L O N D O N H U N T A N D C O U N T R Y C L U B CLUB LIFE magazine INSIDE i s t h e r e r e a l ly s u c h thing as good luck 60 SECONDS WITH c a n a d i a n c o c k ta i l s NOW THEN ISSUE TEN SUMMER 2017
Board of Directors L O N D O N H U N T A N D C O U N T RY C LU B M E M B E R S H I P The Club s distinction as one of the finest in Canada inspires us to endlessly create an experience beyond all expectations Now consider how do you enjoy your Membership On the course on the courts shooting entertaining dining With family celebrating holidays making lifelong friends learning something new There are so many ways to enjoy Membership at the London Hunt and Country Club If you would like to share the joy of Membership with co workers friends or family by introducing them to the Club as potential Members please contact Linda Fletcher Membership and Accounts Coordinator for information Linda Fletcher Membership and Accounts Coordinator 519 471 2523 extension 214 lfletcher londonhuntclub com
Board of Directors BOARD OF DIRECTORS Barbara Willis President John Vander Hoeven First Vice President Peter Channer Second Vice President CONTENTS sUMMER 2017 15 17 FACES IN THE CLUB CANADIAN COCKTAILS Geoff Davies Past President Norm Thompson Marcia Roberts Doug Davis Glenn MacKinnon Cathy Purdom Deb Bryant Dieter Bruckschwaiger MANAGEMENT TEAM Jon Nusink CCM CCE Chief Operating Officer Tim McKeiver CPGA Golf Professional Jayson Griffiths Golf Course Superintendent Adam Baranowski 9 60 SECONDS WITH ALSO IN THIS ISSUE PRESIDENT S MESSAGE 3 Tennis Professional CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER S REPORT 5 Brad Adams NOW AND THEN 10 Clubhouse Manager GOLF REPORT 13 Chris Carnegie Food and Beverage Manager GROUNDS REPORT 14 Michael Stark Executive Chef GOOD LUCK 18 Tracey Machesney CSEP CPT TENNIS REPORT 19 Fitness Professional FITNESS REPORT 21 John Oosterwal FMP HUNT REPORT 22 Clubhouse Maintenance Manager Monica Mick CPA CA Controller Brandie Cooper Communications Manager 2 SECONDS 11 9 60 WITH THE DRAW OF THE KITCHEN TRAP AND SKEET REPORT 23 EVENT CALENDAR 25 JUST FOR JUNIORS 28 SUMMER 2017
Board of Directors PRESIDENT S MESSAGE Barbara Willis barb willis sympatico ca It has been quite a start to the spring season Our Opening Cocktail party was an event like no other While we initially had a cool and damp spring the sun is shining again and all our golf and tennis leagues are now in full swing Our golf course and tennis courts are in exceptional condition and our fitness program has even moved outdoors with Boot Camps We are most fortunate to be in a sound financial position with a strong and vibrant Membership All in all we are more than ready to welcome the summer season As you review this edition of Club Life you will read of the many opportunities for you and your family to enjoy our wonderful Club this summer We have evolved over the years to become the family focused Club that we know today When I was a Junior Member many years ago children were not permitted to play on the golf course until they reached their teenage years Nevertheless my parents would take me along on their Sunday afternoon golf game Once we reached the third tee and were out of sight from the Pro Shop I was handed a 7 iron and a putter and I too would play My parents taught me the etiquette of golf from a young age and emphasized that I must always play quickly so as not to hold up the men That may well be the reason I still swing too quickly Earlier today I was on the driving range when forty young golfers arrived with their parents and grandparents to participate in the Junior program 3 Each had their own golf bag that was for some almost as big as they are Shortly thereafter they headed off to the first tee and short course Engaging with our children in Club life during these formative years not only builds our sense of family but also bodes well for their lifelong interest in our Club Our Membership policies have evolved as well to be more inclusive for families Adult children can return to the Club as Legacy Members Grandchildren can now become Junior Members and we recently introduced a Reverse Legacy Program that enables Members to sponsor their parents for Membership These changes have embraced the extended family as a key element to our Club Our gender policies have also evolved over the years and my becoming your new President is testament to the progress we have made in that respect By aspiring to truly become a family focused Club we now offer programs and services that enable the entire family to be engaged in Club life As you review the calendar of events over the summer months you will see that there is something for everyone at all ages and stages in our lives from Baby Boot Camp to Senior Golf Leagues and events such as our Canada Day Celebration for the entire family to enjoy together The Board of Directors recently commissioned a SUMMER 2017
commemorative book to showcase our Club through photography The images will focus on all aspects of our facilities and Club life and will be a wonderful memento of all we are privileged to enjoy as Members Richard Bain a renowned local photographer will publish this book that is expected to be available next spring Going forward we will continue to evolve our policies and programs to ensure our success for the future This requires Member participation in the governance of our Club Geoff Davies as Past President is leading our nominating process this year and is currently seeking names of Members who would like to participate in one of our committees in the future The Nominating Committee will begin meeting in June to develop the 2018 slate of committees and Board members Should you be interested in serving on one of our committees please submit your name to Jon Nusink at jnusink londonhuntclub com This is a great opportunity to interact with your fellow Members and make an important contribution to your Club success as a Club And to our entire staff thank you for making our Club such a special place for our entire family to enjoy We have much to look forward to in the year ahead Enjoy the summer months and all that our Club has to offer Barbara Willis Club President What we achieve as committee members and as a Board is largely dependent on the leadership team with whom we are privileged to work I would like to take this opportunity to thank Jon Nusink and his management team for their contribution to our 4 SUMMER 2017
I T S A G R E AT S U M M E R R E L A X A N D ENJOY YOUR CLUB Jon Nusink COO jnusink londonhuntclub com To relax by definition is to release or bring relief from the effects of tension anxiety etc You ve likely come across this saying on our website or in print the last few years What does the Club mean to you It s a personal question really and one I love to hear the answer to What I ve come to learn now through the years is that The Club is as much of an emotion as it is a destination I was recently speaking to a new Member about how he was enjoying the Club and I asked if there was anything that has surprised him so far or something he didn t expect to experience before he joined as a Member His answer was as much a feeling as anything He said I am surprised and pleased that when I turn into the driveway and pass through those gates it s like all the day s stresses begin to melt away I love to hear stories like that Every department at the Club has an ongoing mandate to increase participation That s not to say that we have a participation problem at the Club In fact for the most part our Members are very engaged in the Club s various activities But it is important to constantly strive to improve the value proposition at the Club We refuse to rest on our laurels If you follow the weekly eNews and this quarterly Club Life magazine it is chock full of various features leagues events and attractions for every aspect of the Club It is all intended to encourage everyone to get involved try something new and enjoy the Club Note that every sport at the Club has beginner options if you need a little extra encouragement just contact the Professional staff to get set up Spring is always a busy time for welcoming new Members to the Club and this year has been no exception In April the Board approved the applications for seven new families 5 SUMMER 2017
