Students can earn their Bachelor of General Studiesby designing their degree in a way that suits theirunique needs and interests. Learn more aboutUniversity College.COLLEGE 101J U L Y 1 5 , 2 0 2 1ACADEMIC TREASURESIN DECLOUET HALLF O R U L L A F A Y E T T E P A R E N T S & F A M I L YTHIS NEWSLETTER IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE OFFICE OF ORIENTATION AND THE OFFICE OF FIRST-YEAR EXPERIENCE.August 23UNIVERSITY COLLEGESTUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES (SSS)SSS is considered a one-stop shop for academicsupport and other resources for students who qualify.The goal of SSS is to increase students’ academicstanding, college retention, and graduation rates....
...FREE OPPORTUNITIES FOR ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENTTutoring (no appointment necessary)Academic, financial, and career counselingMOTIVATION TOWARD SUCCESSFUL DEGREE COMPLETION FINANCIAL AID HELP INCLUDING:FAFSA application questions and problem-solvingGrant aid (if eligible)COMPUTER LAB USAGE AND PRINTINGTEST PREP MATERIALS (GRE, GMAT, ETC.) AND OTHER ACADEMICRESOURCESSSS helps students make the transition from high school to college and beyond. SSSprograms are federally funded TRIO programs through the U. S. Department of Educationand are within the Department of Special Services at UL Lafayette. Learn more aboutStudent Support Services and have your student complete an application forconsideration. To qualify for the SSS program students must meet one of the following requirements: (1)Have financial need, (2) First-generation college student, (3) Student with a disability, or(4) U.S. military veteran.2WHAT DOES SSS PROVIDE?UPCOMING VIRTUAL PARENT & FAMILY ROUNDTABLES - JULY 15 AT 5:30 PM - AUGUST 3 AT 5:30 PM View the Virtual Parent & Family Orientation website for moreinformation.
...Set communication expectations. How often do you expect a call or text from your student?Chat about their goals. What GPA is your student striving for this semester? What do theyhope to accomplish?Talk about their budget. What is your student expected to pay for on their own? Should theyplan to get a part-time job? Reminders about basic life skills. Many first-year students benefit from a refresher on how towash clothes, make healthy food choices, get enough sleep, and not ignore signs of illness.For additional pre-college topics of conversation, check out this article from ourpartners at Collegiate Parent: 10 Conversations to Have the Summer Before College3SSS PROGRAM EXPERTS OFFER SPECIALIZEDASSISTANCE IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS:Other TRIO programs in DeClouet Hall help students who are at the pre-college level (UpwardBound, Upward Bound Math/Science and Educational Talent Search), adults who want toenroll in college (Veterans Upward Bound), and college students who aspire to attend graduateschool (LS-LAMP and McNair).• SSS Regular for all majors• SSS STEM for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math majors• SSS Teacher Prep for Education majors• SSS Veterans for U.S. veterans• SSS Disability for students with a documented disabilityCONVERSATIONS TO HAVE THE SUMMER BEFORE COLLEGEWith less than 6 weeks until the start of the fall semester, you and your student arelikely busy making preparations for the upcoming year. Here are some suggestedtopics to discuss with your student before the start of the semester: