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| Thief River Falls Community Ed. Prowler Preschool !!-.$/$/01$_/;)3#$$)&'*'#I').3/)'4+#$,:)))O"')0#&,.)*/(0#&4,)."+.)1/;),;<4#..'%)1/;&)*/(.&+*.)+--$#*+.#/(:)))Y(*')1/;&)*/(.&+*.)"+,)<''()&'I#'3'%)+(%)+--&/I'%5)1/;)3#$$)&'*'#I')+),'*/(%)'4+#$)."+.)1/;&)*/(.&+*.)"+,)<''()+**'-.'%)+(%)-&/G&+4)-$+*'4'(.:)*Our preschool programs have earned a four-star rating-the highest rating possible! The Parent Aware rating system helps parents find preschools and childcare programs focused on high-quality early learning and kindergarten readiness.Prowler Preschool aligns its curriculum with Minnesota Early Learning Standards and our district’s kindergarten standards.Teachers de-velop hands-on learning activities that promote creativity and confidence. Our programs provide children with experiences that build rela-tionships, enhance problem solving and communication skills, and sets the foundation for successful, lifelong learning in the following areas: • Social Emotional • Positive Approaches to Learning • Math • Arts • Physical and Movement Development • Science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`)C(%)-&/G&+4)*"/#*'5)+(%)*/4-$'.')*/(.&+*.)+--$#*+.#/()^)2+1)+)M?@)(/(A&'0;(%+<$')&'G#,.&+.#/()0'')FQ+4#$1)4+]#4;4)/0)M=@)0/&)2&/3$'&)2&',*"//$J)^) 9;<4#.);-%+.'%)#44;(#S+.#/(,)&'*/&%,)+(%)#(*/4')I'�#*+.#/()F#0)&'\;',.#(G)+)&'%;*'%)0''J))!"#$%&'()*+$,(+-'+'&,./'0+)#+/.*,1*.&'(*#(2&345#6/'51#57+#5+&,./'0+)#+85#6/'5+85'*$9##/:+;<=+>#%()3+?0:+@9.'A+?.B'5+C,//*:+DE+F;G<=H+!!!!!!"#$%&"'!"&()*##%'+,-&('./.01./.2'( D( N( I(/%.)"+%,0'!$1"' 2.,,'2""' 3"0.*"0'2""'4' 2&""'C) M??5BUEV) MC?5B@DAM??5BUD!M@)A)MC?5B@?)?) 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Instant Guitar for Hopelessly Busy People Have you ever wanted to learn the guitar but simply find it diffi-cult to find the time? In just a few hours you can learn enough about playing the guitar to give you years of musical enjoyment, and you won’t have to take private lessons to do it. This crash course will teach you some basic chords and get you playing along with your fa-vorite songs right away. Since this class is being held online with ZOOM, you will be able to sit at home with your guitar and take this class without any pressure at all. Plus, since the class includes an online book and online follow-up video lessons, you will be able to continue your practice and study on your own. An optional periodic on-line question and answer session is also included. A recording of the class is included as well. Class lim-ited to 15 students. For ages 13+. Topics include: How chords work in a song How to form the three main types of chords How to tune your guitar Basic strumming patterns How to buy a good guitar (things to avoid) How to play along with simple tunes WGE106 Tues., March 11, 6:30-9:30 pm $59 Online via Zoom Craig Hoffman Instant Piano for Hopelessly Busy People In just a few hours, you can learn enough secrets of the trade to give you years of musical enjoy-ment. Learn to play piano the way professionals do - using chords. Since this class is being held online with ZOOM you will be able to sit at your piano or keyboard at home and take this course with no pres-sure at all. Plus, since this course includes an online book and online follow up video lessons, you will be able to continue your practice and study on your own. An optional periodic online ques-tion and answer session is also in-cluded. A recording of the class is included as well. The course is part lecture/demonstration and part hands-on instruction. Topics include: How chords work in a song How to get more out of sheet music by reading less of it How to form the three main types of chords How to handle different keys and time signatures How to avoid “counting” How to simplify over 12,000 complex chords WGE107 Mon., March 10, 6:30-9:30 pm $59 Online via Zoom Craig Hoffman Dough Bowl Candle Making Gather your friends for a fun night out! You will have the oppor-tunity to make and design your own custom dough bowl. There will be several ribbons and decor to cus-tomize your candles. Many scents available to choose from. While candles cool, you will make your own bath/shower salts with hi-malayan sea salt, spa salts, botan-icals and scent. There may be down time while candles cool. Class can last 3-4 hours. WGE113 Wed., Jan. 15, 5:30 pm $55-Oval dough bowl w/salts $65-Tree dough bowl w/salts LHS FACS Room #130 (enter in door #8) Klasen Kandles Adult Conversational Spanish: Beginner Part 1 Always dreamed of learning Spanish or refreshing your high school Spanish? Then this class is for you! The primary focus of the class will be on building conversa-tional