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Club Life Magazine - Spring 2015

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Board of Directors BOARD OF DIRECTORS Stan Martin President Glenn Jones How do you enjoy your Membership First Vice President Geoff Davies CONTENTS SPRING 2015 NEW YEAR NEW TENNIS DIRECTOR Second Vice President Wayne Dunn Past President Peter Channer Lynne Leitch Patty MacKenzie David McIntosh John Sliskovic Anne Toal Gord MacKenzie MANAGEMENT TEAM BROWN WHISKEY 20 Jon Nusink CCM Board of Directors GM COO LONDON HUNT AND COUNTRY CLUB MEMBERSHIP 11 Michael Hearse Welcome to the first edition of Club Life magazine Food and Beverage Manager Michael Stark The Club s distinction as one of the finest in Canada inspires us to endlessly create an experience beyond all expectations including this quaterly publication Inside you will find articles of interest as well as Club related updates and information on upcoming events ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Executive Chef PRESIDENTS MESSAGE 5 Jayson Griffiths Golf Course Superintendent Now consider how do you enjoy your Membership On the course on the courts viewing Canada Day fireworks Entertaining dining finalizing a deal With family during holidays making lifelong friends learning something new Tim McKeiver Golf Professional John Oosterwal Clubhouse Maintenance Manager We hope you answered YES to all of the above because they are all here for YOU included in your Hunt Club Membership So take advantage and get ready for our best season yet NEW TECHNOLOGY 14 CLUBHOUSE CONSTRUCTION UPDATE 8 HEALTH WELLNESS CLUB CALENDAR 16 CLUB HISTORY 23 Controller BRIDGE REPORT 26 Adam Baranowski Director of Tennis Brandie Cooper Communications Manager 3 FERMENTED FOODS 12 GROUNDS REPORT 19 Monica Laprise CPA CA Special thanks to the following Club Ambassadors who proposed new Members to our Club family in 2014 Dave Moore Darren Langhorn Brad Smith Rob Kimball Blair Knox Sharon Black Glenn Jones Don Mc Dougall Jennifer Mills Beaton Paul Bailey Paul Romanson Charles Lin Douglas Naudie David Forristal Chris Stainton Jeff Petrie Dieter Bruckschwaiger Peter Richards Rodney Dale John Vanderhoeven David Routhwaite Peter Channer GENERAL MANAGER S REPORT 6 TRAP SKEET REPORT 26 24 SIXTY SECONDS WITH 28 JUST FOR JUNIORS 29 SPRING 2015

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Board of Directors BOARD OF DIRECTORS Stan Martin President Glenn Jones How do you enjoy your Membership First Vice President Geoff Davies CONTENTS SPRING 2015 NEW YEAR NEW TENNIS DIRECTOR Second Vice President Wayne Dunn Past President Peter Channer Lynne Leitch Patty MacKenzie David McIntosh John Sliskovic Anne Toal Gord MacKenzie MANAGEMENT TEAM BROWN WHISKEY 20 Jon Nusink CCM Board of Directors GM COO LONDON HUNT AND COUNTRY CLUB MEMBERSHIP 11 Michael Hearse Welcome to the first edition of Club Life magazine Food and Beverage Manager Michael Stark The Club s distinction as one of the finest in Canada inspires us to endlessly create an experience beyond all expectations including this quaterly publication Inside you will find articles of interest as well as Club related updates and information on upcoming events ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Executive Chef PRESIDENTS MESSAGE 5 Jayson Griffiths Golf Course Superintendent Now consider how do you enjoy your Membership On the course on the courts viewing Canada Day fireworks Entertaining dining finalizing a deal With family during holidays making lifelong friends learning something new Tim McKeiver Golf Professional John Oosterwal Clubhouse Maintenance Manager We hope you answered YES to all of the above because they are all here for YOU included in your Hunt Club Membership So take advantage and get ready for our best season yet NEW TECHNOLOGY 14 CLUBHOUSE CONSTRUCTION UPDATE 8 HEALTH WELLNESS CLUB CALENDAR 16 CLUB HISTORY 23 Controller BRIDGE REPORT 26 Adam Baranowski Director of Tennis Brandie Cooper Communications Manager 3 FERMENTED FOODS 12 GROUNDS REPORT 19 Monica Laprise CPA CA Special thanks to the following Club Ambassadors who proposed new Members to our Club family in 2014 Dave Moore Darren Langhorn Brad Smith Rob Kimball Blair Knox Sharon Black Glenn Jones Don Mc Dougall Jennifer Mills Beaton Paul Bailey Paul Romanson Charles Lin Douglas Naudie David Forristal Chris Stainton Jeff Petrie Dieter Bruckschwaiger Peter Richards Rodney Dale John Vanderhoeven David Routhwaite Peter Channer GENERAL MANAGER S REPORT 6 TRAP SKEET REPORT 26 24 SIXTY SECONDS WITH 28 JUST FOR JUNIORS 29 SPRING 2015