Dr Nitin Khanna and Shanna Collins and their children Alexis 10 Isabel 7 and Devin 5 were sponsored by Steve Levschuk and Dr Edward Vasarhelyi Nitin is a Physician Gastroenterologist at St Joseph s Hospital Dr James and Heather Gregor were sponsored by Dr Jack McDonald and Dr Paul Adam James is Associate Chair Site Chief Department of Medicine at University of Western Ontario and Heather is a Research Assistant at Lawson Health Research Kevin and Tammy Laurie and their children Eric 13 and Megan 11 were sponsored by John Spriet and Jeff Petrie Kevin is General Manager Partner Owner at Competition Toyota Bernie and Sue Bierbaum are parents to Member Colin Bierbaum and sponsored by John Nash and Gordon MacKenzie Bernie is President of Bluestone Properties Inc and Sue is Administrator at the same Steven and Nicole Cox and their children Taylor 19 and Miranda 16 were sponsored by Peter McConville and Brad Beer Steve is Vice President at May McConville Omni and Nicole is a Senior Analyst at TD Canada Trust Nancy and Bob Russel moved from Connecticut and are sponsored by Nancy s brother Tom Tillman and mother Julainne Tillman welcome home Jason and Pamela Lessif and their children Mikaela 19 and Carson 17 were sponsored by Mike Malleck and Dave Moore They are owners of Carmik Foods ltd McDonald s In May four more families were added to our Membership John and Melanie Simioni and their children Natasha 16 Sonja 15 and Sophia 11 were sponsored by Mike Malleck and Dave Moore They own DBA Car Jon Family Restaurants McDonald s David and Sandy Weir and their twins Luke and Max 12 were sponsored by Don Bartlett and Charles Wright David is Senior Vice President of Business Development RicePoint Administration Inc and Sandy is the Founder of Smooth Wax Bar Robert and Donna Crncich and their children Ben 16 and Lauren 13 were sponsored by Robert s father Tony Crncich and Boomer Borschke Robert is a Commercial Developer and Realtor with Streetcity Realty welcome home Dr George and Eileen Aiello were sponsored by Jeff Doty and James Lockhart George is an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon at Interface Please help me in welcoming our 11 new Member families and a special thank you to our Members who proposed and sponsored them As I have said in numerous communications we rely on Members to introduce new Members it is in fact the only way we recruit so please let me help make it an easy and rewarding process for you to do so At the time of this issue our Membership roster is at or very close to our cap of 485 families However as always it is important to continue our efforts in keeping the Club attractive to new Members and strive to have a waitlist in order to replace our natural attrition We are aware that traditionally at least 70 of our new Members that join the Club are or were members at another club Often these new Members are currently set up and paying dues at another club and are beginning to look at next year For this reason we set up a Call Option so that these people can begin the application process now for acceptance to Membership in the new year All we require is completion of the paper work and a 2500 deposit which we hold and put towards their entrance fee in the new year This helps us know who is joining in advance and prevents the new Member from being stuck on the waitlist next year A win win 6 SUMMER 2017
Spring is also the time around the Club that you will see new staff faces as well A large number of our 160 employees are students and are part time or seasonal I appreciate the patience and welcoming attitude that most of them receive while we try to do intense amounts of training in a very short time to get new employees up to our Hunt Club quality of service There has been some exciting news amongst the staff and in particular our Culinary Team lately as Sous Chef Julie Cumming welcomed her son to the world in early May Little Elliot Peter Kriz was born May 9th weighing 7lbs 3oz I am also happy to announce that Cam McDaniel and Brittany Gajewski recently obtained their Red Seal Certification The Red Seal Interprovincial Program is a universally recognized and highly prestigious certification of apprenticeship in Canada It is an endorsement of the skills dedication and experience that apprentices have acquired and requires years of education and on the job training Brittany was also recently promoted to Banquet Sous Chef Congratulations Chef Brittany and Chef Cam You will notice the Tennis Chalet has undergone a stunning facelift to the exterior of the building All new siding windows doors and fixtures will be completed in late May Plans are currently underway for the interior of the Chalet with hopes of it being complete in time for next season Adam Baranowski is now in his third year as Head Tennis Professional and he has a very busy and exciting season of tennis ahead Trap and Skeet recently wound up their season on April 29 You will read about the season and this year s winners further in this issue Congratulations to all the event winners If you are interested in taking the gun safety course please let Ginny Leyten at the Front Desk know so she can add your name to a list of interested Members Once we have enough interest we bring instructors inhouse over the course of a weekend so you are ready to shoot for next season which starts in October This coming year promises to be a busy one all around the Club We have begun implementing elements of our Strategic Plan our golf leagues and events continue to grow and the Fitness section continues to grow to the point that we may need to already consider expanding in future years We are constantly trying new promotions and features in the dining rooms and appreciate your feedback whenever you dine either directly to Tony Chris or Pete or through the Food and Beverage Comment Card online Things are positive The Club is a great place to be this summer Take advantage of everything it has to offer Whether the Club is your place to entertain business clients reunite with friends after a long winter or it s your home away from home to enjoy something new with the kids or grandkids I hope you find time to sit back enjoy and relax IN MEMORIAM RO BERT BO B BA I L E Y 1934 March 4 2017 RO BERT V EL S D EN October 20 1926 March 16 2017 D R C R A IG M AC D O NA L D April 20 2017 P ET ER S C H WA RT Z January 20 1942 May 4 2017 BET T Y A NN W ID DR I N G TO N January 22 1931 May 20 2017 S H EL AG H M A RT IN November 12 1946 May 24 2017 CLUB BOOK The Club has contracted Richard Bain to photograph and publish a tabletop book on the Club This book which will be a hardcover 120 page book with over 100 colour photographs of our Club will be released in the spring on 2018 In 1998 Richard left the telecom world to pursue his love of photography and subsequently established Binea Press a publishing company specializing in tabletop books He has been described as Canada s most prolific photographer and now has twenty one books on Ontario featuring his own work If you see Richard around the Club please feel free to share with him any photo ideas that you might have www richardbain com 7 SUMMER 2017
L O N D O N H U N T A N D C O U N T RY C L U B p ro u d l y m i x i n g t h e NEGRONI DILLON S NEGRONI Unfiltered Gin 22 Campari S w e e t Ver m o u t h Bitters a formula for delicious 8 SUMMER 2017
60 SECONDS WITH DETROIT TIGER LOVING MILLENNIAL ASHLEY EANSOR Most important lesson they don t teach in school Take time to enjoy the little things in life And love yourself Who do you think you are m o s t l i k e i n y o u r f a m i ly I look exactly like my mom Sandi but act like my dad Bill The one app that you can t live withouT I am a very visual and creative person so I wouldn t be able to live without Instagram Song that you love to dance to Pursuit of Happiness by Kid Cudi What would you most like to tell yourself at 13 That you never know what the future holds What in life do you just know I just know my love for the Detroit Tigers Big party or small gathering Why not both I love parties Largest misconception about millennials That we are all alike Mountain view or ocean view 100 ocean view First memory of the Club as a child Easter Brunch with the Easter Egg Hunt Woman in history that you respect the most Queen Elizabeth II The furthest place you ve travelled Italy I lived in Florence for a month taking an Italian Art History course Hunt Club tradition that you want to last forever Thanksgiving Brunch and the horses and hounds parade 9 SPRING 2017
