies we are working on. ie: PCI we do not process, so these will be left under unassigned Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 Hints and Tips of How to Identify CRB and CCR Education Supplier Invoices Version Number 1.0 Section Concur Date of implementation 17/09/2022 Date of Last Review 17/09/2022 Process Scope Invoices for CRB and CCR Education can often be addresses to the same company name, such as Cunninghams. However, CRB and CCR Education do not have the same address, which assists in determining which business the invoice is for. The highlighted words below are key hints in identifying the correct business. Process Steps 1. CCR Education would be selected if the address included ‘Headley Technology Park’ and/or ‘Birmingham’ 2. CCR Education is also referred to as: • Cunninghams Cash Registers Ltd • Cunninghams • CRB Cunninghams 3. CRB would be selected if the address included ‘Loanhead’ 4. CRB is also referred to as: • Cash Registers (Buccleuch) Ltd

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 • CRB Cunninghams • CRB Solutions Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 How to Proxy into an Account Version Number 1.0 Section Concur Date of implementation 17/09/2022 Date of Last Review 17/09/2022 Process Scope To access and process the invoices that are on concur for all the businesses, we are required to proxy into the Vesta Software account. Process Steps 1. Log into Concur. 2. Click on Profile in the top right-hand corner. 3. Click in the search area under acting as other user, type in ‘Group Vesta S’ and select Group, Vesta S, which should automatically pop up as highlighted below.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 4. Once selected, click on Start Session. 5. Click on Invoices to open and view a list of all unsubmitted invoices. Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 How to Review an Expense Claim for Final Review Version Number 1.0 Section Concur Date of implementation 17/09/2022 Date of Last Review 17/09/2022 Process Scope This process is the final stage that an expense claim is approved and submitted to GP so the employee can be paid as per the Finance Timetable. The claim has already been approved by the business and we need to check that the expenses claimed match the receipts included and that the VAT has been claimed correctly. Process Steps 1. Log into Concur 2. Click on Expense 3. Click on Process Reports 4. Click on Run query & then click Reports Ready for Processing

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 5. Click on the expense you are going to review and approve Example below “Expenses October” – Beechey Stephen – Company CCR Retail *NB … We only approve expenses for the companies we deal with you can see the company name under initative/brand* 6. Click on the expense and this screen will open

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 7. Click on the first line item and the information for this expense will appear to the right and state where it has been allocated to and what it is for *NB .. Personal Car mileage won’t have a receipt as this is for the miles they are claiming* You will need to click on each individual line item to check what the expense is, where it is being allocated to and check there is a receipt attached. Example below:

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 Click on the receipt tab and it will open the receipt as below OR You can click on Receipts and select View receipts in a new Window and it will open all the receipts in one document. *NB … with this claim for fuel you will see the amount is £25.01, but under approved the value is £0.00. This is because he is claiming the miles travelled*

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 Once you have checked each line item and the receipts match the amounts claimed and VAT is correct, you can click on Approve. *Additional Note* If there is VAT on the receipt but not claimed, check the City of Purchase ie: if something is purchased in Ireland there wont be VAT claimed. Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting • If you cannot view certain columns in concur, please contact to request an access change.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 How to Run the Invoice Capture Report for Ignored/Failed Invoices Version Number 1.0 Section Concur Date of implementation 17/09/2022 Date of Last Review 17/09/2022 Process Scope This process will show a user how to run the invoice capture report, this report will stipulate which invoices have been rejected or failed the capture process. Process Steps 1. Log into Concur 2. Click on Invoice and then Invoice Capture (highlighted below). 3. It will take you to the page below. Put in the dates you want to search from/to.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 4. Before you click search you want to go to Status dropdown and select FAILED then search. (You will do the same for IGNORED and REJECTED – see below). 5. After you’ve clicked on search FAILED, at the bottom right you will see ‘Send to Excel’. Click on it to export it to Excel.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 6. Change the status to IGNORED and click on Search. Export the report to Excel by clicking on Send to Excel as shown in Step 5. 7. Change the status to REJECTED and click on Search. Export the report to Excel by clicking on Send to Excel as shown in Step 5. 8. Then combine these three Excel reports into one Excel sheet and sent it to . This is done monthly, as per the finance timetable. Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 How to Search for an Invoice Number or Supplier on Concur Version Number 1.0 Section Concur Date of implementation 17/09/2022 Date of Last Review 17/09/2022 Process Scope This process is used to search to see if an invoice is in Concur or not and to see if it is a duplicate. You will need to have the supplier details or invoice number handy that you can use to search with. Process Steps 1. Log into Concur. 2. Click on Invoice. 3. Click on the arrow next to Processor and select Process Invoices. 4. This screen will open.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 5. Click on the arrow under the search pption and select how you want to search the supplier by name or invoice number. *We normally search on Invoice Name or the Invoice number. 6. Click on the dropdown next to the search option and select Contains. Example below: Dawson Rentals for Contronics It will bring up all the transactions that contain the name Dawson, see below You can then check if that specific invoice is in Concur or not. Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 Identifying PO Invoices in the System Version Number 1.0 Section Concur Date of implementation 17/09/2022 Date of Last Review 17/09/2022 Process Scope Purchase order (PO) invoices for some businesses are not processed on concur, they are processed manually in GP by the transactional team. These businesses include CCR Retail (CCRE)/ EPOS where it will have a PO + number. Process Steps 1. Log into Concur. 2. Proxy into the ‘Group, Vesta S’ account in order to delegate from the Group rather than an individual user. How to proxy into account. 3. Open the invoice – Refer to Opening an invoice in the capture screen 4. Add ‘PO Invoice to be added manually to GP’ to the comment section and this will be processed manually by someone in the team. ‘Adding comments to invoices’. Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting PO = Purchase Order

