Photo courtesy of Harp AcresTaking on tomorrow, together.At AgWest, we’ve been helping producers getstarted in agriculture for over a century. We offer specialized financing and educational support to give you the best possible opportunity to succeed. Contact your local branchor visit AgWestFC.comto learn more.This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.CSA GuideCSA GuideDistribution List by County:2024 Fresh From The Farm GuideHarp AcresJanelle HarpDistribution Area Grays Harbor, Mason, Thurston(360) 346-0241harpacres08@gmail.comSpring/Summer, Fall/WinterPricing Shares start at $15.Pick-Up/Delivery City-Wide Neighborhood Drop Sites, Farm Pick-Up, Farmers Market Pick-Up, Home DeliverySky Island FarmBil Thorn & Kate Harwell(360)!"#$%&'($)(*+,(-.$/-&0-1'!"#$%&'#"()"&*)+,-$&*./%We run Grays Harbor’s longest running & largest CSA with home delivery!! We are going on our 6th year as a CSA! Our reach goes beyond Grays Harbor & as far as Tacoma/Seattle where we sell to stores, restaurants, food banks & aid organizations. We believe it is important to support your local farmers! When you support us, we get to give back in so many ways like eld trips for kids out to the farm, participation in school gardens, & volunteer/intern opportunities!Pick-Up/Delivery Home Delivery11
23#4"$%#3563Harp AcresSky Island Farm789:"Coee Creek Community & GardensGreen Gardens Farm & ConsultationLady MacDonald's Gourmet FoodsSeedpod Farm;#"6<Farm at Water's EdgeHungry Hollow FarmRiverbird FarmSkokomish Valley Farms=%>3"=6<Cedar Flats Flower FarmCedar Slope FarmCommon Ground CSACosmic Turtle FarmDancing Goat & Singing Chicken Organic FarmDelphi Flower FarmEndicott Ranch Helsing Junction FarmHere to There FarmKingsher Organic FarmLadyberry ProduceLittle Big FarmLittle Lupine FarmLost Peacock CreameryPermaculture Rising Nursery CooperativePrairie Oak FarmRising River FarmRoot Digger Herb FarmThe Evergreen State College Organic FarmTracking Y RanchCSA Quick Reference Distribution List By County:Coee Creek Community & GardensMokey SkinnerDistribution Area Lewis, Thurston, Pierce, King(360) community-supported-agriculture.phpYear-round Egg Subscriptions (weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly options) & monthly Meat CSA (2 sizes available), and/or Veggie CSA-a weekly box of seasonal vegetables, herbs, fruits, & berries (2 sizes). Customized oerings & share sizes with plenty of add-ons available to suit your needs & desires.Pricing Pricing varies with add-ons. Please call, text, or email today!Pick-Up/Delivery Farm Pick-Up, Home Delivery, Retail LocationsGreen Gardens Farm & ConsultationAlliyah & Andrew Perry Distribution Area Lewis, Kitsap, Mason, Pierce, Thurston, King(253)*1?@$"@1- @$!"# $ABACWe oer a unique CSA option. It’s a plant start CSA! You will get amazing edible heirloom starts to plant in your garden. The rst round you will get to grow when it’s still cold & a little frosty like onions & brassicas. The second round will be your main drop-o with tomatoes, edible owers, & much more. The third round will be plant starts that like it hot such as peppers. The best part about our CSA is that YOU get to pick what you want to grow.Pricing Varies from $20-$90.Pick-Up/Delivery City-Wide Neighborhood Drop Sites, Farmers Market Pick-Up, Home Delivery, Retail Locations, Farm + Flourish0123%&*)+,-$&*./%*./%&$$DE&?