2017 1953 THEN NOW Following World War II the Club saw a rapid growth in Membership and an increased use in its facilities Between 1949 and 1953 approximately 300 000 was spent on the enhancement of the Club s previous premises In the 1950 s the Club would acknowledge that Western s expansion would eventually jeopardize its course Knowing this the Club purchased the 275 acres at our present location from the London Health Association Robert Trent Jones designed a 27 hole golf course 18 of which were completed in 1959 and the following spring the Club moved Although the Club changed addresses the general mandate of the Board of Directors has remained the same to provide its Members with an exceptional Membership experience and amenities via forward thinking governance Fun Fact The Club President in 1953 1952 1954 was C Ross Somerville 10 SUMMER 2017
11 SUMMER 2017
THE DRAW OF THE KITCHEN Michael Stark Executive Chef mstark londonhuntclub com I find myself often engaged in conversation about why I choose to be a Chef You would think that there would be many reasons for choosing one profession but there was only one reason why I choose to be a Chef the action I started my career in the kitchen at the age of 15 as a dishwasher at a local resort It was a decent way to make money for a kid and I soon became very proficient at washing dishes arguably the best I continued to wash dishes and do smaller prep jobs while I went through university as a part time job After completing my university education I went back to the same resort where I started my career as a dishwasher After speaking with the Chef I was offered an apprenticeship much to the dismay of my parents The draw of the kitchen for me at that age was magnetic I needed to cook and do nothing else Luckily this profession leaves little time to do anything else It was the flames the shouting the running the large glistening knives and the sheer wall of heat that you walk into when entering a kitchen that I fell in love with I accepted the apprenticeship and worked for Chef Andrew Carter and was a signed apprentice under the tutelage of one of his Sous Chef s Peter Ford Peter would teach me everything from the basics to more advance cookery as I progressed for the next three years I also attended school for culinary arts while cooking full time One of the first lessons you learn in cooking is that days off are a luxury and a rare commodity to be treasured Peter was and is a great Chef and still one of my mentors I speak with on a regular basis about the highs and lows of the industry The one thing about this industry is that with the unavoidable long hours a Chef works your co workers quickly become your family There are times I think I may know more about my co workers lives than my own family I am not speaking ill of the industry that is just the way it is and most cooks realize this very early on in their careers If you do not have a supportive partner that enjoys having their nights all to themselves you will as a Chef Cook have problems in the future Back to the draw of the kitchen and cooking as a career As I mentioned earlier the chaos and action was the largest draw for me to work in a kitchen I will never forget watching from my post in the dish pit as the cooks raced against the clock to prepare meals getting out a carte orders the stress yelling plating as quickly as possible and of course the large bursts of flames that reflect from every stainless steel appliance and backsplash in the kitchen All of this was magical I began my career before the advent of Food TV or the booming cook book industry If I wanted to know more about cooking I would read books by Julia Child the Joy of Cooking or the coveted White Heat by Marco Pierre White which I still recommend those recipes work every time The draw for me was the culture of cooking the chaos noise and heat then the intense interest in cookery itself the allure of creating dishes and manipulating food I remember seeing a dish that was served with Pomme William as the starch which is a potato croquette seasoned with Poir Williams pear flavored liquor and shaped like a pear with a bay leaf stuck right in the top to mimic a leaf I was blown away I did not even know this was possible This was such an old school dish but that dish stuck with me It was the moment I realized that there was so much more to this than the cultural side of the industry there was the cooking This industry does not have the greatest pay The hours are long and everything you read is cooking related You basically speak another language that only other seasoned cooks can understand You never have time for friends and are often absent from family gatherings but I cannot imagine my life outside of the kitchen If you cook you do it because you love it and no other reason Many people speak of passion and they do their jobs because they are passionate Cooking for most of us is past passion It is something that does not fade away It is a true love of the profession I would like to acknowledge all the cooks that work here at the Club especially my Sous Chefs Coco and Britt thank you for the love you bring with you every day 12 SUMMER 2017
P R A C T I C E A N D P L AY THE PERFECT EQUATION Tim McKeiver Head Golf Professional tmckeiver londonhuntclub com A Member recently asked me the question why is my practice so much better than my play on the golf course An interesting question and one many golfers struggle with which got me thinking about a teaching course Wendy Shackelton and I took a few years ago from Pia Nilsson and Lynn Marriott Pia and Lynn run a golf school in Phoenix Arizona called Vision 54 Their goal is simple Getting golfers of all levels to reach their potential on the golf course not just during practice The best way to sum up their teaching approach is an equation P T M E S 54 the perfect round of golf 18 birdies PHYSICAL fitness posture nutrition proper rest and the correct warm up before playing TECHNICAL the swing grip stance aim ball and club fitting and the correct set configuration to get the most out of your game MENTAL focus motivation decision making goal setting strategy and most importantly self talk EMOTIONAL feelings nervous angry anxious and or over excited SOCIAL your foursome the slow group in front of you etc There is no simple answer to the question but it will be one or a combination of the equation above Here s what you can control to give yourself the best possible chance to play to your potential Your temper equipment warm up pre shot routine aim attitude club selection strategy decision and commitment diet posture and your own speed of play Unfortunately there are some things you can t control The weather your foursome other s speed of play pin placements and or course conditions It s been my experience that most golfers are looking for a technical breakthrough to change their game The truth is we should all work on the PHYSICAL TECHNICAL MENTAL EMOTIONAL and SOCIAL aspects of our games in order to reach our full potential Pia and Lynn have authored a number of books that I would recommend including the following Every Shot Must Have a Purpose 2005 The Game Before the Game The Perfect 30 Minute Practice 2007 Play Your Best Golf Now 2011 Be a Player A Breakthrough Approach to Play Better on the Golf Course 2017 See you on the course 13 SUMMER 2017
GROUNDS REPORT Jayson Griffiths Golf Course Superintendent jgriffiths londonhuntclub com As I write this newsletter I reflect on the spring of 2016 to correlate the similarities in behaviour of our current plants relative to existing and past environmental conditions and what they will do next relative to expected environmental changes Nature s clock and the science and study of plant biological processes is directly influenced by three main factors sunlight temperature and precipitation Timing is everything and ecosystem health is dependant on nature taking the right steps at the right time The great golf architect Dr Alister MacKenzie once said One cannot emphasize too frequently the importance of leaving God s gifts alone and never acting unless it is certain that time and nature will fail to cure All things considered we have now accumulated heat units comparative to last spring and anticipate the 100 days of summer to soon be upon us The golf calendar is full of league play competitions and Member Guest events It is now more than ever we at Grounds acknowledge and ask for your continued daily course stewardship Particularly a reminder to all golfers about appropriate course etiquette with respect to ball marks bunker raking divot repair and cart traffic USGA Rule 16 1 C Repair of