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 Import New Suppliers Version Number 1.0 Section Concur Date of implementation 29/09/2022 Date of Last Review 29/09/2022 Process Scope This process is used to add new suppliers to Concur, instead of waiting for the supplier details to pull through from GP. Process Steps 1. Log into Concur 2. Select Invoice 3. Select Vendor Manager 4. Select Import Vendors

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 5. Select Download Template 6. Fill in columns A, B, C, D, G, I, J, K, L, M, N, O of downloaded template and save. 7. Select the save file to upload by selecting Browse. 8. Once spreadsheet is uploaded – press Import. Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 Import Supplier Access Mapping Version Number 1.0 Section Concur Date of implementation 29/09/2022 Date of Last Review 29/09/2022 Process Scope This process is used to allocate suppliers to specific companies. Process Steps 1. Log into Concur 2. Select Invoice 3. Select Vendor Manager 4. Select Import Vendor Access Mapping 5. Download Template

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 6. Fill in columns A, B, C and M of downloaded template and save. 7. Select the save file to upload by selecting Browse. 8. Once spreadsheet is uploaded – press Import. Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 Incorrect Supplier selected – Change to Correct Supplier Version Number 1.0 Section Concur Date of implementation 29/09/2022 Date of Last Review 29/09/2022 Process Scope This process shows how to select the correct supplier, if the incorrect supplier has been selected. The following scenarios would require the below process of changing the supplier’s name: ➢ Completely wrong supplier name and company code ➢ Same/similar supplier name but wrong company code ➢ Wrong supplier name but correct company code Process Steps 1. Log into Concur 2. Proxy into the ‘Group, Vesta S’ account into order to act as Group, Vesta S – Refer to How to Proxy into Account 3. Open the invoice – Refer to ‘Opening an invoice in the capture screen’ 4. Click on ‘Change’ in order to change the vendor to the correct supplier, as per the invoice. Take note of the supplier name, as well as, the business (company code) that the invoice is addressed to.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 5. The below screen will pop up. For the search dropdowns, choose ‘vendor name’ in the first one and ‘contains’ in the second one. Then type in part/all of the supplier’s name in the next box and click on the magnifying glass to search. 6. Some of the businesses have the same suppliers and therefore it is important to select the supplier correctly according to who the invoice is addressed to by looking at the company code either in the vendor name or vendor code. In this case it is for Uniware, therefore, click on ‘British Gas Trading Limited (UNIW)’ and it will automatically be selected. 7. Once you have clicked on the correct supplier, this will pop up. Click ‘yes’