@+?F(GHLady MacDonald’s Gourmet FoodsHeidi MacDonaldDistribution Area Cowlitz, Lewis, Pacic, Pierce, Thurston(503) 791-1915ladymacdonaldsgourmetfoods@gmail.comladymacdonaldsgourmetfoods.comAvailable year-round. A variety of products & sizes are available. Custom-grown to order. Choose a delivery schedule of every 2 or 4 weeks.Pricing Based on order.Pick-Up/Delivery Farm Pick-Up, Home Delivery, Retail LocationsSeedpod FarmAdam & Julie GullettDistribution Area Lewis(360)"(-,1?@$"I1-($!"#Our CSA oers a unique experience that provides connection & community while learning to grow food for yourself & your family. You’re supporting weekly donations made to low-income seniors who struggle to access fresh veggies. You’ll grow food for yourself, connect to where your food comes from, watch the progress of plants you start from seed, & learn what it takes to put food on the table. Take home a weekly share of fresh, naturally grown vegetables. Be of service to your neighbors by helping to prepare food to donate weekly. Have fun, breathe some fresh air, & dig in the dirt! Limited shares are available. First-come, rst-served basis. You’ll love being part of the Seedpod Farm-ily!Pricing TBDPick-Up/Delivery Farm Pick-Up360-754-6894! "#$%!&' (!)*+',--+%'.'#"!+$#$-&!/''.'0*,!& '.',/1#*&23 "**• Wholesale • Bakery Share Program• Sales by Special OrderJen Ownbeyjen@8armsbakery.comwww.8armsbakery.com12 !"##$% &'( )*+#, *%-'+$ .'/"+0
CSA Guide (continued)Farm at Water’s EdgeHood Canal Salmon Enhancement GroupDistribution Area Mason, Kitsap(360) Farm at Water’s Edge CSA includes a diverse array of vegetables, berries, herbs, & even owers. In an eort to connect members with the farm & their food, we include a newsletter with notes on the growing season, recipes, & cooking tips for each item. We oer our CSA via a one-time, sliding-scale donation. Please see our website for details, updates, & to sign up.Pricing Sliding ScalePick-Up/Delivery Farm Pick-UpHungry Hollow FarmGrant JonesDistribution Area Masongrant@hungryhollowfarm.comhungryhollowfarm.com15-week Summer Veggie SharePricing $25/weekPick-Up/Delivery Farm Pick-Up4#%),&*)+,-$&*./%56+"%-),&*)+,-$&*./%Cedar Flats Flower FarmValerie GerritsDistribution Area Thurston(509)"J-+?0$5&FKF(@$"FLME-+J@+&?N$$May - June (Ranunculus & other spring blooms), "F''(-$5&FKF(@$"FLME-+J@+&?N$$July - September (Dahlias, Zinnias, & more!)Pricing $90-$180Pick-Up/Delivery Farm Pick-UpCedar Slope FarmMcKennae McColm & Rory LenehanDistribution Area Thurstoncedarslopefarm@gmail.comcedar-slope-farm.square.siteSummer Flower CSA, small & large shares available.Pricing $100+Pick-Up/Delivery Farm Pick-Up, Home DeliverySkokomish Valley FarmsDistribution Area Mason, Thurstonfarmer@skokomishvalleyfarms.comskokomishvalleyfarms.comThe CSA will provide you a variety of seasonal fresh vegetables each week for 20 weeks from the beginning of June through mid-October. We oer a one size share of 6-8 items. You can expect to nd old standbys (what would summer be without tomatoes & basil?) & new favorites (shishitos, anyone?) in your share, but the best part is that we grow varieties that you won’t nd in the local grocery store & we pick the vegetables for you at the peak of their season. You can also sign up for an egg add-on: a dozen organic, pasture-raised eggs. Eggs will be delivered with your CSA share during the season.Pricing $600Pick-Up/Delivery Farm Pick-Up, Farmers Market Pick-Up, Home DeliveryRiverbird FarmJosephine Perez, William Smythe, Maia Erickson, Henry SchmidtDistribution Area Mason, Thurston,,(-L+-G$O1-'$!"