tools in Spanish through in-teractive practice and exercises. Vocabulary topics will include com-mon greetings and introductions, pronunciation, numbers, food, clothing, likes and dislikes. Gram-mar topics will include subject pro-nouns, the verb estar conjugation, gender of nouns, and plurality. Participants will learn how to carry on small conversations in Spanish and each class will include interesting cultural anecdotes in-cluding Spanish word origin, di-alect differences, and names in Spanish. Ability to access zoom and basic working computer knowledge essential. Ages 18+ WGE108 Mons., Feb. 24, March 3, 10, 17, 24, April 7, 6-7 pm WGE109 Tues., Feb. 18, 25, March 4, 11, 18, 25, 6-7 pm WGE110 Weds., Feb. 19,26, March 5,12,19,26, 6-7 pm $109 Online with Futura Language Pro-fessionals Adult Conversational Spanish: Beginner Part 2 Learning a language is a lifelong journey and now you are on your way! Keep up the momentum in Beginner Spanish Part Two. Partic-ipants will continue with practical conversational components and builder phrases in Spanish en-abling them to carry on small con-versations related to giving and asking for directions and restau-rant conversation. Vocabulary and grammar components will include weather, seasons, dates with months, days of the week, family vocabulary along with the verbs ser and tener conjugations. Culture discussions will include the impor-tance of food, family, and friend-ships in Spanish speaking countries. Applicable to new stu-dents and previous Beginner Part 1 Spanish conversa-tion participants. Ability to access zoom and basic working computer knowledge essential. WGE111 Mon., Feb. 24, March 3,10,17,24, April 7, 6-7 pm WGE112 Tues., Feb. 18,25, March 4,11,18,25, 6-7 pm $109 Online with Futura Language Pro-fessionals Intro to Line Dancing Get ready to put on your dancing shoes and have fun while learning the basics of line dancing! This be-ginner-friendly class is perfect for anyone new to line dancing or look-ing to refresh their skills. Our ex-perienced instructor will guide you through step-by-step instructions, helping you build confidence and rhythm while mastering basic foot-work, timing, and coordination. WGE114 Weds., May 14-June 11 10:30-11:30 am $20 DSC Gym JoAnn Dahlman | Thief River Falls Community Education General Interest 355+ Driver Discount Program Participants are provided with the latest information about driver and traffic safety, new vehicle technology, and up-dated traffic laws. In addition to providing this valuable safety information, this course allows each participant to be eligible for a 10% discount on their automo-bile insurance premium for three years! This Minnesota-based 55+ accident prevention course is taught by local and qualified instructors in accor-dance with Minnesota Statute 65b.28. The cost of this class in-cludes a registration fee to help cover the cost of advertising and refreshments. In order to receive the 10% in-surance discount, participants must take a 4-hour course. This new, shortened requirement goes into effect on July 1st, 2024 and 8-hour initial classes will no longer be needed to initially earn the discount. A 4-hour course should be taken every 3 years to maintain the discount. A one hour break will be taken for lunch. WGE3000 Thurs., March 27, 9 am-2 pm WGE3001 Thurs., May 1, 9 am-2 pm $29 Heritage Center Adult Basic Education Thief Thief River Falls Adult Learning Center can help you on the road to employment, college and a happier life. OFFERING Reading • Writing Math • Spelling GED Preparation College Preparation English as a Second Language Family Literacy Citizenship Preparation Must be 17 years or older and not enrolled in elementary or secondary school. For more information call: 1-218-683-8764
Strong Is The New Skinny! Strengthening Exercises To Do At Home Not everyone can be skinny, but EVERYONE can be stronger - even if you don’t get to the gym several times/week. Learn how to strengthen your arms, back, shoul-ders, chest, hips, butt and thighs using resistance bands while watching your favorite TV or radio show. There are many benefits to having stronger muscles – they boost metabolism; maintain/in-crease bone density, make daily tasks easier and help you age with quality and grace. These multi-tasking exercises can fit easily into even the busiest of schedules. It is a wonderful thing to be strong, fit and functional. You’ll learn lots of tips and techniques to improve overall health and wellness. You will need a resistance band for class. WHF100 Mon., Jan. 13, 6-7:30 pm $25 Online Janice Novak, M.S. Hips, Thighs & Otherwise We have become a nation of pro-fessional sitters, causing lower body muscles to weaken and