"Building Bridges, Creating Community:Connecting Hearts Since 1959"communicare.org.nzSEASONS Reaching out to the community to provide inclusiveness Spring 2024
Centres open from 9:30 am to 12:30 pmunless stated- Ph 09 631 5968 to book afree visit Please phone the office tobook your first free visit. Ph09 631 5968 or emailoffice@communicare.org.nzFRIENDSHIPGROUPSMonday TuesdayWednesdayThursdayMt RoskillSt Davids in the Field 202 Hillsborough Rd Glen EdenGlen EdenCommunity and RecreationCentre, 44 Glendale Road PukekohePlunket Building cnr Edinburgh &Wesley StPakuranga Te Tuhi21 William RobertsRoad, Blockhouse Bay Baptist Church Hall 504 Blockhouse BayRoadHillsborough St David’s-in-the-Fields 202 Hillsborough Road9:30 to 2:30pmPanmureSt Matthias AnglicanChurch Hall 5 Thompson Road*Open SchoolHolidays*PapakuraBaptist Church Hall 44 Clevedon RoadEpsom- TotalMobilityAssessments Jack DickeyCommunity Hall- 174 Green Lane WestBooking Essential nowalk ins HendersonSturges WestCommunity 58 Summerland DrivePapatoetoe Methodist ChurchHall39 Kolmar Road(Entrance WentworthAve)*Open SchoolHolidays*HowickAll Saints Community Centre30 Cook Street ManukauFriendship House20 Putney Way*Open SchoolHolidays*MasseyMassey CommunityHub385 Don Buck RoadRemueraSt Marks Parish Hall 95 Remuera RoadLooking for a fun and rewarding way to support your community? Consider sponsoring a Friendship Group! Whether you're a business or an individual looking to make apositive impact, sponsoring a Friendship Group can be a fantastic opportunity to give back. Not only will you be supporting a valuable cause, but you'll also be fostering connections and spreadingjoy within your community. Reach out to us today to learn more about how you can get involved andbecome a proud sponsor of a Friendship Group! Spring 2024 - 1FridayAvondale CABTotal MobilityAssessments, BookingEssential no walk ins.Te Atatu SouthCommunity Centre247 Edmonton RdOpens Jan 2025
Spring 2024 - 2 Together, we achievemore than we evercould aloneBRIGID CURRAN CEOStrength in Unity:Achieving More Together As we welcome in Spring,Communicare was delighted toconnect with several of our valuedstakeholders at the Bridging theGap event. This gatheringhighlights the crucial work we alldo in the community. We areespecially grateful to LindaPotauaine from the WaitākereRanges Local Board (Pictured withBrigid) for their kind support inmaking this event possible. The strength of a collective lies in its ability to poolresources, expertise, and perspectives, enablingorganisations to tackle challenges more effectively thanthey could alone. Collaborative efforts amplify impact,foster innovation, and ensure that diverse needs are metwithin the community. By working together, a collectivecan achieve shared goals, address complex issues, andcreate sustainable solutions that benefit everyoneinvolved. Come and meet the team at our up and comingevents. Age Concern Auckland, Citizens Advice Bureau andWaitakere Hospice West were amongst the event.
Embrace every opportunity toserve others; the connectionsyou make and the lessons youlearn will enrich your lifebeyond measure. Hi, I'm Sartaj. During my time at Communicare, Igained invaluable insights into community supportand had the pleasure of meeting many wonderfulmembers. The coordinator, along with the othervolunteers and staff, were incredibly kind andsupportive throughout my experience.I visited several locations, including Manukau,Papatoetoe, Pukekohe, Papakura, and Glen Eden,and each visit deepened my understanding of thecommunity and the services offered. Overall, itwas a fantastic experience, and I am truly gratefulfor the 100 hours spent with such dedicated staffand coordinators. Thank you for this incredible opportunity.Spring 2024 - 3
Experience a day rich withcommunity, engagingactivities, and supportiveresources.MT AlbertInternational Dayof Older PeopleEvent26 September10am - 12pmMt Albert War MemorialHall773 New North Road,Mount AlbertUp and Coming EventsFranklin Positive Aging ExpoShow casing a wide range of servicesfor those over 65s. Communicare willbe there, come say hi!1 October 9:30am - 3pmPukekohe Indian Hall 59 Ward Street, Pukekohe Remuera SeniorFriendship CentreOpen Day24th September10am - 12pmSt Marks Parish Hall95 Remuera RoadSpring 2024 - 4
Our People - Centre CoordinatorsTraining coordinators are essential to ensuringthe highest level of care and support for ourseniors. Well-trained coordinators are betterequipped to understand the unique needs ofolder adults, fostering a safe, respectful, andcompassionate environment. Investing in their professional developmentensures they have the skills to manageactivities, address challenges, and provideemotional support. This not only enhances thewell-being of our seniors but also strengthensthe overall quality of our services.Communicare ensures our staff have theproper training to empower their groups,ensuring that all members have a meaningfultime at a Communicare group. Our focus ispromoting a positive, enriching experience forall involved.Spring 2024 - 5
Our VolunteersCommunicare is incredibly lucky to have such dedicated volunteers who help us meetcommunity needs that might otherwise go unmet. Thanks to their involvement, our volunteersmake a difference. Their efforts boost both their growth and the success of our communityprograms, making a real impact all around.Spring 2024 - 6
Communicare 65th AnniversaryCentre CelebrationsMore 65 Birthdayfun next Issue.Hillsborough Centre celebratedCommunicare’s 65th with guests Dr CarlosCheung National MP for Mt Roskill. and Board Chair Josephine and Ed, withCoordinator for Hillsborough, Linda.Ed, our board member, celebrated Communicare's 65thAnniversary with the Blockhouse Bay Seniors. A day wasfilled with laughter from the Bingo games andheartwarming speeches from members.The Remuera Senior Friendship Centre celebratedCommunicare's 65th Anniversary with a specialevent. Mike Matthews, representing theCommunicare Board, was the guest speaker.Pictured with Wendy, coordinator and long-termvolunteer, Dot. Spring 2024 - 7
0lympics at Pukekohe It was a very serious day at Pukekohe as the Olympic games kicked off. The tension was so high that noone wanted to miss out on a gold medal opportunity! And when the opening ceremony began, the Olympic torch was seen all around Pukekohe centre. Spring 2024 - 8
Building ConnectionsFriendship isn't about whom you've known the longest, it's about who walked into your life. Friendship is like a warm hug for the soul, offeringcomfort, joy, and a reminder that we're never alone.Spring 2024 - 9
Singalong with usSinging can be highly beneficial for seniors inmany ways, contributing to their physical,emotional, and social well-being. Communicaregroups enjoy a singalong, this is not only fun, butsinging stimulates brain activity, helping toimprove memory and cognitive function,especially in seniors with Dementia orAlzheimer's.Engaging in singing exercises, the lungs improves breathing, and enhances posture. It can alsoboost the immune system and help in reducing stress hormones. Participating in group singing fosters social interaction and helps combat isolation, which isparticularly important for seniors who may experience loneliness. Incorporating singing into activities for seniors is so much fun and all our centres enjoy this. Spring 2024 - 10
Forever Fit Travel back with us to 1959, the year fitnessfirst became a vibrant part of our centres!Picture it: Elvis was shaking up the charts, drive-in theatres were the go-to hangout, and wewere just getting started with our fitnessrevolution.Back then, our fitness classes featuredjazzercise sessions, where members grooved tothe latest hits, and routines that got everyonemoving. The goal was simple: to keep ourcommunity active, healthy, and connected.With the spirited encouragement of ourpioneering coordinators, fitness quickly becamea beloved tradition.Fast forward to today, and every day ourmembers gather around a venue in Auckland forfun-filled exercise sessions, forming bonds thatgo beyond the exercises. These activities notonly promote physical health but also foster asense of belonging and joy that has enduredthrough the decades. 1959: The Year Fitness Became a Staple atOur Centres Communicare is delighted to announce that, from 2025, Forever Fit will be part of our dailyprogram at all centres, proudly supported by Auckland Airport Trust, we can now continue tokeep our members fit and happy! Here's to many more years of fun, fitness, and fabulousmemories! Receive your bag of goodies today. Members when you pay your 2025 membership fee, you will receive your Forever Fit bag aspart of your membership. Fill in the form in this magazine and give it to your coordinator. Not a member? Forever Fit bags are $40- Order your bag today, or join a centre near you.Spring 2024 - 12
