Wise Wordsfrom Wise Women
‘A mother is she who can takethe place of all others but whose place no one else can take’-Cardinal Meymillod
I love you to the Moon, all around the stars and back again -S.Riley
Get that look off your face, if the wind changes it willstay that way
A little birdy told me.
Because I said so!
Money doesn’t grown on trees!
If you think youare beaten you are,if you think youdare not, you don’t.If you like to winbut think you can’tit’s almost certainyou won’t! If youthink you’ll lose youe list, for out inthis world we findsuccess begins witha persons will it’sall in your state ofmind…-Walter .D. Winter -J.Barron
ALWAYS put toilet paper over the seat whenyou’re at a public toilet -N.Riley
The only time you’ve failed iswhen you didn’t try
If theyjumped off thebridge, Wouldyou??
Know who you are,so when you get lost you’ll know who to find
If you don’t have anythingnice to say, don’t sayanything at all
SHE, is the cats mother.
There’s no such word asCAN’T
Honey, lemon and sugar will fixyour cough Vicks on the soles of your feet andthe back of your singlet will helpyour cold A camphor bag pinned insideyour petticot will keep the coldaway! —N.Riley
If you don’t eat youdont poop, and if youdon’t poop, you die! -J.Henry
My Motheralways told me topick my battles!! MS Boom(Sam Collins)
“My Mother always told me that you need tohave a partner in your life that is also your bestfriend, as when you’re old, good conversation is all you may have.":, LF Boom(Sam Collins)
Always blend yourfoundation down your neck,It’s a sign of goodcharacter -N.Riley
I will always loveyou, no matterwhat! -S.Riley
There’s no such thing as abad batch of Jam when it’smade with love -Z.Lipscombe
Cherish every single little moment.Take it all in and LIVE in that moment.The good, the bad and the ugly. Really stop and take a minute to look atyour surroundings with your wholeheart and soul. Appreciate and embrace that momentfor what it truly is. Because tomorrow that “moment” will become but a beautiful memory you shall take with you and cherish forever. In the end, it’s really the simplestmoments like these that keep yourheart warm forever There’s one thing being a motherhas taught me, and it’s this. -O Luppino
Where are your socks??! - S. Velazquez - S. Harris- J. Multari
No matter how you cut your hair,if you are beautiful on the inside,you will always be beautiful —S. Velazquez
I’d move heaven and earth for you! -S.Harris
You can do anything in thisworld, if you just put yourmind to it - S. Harris
There's nothing quite likehearing your mother tell you: “YOU'RE GOING TO BE AWONDERFUL MOTHER”“MOTHERHOOD SUITSYOU”“YOU ARE A GREAT MUM!”
There's no place like home
Get down from there!!
The best things in life areFREE
(after the kids say hurtful things theyreally don't mean) —J MultariI love you anyway
Be kind to others,even when they’renot kind to you!
“If you eat all your crustsyour hair will grow curlylike mine” -E.M Harris
To my precious children, I’ll go throughmud, rain & storms with youMy love for you knows no bounds, and I’ll protectand support you every step of the way. Life canbe challenging, but you’ll never face it alonebecause I’ll be right there beside you. I am yourfiercest protector. If ever I have to stand up foryou, even if it means burning bridges, I will do itwithout hesitation. Your safety, well-being, andhappiness are non-negotiable.It doesn’t matter if the person in question is arelative or a friend of ours. What matters isensuring that you are surrounded by individualswho uphold the same values and morals that wecherish as a family. You don’t get to choose whowe allow around you, but I promise to alwayschoose what’s best for you. Is it hard to navigatethis stuff? Yes, but you mean more to me thananything and I want you to know that I’ll alwayshave your back!J. Multari
I want you to know:Your voice is powerful. Don’t be afraid tospeak up and share your opinions.No matter how hard the situation you arefacing, I have probably been through somethingsimilar and you can always come to me, my 1job is to guide you.Trust your instincts & if you’re confused askquestions, I’ll do my best to answer.If you make a mistake, you can always fix it I’llbe there to help you.If you did something wrong, apologise- &mean it otherwise it’s not an apology.If you see something wrong, make a stance.Some friends will treat you better thanfamily, hold onto those.Family is important, but they aren’t ALL themost important, if someone is toxic, family ornot you have every right to remove them fromyour life.It’s ok to walk away from situations that don’tserve you, know your worth, you are so valued.I love you more than words can ever express& I will always try to show you. - J Multari
Listen and you Will feel more than you can hear. T.Swan