sag. In this workshop, you will learn: my famous ‘10 Minute Miracle Ex-ercise’ series to strengthen lower body muscles quickly and, in the process, increase metabolism and bone density; decrease 2 inches off saddlebag area in 2 weeks; trim inches off lower body by getting rid of excess water weight; breathing technique to stimulate fat metabo-lism; acupressure points for lymph circulation and drainage. If you don’t have time, money, or inclina-tion to haul yourself to a gym, you will love these powerful and effec-tive techniques. You will need a re-sistance band, tied in a loop for some of the exercises. WHF101 Wed., Jan. 22, 6-7:30 pm WHF102 Mon., April 14, 6-7:30 pm $25 Online Janice Novak, M.S. Soothe Those Achy Joints Do you have joints that ache – a knee or hip or back? Whether you have arthritis, bursitis or just creaky joints, this workshop is for you. Joint lubrication exercises are quite simple and easy to do yet pro-duce rather remarkable results by helping to free your joints of pain. We’ll also discuss which nutrients are needed to help keep your joints healthy. WHF103 Mon., Jan. 27, 6-7:30 pm $25 Online Janice Novak, M.S. Is Your Waistband Too Tight Today? Strategies for Beating Belly Bloat Have you ever found that in the a.m. your pants fit fine but by mid-afternoon, the waistband squeezes you like a tourniquet? Or that no matter how many crunches you do, your stomach still hangs out? Get-ting rid of a potbelly is much more than just doing abdominal exer-cises. In this workshop, you will learn the main causes and 6 strate-gies for getting rid of belly bloat. We will do a few exercises designed to strengthen the deepest layer of abdominal muscle - the layer that is responsible for flattening your stomach, shaping your waistline, and supporting your lower back. And we will do this without getting on the floor. WHF104 Tues., Feb. 18, 6-7:30 pm $25 Online Janice Novak, M.S. Face Yoga There are 30 individual muscles on each side of your face, all of which can be strengthened and toned, just like arm or leg muscles. Facial exercises can take years off your appearance by reducing frown and forehead lines, reducing ‘pup-pet mouth’ lines, lifting and firming neckline, making upper and lower cheeks fuller, reduce puffiness and sagging around eyes, improve cir-culation and nutrient flow into cells and improve lymph circulation. Learn simple exercises that will re-juvenate your face. You will need a regular teaspoon for a few of the ex-ercises and a little of your favorite facial moisturizer. WHF105 Mon., Feb. 24, 6-7:30 pm $25 Online Janice Novak, M.S. Acupressure For Sinus Relief Acupressure is an ancient, East-ern healing technique that involves pressing or kneading key points on the body to release energy block-ages and simulate energy flow through pathways called meridi-ans. Continual sinus problems have become epidemic in both chil-dren and adults. You can find relief by stimulating the many points that relieve sinus blockages, headaches and more. WHF107 Mon., March 10, 6-7:30 pm $25 Online Janice Novak, M.S. Acupressure To Assist Weight Loss Acupressure is an Eastern heal-ing technique that involves press-ing or massaging key points on the body to stimulate energy flow through pathways called meridi-ans. When the points that regulate metabolism, digestion and thyroid function are blocked or out of bal-ance, losing weight will seem like an impossible task. In this work-shop, you will learn the main pres-sure points that help strengthen thyroid function, boost metabolism, control appetite, decrease food cravings, reduce stress eating and strengthen the entire digestive sys-tem. WHF110 Tues., March 25, 6-7:30 pm $25 Online Janice Novak, M.S. Acupressure To Relieve Migraines, Headaches, Nausea & Vertigo Acupressure is a healing tech-nique that works with how energy flows through your body. Just as you have blood that flows through vessels, you have energy that flows through pa thways called meridi-ans. Acupressure involves pressing or massaging key points on the body to stimulate energy flow which can offer great relief with no side effects. We will focus on the points that relieve and prevent mi-graines and headaches as well as nausea and vertigo. WHF111 Mon., March 31, 6-7:30 pm $25 Online Janice Novak, M.S. Posture, Get it Straight! Look 10 Years Younger, 10 lbs. Thinner & Feel Better Than Ever Ever caught your own reflection to see that your head hangs too far forward, or your shoulders are too rounded, or you slump too much? You will learn how to correct com-mon posture problems and learn an ‘Instant Alignment Technique’ that will have you standing straighter immediately. We’ll discuss easy to implement tips when at a com-puter, in a car or working out. There are many benefits to improv-ing posture. And, the good news is no matter how long you may have had poor posture, it is NEVER TOO LATE to make improvements. Your clothes will fit better, too! You’ll need a resistance band for some exercises. WHF108 Tues., March 11, 6-7:30 pm $25 Online Janice Novak, M.S. Women, Weight & Hormones Are you finding no matter how well you watch what you eat or how much you exercise that weight is not budging? Your inability to lose weight probably has more to do with hormone levels than anything else. Until any imbalances are cor-rected, trying to lose weight will be like shoveling sand against the tide. We’ll discuss concrete solu-tions (not tricks, not using your will power) for controlling appetite and cravings; simple things you can do every day to boost your metabo-lism; major sources of hormone mimicking chemicals and how to get rid of them; what HRT or birth control pills have to do with weight gain; how to have your hormone levels checked reliably; what steps need to be taken to safely break the vicious cycle of hormone related weight gain. WHF106 Tues., March 4, 6-7:30 pm $25 Online Janice Novak, M.S. | TRF Community Education HEALTH & FITNESS4
Just Breathe! Techniques to Calm, Center & Balance Breathing in specific ways can have amazing and powerful heal-ing benefits on mind and body. Breath work is the single most powerful thing you can practice for improving energy levels, health, and well-being. In this workshop, you will learn ancient breathing ex-ercises that will: neutralize stress by reprogramming your nervous system; increase energy and vital-ity; increase brain function; im-prove immune response; decrease depression and anxiety; and help strengthen your back and abs from the inside out. The simplest and most powerful technique for opti-mum health is free and right under your nose. WHF109 Mon., March 24, 6-7:30 pm $25 Online Janice Novak, M.S. De-Age Your Brain Current research shows lifestyle and diet have a big effect on HOW the brain ages. Cognitive function, which covers all aspects of perceiv-ing, thinking and reasoning, CAN improve. And the very good news is no matter what your age there are things you can begin to do today to improve how quickly and effectively brain cells communicate with each other. We’ll discuss which ‘superfoods’ reduce the dam-aging effects of toxins and inflam-mation on the brain and which nutrients are great for memory, at-tention, processing information and reducing stress. You will learn simple, easy to implement strate-gies to help your brain stay healthy and alert. WHF112 Tues., April 8, 6-7:30 pm $25 Online Janice Novak, M.S. Soups & Bread Bowls: Creamy Chicken & Wild Rice Soup, Beer Cheese Soup, & Italian Bread BOWLS! Warm, delicious, soothing, satis-fying soups are such a welcome treat for dinner any time of year. All the stresses of the day seem to melt away with the smell of freshly made soup that brings smiles to the entire family. Have some fun participating in this virtual COOK-ALONG class, expand your family’s soup rotation and your culinary repertoire as you learn to create two wonderful soups in addition to homemade Italian Bread BOWLS! Choose one soup for your cook-along, and watch a demonstration of the other or choose to make both! It’s up to you! Both will pair per-fectly served IN the amazing Ital-ian Bread BOWLS we will be making from scratch! WGE100 Sat., Jan. 25, 4-6:30 pm $35 Tess Georgakopoulos Soups & Bread Bowls: Luscious Creamy Mushroom Cheddar Soup, Loaded Potato Soup & Rustic Italian Bread Bowls OR Rolls Warm, cozy, soothing, satisfying soups are such a welcome treat for dinner any time of year. All the stresses of the day seem to melt away with the smell of freshly made soup that brings smiles to the entire family. Have some fun participating in this virtual COOK-ALONG class, expand your family’s soup rotation and your culinary repertoire as you learn to create two wonderful soups in addition to homemade Italian Bread BOWLS or ROLLS! Choose one soup for your cook-along, and watch a demonstration of the other or choose to make both! It’s up to you! Both will pair perfectly served IN the amazing Italian Bread BOWLS or served WITH Italian bread ROLLS we will be making from scratch! Participants will have the option to choose to make BOWLS or ROLLS. WGE101 Sat., Feb. 22, 4-6:30 pm $40 Tess Georgakopoulos Copycat Domino’s® Pizza, Sauce & Chicken Carbonara! Are you a Domino’s® Pizza fan? Have you ever wondered if you could make this deliciousness at home? Register for this class and join Chef Tess as she guides you through the step-by-step process of creating her Copycat versions