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 8. The vendor name and vendor ID has now been changed on concur as you can see under vendor information on the left hand side. However, the invoice name still has the previous name with the previous company code. To change this, use the vendor information from the left and type it in under ‘invoice name’ in the following format: Supplier name (Vendor ID – Company Code) – Invoice Number 9. Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting In orde to save the new invoice name, select the correct option in each dropdown according to the invoice: ➢ Ledger: Select the business that the invoice is for – ‘(UNIW) Uniware’ in this case ➢ Company/Initiative: Select the business name again (03) Uniware ➢ Vat Code: Always select 1400-20-0-00 ➢ Tax ID: This is generally P-VAT 20% unless stated otherwise on the invoice ➢ Department: Allocate to G&A (for now, unless the correct selection is known) Click ‘save’ at the bottom. Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 Log into Concur Version Number 1.0 Section Concur Date of implementation 17/09/2022 Date of Last Review 17/09/2022 Process Scope The below process note will explain how a user can log into our concur system. Process Steps 1. Go to Sign in to Concur | Concur Solutions 2. Enter your username/email address and select ‘next’.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 3. Enter your password and select ‘Sign In’ 4. This is the concur home page that will open once you have logged in. Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting Login access will need to be set up prior to log in.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 ‘New Vendor’ Supplier Selected – Change to Correct Supplier Version Number 1.0 Section Concur Date of implementation 17/09/2022 Date of Last Review 17/09/2022 Process Scope This process note will explain how a vendor can be changed at the invoice processing stage of concur. Process Steps 1. Log into Concur. 2. Proxy into the ‘Group, Vesta S’ account into order to act as Group, Vesta S – Refer to How to Proxy into Account 3. When ‘New Vendor’ has been selected as the supplier, this is what it will look like: ➢ In the list format ➢ Once opened

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 4. Open the invoice – Refer to Opening an invoice in the capture screen 5. Click on ‘Change’ in order to change the vendor to the correct supplier, as per the invoice. Take note of the supplier name, as well as, the business that the invoice is addressed to. 6. The below screen will pop up. For the search dropdowns, choose ‘vendor name’ in the first one and ‘contains’ in the second one. Then type in the supplier’s name in the next box and click on the magnifying glass to search. 7. Some of the businesses have the same suppliers and therefore it is important to select the supplier correctly according to who the invoice is addressed to by looking at the company code either in the vendor name or vendor code. In this case it is for CCR Education, therefore, click on the second one and it will automatically be selected.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 8. Once you have clicked on the correct supplier, this will pop up. Click yes. 9. The vendor name and vendor ID has now been changed on concur as you can see under vendor information on the left hand side. However, the invoice name still says NEW VENDOR. To change this, use the vendor information from the left and type it in under ‘invoice name’ in the following format: Supplier name (Vendor ID – Company Code) – Invoice Number 10. In order to save the new invoice name, select the correct option in each dropdown according to the invoice: ➢ Select the business that the invoice is for – ‘(CCR) CCR Education’ in this case ➢ Company/Initiative: Select the business name again (18) CCR Education ➢ Vat Code: Always select 1400-20-0-00 ➢ Tax ID: This is generally P-VAT 20% unless stated otherwise on the invoice ➢ Department: Allocate to G&A (for now, unless the correct selection is known) Click ‘save’ at the bottom. Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 Opening an Invoice in the Capture Screen Version Number 1.0 Section Concur Date of implementation 17/09/2022 Date of Last Review 17/09/2022 Process Scope This process explains how an invoice image can be opened in all stages of the invoice process. Process Steps 1. Log into Concur 2. How to proxy into account 3. This screen will open, click on Invoice 4. Click on the invoice name to open the data capturing screen of the invoice within concur.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 5. Open the actual invoice by clicking ‘view invoice’ at top right-hand corner of the page. 6. The invoice will pop up in a small separate window. Click the ‘pin’ symbol to pin the invoice down to the same window that is open. Once you have pinned the invoice down, your screen will look like this. Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 Raise a Support Query on Concur Version Number 1.0 Section Concur Date of implementation 17/09/2022 Date of Last Review 17/09/2022 Process Scope The below document will demonstrate how to raise a support query in the concur system. Process Steps 1. Log into concur 2. Click on help – and select contact support. 3. Select ‘Home’ – and create a case.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 4. Add a subject and give a description of the case or item you need assistance o 5. Select ‘Continue Creating a Case’. 6. Select your appropriate topic.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 7. Select ‘Case Type’. 8. Select ‘Urgency’, this is at our discretion.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 9. Select ‘Assistance needed with’. 10. If anyone internally needs to be copied into this case, you can add their email addresses in CC email fields