#Riverbird CSA members receive delicious pasture-raised chicken on a weekly or bi-weekly basis from May to October. For 2024, we oer pick-up locations in Olympia & Tacoma. The following prices are for our Whole Chicken CSA shares. We also oer Parted Chicken shares for an additional butchering cost.Pricing Full Share (1 chicken/week): $780, Half Share (1 chicken every other week): $390Pick-Up/Delivery City-Wide Neighborhood Drop Sites, Farm Pick-Up, Farmers Market Pick-UpPhoto courtesy of Riverbird FarmBANK OUTSIDE THE ORDINARY.We’re not like other banks. We put you rst, and we help make your ideas happen. Learn more and connect with a banker near you at Equal Housing Lender | Member FDICPhoto courtesy of Hungry Hollow Farm13
!"#$%&$''()*+$'*+,%(&*-.'*.'+/-."')-*0%%1)*%(*-.'*2/+('-3**!"#$"%%&$ '()%*'% &$'+,)"%*-,.%/-'0".'1"2% 3(*$,*,'(.%4'')5%6($%&$')(7*.%8$"%9$'/3%/,*-%'$983,7%.',0%:%."").%83)%/,*-'(*%&".*,7,)".%'$%4"$*,0,;"$5Urban Farmed MicrogreensDelivered routinely to homes, offices, restaurants… anywhere high quality, delicious, nutritious food is served.ladymacdonaldsgourmetfoods.com503-791-1915CENTRALIA, WACALL US OR ORDER ONLINE Common Ground CSATierney Creech & Julie PuhichDistribution Area Thurston(425) farm has a 35-year history of providing CSA shares to the Olympia community. We pride ourselves on providing the freshest vegetables you can get in a quantity that satises an active cook who loves vegetables! CSA is all we do, meaning you are buying a true share of the vegetables we grow.Pricing All prices are sliding scale.Pick-Up/Delivery City-Wide Neighborhood Drop Sites, Farm Pick-UpCosmic Turtle FarmTom Wood Wiseman & Alissa WisemanDistribution Area Thurston(360) microgreens-csa/=F-@*($!*FL$;+E-&0-((?M$!"#A bi-weekly CSA delivery alternating two kinds of microgreens (sunower shoots, radish, pea shoots, & spicy salad mix) every two weeks. When we have a special microgreen we will send an email update with the latest information. Please note, we grow to order so depending on the time you sign up it could be 7-10 days for delivery. Once you sign up, we will reach out & let you know when to expect your rst delivery.Pick-Up/Delivery Home Delivery, Retail LocationsDancing Goats & Singing Chickens Organic FarmFarmer AyubDistribution Area Thurstonayub98516@gmail.comSummer shares will be available soon. Stay tuned to our social media channels for updates.Pricing $100Pick-Up/Delivery Farm Pick-UpDelphi Flower FarmSheilah Cannon & Aleena BurnellDistribution Area Thurston(860) 214-5026delphiowerfarm@gmail.comdelphi-ower-farm.square.siteMonthly Flower Bouquet CSA that runs 4 weeks each month in June, July, August, & September.Pricing $100 per monthPick-Up/Delivery Farm Pick-Up, Home DeliveryEndicott RanchPamela DaudetDistribution Area Thurston(360) 754-4908blkcws@yahoo.comWe are exible. Deposits are taken in advance. Please contact us anytime. Cattle will be sold by late summer. We sell as little as a quarter of a quarter to a whole animal.Pricing Price varies on amount purchased.Pick-Up/Delivery Farm Pick-Up, Home DeliveryHelsing Junction FarmJessica Armstrong & Angie CampDistribution Area Thurston, King, Pierce, Mason, Grays Harbor(360)*M+?0$PF ?E@+&?$O1-'$!"#Helsing Junction Farm is certied organic & provides a variety of CSA shares with home delivery & pick-up sites in Seattle, Olympia, & the WA coast from June - November. We partner with local producers to provide additional shares of hand-crafted cheeses, yogurt, mushrooms, tree-ripened fruits, & Olykrauts.Pricing $350-$1000Pick-Up/Delivery City-Wide Neighborhood Drop Sites, Farm Pick-Up, Home DeliveryHere to There FarmKristen MaringDistribution Area Thurston(509) 592-3584heretotherefarm@gmail.com56+"%-),&*)+,-$&*./%&$$DE&?@+?F(GHPhoto courtesy of Delphi Flower Farm14 Protecting Farmland ForeverCommunity Farm Land Trust
