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College 101 - welcome to campus

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UNIV 100 (First-Year Seminar) is a 3 credit- hour,full semester course designed to help first-yearUL Lafayette students transition successfullyfrom high school to University life and academicwork. This course is mandatory for graduationand your student must enroll during their firstsemester. The course has two components:Cajun Connection is an extended introductionto UL Lafayette, the campus community, andUniversity-level work. Students can beginaccessing Cajun Connection via Moodlestarting August 16, 2021 at 8:00 a.m. and willhave until September 10, 2021 at 12:30 p.m. tocomplete the online coursework.First-Year Seminar continues for the rest ofthe semester.COLLEGE 101A U G U S T 1 9 , 2 0 2 1UNIV 100F O R U L L A F A Y E T T E P A R E N T S & F A M I L YTHIS NEWSLETTER IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE OFFICE OF ORIENTATION AND THE OFFICE OF FIRST-YEAR EXPERIENCE.Not sure where to go withyour questions? Send them to us:parents@louisiana.eduBuchanan Hall, 3rd FloorIII Boucher Street337-482-1391orientation@louisiana.eduLee Hall, room 106230 Hebrard Blvd. 337-482-6599

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...2Cajun Connection provides your student with many valuable resources to assist intheir success. Completion of Cajun Connection is mandatory. This means completingall the online modules within the Moodle page by September 10, 2021. Students cancomplete the coursework at their own pace, but all coursework must be completed bythe deadline. Students can now begin accessing Cajun Connection as of Monday, August 16th at 8:00AM Central Time. Both of these courses can be completed at your students' own pace and students are not required to report to campus for New Student Convocation or Cajun Connection. All first-year students are required to complete both of these virtual events by Friday, September 10, 2021 at 12:30PM. Failure to complete these items could result in the loss of a letter grade for UNIV 100.All students are required to register and successfully complete a section of UNIV 100during their first semester in college. If your student has not registered for a sectionof UNIV 100, please have them register as soon as possible. For more informationabout UNIV 100, please visit UNIV 100 First-Year Seminar. NEW STUDENT CONVOCATION &CAJUN CONNECTIONREG I S T E R ING FO R U N I V 100New Student Convocation and Cajun Connection have been moved to a virtualsetting. All students will be automatically enrolled in two courses: one for CajunConnection and one for New Student Convocation. Students can now beginaccessing Cajun Connection on Monday, August 16th at 8:00AM Central Time.

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3A NOTE ON BUYING TEXTBOOKSStudents should wait until the first week of classes to buy books— professors will goover the syllabus on the first day of class to cover textbook information. Not alltextbooks are required or specified on the syllabus. Some ways to save money includerenting textbooks from the Ragin’ Cajuns Store on campus, buying or renting booksonline, buying used books, or sometimes checking-out textbooks (for a limited time)from the campus library.CAJUN CRAZEGet on Board DayNPHC Wild-n-Out WednesdayRec Sports Complex Grand Opening PartyFreshman SGA Election & Panhellenic Sorority Informational SessionsPart-Time Job & Volunteer FairAnd many more! Get ready for Cajun Craze! During the first two weeks of classes, the University ishosting a variety of events to welcome all UL Lafayette students back to campus.Schedule highlights include:Share the full Cajun Craze schedule with your student today. Students are alsoencouraged to follow @ULGetInvolved on Instagram for updates. Students' safety remains the University's top priority as the fall semester approaches. Inaddition to measures already in place for the fall, such as masking requirements and placinglimitations on class size to accommodate social distancing, the University continues to workin close coordination with the Louisiana Department of Health and other agencies to ensureits protocols align with the latest and most effective health and safety standards. Click herefor more information about the University's COVID-19 response.COVID-19*Please note that all events and programs are subject to change. If there are anychanges to these events, students will be notified via University email.