of Domino’s® Pizza, Pizza Sauce, and Chicken Carbonara! Pizza-shop mastery creations that almost guarantee that take-out pizza and sides will be a thing of the past! WGE102 Fri., Feb. 28, 5-7:30 pm $40 Tess Georgakopoulos Savor the Season Comfort Food: Shepherds or Cottage Pie Twice-Baked Stuffed Potatoes & Chocolate Stout Cake Are you looking for something unique and memorable to serve this St. Patrick’s Day or a simple heart-warming meal that will hit all the notes of comfort and deliciousness especially during the cold days of winter? Do you enjoy the decadence of chocolate for dessert? Whatever the case, you will enjoy a wonderful new spin on the classic meal of Shepherd's Pie, Twice-Baked Stuffed Potatoes, and decadent Chocolate Stout Cake with a won-derful almost “froth-like” frosting for Dessert! WGE103 Sat., March 8, 4-6:30 pm $40 Tess Georgakopoulos Marry Me Gnocchi with Chicken & Breadsticks Bliss Spring is in the air, and nothing says, “I love you” more than a hand-crafted from-SCRATCH meal like Chef Tess’ Marry Me Gnocchi with Chicken and Breadsticks. Learn to create this lavishly delicious mem-orable meal for your family then sit back and enjoy the compliments! Or, if you are single and serve this to your significant other, you won’t be single for long! It’s THAT GOOD! WGE104 Fri., March 28, 5-7:30 pm $40 Tess Georgakopoulos California Sushi Roll Extravaganza! When it comes to actual sushi that is made with sushi grade raw fish such as salmon or tuna wrapped in rice and seaweed, the sushi tolerance spectrum runs from a very strong “YES” or a very strong “NO” with little wiggle room in between. Enter California “sushi” Rolls that overwhelmingly turn the strong “NO’s” into strong yeses! Join Tess as she walks you through how to make a variety of the most marvelous California rolls that will make you wonder why you haven’t tried to make your own be-fore. California “sushi” roll combi-nations are only limited by your imagination! Learn the skill of cre-ating delicious seasoned sushi rice, spicy mayo, and how to stuff, wrap/ shape the rolls, with wonderful fill-ing ingredients. WGE105 Fri., April 25, 5-7 pm $30 Tess Georgakopoulos Mexican Cooking Classes Join us for a fun and flavorful journey through the rich and vi-brant world of Mexican cuisine! In this hands-on cooking class, you’ll explore the essential techniques, in-gredients, and flavors that define Mexican cooking—while learning to create a variety of traditional dishes with a modern twist. Whether you're a seasoned cook or a beginner, this class is designed for all levels of culinary experience. Max of 15 students. Lonches and Flautas WGE115 Mon., Jan. 13., 6-7:30 pm $39 Carne De Puerco Con Calabaza and Mexican Tostadas WGE116 Mon., Feb. 10. , 6-7:30 pm $39 LHS FACS Room #130 Maria Gonzalez COOK ALONG SERIES These classes will be offered via Zoom. Have your questions answered by the instructor, Tess Georgakopoulos, interact with other participants as you cook along, and increase your confidence in using your electric pressure cooker and your conventional cooking skills. A list of ingredients will be provided prior to class. | Thief River Falls Community Education Health & Fitness / Cook Along Series 5
Spanish: Youth LIVE Virtual Offering The best way to spark enthusi-asm for a language is with a topic that students love - ¡Vamos con los animales! (Let’s go with the Ani-mals) is just that! For eight LIVE virtual action-packed weeks, stu-dents will blaze new trails “visit-ing” a pet store, a family farm, the zoo, the ocean, and even the rain-forest --All the while learning brand new Spanish vocabulary, conversation skills, useful phrases, and culture topics. Let your stu-dent explore where the wild things are in our interactive bilingual classroom. Don't miss out on a spot - register today! Grades K-5. WGE112 Wed., Feb. 19,26, March 5,12,19,26, April 2,9, 4:15-5 pm $135 Online with Futura Language Pro-fessionals Spanish: Middle School LIVE Virtual Offering In this engaging LIVE virtual eight-week class, middle school stu-dents will learn essential funda-mentals to build a strong base in the Spanish language. Months of the year, telling time, present tense verb conjugations, and sentence structure building are just a few of the topics covered! Lessons are dy-namic with interactive activities and visuals, along with cultural les-sons. Grades 6-8. WGE113 Mon., Feb. 24, March 3,10,17,24,31, April 7,14, 4:45-5:30 pm $135 Online with Futura Language Pro-fessionals FMS Weight Training Program The strength and conditioning program at Franklin Middle School is provided to students who want to maximize their athletics potential. Through proper technique and demonstration, the