WORK?HOW DOES E-VOTINGTo vote electronically, be sure theperson listed first on the deed ofsale has a current, regularly-checked email on file with theAssociation. To maintain electionintegrity, this will be the primaryemail address that receivesinstructions on how to vote on thesecured WAL voting website.
NEXTSTEPSStep 1: When you receive an email inviting you to vote, clickon the link that is provided in your email invitation. Step 2: Your unique personal registration code will beprefilled. Click “Next.” Confirm the number of your unit(s) thatwill be counted. If this is incorrect, please send an email to:watergateatlandmark@ivotehoa.com. Step 3: To constitute your electronic signature, fill out theinformation on “Register to Vote”. DO NOT lose the passwordyou established. Click ‘Set Account Information.' 123Step 4: Read the ballot instructions and choices thoroughly.Once your vote is submitted, it is final and cannot bechanged. Make your choices on the electronic ballot and click“Submit.” Select logout and close the browser.4
Input your information below:NameEmailCreate a Secure Password.EMAILVIEWHOW TOREGISTER TO VOTE ELECTRONICALLYEnter your registration code, provided by Vote HOA Now.If you do not receive an email with a registration code from VoteHOA now, visit:https://watergateatlandmark.ivotehoa.com/register**DO NOT LOSE THIS EMAILIf you have an email on file with WAL, youwill receive an email inviting you to voteon the secured WAL voting website.
HOW TO VOTEFOR A BOARD CANDIDATEClick on the blue text “CLICK HERE”Once you use a registrationcode, it can not be use again.Sample Ballot
CREATE YOUR ACCOUNTFOR ELECTRONIC SIGNATUREA prefilled code should show up on the“Create Your Account” page. ENTER INFORMATIONBylaws state that an electonic signature isrequired.
CONFIRMATIONACCOUNT Once you create an account with Vote HOANOW, an email will be sent confirming youraccount.A link in this email allows you directaccess to your WAL voting ballot.
VOTING SITE LINKYour Account/Unit Information will belocated at the top left corner.NameAccount #Unit #Voting Weight (1 vote per unit)ELECTRONIC BALLOTOnce you create an account, you will beable to obtain your electronic ballot. Click the Blue Button to access a PDFSample Voting Pamphlet
SAMPLE VOTINGPAMPHLETWhat to expect ina samplepamphletCandidate Bio andStatementsAnnual Meeting NoticeAgendaBudget, Finances...etc