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COCC Cash Management

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COCC is an award-winning client-owned financial technologycompany servicing financial institutions throughout theNortheastern United States for over 50 years. Launched in 1967, COCC was founded by its clients to providethem with more control over features, costs and the delivery oftheir technology needs. Many of these original founding financialinstitutions are still active COCC clients today. This uniquecooperative structure has set COCC apart from the competitionand is one of the driving forces behind the success of COCC andthe financial institutions it serves. Today, COCC is the fastest-growing financial data processingcompany in the United States and recognized as a leader indelivering innovation and the quality service financial institutionsdemand and deserve. Effectively servicing over 100 billion dollars in assets withunmatched next-generation technology backed by superiorcustomer service, COCC has established a track record second tonone in delivering on their commitments. COCC operates on anopen, relational database core system. This system’s flexibility hashelped client's lower operation costs, improve their ability toservice customers/members and position themselves to succeedin the increasingly competitive financial service marketplace. No other company combines state-of-the-art technology and aclient cooperative ownership structure. The result is that COCC’sclients have come to realize the best of both worlds: advancedtechnology backed by a 100% focus on superior customer service. AWARDWINNINGCOCC operates throughoutNew England, New Jersey, NewYork, Pennsylvania and Ohio.BenefitsHighest ratio of customer servicestaff to financial institutionsQuarterly report cards and instantsurveysSuperior client satisfaction rating10 years in a rowMost ambitious visitation, trainingand education program in theindustryShadow days resulting in the bestutilization of productsCOCC is a client-owned company with anindependent Board of Directors comprised ofCEOs elected from within COCC’s client base.COCC’s partnership is all-encompassing, frompricing to product direction to participation infinancial institution strategic planning sessions,client committees, regional client meetings andquarterly service ratings.The Role of theCooperative

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KEYHIGHLIGHTSKEYHIGHLIGHTSCOCC’s service reputation is unparalleled, with the highestratio of customer service staff to financial institutions,superior client satisfaction ratings for 10 consecutive yearsand the most ambitious visitation, training and educationschedule in the financial industry. COCC’s mission is clear:to be a client-owned service organization with a focus onquality service delivery as opposed to profit and earningsper share. COCC’s commitment to partnership is far greaterthan that of any competitor. COCC pledges to work closelywith clients to ensure they are operating in the mostefficient manner possible.Top-Rated CustomerServiceCOCC offers and supports a single core system, brandedINSIGHT. The INSIGHT core system is a next-generation,relational database system that operates in an online real-timeprocessing environment, encompassing all deposits and loans.Technologically, INSIGHT utilizes an Oracle database with aMicrosoft Windows-based .NET architecture user interface.The INSIGHT platform also enables COCC to integrate best-of-breed ancillary products to the core while ensuring that theCompany can develop, integrate and deliver capabilities thatclients need. Because COCC uses the latest technologies, theintegration processes are simpler and more complete thantraditional legacy systems. This enables COCC to “shop” forthe new and innovative products to improve a financialinstitution’s capabilities and offer choices to meet each client’sneeds. The .NET infrastructure, open architecture and Oracledatabase enable COCC clients to stay on the leading edge ofinnovation. Breakthroughs such as core processing appsdeliver enhancements quicker in a more cost-effective manner.The Technology to Win