athletes will be able to excel in a safe, supervised environment. We believe that each athlete needs a foundation in mus-cular endurance before ‘jumping in’ to heavy weights and compromis-ing correct form. By using peri-odization training, teaching proper technique and overseeing the ath-lete, The FMS Weight Training Program gives our students an ad-vantage in developing their poten-tial. Limit 25. WYT100 Session One-11 sessions Mon.,Tues.,Thurs., Jan. 6, 7, 9, 13, 14, 16, 21, 23, 27, 28, 30 $44 WYT101 Session Two-10 sessions Mon.,Tues.,Thurs., Feb. 3, 4, 6, 10, 11, 13, 20, 24, 25, 27 $40 WYT102 Session Three-13 sessions Mon.,Tues.,Thurs., March 3, 4, 6, 10, 11, 13, 17, 18, 20, 24, 25, 27, 31 $52 WYT103 Session Four-12 sessions Mon.,Tues.,Thurs., April 1,3,7,8,10,14,15,17,22,24,28,29 $48 7:00-7:45 am FMS Weight Room KIDS CRAFT SERIES| TRF Community Education KIDS CRAFT SERIES6Lap Swimming Mon., Wed., Fri.; 6-7:30 am Mon.-Thur.; 6-7 pm Adults $5 and children $4 or a Franklin Pool Pass Open Swimming Schedule Sat. and Sun., 1-4 pm and 6-8 pm (when staff is available). Follow us on Facebook: TRF Franklin Pool Adults $5 and children $4 or a Franklin Pool Pass Pool Passes Family passes 12 month - $320.00 9 month - $250.00 Summer pass (Memorial day to Labor Day) - $175.00 Individual passes 12 month - $210.00 9 month - $165.00 Summer pass (Memorial day to Labor Day) - $100.00 Punch Cards Adult card-six punches - $25.00 Child card-six punches - $20.00 North Star Swimmers Participants must be able to swim the length of the pool without assistance or have passed Red Cross level 4. A swim test will be given on the first day of the program to test swimming ability. This aquatic fitness program emphasizes skill development for youth with a focus on competitive swimming. Sessions are designed around teaching the four competitive swim strokes (free, back, breast, fly), racing starts, and turns. Those interested in refining skills or wanting to keep conditioned for athletics should sign up. This program offers high-impact training to maintain off-season fitness for advanced swimmers. Grades 6-12. WAQ101-8 sessions Mon.-Thurs., Dec. 9-12, 16-19 4-6 pm $72 WAQ102-15 sessions Mon.-Thurs., Jan. 6-9, 13-16, 21-23, 27-30 4-6 pm $135 WAQ103-13 sessions Mon.-Thurs., Feb. 3-6,10-13,19-20, 24-26 4-6 pm $117 FMS Pool AquaticsWe Are Family Sometimes I find Valentine’s Day crafts and think “oh that’s cute,” and then sometimes I find them and my jaw hits the floor. The same is true for this Valen-tine’s Day craft idea. It’s simple and it’s one of those things that your friends are going to ask where you bought it. Since no two families are alike … no two proj-ects will be alike. If time allows, we will also make another smaller craft. Assorted paints will be available. You may want to pack a paint shirt for this project. WYT104 Tues., Feb. 11, 3-4:30 pm $30 CES 2-3 Activity Room Pam Anderson M is For Mushroom Because it is soon Spring …this is a class I have done in surround-ing communities in the past and it has been a FavOriTe everywhere I have done it. Mushrooms, paint, wood slices, moss and more. We will also paint and assemble a mushroom out of upcycled items that will be ADORABLE in a Fairy/Gnome Garden! You may want to pack a paint shirt as we will be painting. WYT105 Tues., March 11, 3-4:30 pm $35 CES 2-3 Activity Room Pam Anderson Just For Mom We have a surprise that we can't share! Believe me...we will put a smile on Mom's face! We will complete our gift, decorate a gift bag and make a card for Mom/ Grandma/etc. We may be paint-ing so feel free to pack a paint shirt to avoid splatters. WYT107 Tues., April 29, 3-4:30 pm $35 CES 2-3 Activity Room Pam Anderson Just For Dad Dad/Grandpa/Uncle, etc. some-times misses out on those special handmade gifts because school is not in session. We will be making a "top secret" gift that he will LOVE, making a card and deco-rating a gift bag!!! Will you be able to keep it a secret? WYT108 Tues., May 13, 3-4:30 pm $35 CES 2-3 Activity Room Pam Anderson W is For Windchime Add an ounce of sparkle to the garden with this beautiful beaded wind chime. Beaded wind chimes are such a beautiful decoration for your porch, patio, or gazebo. They’re perfect for placing in the garden ... you will love the soft clinking sound of the beads brush-ing against each other and the subtle chime of the bells when the strands move back and forth. WYT106 Tues., April 8, 3-4:30 pm $35 CES 2-3 Activity Room Pam Anderson