CSA Guide (continued)2024 Fresh From The Farm Guideheretotherefarm.comSpring ower shares & summer ower shares available or you could opt for both!Pricing $100-200 depending on share option.Pick-Up/Delivery Retail Locations, NE Olympia dropKingsher Organic FarmJacob Wilson & Teva GrudinDistribution Area Thurston(360) 515-1355kingsherorganicfarm@gmail.comkingsherorganic.com20-week summer share, 8-week fall share. Regular & large shares available.Pricing Check website for current pricing.Pick-Up/Delivery City-Wide Neighborhood Drop Sites, Farm Pick-UpLadyberry ProduceEvan BerryDistribution Area Thurston(360) 810-4001ladyberryproduce@gmail.comSummer CSA runs 22 weeks (June through October) with half & full shares available. Fall CSA runs for 8 weeks (November through December). Ladyberry is a truly community-supported, direct-sales farm. Our CSA is where the vegetables go rst, before our farm store or wholesale to restaurants. Vegetables are harvested within a day of pick-up, by usually no more than a two- or three-person crew!Pick-Up/Delivery Farm Pick-UpLittle Big FarmMaya Wood & Phelan PaganoDistribution Area Thurston, King(360) salad-centric CSA featuring seasonal produce. 20 weeks of farmer-curated produce boxes available for pickup at community drop sites in Olympia & Seattle. Share in our abundance & eat seasonally with us.Pick-Up/Delivery City-Wide Neighborhood Drop Sites, Retail LocationsLittle Lupine FarmKiana & Ryan SinnerDistribution Area Thurston(360) 304-1031kianasinner@gmail.comlittlelupine.comSummer share, large & small shares available for 15-weeks; ower & egg add-ons available.Pricing $280Pick-Up/Delivery City-Wide Neighborhood Drop Sites, Farm Pick-Up, Pick-up available in Rochester & OlympiaLost Peacock CreameryMatthew & Rachael Tuller(360) 280-6730hello@lostpeacock.comlostpeacock.comIt is a rotating carousel of all our fan favorites, plus special made just for you cheese & yes, oh yes, yogurt. When you join the CSA you get access to our wholesale prices which means more products for less money. As always, every product we produce is made with milk from our goats. Pay in full at the time of signing up. You can sign-up online through our secure payment processing.Pricing VariablePick-Up/Delivery Farm Pick-UpPermaculture RisingMarisha Auerbach Distribution Area Grays Harbor, Thurston, Lewis, Mason, Pierce, Clark, King, Cowlitz, Skamania, Multnomah County, Oregon(503) 454-6656marisha@fertileground.orgpermaculturerising.comI oer plant packages with various themes to help gardeners expand the diversity of their landscape. Pre-order by email. Packages are posted on the website. Pick-up is in April or May.Pricing $60-$130Pick-Up/Delivery Farm Pick-UpPrairie Oak FarmJoy NguyenDistribution Area Thurston(214) 215-0758prairieoakfarm@gmail.comprairieoakfarm.netPlease check the website for availability.Pick-Up/Delivery Farm Pick-UpPhoto courtesy of Little Lupine