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Advanced Technology Offerings Built-in workflows, multiple transactions processedin one session and information throughout the systemis consistently displayed in plain text as opposed tocodes for easier recognition and training. Automation & Efficiency A part of the COCC core system which enables you tounderstand your customers/members and deliverappropriate products and services to meet their needs. Contact Management & Sales Tracking COCC’s app concept enables clients to quickly deploycustomized functionality to the INSIGHT core system such asenhanced screens and functionality, custom dashboards, andnew reports.Extensibility through Apps Technology Each customer/member exists only once in thedatabase, providing a 360-degree view of theirentire relationship with your financial institution. Thisaffords your staff a better understanding at a glanceof the total relationship without having to navigateto multiple screens or systems. Relationship Profile Allows for true real-time integration with the financialinstitutions ancillary systems of choice. It enables thebi-directional flow of information and the freedom tochoose best of breed products. Open Architecture COCC offers a truly integrated online and mobile bankingapplication for both businesses and consumers with built inPersonal Financial Management (PFM), target marketing, cashmanagement, and bill pay services. This includes a free onlineaccount opening module that allows existing customers/members to completely open or start opening a new accountand complete the process within a branch. Digital BankingFor more information, please contact COCC at

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Taking your institution to the next level Account Analysis

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KEYHIGHLIGHTSFor more information, please contact COCC institutions can set up relationship accounts toconsolidate balances and earning credits. Informationfrom systems such as lockbox and/or third-party onlinebanking platforms can be entered into the analysissystem automatically.INSIGHTProvides an offset to banking fees by receiving acredit for balances maintained Helps manage cashflow and simplify accountingEnables businesses to utilize excess balances forother purposesConsumer BenefitsHelps ensure business deposit relationships areprofitableEncourages businesses to maintain higher balancesProvides a snapshot of the business depositrelationshipGenerates a bill to the customer for bankingservicesInstitution BenefitsA highly efficient account analysis system is vital to yourorganization's performance. See how COCC canenhance and complement your institution with seamlessintegrations and solutions that offer a complete suite ofadvanced financial tools, tailored services, andinnovative strategies.

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Simplifying the FutureINSIGHT ACHManager

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OVERVIEWINSIGHT ACH Manager (IAM) simplifies many of the challenges associated with manual ACH operations byproviding a complete, end-to-end solution that helps financial institutions streamline their processes,while addressing risk and compliance needs. IAM is a workflow enabled product that is fully integrated with INSIGHT. As ACH transactions are originatedor cleared, they go through a series of checks and rule validations to ensure that only valid and safe files arebeing processed. Appropriate users within the institution are notified when there are exceptions that requiremanual approvals. When there are no exceptions, optional features such as ONUS ACH transactions areautomatically posted to INSIGHT, while outgoing transactions are warehoused based on the effective date. Automating ACH Operations with INSIGHT Duplicate batch detection Frequency monitoring SEC code verification Chargeback account mapping forautomatic returns posting.Detailed auditing and reporting Customer emails when files aresuccessfully processed by thefinancial institution.Complete reporting of customers,agreements, exceptions, approvals,transactions and output files forAccount Analysis systems.OFAC and limit exceptions Transaction summary and detailsExpired agreements INSIGHT ACH Manager (IAM) providesmanagement tools for establishingACH agreements.Creation of an ACH loan to track dailylimits, multi-day limits, expiration andrenewals.Ready to process same day ACHReversal of previously submitted ACHfiles, batches, and individualtransactions.Options that can immediately debitcustomers’ accounts or place hold forfuture dated settlements. ONUS processing Approvals with notes for limit violations& expired agreements Enhanced Functionality and Reporting

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KEY HIGHLIGHTSINSIGHT ACH Manager works around the clock,requiring minimal human intervention. Financialinstitutions operate in what we call, “Lights-out”mode. This means the system handles downloading ofbusiness online banking files, accounts payable files,third party originator files and automatically processesthem. When a file violates a rule and an exception isgenerated, the files are held, and the appropriate usersare notified so they can manually review. If the financialinstitutions want additional oversight, they can use“Light touch” mode. In this example, files will still beautomatically pulled from various sources, but will beplaced in a queue. Once in the queue, appropriatepersonnel can release the files and monitor the flow. Thesystem can be configured to securely push or pull thefiles to/from Secured File Transfer servers.Institution level rules engine gives you thepower to decide:When the processing of files willautomatically happen throughscheduled jobsWhen you want files to be held forapproval When you want to be alerted ofcustomer activity Who receives reporting emails,compliance emails and approval emailsWho has access to certain screenswithin the applicationLights Out…or LightTouch. You Decide. The Power of Control.For more information, please contact COCC at

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CentrixDTSSimplify your dispute resolution process.

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CentrixDTS is easy-to-use, paperless, and eliminates the tedious chore of manual dispute tracking. CentrixDTSwill simplify your dispute resolution process with a browser-based case management tool. Save time andreduce cost while addressing your front line, call center, back office, management oversight and Regulation Ecompliance needs. Through partnership with Centrix, DTS runs in-house at COCC. Agreement on COCC paper • Billing • Vendor management • Infrastructure management • New releases & patchingCustomer support by COCCImplemented by COCCFeaturesKEYHIGHLIGHTSCentrixDTS has built in intergration for existing Docusignlicense which allows electronic signatures to be capturedfor dispute forms while notifying customers via email.Once document is signed by the customer, the copiedform is automatically added as an attachment to thedispute for a seamless process.Integrated customer & transaction dataOnline dispute formsAutomated questionnaireSignature pad integrationWorkflow to back officeResearch (lookup) existing disputesFront Line Efficiency

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Full case managementTimeline managementAttach supporting documentsAutomatic transaction postingAutomatic letter productionReportingBack Office AdministrationCompliance reportingAutomated processing to ensure complianceFull audit of all activitySystem of record for all disputesSimplified ComplianceKEYHIGHLIGHTSDispute history alertsManagement alerts for highFraud analysis by breachEnhanced ReportingFor many financial institutions, understanding the cost of adata breach is often guesswork. The CentrixDTS Fraud Alertmodule makes the process more accurate and much simpler.Compromised card files from Visa, MasterCard, and Discoverare processed into the fraud alert module, which thenprovides an easy-to-understand automated fraud analysisreport for each breach. Extensive reporting is available tosummarize how the institution has been impacted by aspecific breach, including potential loss, actual loss, numberof disputes, and number of cards involved in the breach.CentrixDTS with Fraud AlertFor more information, please contact COCC

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Exact/TMS™ Payee MatchCentrixSolutions

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The Exact/TMS™ Payee Match module enhances the check positive pay process by validating the payee onthe check image against the payee name that the corporate client included in their issued check file. Thisprocess adds another layer of protection against unauthorized disbursements and fraudulent checks, beyondvalidating common data such as check number and check amount.Enhance the Positive Pay ExperienceTraditional positive pay compares micrinformation from the paid check against thedata that was submitted by the client(issuer) in the issued check file. Today, thisis a basic treasury service product offeringfor many financial institutions and criminalsunderstand this. Moreover, changing thepayee on a check is much more difficult todetect unless the proper technology is inplace to automate this process. Exact/TMS™ with payee match provides thistechnology to community banks.Protect Customers withImproved TransactionSecurityEnhanced treasury management servicessuch as payee match and ACH positive payprovide a competitive advantage over othercommunity banks and enable a financialinstitution to effectively compete with superregional and national banks for corporateaccounts. No longer is payee matchtechnology limited to big banks with bigbudgets. Centrix has evened the playingfield for the community bank.Competitive AdvantageTight budgets require a community bank toleverage their technology spending. Exact/TMS™ incorporates a broad range oftransaction management and transactionfraud detection benefits, thus providing animmediate impact on customer service and asustainable ROI. Single Solution withMultiple TransactionManagement FunctionsExact/TMS™ is a completely automatedsystem that minimizes manual intervention bythe bank. The system is designed as a self-service product for corporate clients toutilize via the internet. Automated, nightlyprocessing identifies exceptions or createsreports for clients, sends an email to alertthe client, and enables the client to makepay/return decisions or retrieve customizedreports via a web interface.Automation MeansMinimal OperationalInterventionC e n t r i c S o l u t i o n s E x a c t / T M S ™ P a y e e M a t c h