Hole Plugs Ball Marks and Other Damage The player may repair an old hole plug or damage to the putting green caused by the impact of a ball Repairing Ball Marks Always start at the back of the mark and push forward with the repairer Use repairer around all sides and slowly ease the turf towards the centre of the mark Do not lift the soil upwards Lightly tap down with putter As a courtesy a ball mark repair tool and course stewardship card has been produced by LHCC Grounds and will be made available at the Starters Booth Bunker Raking Bunker raking is a rather recent phenomenon As rules developed and stroke play became popular hazards became increasingly maintained Historical architect C B MacDonald was quoted to say If I had my way there would be a troupe of cavalry horses running through every trap and bunker on the course before a tournament started where only a Niblick could get the ball out and then but only after a few years I have seen several traps and bunkers that have afforded better lies and easier strokes than the fairway This of course is ridiculous We have come a long way since the earliest days of sheep manicured depressions where golfers received random lies Those days have passed and while there are present day courses that provide minimum maintenance to their hazards the London Hunt and Country Club is not one of these Bunkers are classified as hazards and golfers cannot test the condition of the sand before hitting a shot This means if a golfer enters a bunker to find hundreds of footprints they can t do anything about them until they play their shot After the shot has been played the golfer should use the rake provided and leave a good surface for fellow Members Divot Repair Golfers often ask if they should replace their divots The best option is to fill the divot with the sand material provided in the plastic divot bottles Typically this is a sand seed mixture dependant on time of season Replacing the divot is the second best option providing the divot has enough soil and structure to sustain the plant Most importantly filling the divot is a courteousy to your fellow golfer who may need to play a shot from this repaired area Motorized Carts Significant damage can be caused by motorized golf carts especially during times of excess rainfall or extended drought One of the most common areas of improper cart use is driving too close to steep banks teeing grounds and golf course greens These areas tend to receive much wear and tear and therefore unnecessary traffic can affect playing quality During times of drought the preferred line of travel is down the centre of fairways as irrigation can be limited in the rough In closing a thank you to all Members practicing course etiquette during these sometimes environmentally stressful months keep hydrated much like the grass plants stay cool drive down the centre of the fairways where moisture is available and compaction stress is less replace divots and repair ballmarks as a courtesy to your fellow Members Your combined efforts will only help contribute to the health and playability of the golf course over the coming weeks and months On behalf of the entire Grounds Team I wish you a tremendous summer golfing season 14 SUMMER 2017
CHEERS CANADA WITH UNIQUE AND TRADITIONAL CANADIAN COCKTAILS Chris Carnegie Food and Beverage Manager ccarnegie londonhuntclub com Oh Canada Summer is upon us and with it comes a milestone celebration for our great nation Canada turns 150 this year and what better way to celebrate than to toast the True North than with a refreshing beverage Canadians are often known for our love of beer and for us Londoners we have the bonus of having a brewery that belongs to the largest brewer in Canada right in our backyard Labatt s was founded by John Kinder Labatt in 1847 right here in London which makes the brewery older than Canada itself if you can believe it Labatt s brews approximately 10 million hectolitres annually in Canada which equates to roughly over 350 million bottles per year cementing our stereotype Canadians love beer There are however some other alternatives to our hoppy favorite The following is a short list of beverage ideas that you may know some you may not know and one that may require some bravery All in all one thing is for certain they are all distinctly Canadian CAESAR This classic spin on a Bloody Mary was first created in 1969 in Calgary Alberta at the Calgary Inn Restaurant manager Walter Chell needed a signature cocktail for the opening of the new Italian restaurant and the Caesar is what he devised RAYMOND MASSEY Named after the Toronto born actor this sophisticated cocktail is made with Canadian whiskey ginger syrup and champagne MOOSE MILK This boozy milkshake gets the nod on this list for its name Blended rum Kahlua and ice cream are the ingredients for this treat which would service well on a hot July 1st afternoon NEWFOUNDLAND SCREECH RUM Warning This is where the bravery kicks in Screech is a colloquial term that describes a cheap high alcohol spirit that is reminiscent of moonshine and Newfoundland Screech has its own tradition called a ScreechIn This ceremony involves giving visitors the chance to become honourary Newfoundlanders by eating a piece of bologna getting on their knees to kiss a frozen cod fish on the lips recite an oath and then take a shot of screech any takers Canada Day 2017 will be one for the history books and here at the London Hunt and Country Club we are looking to make it our biggest Canada Day celebration to date I look forward to seeing everyone out to have a great time as we pay birthday homage to our home and native land 15 SUMMER 2017
16 SUMMER 2017
GETTING TO KNOW THE FACES IN THE CLUB OLIVIA BROOK BO McDOUGALL FOOD AND BEVERAGE GROUNDS TEAM Bio My name is Olivia and I have been serving at the Club since September 2016 I am currently part of the full time staff as I prepare myself for school in the fall Since the opening of the course the Club has become my home away from home which oddly enough is very comforting for me Over the past 8 months I have loved building strong friendships seeing new and familiar faces and feeling appreciated for everything that I do I am a very determined and optimistic individual who enjoys being active and making others happy As the summer begins I will be making the transition into a part time server at the Club to continue my role as a member of the Port Stanley Beach Patrol where I life guard Life guarding was my first job when I was in high school and to my surprise six years later it has developed into a job I am very passionate about I love the adrenaline rush physical challenges and barriers and being a person that others feel safe around Bio I am 3 years old and live with my dad Assistant Superintendent Brent McDougall on the Club property I ve worked on the grounds crew my entire life Some of my many duties include greeting staff every morning chasing the geese off the grass and keeping the Membership safe from intruders like squirrels and groundhogs I also like food swimming truck rides and cuddling Future Goals Like most people I find the future a very intimidating concept I would love to complete school and be able to work with children with autism spectrum disorder I would also love to join the Canadian Coast Guard and be on the Search and Rescue team I like the idea of thinking about my aspirations in life instead of thinking about future goals My aspiration in life is to be happy and I will continue to accomplish things that help me feel that way Future Goals I hope to finally catch a goose and be a golf course dog for the rest of my life Favourite Thing About The Club There are so many things that I love about the Club it is hard to choose my favourite I love that there is lots of water and open space so I can swim and run all the time Plus everyone is so friendly and always gives me lots of attention I am also excited about Bo s Eye View here at the London Hunt and Country Club It is a series of YouTube videos that will be created by me to showcase the property from my point of view via a GoPro and GoPro Fetch so stay tuned SQUIRREL Favourite thing about the Club I think my favourite thing about the Club is that I am always learning something new Whether that s learning that there is a difference between a 14 bottle of wine and a 50 bottle or learning little details about someone s life I never leave work without knowing something new and I love having those moments throughout my day 17 SUMMER 2017