56+"%-),&*)+,-$&&*./%&$$DE&?@+?F(GHRising River FarmJennifer Belknap & Jim McGinnDistribution Area Thurston(360) 273-5368info@risingriverfarm.comrisingriverfarm.comOur CSA oers members a wide variety of familiar, well-loved, & easy to use veggies & culinary herbs. The season runs from early July through mid-October. We oer summer & fall shares, as well as large & small shares. Choose from one of the many convenient pick-up locations from Rochester to Olympia. See our website for more information.Pricing Please visit our website for current pricing.Pick-Up/Delivery City-Wide Neighborhood Drop Sites, Farm Pick-Up, Farmers Market Pick-UpRoot Digger Herb FarmBenjamin AshDistribution Area Thurston, Kingrootdiggerherbfarm@gmail.comrootdiggerherbfarm.comWe oer a monthly, sliding scale herbal CSA paired with herbal proles (mostly) written by local herbalists to inform & delight the herbal curious & dedicated medicine makers alike.Pricing Sliding scalePick-Up/Delivery Farm Pick-Up, Farmers Market Pick-Up, Retail LocationsThe Evergreen State College Organic FarmBeth Leimbach, Farm ManagerDistribution Area Thurston(360) CSA July through 1st week of November.Pricing Call or email for current prices.Pick-Up/Delivery Farm Pick-UpPhoto courtesy of Root Digger FarmBuy a CSA and receive the freshest food available. Many farms harvest the same day.You can't get food any fresher unless you grow it yourself!Wood Fired Bakery & Millwild fermented bread, pastry & freshly milled washington grown organic flour www.bakerpotter.comfi nd us at the olympia farmers market every saturdayTracking Y RanchJake & April YanceyDistribution Area Thurston, Lewis, Mason, Grays Harbor(360) 561-4083trackingyranch@gmail.comtrackingyranch.comWe oer up to two beef harvest seasons each year, early summer, & late fall.Pricing Varies. Request a current brochure with pricing.Pick-Up/Delivery Farm Pick-Up, Home DeliveryProtecting Farmland ForeverCommunity Farm Land Trust16
communityfarmlandtrust.orgWHAT IS WHAT IS A FOOD A FOOD HUB?HUB?South Sound FreshPaul Miller461 N Sweetgrass LnShelton 98584(360)"$'1."$%-)+2.1/,"!*,)""-#*+32'4,*!2/!"# southsoundfreshOpen year-roundThursdays 1 - 7pmSouth Sound Fresh is an online marketplaceof locally grown & produced food. Our marketplace delivers fresh, healthy, locally grown & produced food to you, the buyer, in a cost-eective manner on a weekly basis. Our weekly ordering period is from Friday morning through Tuesday at midnight. We get pick lists out to farms & producers on Wednesday for them to harvest (or bake or make). Then we collect everything & deliver it to your door-step with no-contact delivery on Thursday from 1 - 7pm. We’re growing & so is our product list. Check the website weekly for new items! We also have a pickup option at our aggregation location: 4419 Harrison Ave NW, Olympia WA.Credit/Debit, Online SalesSouthwest Washington Food HubAnnie Salafsky7249 Cleanwater DrTumwater 98501(360)*)""-1$6/!"# SWWAFoodHub swwafoodhubOpen year-round Wednesdays –times vary depending on pick-up site.Southwest Washington Food Hub is a farmer-owned cooperative that markets & distributes products from its member farms. Currently, the Hub is selling wholesale to schools & restaurants, oering seasonal multi-farm produce boxes year round & a workplace wellness program.Credit/Debit, Online Sales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hoto courtesy of Sky Island FarmRegional Food Hubs!"#$% &'( )#*$+)%,-+#./0 )'/%1''2%3(4 %5$54$6+%./78(2$ %96'2(7$%:-65$6+;%:6(.);%<'*$6;%-/2%5.76'06 $$/%06'*$6+;%5$-)%-/2%$00%9 6'2(7$6+;%-/2%5'6$=%"#.+%2.>$6+$%06'(9%':%+5-88 %:-65$6+%96'>.2$+%-%8')%':%> -6 .$)?%:'6% '(6%*#'8$+-8$%-77'( /)+%-/2%'(6%7'/+(5$6@2.6$7)%A(8).@1-65%B 6'2(7$%C'D$+%-/2%,'6E98-7$%,$88/$++%1-65 +#-6$+=%"#$%3( 4F+%96'2(7$%4'D$ +%7-/%-88%4$%7 (+)'5.G $2;%*#.7#%5-E$+%4$./0%-%9- 6) %':%'(6%4'D%96'06-5+%8.E$%-%>.6)(-8%)6.9%)'%)#$%:-65$6+F%5-6E$)=!!"#$$%&"'()(*+,-."'/"/#"0112"345HI%'()% ':%JJJ%KHLM N%%:-65+%./%)#.+%0(.2 $%9-6).7.9-)$%./%'(6%6$0.'/-8%:''2%#(4+O% %%600708"2(9(.":;:<=Dig This...17