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In each example, the shaded area represents adiscrepancy in the payee name from the issuefile to the check image.Identifying Altered PayeesPayee Match detectsaltered payee informationby dynamically finding andextracting the payeename(s) on checks orsubstitute checks,regardless of the location,even if it is close to otherinformation or if the payeename spans multiple lines.Locatingthe PayeeThe examples below show how the Exact/TMS™ Payee Match module identifies and extracts the payeename(s) on checks or substitute checks, compares this information against the payee included in the checkissue files, and flags any possible alterations.C e n t r i c S o l u t i o n s E x a c t / T M S ™ P a y e e M a t c h

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The nightly update process compares the payeename supplied in the issued check file againstthe payee name extracted from the check image.Payee Match Confidence LevelWhen the payee name lifted from the checkimage is verified against the name supplied in theissued check file, a confidence level is returned.For example, a confidence level of 0% means thatthe payee names did not match in any way and aconfidence level of 100% means the payee namesmatched exactly. However, in many cases, thematching process will detect a partial match. Theinstitution defines parameters for each client thatdetermine the confidence levels that result inpositive pay exceptions. Confidence levels forexceptions may vary based upon the amount ofthe check and whether the check is a substitutecheck or not.2. Nightly Update ProcessingThe following five components are part of Payee Match processing:An exception scrub process allows bankpersonnel to review payee exceptions eachmorning and correct (pay) the exceptions thatare a result of poor image quality or a badread on the payee name. All remainingexceptions can then be “released” to thecustomers where the client can review theexception on-line, view the image and make apay/return decision. Payee exceptions will belisted with all other check exceptions in thesystem. The exception scrub process isoptional. The financial institution may alsochoose to release all exceptions directly toclients rather than going through an exceptionscrub process.1. Exception Scrub for PayeeExceptions Payee Match Processing ComponentsC e n t r i c S o l u t i o n s E x a c t / T M S ™ P a y e e M a t c h

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Machine printed (typed) checks are a requirementfor accounts that utilize Payee Match.Machine Print vs. HandwrittenThe quality of the image will affect the success rateof matching. Poor image quality will score lowerthan high quality images.Quality of ImagesThings to ConsiderCheck images from the institution’s checkimage archive are used for matchingpurposes.Exact/TMS Check Image InterfacePayee Match requires the Exact/TMS CheckImage Interface, which allows corporateclients to click on a “view image” link whenmaking pay/return decisions on exceptionsand reviewing cleared checks.5. Check Image ArchiveFor more information, please contact COCC at StrategicProducts@cocc.comThe financial institution enables or disablesPayee Match processing at the accountlevel within Exact/TMS.3. Account Level PayeeMatch Parameter Clients must supply payee names in issuedcheck files.4. Issued Check FilesC e n t r i c S o l u t i o n s E x a c t / T M S ™ P a y e e M a t c h

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Check Risk & Fraud DetectionDirectLink RiskReview

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Counterfeit/AlterationRefer to Maker (Items have been returned onthis routing and account)Missing SignatureHistorical Amount Over ThresholdHistorical Number of Items Over ThresholdSignature Confidence LowAmount Discrepancy (courtesy amount and legalamount don’t match)Serial Out of RangeCheck Stock (does not match)Endorsement Confidence LowPAD Detected (Determines if the item is a pre-authorized draft, aka: remotely created checks,e-check)Sample Failure ReasonsFIS DirectLink Risk Review providesomnichannel risk review and fraud detectioncontrols for Day 1 or Day 2 processing. TheRisk Review application adds channel-specific and common business rules acrossthe ImageCentre platform, reducingfinancial institution losses due to fraud.Transactions submitted from capturechannels are scrutinized through the cross-channel controls, including transactionanalysis, deposit fraud prevention, imageanalysis, and negotiability. Any file thatflows through ImageCentre has the potentialfor review; Inclearing, DirectLink Branch,Teller INSIGHT Capture, Image ATM, ITM,Merchant, Mobile, RDC, Lockbox, etc. *Must currently be an Item ProcessingClient to utilize DirectLink Risk ReviewCHECK RISK & FRAUD DETECTIOND i r e c t L i n k R i s k R e v i e w