Tech-Savvy Survival in 60 Minutes: Essential Skills For Everyday Life In today's fast-paced, technol-ogy-driven world, being tech-savvy is no longer optional—it's essential. This class is designed to equip you with the critical tech skills needed for everyday life. Expand your practical knowledge and confidence to navigate the digital landscape with ease. Each class is taught live online via Zoom and also recorded so students can still register even if they can't make the live 12-1 pm CST time. WT102 Tues., Jan. 7, 12-1 pm $25 Online w/ Zoom Nickie Welsh Google Sheets for Awesome Beginners Unlock the full potential of Google Sheets and gain skills that will benefit you for a lifetime! Whether you're using it for work or personal projects, this comprehen-sive class will transform you from a novice into an expert. You'll mas-ter the essential functions of Google Sheets, including entering, organizing, refining, analyzing, and visualizing data. Join us to build a solid foundation in Google Sheets and enhance your produc-tivity and data management capa-bilities! Each class is taught live online via Zoom and also recorded so students can still register even if they can't make the live 12-1 pm CST time. WT107 Thurs., Feb. 6, 12-1 pm $25 Online w/ Zoom Nickie Welsh Practical ChatGPT Training for Everyone Have you been curious about what ChatGPT is exactly and how it may affect you? Learn what you need to know about ChatGPT pow-ered by Artificial Intelligence in this fun and engaging class! You will understand how it works ex-actly and why it's taking the world by storm. You'll also learn practical everyday uses for ChatGPT in the workforce and at home. Don't get left behind in today's tech savvy world, and attend this upcoming training! Each class is taught live online via Zoom and also recorded so students can still register even if they can't make the live 12-1 pm CST time. WT104 Tues., Jan. 28, 12-1 pm $25 Online w/ Zoom Nickie Welsh My Kid Wants To Be a YouTuber-Help! Does your child dream of having their own YouTube channel? Elimi-nate the worry with this helpful class as we walk you through the steps on how to set up a YouTube channel, safety settings, and con-sideration for kids having their own channel. Parents will learn the basic guidelines of being able to help manage and monitor their ac-tivity, all while incorporating prac-tical business skills when it comes to managing your own channel. You’ll learn how this hobby can be-come a practical career, safety prac-tices, and even create fun videos! Parents will leave the class with helpful guidelines to get their kid’s channel started safely and a solid foundation for their child’s new cre-ative outlet in 2023. Please note, children must be age 13 and have parental permission to start a YouTube channel. Each class is taught live online via Zoom and also recorded so students can still register even if they can't make the live 12-1 pm CST time. WT106 Tues., Feb. 11, 12-1 pm $25 Online w/ Zoom Nickie Welsh How to Use Venmo Safely Stay relevant and up to date by learning all about Venmo, the pop-ular mobile payment service. In this class, you’ll discover how to se-curely pay friends and businesses, as well as receive money without the need for cash or checks. You’ll gain a confident understanding of setting up Venmo safely, avoiding unnecessary fees, and applying it in real-world scenarios for you and your family. You'll be able to discuss the topic among family, friends and have an understanding of the key terms used when you hear about VENMO in the news! Join us to master Venmo and handle mobile payments with ease and security. Each class is taught live online via Zoom and also recorded so students can still register even if they can't make the live 12-1 pm CST time. WT108 Thurs., Feb. 13, 12-1 pm $25 Online w/ Zoom Nickie Welsh Canva for Awesome Beginners Unlock a world of creative possi-bilities with Canva, the ideal digi-tal tool for beginners and novices! This class will teach you how to harness the power of Canva, the easiest design website available, all for free. You'll learn to create stun-ning designs from scratch or use templates with step-by-step guid-ance for any digital image you need. Whether it's online docu-ments, business cards, email signa-tures, or more, you'll leave this class with the confidence and skills to use Canva effectively and cre-atively. Each class is taught live on-line via Zoom and also recorded so students can still register even if they can't make the live 12-1 pm CST time. WT100 Tues., Jan. 14, 12-1 pm WT101 Thurs., March 20, 12-1 pm $25 Online w/ Zoom Nickie Welsh Cell Phones & Parenting This engaging session will help you navigate the challenges of your child's digital world and provide helpful tools for your parenting toolbox. Learn practical strategies for social media/friendships, set-ting boundaries, ensuring online safety, and fostering healthy