I S T H E R E R E A L LY S U C H T H I N G A S GOOD LUCK Brad Adams Clubhouse Manager badams londonhuntclub com There is no such thing as luck Luck is when preparation and readiness meet opportunity Silken Laumann Team Canada Women s Olympic Rowing Multiple Medalist When it comes to sport business education and many things that we devote our lives to often when you have success there is an aspect of luck involved But is there really such thing as good luck As Silken Laumann describes it luck is the product of hard work and dedication meeting the opportunity for success A UWO grad Laumann suffered a gruesome injury when poised for gold at the 1992 Olympics Battling back she overcame her injury and went on to win multiple medals for Team Canada and the entire nation that was watching How did she do it All of you know this formula too well through your various achievements and dedication to your fields of expertise But maybe next time you get that good bounce out of the rough putt that lips in or Ace that paints the line you ll remember all those years of time and dedication for that moment The contest lasts for moments Though the trainings taken years It wasn t the winning alone that Was worth the work and tears The applause will be forgotten The prize will be misplaced But the long hard hours of practice Will never be a waste For in trying to win You build a skill You learn that winning depends on will You never grow by how much you win You only grow by how much you put in So any new challenge You ve just begun Put forth your best And you ve already won Bill Clennan Next time your playing partner says that was a lucky shot be sure to tell them it was years of devotion that made it happen 18 SUMMER 2017
19 SPRING 2017
NEVER GIVING UP AND FINDING YOUR MOTIVATION Adam Baranowski Director of Tennis abaranowski londonhuntclub com While it has been an unusual spring thus far it feels like the summer is just around the corner And although we had unpredictable weather we still had one of the busiest Aprils in Club history when it came to court occupancy What an exciting time in the world of tennis This new energy and spark has been ignited by two rivals Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer These two masters have brought Tennis to a new level Interestingly both were absent from the tournament scene for six months before they stormed back capturing title after title It just shows you how important preparation recovery and the power of believing in yourself is In a way there are many similarities and difference between these two players The Yin Nadal a left handed gladiator from Mallorca who punishes his opponents with his heavy ground game not giving an inch making the battle so physical The Yang Federer a right handed artist from Basel who floats on the court while dissecting his opponent with Swiss point accuracy Both are pushing each other constantly raising the bar I remember that match like it was yesterday I won the first set quite easily and I was up in the second 3 0 At that moment I started to think I could actually win the match and be in the final when out of nowhere I changed my game An hour later I was in the locker room wondering how I just lost that match It was very disappointing to be so close and yet so far away Years later I had a chance to play him again in the semifinals of a Men s Open event in Ottawa After being on court for over an hour again I won the first set and I was up in the second to go to the final As we were about to sit down on the change over Michael came up to me and said it looks like Canadian Nationals don t choke again For a second I thought I was hearing things until I realized what he had said He woke a sleeping giant I won that match and every single one that I ve played against him after that Everybody needs some sort of motivation a reason to do something in order to achieve his her goals That moment was mine Find out what yours is and go after it no matter how bleak or unattainable it may look You are the artist of your canvas design it as you see fit We can learn so much from these two players 1 Watch the ball unto your racquet 2 Get into the feeling as opposed to just watching and observing 3 Winning and losing is not everything it s a part of the whole You have to embrace both because that is part of the game 4 No matter how difficult it is to do you must remind yourself to never give up I have been working on this last concept for as long as I can remember At eleven years young I played my first Under 12 Tournament here in London at what used to be an All Canadian Tennis Academy I lost my match in straight sets and I could not sleep because I would wake up crying and feeling how much it hurt to lose Years went by before I played the same player Michael Ionseco in the semifinals of the Canadian Nationals Under 18 20 SUMMER 2017
THE TRUTH BEHIND FITNESS MYTHS Tracey Machesney Fitness Professional tmachesney londonhuntclub com It s always a wonderful feeling when the daylight starts to last longer the breeze becomes warmer and the sunshine is more frequent This means golf and tennis leagues are in full force and the environment at the Club is uplifting and vibrant It also brings greater motivation for people to get back on track with their fitness routines which may be caused by the thought of looking and feeling better for all the upcoming outdoor summer festivities Whatever the reason I thought this would be a good time to make sure new routines were started without bad habits or false beliefs Here are some of the most common myths about fitness debunked Myth 1 You can get rid of belly fat by just doing abdominal exercises Abdominal fat increases the risk of type 2 diabetes heart disease and even certain cancers So as wonderful as it would be if all we had to do was 100 crunches every day to lose our belly fat unfortunately this is false Contrary to popular belief training a muscle group will not burn fat locally Muscles are underneath a layer of subcutaneous fat In order to see those strong abdominal muscles we must first get rid of the layer or layers of fat on top The best way to accomplish this is through a combination of cardiovascular training strength training and proper nutrition which is approximately 70 of the reason we can gain or lose body fat Myth 2 It s best to static stretch before exercise There are still many people and coaches using this approach however studies have shown that this style of warm up is not effective Studies found that static stretching before exercise lengthens and weakens the individual muscle fibers making them less equipped to deal with the stress of exercise which can cause an individual to be more susceptible to injury Dynamic warmups such as arm swings high knees hamstring curls skipping and straight leg kicks will improve your range of motion and promote muscular control while warming the muscles up for action This gives you the best chance to move efficiently and avoid injury That being said static stretching after exercise 21 may decrease your post exercise soreness and help to return the muscles to their resting length Myth 3 I can lose weight without modifying my diet as long as I m exercising On average it takes approximately 10 miles of running to burn 1000 calories However it can take less than 10 minutes to consume that amount To put it in perspective an 8oz filet mignon can contain a whopping 823 calories and 1 cup of mash potatoes can contain 215 calories This is already over the 1000 calorie mark and it doesn t even include the glass of wine slice of bread or starter salad Exercise does help to burn off calories but the overall caloric balance is the key Don t be discouraged though studies show that exercise is the best way to prevent weight gain lower the risk of diabetes and decrease your risk of heart disease by lowering your blood pressure increasing your healthy HDL cholesterol levels and decreasing your triglycerides Myth 4 I don t have to do lower body strength training exercises because I do aerobic exercise Let s first define the difference between aerobic exercise and strength training Aerobic exercise is when one performs prolonged large muscle dynamic exercise at moderate to high intensities Examples would be cycling jogging dancing and elliptical machine use Although this type of exercise is excellent for improving cardiovascular fitness and preventing chronic disease it is not enough to prevent muscle and bone loss Strength training preserves and builds muscle and makes daily activities easier It also helps prevent injury improve body composition and supports bone health A balanced combination of the two is best for both strengthening your muscles and increasing your cardiovascular fitness Be sure to view the calendar in this magazine for great summer classes and activities If you have any questions regarding your fitness program or if you are looking to start a new program for the summer and need assistance please don t hesitate to contact me Have a healthy and active summer SUMMER 2017