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For more information, please contact COCC at analysis (serial, amount, velocity),duplicate, high dollar, positive andnegative tests.Transaction AnalysisAutomated signature verification, check stockvalidation, check style analysis, amount verification,treasury validation, serial number matching.Image AnalysisImage quality, amount discrepancies,signature/ endorsement presence, dualsignatures required, date/stale and post,CAR/LAR comparison - alterations.NegotiabilityReview micr, test against cross bank negativehistory, reference known bad accounts anditems, recommend action based on risk score,third-party regulatory alerts.Deposit Fraud PreventionD i r e c t L i n k R i s k R e v i e w KEY FEATURES

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iSendSecureSecure File Transfer Protocol

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iSendSecure, is a secure File Transfer Protocol (FTP) solution that safely and securely collects, manages, anddistributes sensitive information between Financial Institutions and external entities. Files are securelyexchanged via encrypted connections utilizing either HTTP over SSL, or SSH protocols. OVERVIEWiSendSecure is a portal for files to be transmitted to/from our datacenter on the behalf of ourcustomers. Some of the use-cases:One of your business customers wants to deliver files to you for downstream processing. Examplesinclude, but not limited to:1.ACHPositive Pay Issue FileX937 files (RDC, Branch Capture etc.)Any file type that requires core processingThe business customers are larger in size and have their own internal systems to create the variousfiles. The customer does not want to deliver files via i.e., iBanking You need to deliver the following files to your business customers (from the COCC datacenter)2.Positive Pay Recon filePositive Pay reports/extract (BAI2)One of your vendors needs a portal to deliver/pick-up files from you (from the COCC datacenter)3.Why Use iSendSecure?Reads and writes directly toiSendSecure’s temporarysecure file storageUses secure communicationsvia SSL encryption on bothcontrol and data portsRuns as a Windows serviceUploads and downloads files,with compatible clients, usingcompression and integritycheckingFTP

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For more information, please contact COCC, Security Standards, and AuditingRequirementsWith robust privacy, security and audit standards,it conforms to a number of regulations.Tamper-Evident Audit TrailMaintains an audit trail of every file transfer andadministrative action. All entries arecryptographically chained in a way that makes logtampering evident. Scheduled tamper checks runautomatically and can also be run manually.Integrity CheckingiSendSecure file transfer uses cryptographichashes to verify the integrity of files throughout thetransfer chain. All iSendSecure clients supportintegrity checking.Non-RepudiationAuthentication and integrity checking allowspeople to prove that certain people transmittedand/or received specific files.Security

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Positive PayACH & Check

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COCC offers check and ACH solutions to help your corporate clients prevent fraud. This system combinescheck positive pay with payee match, ACH positive pay and full account reconciliation. Positive pay offersyour business customers a solution to help address their risks and liabilities regarding Internet security andtransaction fraud. This system helps protect business accounts by notifying the financial institution ofexceptions within 24 hours. This insurance policy gives your customers the peace of mind they expect whileencouraging them to remain committed to your institution.ACH positive pay including exceptions for unauthorized ACH activityAutomated emails and alerts to notify customers when exception items are presentAutomated processing of submitted issued check files to eliminate manual intervention Online check reconciliation assists customers with balancing to their bank statementOnline exception management enables the customer to make pay/return decisions via theweb for both check exceptions and ACH exceptionsElectronic comparison of the submitted payee name to the payee on the check imageSingle sign-on to iBankingOVERVIEWFeatures & BenefitsFor more information, please contact COCC at

