COFFEE BREW 2019 SALES REPORT INTRODUCTION According to Wikipedia an annual report is a comprehensive report on a company s activities throughout the preceding year Annual reports are intended to give shareholders and other interested people information about the company s activities and financial performance They may be considered as grey literature Most jurisdictions require companies to prepare and disclose annual reports and many require the annual report to be filed at the company s registry Companies listed on a stock exchange are also required to report at more frequent intervals depending upon the rules of the stock exchange involved BUSINESS REVIEW MISSION Outline how the company is structured your departments and their responsibilities and who is responsible for each area VISION Outline how the company is structured your departments and their responsibilities and who is responsible for each area GOALS General corporate information General corporate information Operating and financial review Operating and financial review Director s Report Director s Report Corporate governance Corporate governance information information Chairpersons statement Chairpersons statement PAGE 03 INTRODUCTION
COFFEE BREW 2019 SALES REPORT 63 2018 INCREASED SALES Report against the targets you set the previous year and set new ones for the coming year 88 2019 INCREASED SALES Report against the targets you set the previous year and set new ones for the coming year PAGE 03 INTRODUCTION