Forever Fit Mr /Mrs /Ms /Miss/OtherName: ___________________________________Surname: _______________________________Centre: _________________________________Coordinator Initials: __________Payment Received: Office Initials: _________________Membership Fee Form 2025Annual Membership Fee : $30Cash: Internet banking:Account: 12-3048-0279446-00Code and Ref Use:Member surname and Centre nameExample: Smith Remuera FG (Friendship Group) Hand to the Centre Coordinator and receive your Forever Fit Bag for FreeSpring 2024 - 11
THANK YOU !Friendship House ManukauJogia Charitable TrustDr Carlos Cheung MPBen Neal All Saints Community Centre30 Cook StreetPapakura Baptist Church Hall 44 Clevedon Road PapakuraGrants and Donations Thank youSpring 2024 - 13
Stuck with needing to complete documents online? Lookingfor assistance filling out Government and other forms?Feeling lonely and isolated? Need help understandingEnduring Power of Attorney or your electricity bill? Havingtrouble with your phone? Lost your baggage while travellingoverseas?Your local Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) can help. Ourtrained volunteers are equipped to help you search foranswers to your questions and to give you accurateinformation to enable you to help yourselves.The organisation has led the campaign against DigitalExclusion reporting on the harm caused by the digital-firstor digital-only approach to public service delivery. If youfeel digitally excluded, come and see us. we can help!CAB love working closely with our friends at Communicareto support the senior community.Please come in and see us if you ever have questions orconcerns that you need support with. Community ConnectionsWorking with Communicare allows us tosupport seniors by enhancing theirwell-being through social connectionsand healthy living programs. Together,we prevent isolation, foster a sense ofbelonging, and address challenges likemobility and loneliness. Through dayprograms, exercise, and socialactivities, we empower seniors to stayactive, engaged, and connected to theircommunities for a better quality of lifeGrey Power is an advocacy group inNew Zealand that represents andsupports the interests of seniors. Grey Power also meets with politicians and policymakers to advocate for improved livingstandards and the well-being of older adults. Through National Advisory Groups, they focus onspecific areas of concern and work to advance their policies. Spring 2024 - 14
Community Connections Carlos Cheung MP for Mt Roskill, alongside boardmember Ed and Linda, Hillsborough Senior FriendshipCentre Coordinator, celebrating Communicare' s 65thbirthday.Howick Senior Friendship Centre Midwinter Christmas broughtto us by Howick Lions. Communicare thanks you for yourwonderful support.Auckland Council Mobile Libraryvisits our centres regularly. PhoneLibrary Connect on 09 377 0209 Spring 2024 - 15
Total Mobility SchemeThe Total Mobility scheme, a nationwide initiative,offers support to individuals who are unable to usepublic transport regularly. In Auckland, eligibleindividuals receive subsidised rates for contractedtaxi services and an accessible concession loadedonto a Total Mobility AT HOP card, which can beused for discounted travel on public transport.Notably, there is no charge for the Total Mobilitycard itself, and the renewal process has beensimplified. Once assessed, individuals remaineligible for the scheme indefinitely unless theirmobility status changes. The procedure for obtaining the Total Mobility cardinvolves contacting Communicare to book anassessment, upon which an Assessor will guideapplicants through the process.It's important to note that there is a non-refundable assessment fee, covering the cost ofthe assessment and administration. Prior toscheduling a visit, it's recommended to discusswith the Assessor to ensure clarity regarding thefee and the assessment process.Sky Mobility offers compassionate, reliable door-to-door transport. As a government-approved Total Mobility Transport Service provider, they ensure top-quality care with:- Local & Family-Owned: Personal, local service.- Professional Drivers: Certified for safety and comfort.- Modern Fleet: Vans with wheelchair hoists.Available 7 days a week for pre-booked rides. They handle manual and electric wheelchairs, ride-on scooters, and offer companion services. Book with Sky Mobility for a seamless experience!Email: bookings@skymobility.co.nz or call 09-390 0088Manual wheelchairElectric WheelchairRide on ScooterCompanion serviceRest Home furnitureHealth CareEquipmentGroup ToursTravel with PetsSky MobilityAuckland’s Premier Total Mobility Transport Total Mobility Assessments are currentlybeing held at Greenlane (Epsom), HowickCentre, Manukau, Pukekohe, Papakura andAvondale. Please phone 09 6315968 for information orto book an assessmentSpring 2024 - 16