HUNT REPORT Charlotte McDonald MFH charlotte mcdonald sjhc london on ca With the arrival of spring the Hunt section is coming together again and planning for the upcoming season We are as vibrant and enthusiastic as ever to get started on our activities Paul Wilson has been our Huntsman for the past 10 seasons and has done a wonderful job but he and his family have decided to make a change and are moving to accept a new position in Virginia We are arranging for a talented and experienced replacement and are hoping to have that in place by the end of June in time to get ready for hunting starting again in August We look forward to this new opportunity and wish Paul and Yvonne well in their new adventures Activities get under way this year with the annual London Hunt Trillium Horse Show which will be held at the Hunter Trials field next to the Tennis facilities on Saturday July 8 and Sunday July 9 This show attracts a large number of competitors both children and adults from the equestrian community in Southwestern Ontario and is a fabulous spectacle to watch As always we thank the Hunt Club staff who prepare the grounds so nicely the volunteers who help run the show and our supporters who generously sponsor the show many of whom are Hunt Club Members or have local London businesses It is a wonderful opportunity for families to come out and see the horses and ponies and enjoy a beautiful day so we hope you will stop by on your way to the golf course or tennis courts A barbecue lunch is available outside the Tennis Chalet Hunting will start mid August and continue until December weather permitting Our hunter pace will take place on Labour Day from the kennels and is an enjoyable ride in the country and an opportunity to see the kennels We look forward to bringing the hounds to the Club for Thanksgiving Day brunch as usual We always welcome new participants and I hope you will contact me if you would like more information about the hunt would like to visit the kennels or would like to hunt yourself For more information about foxhunting www mfha org 22 SUMMER 2017
TRAP AND SKEET REPORT Greg Carr Chair of the Trap and Skeet Committee rgregcarr rogers com Another year has wrapped up at the Trap Chalet April 29 was our final day with our 16 yard champions crowned followed by our dinner dance and awards presentations Though we had a mild winter we dealt with some significant weather challenges during our five week championships The champions and runner ups are noted following You will see a wide array of names showing the competitive nature of our shooter We will start up again in the fall with all Members being encouraged to come out and experience one of the diverse activities the Club has to offer Point Event Trophies Dr B Nicholson Trophy Skeet Points Andrew Johnson Trophy Trap Points Joan E Wellman Trophy Skeet Added Birds Max Davis Trophy Trap Added Birds Winner Paul Needham Winner Peter Spence Winner Andrew Johnson Winner Richard Inculet Runner Runner Runner Runner Up Up Up Up Greg Greg Greg Greg Championship Events Geoff P Davies Trophy Skeet E I S Hunter Trophy International R F Potter Trophy Doubles Trap Paul Needham Trophy Doubles Skeet Charles Lin Trophy Handicap J G Thompson Trophy Men s 16 yd B Flight Trophy 16 yds Angela Oliver Trophy Ladies 16 yd Wellman Benefactor Cup Junior Winner Winner Winner Winner Winner Winner Winner Winner Winner Runner Runner Runner Runner Runner Runner Runner Runner Runner Up Up Up Up Up Up Up Up Up Greg Carr Greg Carr Greg Carr Paul Needham Jeff Romkey Don White Sue Weldon Joanne Pollock NA Paul Needham Peter Spence Chris Hawlik Greg Carr Chris Hawlik Chris Hawlik Clayton Inculet Sue Weldon James Aulenbach Carr Carr Rumble Carr Final 2 Trophies W G Davies Trophy High overall on three Trap events 16 yd Handicap Doubles Winner Chris Hawlik Runner Up Brock Nicolucci D W Mills Trophy High overall five events 16 yd Handicap Doubles Wobble Skeet Winner Greg Carr Runner Up Peter Spence 23 SUMMER 2017
JUNE HIGHLIGHTS JUNE EVENTS 8 30 Muscle Conditioning 9 30 TRX Training 10 30 Yoga 90 French Open Brunch at the Tennis Chalet June 4 Men s Member Member Golf June 8 9 Women s Member Member Golf June 12 13 Women s Tennis League Progressive Tennis 5 yrs Progressive Tennis 7 yrs Progressive Tennis 10 yrs New 2 Tennis Junior Pizza Round Robin June 17 Women s Mystery Golf Tour June 20 Live Music on the Terrace June 17 24 Sunday BBQ 6 30 Wake Up Workout 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval Stretch 10 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Stroller Bootcamp Perch Night French Open Brunch Intermediate Doubles Parent Tot Tennis Intermediate Doubles Men s Tennis League Women s Four Ball Invitational Smallman Thompson Matches 8 30 Forever Fit 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Mat Pilates 5 30 HIIT 6 30 Twilight Yoga 90 8 30 Circuit Training 9 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Mindful Stretch and Relaxation Friday Night Buffet 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval Stretch 10 30 Yoga 90 Cardio Tennis Women s Singles Junior Golf and Tennis Clinic Singles Clinic Friday Night Mixer Senior Men s League Sunset Skirts 8 30 Forever Fit 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Mindful Stretch and Relaxation 4 30 PiYo 5 30 HIIT 6 30 Twilight Yoga 90 6 30 Wake Up Workout 8 30 Circuit Training 9 30 Innovative Intervals 10 30 Yoga 90 10 30 Stroller Bootcamp 4 30 Outdoor Bootcamp 7 15 TRX Training New 2 Tennis Women s Tennis League Cardio Tennis Intermediate Doubles Advanced Doubles Clinic Intermediate Competitive Women s 9 and 18 Hole League 8 30 Forever Fit 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Mat Pilates 5 30 HIIT 6 30 Twilight Yoga 90 Women s League Progressive Tennis 5 yrs Progressive Tennis 7 yrs Progressive Tennis 10 yrs New 2 Tennis 8 30 Circuit Training 9 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Mindful Stretch and Relaxation Friday Night Buffet Singles Clinic Friday Night Mixer Men s Member Member 1 Senior Men s League 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval Stretch 10 30 Yoga 90 Cardio Tennis Women s Singles Singles Series Men s Member Member 2 Men s Ervasti Cup Junior Golf and Tennis Clinic Tennis Only Junior Golf and Tennis Clinic 8 30 Muscle Conditioning 9 30 TRX Training 10 30 Yoga 90 Sunday BBQ Intermediate Doubles Parent Tot Tennis Junior Singles Series 6 30 Wake Up Workout 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval Stretch 10 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Stroller Bootcamp Perch Night 8 30 Forever Fit 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Mindful Stretch and Relaxation 4 30 PiYo 5 30 HIIT 6 30 Twilight Yoga 90 Intermediate Doubles Men s Tennis League New 2 Tennis Women s Tennis League Women s Member Member 1 Women s Member Member 2 Women s 9 League Junior Golf and Tennis Clinic 8 30 Muscle Conditioning 9 30 TRX Training 10 30 Yoga 90 Sunday BBQ Intermediate Doubles Parent Tot Tennis Father s Day 6 30 Wake Up Workout 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval Stretch 10 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Stroller Bootcamp Perch Night 8 30 Forever Fit 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Mindful Stretch and Relaxation 4 30 PiYo 5 30 HIIT 6 30 Twilight Yoga 90 Intermediate Doubles Men s Tennis League New 2 Tennis Women s Tennis League Callaway Fit Day Women s Mystery Golf Tour Junior Golf and Tennis Clinic 8 30 Muscle Conditioning 9 30 TRX Training 10 30 Yoga 90 Sunday BBQ Intermediate Doubles Parent Tot Tennis IFT RBC Seniors 6 30 Wake Up Workout 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval Stretch 10 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Stroller Boot Camp Perch Night 8 30 Forever Fit 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Mindful Stretch and Relaxation 4 30 PiYo 5 30 HIIT 6 30 Twilight Yoga 90 Intermediate Doubles Men s Tennis League