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 11. Select ‘Submit’. Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting If you do not have the option to select ‘Help’ send an email to with the required details and someone in the support team will raise this ticket on your behalf.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 Request a New Employee Concur Profile Version Number 1.0 Section Concur Date of implementation 29/09/2022 Date of Last Review 29/09/2022 Process Scope This process will demonstrate how to request a new employee concur profile. Process Steps 1. The Manager must complete a Vesta concur expense form. Expense Request Form Vesta (1).docx 2. Once complete this must be emailed to Vestaconcur <> Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting The expense for must be completed, signed and emailed in by the line manager.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 Selecting Expense Type in Data Capture Screen Version Number 1.0 Section Concur Date of implementation 17/09/2022 Date of Last Review 17/09/2022 Process Scope This process note will demonstrate how to select an expense type in the data capture screen. Process Steps 1. Log into Concur 2. Proxy into the ‘Group, Vesta S’ account to delegate from the Group rather than an individual user. Refer to How to Proxy into account 3. Open the invoice – Refer to Opening an Invoice in the Capture Screen 4. Change the policy – Refer to Change policy on concur on invoice capture 5. Complete the dropdown selections that are blank - Refer to step 3 of Data that needs to be captured to save any changes in the processing stage At this point, you will notice that the expense type under itemization summary is undefined.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 6. To select an expense type, tick the box of the line item that you would like to define and click ‘edit’. 7. Click the dropdown arrow under ‘expense type’, select the correct option by clicking on it within the list and then click ‘save’ at the bottom right-hand side of the page. There might be more than one line item that needs to be defined. Follow steps 6 and 7 to define each line item individually. 8. In some instances, each line item needs to be defined as the same expense type. To do these all at once, click in the box highlighted as shown below to tick it and select all line items at once and click ‘Edit’. Follow step 7 to select the expense type. Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 Submit an Expense Claim Version Number 1.0 Section Concur Date of implementation 05/10/2022 Date of Last Review 05/10/2022 Process Scope This process is used by employees to submit personal expenses and credit card claims, for expenses incurred that they need to be reimbursed. Process Steps 1. Log into Concur 2. Refer to Create an Expense claim online 3. Refer to Adding receipts to Expense Claim Online/on mobile app or Adding Credit card statements to Concur expenses 4. Once you have added all the expenses to the claim and all the receipts or comments (if no receipt is available a comment should be provided as to why) Click on Submit Report, example below: Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 Unassign an Invoice Version Number 1.0 Section Concur Date of implementation 17/09/2022 Date of Last Review 17/09/2022 Process Scope We have the option to unassign an invoice when it is an invoice for a business that we do not cover or process invoices for. Double check which company the invoice is for on the actual invoice, as the data captured may be incorrect and unassign where necessary. Process Steps 1. Log into Concur 2. Proxy into the ‘Group, Vesta S’ account to delegate from the Group rather than an individual user. Refer to How to Proxy into account 3. Open the invoice – Refer to Opening an Invoice in the Capture Screen 4. Click on the ‘Actions’ dropdown at the top left-hand side of the page and then click ‘unassign’.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 5. Add the name of the business the invoice is for in the comment section provided and then click ‘Ok’. This invoice will be removed from our list of unsubmitted invoices. *An invoice can also be unassigned from within the list view of all the invoices as shown below* 1. Log into Concur 2. Proxy into the ‘Group, Vesta S’ account to delegate from the Group rather than an individual user. Refer to How to Proxy into account 3. Select the invoice that you would like to unassign by clicking in the little square box on the left of the invoice name and a tick mark should appear. Then click ‘unassign’ at the top. (Make sure that you have only ticked the invoice that you would like to unassign) 4. Add the name of the business the invoice is for in the comment section provided and then click ‘Unassign’ Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 Updating Mileage Rates Version Number 1.0 Section Concur Date of implementation 29/09/2022 Date of Last Review 29/09/2022 Process Scope This process shows how we update the mileage rates for mileage expense claims. Process Steps 1. Log into Concur 2. Select Administration – Expense – Expense Admin 3. Select Car Configuration (on the left-hand side)

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 4. Select the company Policy you would like to update and select Modify 5. Select Rates

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 6. Manually update the exchange rate 7. Select Done and move onto the next company policy you would like to amend. Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 View Comments Added to Invoices Version Number 1.0 Section Concur Date of implementation 17/09/2022 Date of Last Review 17/09/2022 Process Scope This document will demonstrate how to view any comments made on an invoice in the concur system. Process Steps 1. Log into Concur 2. Select ‘Invoice’. 3. Click on the arrow next to ‘Processor’ and select Process Invoices. 4. This below screen will appear.

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Vesta Software Group – Finance Process Note Manual Last Amendment Date: 03/11/2022 5. Search for specific invoice – How to search for an invoice number or supplier on concur Example Below: Dawson Click on Search, it will bring up invoices with anything that contains Dawson Select the invoice you are looking for by clicking on it. 6. Click on Details & then Comments This message box will open up and you can see any comments made on this invoice and when they where made and by who they were made. Tips, Tricks and Troubleshooting