Puzzle TimeSudokuRebusWord SearchRiddles1.What has teeth, but can’t chew? 2.What has a thumb and four fingers but isn’t a hand? 3.What has an eye but cannot see? 4.I’m black and white and loved all overthe world. What am I? 5.What has keys but can’t open locks? 6.What is full of holes but still holds lots ofwater? 6.What has four legs but can’t walk? Spring 2024 - 17
Puzzle Time AnswersSudokuRiddlesRebusWord Search1: A comb.2: A glove.3: A needle.4: A panda.5: A piano.6: A sponge.7: A table.For once in my life Forget it Try to understandTravel overseas Breakfast DowntownEyeshadow Stepfather Once upon a timePotatoes 3D movie Top secret Spring 2024 - 18
Spring FlavoursSpring is the ideal time to revitalise your menu with light, vibrant dishes thatshowcase the season's abundant flavors.Serves: 10Prep time: 15 minsCooking time: 1 hourWhether you're enjoying afternoon tea or serving a plate, you'lladore this recipe for Strawberry & Banana Loaf.Strawberry & Banana LoafIngredientsRipe bananas - 2Brown sugar - 1/2 cupVanilla extract or essence - 1 tspMelted butter - 80 gEgg - 1Self-raising flour - 2 cupsStrawberries, topped and sliced - 250 gMethodPreheat an oven to 150°C (170°C fan forced).1.Line a 20 x 10cm loaf tin with baking paper.2.Place the bananas, sugar, vanilla, butter and egg into a food processor, and blitz untilsmooth. Add the flour and blitz again.3.Spoon half of the mixture into the loaf tin and smooth with the back of a spoon. Spread halfof the strawberries over the batter then spread over the remaining batter.4.Top with the remaining strawberries in a pattern down the middle or dot them all over.5.Place into the oven for 1 hour. Cover with tin foil after 30 minutes to prevent the top fromover browning.6.Chef’s TipTop your scrumptious soup with a dollop of sour cream, chopped chives or parsley.Spring 2024 - 19
IngredientsAsparagus, trimmed and roughly chopped - 170 gSmall courgettes, sliced thinly lengthways - 2 smallFrozen peas - 1 cupEggs - 8Cream - 1/2 cupFresh mint leaves, roughly torn - 1/2 cupSalt, to seasonPepper, to season150g feta, crumbledMethodPreheat oven to 180°C (160°C fan-forced). Grease a 20 x 30cm oven proof dish.Line the base with baking paper.1.In a medium saucepan of boiling water, add asparagus, courgette and peas.Return to the boil. Once boiling, drain immediately and transfer into a bowl oficed water until cold. Drain well, then pat dry with a paper towel.2.Whisk eggs and cream in a large jug until combined. Add mint and season totaste.3.Place feta and vegetables in the dish and pour over egg mixture.4.Bake for 25 minutes, or until set. Leave to cool in the dish before cutting intoslices to serve.5.Chef's tipStore any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 daysSpring FlavoursAsparagus and Feta FrittataServes: 4Prep time: 15 minsCooking time: 55 minsThis Asparagus and Feta Frittata recipe is a delightfuldish that's perfect for lunch or dinner.Spring 2024 - 20
If you’ve received a scam email, but haven’t clicked on a link or attachment: Forward themessage to CERT NZ via their website or by emailing it to phishpond@ops.cert.govt.nz.If you think you’ve clicked on a suspicious link or attachment: Report it to CERT NZ athttps://www.cert.govt.nz/Keeping you safeIf you have an urgent power, gas or water bill, heating costs or water tank refill and have no otherway to pay, Work and Income may be able to help.You don't have to be on a benefit to qualify for this help. You may have to pay the money backdepending on your situation. Learn more https://www.workandincome.govt.nz/Spring 2024 - 21
Come and visit a centrenear you.Book today and yourfirst visit is free. Ph 09 6315968 or emailoffice@communicare.org.nzPhone :09 6315968Address :14 Erson Ave Royal Oak AucklandPO Box 24 535 Royal OakWebsite :Our Contactwww.communicare.org.nzSocials :communicareCMA office@communicare.org.nzEmailVisit us at a Centre todaySpring 2024 - 22
Donations over $5 are tax deductibleTown/city:Phone:Email: Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss/Other:Surname: Street address: First Name: Postcode: Registered Charity CC 10692 Please give to a coordinator or cut offand send this donation slip to:I would like to give; Weekly $10 $20 $50Please charge my credit/debit card:Name on card: Card Number Expiry date: / Signature: Or by internet banking: 12-3048-0279446-00 Fortnightly Other Monthly Regular GivingDonation amountPlease tick the appropriate box14 Erson Ave, Royal Oak P O Box 24535 Royal Oak Auckland 1345 SERVICEDIRECTORYADVERTISE YOURBUSINESS HERE!Do you have a product or service that you would like topromote to our members? Contact the office for deadlines, specifications and pricing. office @communicare.org.nzCVC:Donate hereSpring 2024 - 23