New 2 Tennis Women s Tennis League Senior Men s Ryder Cup Women s 9 and 18 Hole League Junior Golf and Tennis Clinic 6 30 Wake Up Workout 8 30 Circuit Training 9 30 Innovative Intervals 10 30 Yoga 90 10 30 Stroller Bootcamp 4 30 Outdoor Bootcamp 7 15 TRX Training Cardio Tennis Intermediate Doubles Advanced Doubles Clinic Intermediate Competitive Men s League 6 30 Wake Up Workout 8 30 Circuit Training 9 30 Innovative Intervals 10 30 Yoga 90 10 30 Stroller Bootcamp 4 30 Outdoor Bootcamp 7 15 TRX Training Cardio Tennis Intermediate Doubles Advanced Doubles Clinic Intermediate Competitive Men s League 6 30 Wake Up Workout 8 30 Circuit Training 9 30 Innovative Intervals 10 30 Yoga 90 10 30 Stroller Bootcamp 4 30 Outdoor Bootcamp 7 15 TRX Training Cardio Tennis Intermediate Doubles Advanced Doubles Clinic Intermediate Competitive Men s League 8 30 Forever Fit 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Mat Pilates 5 30 HIIT 6 30 Twilight Yoga 90 Women s League Progressive Tennis 5 yrs Progressive Tennis 7 yrs Progressive Tennis 10 yrs New 2 Tennis 8 30 Circuit Training 9 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Mindful Stretch and Relaxation Friday Night Buffet Singles Clinic Mixed Golf 9 Hole Event Ping Fit Day Senior Men s League 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval Stretch 10 30 Yoga 90 Cardio Tennis Women s Singles Junior Pizza Round Robin TaylorMade Fit Day Junior Nash Cup at Highland Junior Golf and Tennis Clinic Golf Only Live Music on the Terrace 8 30 Forever Fit 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Mat Pilates 5 30 HIIT 6 30 Twilight Yoga 90 Women s League Progressive Tennis 5 yrs Progressive Tennis 7 yrs Progressive Tennis 10 yrs New 2 Tennis Senior Men s League Sunset Skirts 8 30 Circuit Training 9 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Mindful Stretch and Relaxation Friday Night Buffet Singles Clinic IFT RBC Seniors Event 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval Stretch 10 30 Yoga 90 Women s Singles IFT RBC Seniors Event Junior Senior Matches Titleist Fit Day Junior Golf and Tennis Clinic Golf Only Intermediate Event Live Music on the Terrace 8 30 Forever Fit 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Mat Pilates 5 30 HIIT 6 30 Twilight Yoga 90 8 30 Circuit Training 9 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Mindful Stretch and Relaxation Women s League Progressive Tennis 5 yrs Progressive Tennis 7 yrs Progressive Tennis 10 yrs New 2 Tennis Singles Clinic Friday Night Mixer Friday Night Buffet Senior Men s League D I D Y O U K N O W JUNE 14 IS NATIONAL MONKEY AROUND DAY 25 SUMMER 2017
JULY EVENTS 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval Stretch 10 30 Yoga 90 D I D Y O U K N O W Cardio Tennis Women s Singles JULY 14 IS NATIONAL TAPE MEASURE DAY 8 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Yoga 90 Sunday BBQ Intermediate Doubles Parent Tot Tennis 6 30 Wake Up Workout 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval Stretch 10 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Stroller Bootcamp Perch Night Intermediate Doubles Men s Tennis League Canada Day Celebration 6 30 Wake Up Workout 8 30 Circuit Training 9 30 Innovative Intervals 10 30 Yoga 90 10 30 Stroller Bootcamp 4 30 Outdoor Bootcamp 7 15 TRX Training New 2 Tennis Women s Tennis League Cardio Tennis Intermediate Doubles Intermediate Competitive Men s League TaylorMade Fit Day Women s 9 and 18 Hole League Junior Golf and Tennis Clinic 8 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Yoga 90 Sunday BBQ Wimbledon Intermediate Doubles Parent Tot Tennis Junior Interclub Match SGCC 6 30 Wake Up Workout 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval Stretch 10 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Stroller Bootcamp 8 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Yoga 90 Perch Night 8 30 Forever Fit 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Mindful Stretch and Relaxation 4 30 PiYo 5 30 HIIT 6 30 Twilight Yoga 90 Intermediate Doubles Men s Tennis League New 2 Tennis Women s Tennis League Trillium Horse Show Junior Golf and Tennis Clinic Sunday BBQ Intermediate Doubles Parent Tot Tennis Singles Club Championship 6 30 Wake Up Workout 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval Stretch 10 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Stroller Bootcamp 8 30 Forever Fit 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Mindful Stretch and Relaxation 4 30 PiYo 5 30 HIIT 6 30 Twilight Yoga 90 Perch Night 8 30 Forever Fit 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Mindful Stretch and Relaxation 4 30 PiYo 5 30 HIIT 6 30 Twilight Yoga 90 Intermediate Doubles Men s Tennis League New 2 Tennis Women s Tennis League Women s Member Guest Junior Golf and Tennis Clinic 8 30 Forever Fit 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Mat Pilates 5 30 HIIT 6 30 Twilight Yoga 90 Women s League Progressive Tennis 5 yrs Progressive Tennis 7 yrs Progressive Tennis 10 yrs New 2 Tennis 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval Stretch 10 30 Yoga 90 8 30 Circuit Training 9 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Mindful Stretch and Relaxation Cardio Tennis Women s Singles Pro Am Friday Night Buffet Singles Clinic Friday Night Mixer Junior Interclub vs SGCC Junior Golf and Tennis Clinic Golf Only Senior Men s League Sunset Skirts 6 30 Wake Up Workout 8 30 Circuit Training 9 30 Innovative Intervals 10 30 Yoga 90 10 30 Stroller Bootcamp 4 30 Outdoor Bootcamp 7 15 TRX Training Cardio Tennis Intermediate Doubles Intermediate Competitive Men s League Live Music on the Terrace Trillium Horse Show 8 30 Forever Fit 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Mat Pilates 5 30 HIIT 6 30 Twilight Yoga 90 Women s League Progressive Tennis 5 yrs Progressive Tennis 7 yrs Progressive Tennis 10 yrs New 2 Tennis 8 30 Circuit Training 9 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Mindful Stretch and Relaxation 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval Stretch 10 30 Yoga 90 Cardio Tennis Women s Singles Singles Club Championship Friday Night Buffet Singles Clinic Junior Golf Event Gone Fishin Mixed Golf 9 Hole Event Live Music on the Terrace Senior Men s League 6 30 Wake Up Workout 8 30 Circuit Training 9 30 Innovative Intervals 10 30 Yoga 90 10 30 Stroller Bootcamp 4 30 Outdoor Bootcamp 7 15 TRX Training 8 30 Forever Fit 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Mat Pilates 5 30 HIIT 6 30 Twilight Yoga 90 Women s League Progressive Tennis 5 yrs Progressive Tennis 7 yrs Progressive Tennis 10 yrs New 2 Tennis Cardio Tennis Intermediate Doubles Intermediate Competitive 8 30 Circuit Training 9 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Mindful Stretch and Relaxation 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval Stretch 10 30 Yoga 90 Cardio Tennis Women s Singles Friday Night Buffet Men s Member Guest 2 Singles Clinic Friday Night Mixer Junior Golf and Tennis Clinic Tennis Only Men s Member Guest 1 Intermediate Event BBQ Sunday BBQ Intermediate Doubles Parent Tot Tennis Junior Singles Series 6 30 Wake Up Workout 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval Stretch 10 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Stroller Boot Camp Perch Night 8 30 Forever Fit 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Mindful Stretch and Relaxation 4 30 PiYo 5 30 HIIT 6 30 Twilight Yoga 90 Intermediate Doubles Men s Tennis League New 2 Tennis Women s Tennis League Women s 9 and 18 Hole League Women s 9 and 18 Hole League Junior Golf and Tennis Clinic 8 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Yoga 90 Sunday BBQ Intermediate Doubles Parent Tot Tennis Doubles Championships Junior Sports Camp Dates Week 1 July 3 to 7 Perch Night Week 2 July 10 to 14 Intermediate Doubles Men s Tennis League Week 3 July 17 to 21 Week 4 July 24 to 28 8 30 Forever Fit 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Mat Pilates 5 30 HIIT 6 30 Twilight Yoga 90 8 30 Circuit Training 9 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Mindful Stretch and Relaxation Women s League Progressive Tennis 5 yrs Progressive Tennis 7 yrs Progressive Tennis 10 yrs New 2 Tennis Singles Clinic Mixed Club Championship 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval Stretch 10 30 Yoga 90 Cardio Tennis Women s Singles Doubles Club Championship Friday Night Buffet Junior Golf and Tennis Clinic Golf Only Live Music on the Terrace Women s Lewis Cup Matches Senior Men s League Sunset Skirts 6 30 Wake Up Workout 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval Stretch 10 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Stroller Boot Camp Senior Men s Ryder Cup 26 6 30 Wake Up Workout 8 30 Circuit Training 9 30 Innovative Intervals 10 30 Yoga 90 10 30 Stroller Bootcamp 4 30 Outdoor Bootcamp 7 15 TRX Training Cardio Tennis Intermediate Doubles Intermediate Competitive Men s League Ping Fit Day JULY HIGHLIGHTS 8 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Yoga 90 Canada Day Celebration July 1 Women s Member Guest Golf July 18 Men s Member Guest Golf July 21 22 Singles Club Championship Tennis July 15 16 Mixed Club Championship Tennis July 28 Doubles Club Championship Tennis July 29 30 SUMMER 2017