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Real-time PaymentsRTP

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The Clearing House’s RTP® network is abetter way to instantly send and receivemoney in the digital age. Financial institutionsand businesses have put RTP’s capabilities towork to create complete and exceptionalpayments experiences.COCC’s collaborative integration with theRTP network makes it possible for yourfinancial institution to provide new paymentoptions designed specifically for the moderndigital landscape. Payments made throughthe new RTP® network are quick andconvenient, and work differently than creditor debit cards and other conventionalpayment method.Account-to-AccountGig EconomyBusiness-to-BusinessLoan FundingPayrollMerchant FundingWalletsInsurance ClaimsTitle CompaniesCash ConcentrationOVERVIEWHow RTP capabilitiesare being used today

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KEYHIGHLIGHTSImmediate and CertainEach payment is cleared and settled in real-time,24/7, and confirmed immediately so all parties can becertain that the transaction is complete.ComprehensiveA two-way communication thread between sendersand receivers is loaded with useful information, whichmakes the status clear and right where you need it –no loose ends to track down. In ControlSenders and receivers are in control (e.g., billersdetermine when to send payment requests; payersdecide whether, when and how much to pay).Innovative service providers create the userexperience for their offerings. ProvenThe RTP network is in full production and operated byThe Clearing House, a trusted, secure provider ofpayments – so you can be confident RTP is safe andwill work.

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KEYHIGHLIGHTSThe RTP network is open to all federally insured U.S. depository institutions, giving your institutionand its customers or members the ability to receive instantaneous payments. With continuous processing, your customers or members can get immediate availability to incomingpayments, providing enhanced control over their money. For the financial institution, settlement andclearing is also completed in real-time.Benefits to your financial institutionEnhanced speed, security, and messaging capabilitiesReal-time final interbank settlementProvides more convenient and transparent service to customers and membersProvides immediate availability of fundsPositions your institution on the leading edge of payments capabilitiesEnables our clients to immediately begin receiving RTP paymentsTake advantage of future applications and payments capabilities on the RTP networkMillions of payments are clearing through the RTP network every month, with the volume doublingabout every quarter.Features & BenefitsFor more information, please contact COCC at

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TrueChecks®Trusted Leader in Check Fraud Prevention

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While the use of checks may be in decline, checkfraud remains a major risk to financial institutions.With fraudsters attempting to pass millions ofdollars in bad checks across the teller line, it isimportant to protect your institution. Preventingfraud losses begins at the point of presentment. Advanced Fraud Solutions, a leader in the fraudprevention software space, can help yourinstitution stop potential fraud. This optional fraudprevention solution does require the client to useTeller INSIGHT Capture.With TrueChecks from Advanced Fraud Solutions,your institution can access powerful real-timecheck information at the time of presentment,preventing check deposit fraud losses at the frontline. Leveraging information provided by thousandsof contributing financial institutions to a privatecloud-based database, TrueChecks is integrateddirectly into INSIGHT Teller Capture to offer anenhanced level of fraud protection. TrueChecks delivers real-time responses oncounterfeit, NSF, Closed Account, Duplicate,and many other fraudulent items. This fast,easy-to-use check fraud detection solutionstops fraudulent deposits at the teller linebefore they hit your bottom line. This empowersyour team to stop fraud at the source. Byidentifying “high risk” items, including itemsover your institution’s dollar amount guidelines,items drawn on new accounts, cashier’s checks,and items drawn on accounts from out of thestate/country, you can bolster your institution’sdeposit operations.OVERVIEWIdentify Fraud in Real-TimeDelivers real-time responsesDisplays Reg CC-recommended action andassociated riskFront-line protection and administrationsupportAids in check loss prevention Identifies fraud across deposit channelsFor more information, please contact COCC at, Comprehensive Database of Negative Informationbad check alertsin our database10Mnew alerts addedeach month150k

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WITSWire Transfer System

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Streamline your wireprocessing workflow

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