Page1 THE CONSTITUTION CONCORDIA EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH OF WILMINGTON DELAWARE PREAMBLE Whereas the Word of God demands that a Christian Congregation not only conform to the Word of God in doctrine and practice (Psalm 119: 105; Galatians 1:6-8; 2 Timothy 4: 1 -5) but also that all things be done decently and in order (1 Corinthians 14:40); therefore, we, the members of Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church of Wilmington Delaware, set forth by this present document, signed by ourselves, the Constitution and the By-Laws in accordance with which our congregational affairs, spiritual and material, shall be conducted. ARTICLE I - NAME Section 1 The name of this Congregation shall be Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church of Wilmington Delaware. Section 2 This Congregation shall be incorporated in the State of Delaware. Section 3 The Corporate Trustees shall constitute the officers of this Congregation. ARTICLE II – SYNOD MEMBERSHIP This congregation shall be a member of the LUTHERAN CHURCH—MISSOURI SYNOD (LC-MS) and the District in which it is geographically located, so long as the confessions and constitution of said Synod and District are in accord with the confession and constitution of this congregation. It shall be the privilege and responsibility of this congregation and its individual members to support the work of Synod and the District and to send appropriate representatives from the congregation to the District conventions of the Synod. ARTICLE III - PURPOSE The purpose of this Congregation shall be that of a religious organization; more specifically, that of a Christian Congregation, established and maintained for the express purpose as a congregation to: Tell others of God's love in Christ (Witness). Serve others as Christ served us (Service). Keep each other strong in the faith (Nurture).
Page2 Rejoice with one another over Christ's meaning in our lives and offer praise to God for His goodness (Celebration, Worship). Manage, both as individuals and as a group, our lives and resources in such a way that we serve God's purpose for us (Stewardship). Care for and serve one another as we share our gifts (Fellowship). ARTICLE IV - CONFESSIONAL STANDARD This Congregation acknowledges and accepts all the canonical books of the Old and New Testament as the revealed Word of God, verbally inspired, and acknowledges and accepts all the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, contained in the Book of Concord 1580, to be a true and genuine exposition of the doctrine of the Bible. These Symbolical Books are: the three Ecumenical Creeds (the Apostolic, the Nicene, and the Athanasian), the Unaltered Augsburg Confession, the Apology of the same, the Smallcald Articles, the Power and Primacy of the Pope, Luther's Large and Small Catechism and the Formula of Concord. This congregation, as a member of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LC-MS), subscribes to the Biblical guidance and related policies issued from time to time by the governing body of the LC-MS. ARTICLE V - MEMBERSHIP The membership of this Congregation shall consist of: A. Baptized Members The baptized membership shall comprise all persons, including children, who are baptized in the name of the Triune God, and for whose spiritual well-being the Congregation has assumed direct responsibility. B. Communicant Members The communicant membership shall include all baptized members who: l. believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior; 2. accept all the canonical books of the Old Testament and the New Testament as the only divine Word and standard of faith and life; 3. are acquainted with and declare their acceptance of Luther's Small Catechism; 4. lead a Christian life and abstain from manifest works of the flesh (Gal. 5:19-26); 5. attend divine service and partake faithfully of the Lord's Supper;
Page3 6. submit, for the sake of love and peace, to the ordinances of the Congregation, provided they do not conflict with the Word of God, and accept brotherly admonition when having erred or offended; 7. do not support nor adhere to any organization whose teachings or practices conflict with the Word of God; 8. have been received into communicant membership in accordance with the By-Laws. Only communicant members may hold elected office or vote. ARTICLE VI - OFFICERS, BOARDS, AND COMMITTEES The congregation, acting as a body, may establish all offices, boards, and committees as needed. The identity and duties of those various boards and committees may be found in the By-Laws of this congregation. ARTICLE VII - PROPERTY RIGHTS OF CONGREGATION This Congregation may receive, acquire, hold title to, and manage such real estate and other property as it may need to accomplish said purpose and may sell or dispose of such real estate and other property or any part thereof; and this Congregation shall have all the rights and powers that are granted by the laws of the state of Delaware to religious organizations. ARTICLE VIII - POWERS AND RIGHTS The Communicant Members acting as a body shall represent the Congregation and have full and final authority to act in the administration of all congregational affairs, except as provided in this article. The Communicant Members shall never enact or decide anything contrary to the Word of God and the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church; and all actions or enactments contrary to Article IV of the Constitution shall be null and void. ARTICLE IX – PASTORS AND SERVANTS Only such Pastors and servants shall be called by this Congregation as are in accord with the confessional standards of this Congregation (Article IV), and as have been prepared and are qualified for their work. The right of the calling or dismissing of pastors and servants shall be vested in the Communicant Members and shall never be delegated to a smaller body or to an individual. Reasons for dismissing a pastor or servant shall be: Persistent adherence to false teaching, an ungodly life, unfaithfulness or inability in reference to the performance of duties. For the election or dismissal of pastors and servants, an eighty percent (80%) majority vote of the meeting is required. Only males shall be called to be Pastor of this Congregation.
Page4 ARTICLE X- BY-LAWS This Congregation may adopt such By-Laws as the accomplishment of the purpose of its organization may demand. ARTICLE XI - AMENDMENTS Amendments to this Constitution require three steps as follows: l. Amendments must be proposed in writing by the President at a regular meeting of the Communicant Members. The Amendments will be submitted by the President and discussed by voting members present. 2. Proposed Amendments shall be voted on at the next regular meeting of the Communicant Members. Adoption of an Amendment requires approval by at least two-thirds of the voting members present at this meeting with the exception of amending Article VIII, which requires 80%. 3. Approved Amendments shall be presented to the district of the Lutheran Church --Missouri synod to which it belongs for approval. Upon receipt of written approval from the district, the Amendments will become effective and will become a part of this Constitution.