AUGUST EVENTS 8 30 Forever Fit 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Mindful Stretch and Relaxation 5 30 HIIT 6 30 Twilight Yoga 90 D I D Y O U K N O W A U G U S T 2 I S N AT I O N A L C O L O U R I N G D AY 8 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Yoga 90 Sunday BBQ Intermediate Doubles Parent Tot Tennis Junior Singles Series 6 30 Wake Up Workout 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval Stretch 10 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Stroller Boot Camp Perch Night New 2 Tennis Women s Tennis League Women s 9 and 18 Hole League Junior Golf and Tennis Clinic 8 30 Forever Fit 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Mindful Stretch and Relaxation 5 30 HIIT 6 30 Twilight Yoga 90 New 2 Tennis Women s Tennis League Intermediate Doubles Men s Tennis League Women s 9 and 18 Hole League Junior Golf and Tennis Clinic 8 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Yoga 90 Sunday BBQ Intermediate Doubles Parent Tot Tennis 6 30 Wake Up Workout 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval Stretch 10 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Stroller Boot Camp Perch Night 8 30 Forever Fit 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Mindful Stretch and Relaxation 5 30 HIIT 6 30 Twilight Yoga 90 New 2 Tennis Women s Tennis League Intermediate Doubles Men s Tennis League Women s 9 and 18 Hole League 6 30 Wake Up Workout 8 30 Circuit Training 9 30 Innovative Intervals 10 30 Yoga 90 10 30 Stroller Bootcamp 4 30 Outdoor Bootcamp 7 15 TRX Training Cardio Tennis Intermediate Doubles Intermediate Competitive Men s League Sunday BBQ Intermediate Doubles Parent Tot Tennis 6 30 Wake Up Workout 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval Stretch 10 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Stroller Boot Camp Perch Night 8 30 Forever Fit 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Mindful Stretch and Relaxation 5 30 HIIT 6 30 Twilight Yoga 90 New 2 Tennis Women s Tennis League Intermediate Doubles Men s Tennis League Women s 9 and 18 Hole League Junior Golf and Tennis Clinic 8 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Yoga 90 Sunday BBQ Intermediate Doubles Parent Tot Tennis Club Championship All Flights Course Closed for Aeration 6 30 Wake Up Workout 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval Stretch 10 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Stroller Boot Camp Perch Night Intermediate Doubles Men s Tennis League Course Closed for Aeration 8 30 Forever Fit 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Mindful Stretch and Relaxation 5 30 HIIT 6 30 Twilight Yoga 90 New 2 Tennis Women s Tennis League Course Closed for Aeration Junior Golf and Tennis Clinic Women s League Advaned Doubles Progressive Tennis 5 yrs Progressive Tennis 7 yrs Progressive Tennis 10 yrs New 2 Tennis 6 30 Wake Up Workout 8 30 Circuit Training 9 30 Innovative Intervals 10 30 Yoga 90 10 30 Stroller Bootcamp 4 30 Outdoor Bootcamp 7 15 TRX Training Cardio Tennis Intermediate Doubles Intermediate Competitive Men s League 8 30 Forever Fit 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Mat Pilates 5 30 HIIT 6 30 Twilight Yoga 90 Women s League Advaned Doubles Progressive Tennis 5 yrs Progressive Tennis 7 yrs Progressive Tennis 10 yrs New 2 Tennis 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval Stretch 10 30 Yoga 90 Friday Night Buffet Cardio Tennis Women s Singles Singles Clinic Junior Golf and Tennis Clinic 8 30 Circuit Training 9 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Mindful Stretch and Relaxation Friday Night Buffet Singles Clinic Friday Night Mixer 6 30 Wake Up Workout 8 30 Circuit Training 9 30 Innovative Intervals 10 30 Yoga 90 10 30 Stroller Bootcamp 4 30 Outdoor Bootcamp 7 15 TRX Training Cardio Tennis Intermediate Doubles Intermediate Competitive 6 30 Wake Up Workout 8 30 Circuit Training 9 30 Innovative Intervals 10 30 Yoga 90 10 30 Stroller Bootcamp 4 30 Outdoor Bootcamp 7 15 TRX Training Cardio Tennis Intermediate Doubles Intermediate Competitive Cardio Tennis Women s Singles Junior Pizza Round Robin Junior Golf and Tennis Clinic Golf Only Live Music on the Terrace 8 30 Forever Fit 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Mat Pilates 5 30 HIIT 6 30 Twilight Yoga 90 Women s League Advaned Doubles Progressive Tennis 5 yrs Progressive Tennis 7 yrs Progressive Tennis 10 yrs New 2 Tennis 8 30 Circuit Training 9 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Mindful Stretch and Relaxation Friday Night Buffet Singles Clinic 8 30 Forever Fit 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Mat Pilates 5 30 HIIT 6 30 Twilight Yoga 90 Women s League Advaned Doubles Progressive Tennis 5 yrs Progressive Tennis 7 yrs Progressive Tennis 10 yrs New 2 Tennis 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval Stretch 10 30 Yoga 90 Cardio Tennis Women s Singles Singles Series Junior Club Championship Mixed Couples 9 Hole Member Guest Junior Golf and Tennis Clinic Tennis Only Live Music on the Terrace Men s Interclub vs SG 6 30 Wake Up Workout 8 30 Circuit Training 9 30 Innovative Intervals 10 30 Yoga 90 10 30 Stroller Bootcamp 4 30 Outdoor Bootcamp 7 15 TRX Training Cardio Tennis Intermediate Doubles Intermediate Competitive Men s League 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval Stretch 10 30 Yoga 90 Senior Men s Club Championship 2 Senior Men s Club Championship 1 Senior Men s League 8 30 Circuit Training 9 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Mindful Stretch and Relaxation 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval Stretch 10 30 Yoga 90 Friday Night Buffet Cardio Tennis Women s Singles Singles Clinic Friday Night Mixer Club Championship All Flights Club Championship Men s Championship Flight Only Junior Golf and Tennis Clinic Senior Men s League Sunset Skirts 8 30 Forever Fit 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Mat Pilates 5 30 HIIT 6 30 Twilight Yoga 90 Women s League Advaned Doubles Progressive Tennis 5 yrs Progressive Tennis 7 yrs Progressive Tennis 10 yrs New 2 Tennis Senior Men s League HIGHLIGHTS 8 30 Circuit Training 9 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Mindful Stretch and Relaxation Senior Men s League Sunset Skirts Junior Golf and Tennis Clinic 8 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Yoga 90 8 30 Forever Fit 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Mat Pilates 5 30 HIIT 6 30 Twilight Yoga 90 Junior Sports Camp Dates Week 5 July 31 to August 4 Week 6 August 14 to 18 Week 7 August 21 to 25 tennis only camp available the last week in August Live Music on the Terrace August 12 19 Senior Men s Club Championship Golf August 11 12 Junior Club Championship Golf August 19 Club Championship Golf August 25 26 27 Golf Course Aeration is scheduled for August 27 28 and 29 27 SUMMER 2017
JUST4JUNIORS L O N D O N H U N T A N D C O U N T RY C L U B GO ON AN AdVENTURE THIS SUMMER SUMMER IS A GREAT TIME TO USE YOUR IMAGINATION AND DISCOVER NEW THINGS I USED MINE TO GO BACK IN TIME AND LEARN ABOUT DINOSAURS TEST YOUR DINOSAUR IQ 1 On which continent have most dinosaur fossils been found a Antarctica b North America c Africa d Asia 2 True or false some dinosaurs were the size of turkeys a True b False 3 True or false most plant eating dinosaurs had sharp jagged teeth a True b False 4 What is the scientific word for fossilized dinosaur droppings a Doodicus b Streptococcus c Coprolite d Giganto Stink Welcome to Earth 200 million years ago Answers 1 b 2 a 3 b 4 c 28
WHICH DINOSAUR IS YOUR FAVOURITE spinosaurus brontosaurus triceratops tyrannosaurus rex Colour the t rex in your favourite colours FAMOUS DINOSAURS HOW MANY DO YOU KNOW 29 SUMMER 2017