SETTING UP YOUR SIMPLEBOOKLET FORCLIENT COMMENTSIn the next couple of slides I'll show you how to enable comments in your Simplebooklet and start a meaningful, personalizeddialogue with your audience.
Turn On CommentsFrom the share tab, turn oncomments. That's it. Nowpeople can leave comments oneach page.All comments are moderated byyou.1TIP: You can turn off moderation and allow comments to be visible immediately when posted.
Share With YourAudienceFrom the unique link, share itwith your audience in email, ona messaging platform, and evenembed it in your site.2TIP: Your audience can open your Simplebooklet on any device, and even record their feedback on their phone or tablet.
What YourAudienceExperiencesFrom a simple, easy to remember link,your client opens your Simplebooklet ontheir favorite device.
A Comments BarYour client will flip through yourprofessionally presented flipbookwhile comments can be easilyaccessed in context to the contenton the page.1TIP: Use our record tool to make each page of your Simplebooklet more meaningful and personalized.
Hear CommentsFrom the comment menu at thetop, your client can listen in onthe thoughts, comments,questions and suggestions fromothers, including any you addyourself.2TIP: You're client can leave the feedback window open as you flip through the pages. It's great for quickly accessing all comments.
Add A CommentOn any page, your client canadd a voice, video, text or emojifeedback. 3
MANAGING AN ACTIVE SIMPLEBOOKLETNow that people are engaging with your Simplebooklet, we'llshow you how to manage the dialogue and respond to Clients.
YOUR ACTIVESIMPLEBOOKLETWhen a client leaves a comment,we'll send you a notification in email.You'll be able to access thatcomment when it's convenient foryou.
Your Comments MenuAll client comments appear inthe comment menu on yourSimplebooklet. Comments are inchronological order andtimestamped. Comments can beadded as voice, video, text, oremoji.1TIP: You can leave the comments window open as you flip through the pages. It's great for quickly accessing all comments.
2Managing CommentsBy default, comments aren'tvisible to all Simplebookletviewers. You can moderatecomments right from thecomment menu. Tap the eyeicon to make the commentpublic, or delete the commentusing the trashcan.TIP: Participants can send private feedback. It will be marked with a lock. You cannot make these comments public to others.
ENDING COMMENTSWhen your Simplebooklet reaches its comments enddate or you turn off your comment feature, clients willnot be able to add further comments. Your Simplebooklet link will still be accessible andeveryone will be able to view comments on the pageswhere its been added.
Accessing Comments OnA Closed SimplebookletYour Simplebooklet is stillaccessible from the same linkwhen your comment period hasended. The comment button willonly appear on pages wherecomments exists.1
IT'S THAT SIMPLEWe use the comments tool here at Simplebooklet to get clientfeedback on new features, guides we create, and customertestimonials.I'm excited to see how you take advantage of the possibilities ofSimplebooklet.TIP: Don't have a document or deck to upload? We recommend creating one on andlinking your Canva account with Simplebooklet.Simplebooklet