screen habits. Empower yourself with the tools to help raise a teen with a smart technology foundation they will use into Adulthood. Each class is taught live online via Zoom and also recorded so students can still register even if they can't make the live 12-1 pm CST time. WT105 Tues., Feb. 4, 12-1 pm $25 Online w/ Zoom Nickie Welsh One-Hour Instagram Mastery: Grow your Business Today Curious about how Instagram can drive significant growth for your customer base and sales? This engaging beginner-level class has the answers you need to grow your business with Instagram. Discover the key steps to boost your com-pany's bottom line. Plus, learn to create irresistible content and have fun along the way! Join us to un-lock the potential of Instagram for your business. Each class is taught live online via Zoom and also recorded so students can still regis-ter even if they can't make the live 12-1 pm CST time. WT103 Tues., Jan. 21, 12-1 pm $25 Online w/ Zoom Nickie Welsh | Thief River Falls Community Education Technology • Latchkey Latch Key is a school age child care program designed to provide quality care and program activities for children in grades K-5. The program provides educational, recreational, and social activities to promote learning and development with a minimum of formal struc-ture. We try to be as flexible as possible with our programming to meet the needs of all children participating. What Does Latchkey Offer? At Latch Key children may choose quiet activities such as playing a variety of board games, reading, simple art projects and/or sports activities and gross motor activities, including basketball, soccer, para-chute activities, tag, jump rope, and many more. · Latchkey will be at Challenger Elementary School · Latchkey runs Sept. 3-May 23 · A new registration form MUST be filled out for School Year Latchkey, Non-School Days and Early Outs · Open Monday-Friday 6:30 am-6:00 pm For more information call the Latchkey office at 218-681-2362 or 218-681-8711x5243, email latchkey@myprowler.org or browse our web-site at www.trf.reg.eleyo.com. School-Age Childcare7
Early Childhood Screening The early childhood years from birth to the start of kindergarten are an important time of rapid learning and growth. Early Childhood Screening is to identify possible health or learning concerns so that children can get help before they start school. Screening is highly rec-ommended between the ages of 3 ½ - 4 years old. Waiting until a child is starting kindergarten may be waiting too long. When your child attends Early Childhood Screening, a trained professional will check large and small muscle development, thinking, language and communication skills, social and emotional develop-ment, vision, hearing, and immunization records. Upcoming screening dates: January 30 & March 6 To make an appointment register online at www.trf.reg.eleyo.com. Family Fun & Play Time Saturday, January 11 10:00-11:30 a.m. At Sanford Kidfit Zone Gym Time Saturday, February 8 10:00-11:30 a.m. At Challenger School Gyms FAMILY Swim Time Saturday, March 8 10:00-11:30 a.m. At Franklin Middle School Pool Family Movie Date Saturday, April 12 10:00 a.m. $5.00 per person (includes snack) (Movie to be announced) Falls Cinema Big Truck Event Thursday, May 15 5:00-7:00 p.m. At Challenger Elementary & Pre-school Parking Lot Early Childhood & Family Education The mission of the ECFE program is to strengthen families and sup-port all parents in providing the best possible environment for the healthy growth and development of their children. Be Counted! Are you new to TRF? You didn’t get this newsletter by mail? Please call (218) 681-8670 to add your child’s name and address to our mailing list and census list for future information. You will receive newsletters and information about early childhood programs, preschool & kindergarten registration.preschool & kindergarten registration. YOUR FAMILY COUNTS!REGISTER EARLY! www.trf.reg.eleyo.comCommunity Education would love to hear your ideas for classes in the future. Fill out the form on our website, give us a call or send us an email with your ideas or if you would like to teach a class. We would appreciate your input. Little Brother Little Sister of Pennington County is inviting you to join our program. The youth of our community can strongly benefit from learning what you have to share. Mentoring only takes a minimum of 4 hours a month and can take place in a variety of settings. We believe even the slightest positive influence has the potential to change a child’s life. If you have questions, please call Ginger Alby at 218-791-5354, check out our website www.trf.reg.eleyo.com or you can e-mail lbls.pennington@gmail.com