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LONDON HUNT AND COUNTRY CLUB Board of Directors P R E S I D E N T S M E S S AG E Opening Cocktail Reception Stan Martin stanmartincan hotmail com Winter has a firm grip on our city but nowhere near the choke hold we endured last year Jayson Griffiths and crew are carefully monitoring our snow covered greens As long as we don t see a late thaw deepfreeze cycle it looks like we will have our beautiful course back after its winter s rest S AT U R D AY A P R I L 1 8 6 00 p m to 9 00 p m Clubhouse construction has of course continued and is still following the planned timetable Cold weather has delayed some aspects but there is every reason to believe that we will have substantial completion at the end of June Jon Nusink Geoff Davies and the Committee are closely monitoring this critical project and keeping the Board apprised of progress and challenges The information flow to Members through the website and newsletters is very thorough but please feel free to ask any questions you may have We are all counting the days until we have that first walk through the new Pro Shop to the Terrace and a spectacular view of the newly reshaped 9th green Come and enjoy a complimentary evening of delicious food incredible wine displays and live entertainment M e m b e r s o n l y d r e s s c o d e i s s m a r t c a s u a l Register online today Preliminary results for 2014 were received at the January Board meeting and are on the website The good news was hearing that Member use of the Club during November and December was comparable to prior years despite the temporary inconvenience of construction On the other hand largely due to an unusually high number of Members changing to Senior and Senior Social Membership categories we now have more shares available than planned 4 SPRING 2015 5 We are Members for life with Membership categories that accommodate lifestyle changes as we age There is a path from Junior to Student to Intermediate to full Member to Senior that s open to all There is no better time than now to ask friends and selective colleagues if they are ready for a truly exceptional country club experience We have shares available at this time but once they are committed accepted new Members will be placed on a wait list before they have full access to the Club Once you confirm a prospective Member is interested in hearing more please tell Jon Nusink and he will take it from there Please do continue to make Club events and dining a regular part of your social calendar even if there are still some minor obstacles You know there will be outstanding service new menu items and seasonal specials Treat yourself to a night at the Club where everyone knows your name SPRING 2015

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LONDON HUNT AND COUNTRY CLUB Board of Directors P R E S I D E N T S M E S S AG E Opening Cocktail Reception Stan Martin stanmartincan hotmail com Winter has a firm grip on our city but nowhere near the choke hold we endured last year Jayson Griffiths and crew are carefully monitoring our snow covered greens As long as we don t see a late thaw deepfreeze cycle it looks like we will have our beautiful course back after its winter s rest S AT U R D AY A P R I L 1 8 6 00 p m to 9 00 p m Clubhouse construction has of course continued and is still following the planned timetable Cold weather has delayed some aspects but there is every reason to believe that we will have substantial completion at the end of June Jon Nusink Geoff Davies and the Committee are closely monitoring this critical project and keeping the Board apprised of progress and challenges The information flow to Members through the website and newsletters is very thorough but please feel free to ask any questions you may have We are all counting the days until we have that first walk through the new Pro Shop to the Terrace and a spectacular view of the newly reshaped 9th green Come and enjoy a complimentary evening of delicious food incredible wine displays and live entertainment M e m b e r s o n l y d r e s s c o d e i s s m a r t c a s u a l Register online today Preliminary results for 2014 were received at the January Board meeting and are on the website The good news was hearing that Member use of the Club during November and December was comparable to prior years despite the temporary inconvenience of construction On the other hand largely due to an unusually high number of Members changing to Senior and Senior Social Membership categories we now have more shares available than planned 4 SPRING 2015 5 We are Members for life with Membership categories that accommodate lifestyle changes as we age There is a path from Junior to Student to Intermediate to full Member to Senior that s open to all There is no better time than now to ask friends and selective colleagues if they are ready for a truly exceptional country club experience We have shares available at this time but once they are committed accepted new Members will be placed on a wait list before they have full access to the Club Once you confirm a prospective Member is interested in hearing more please tell Jon Nusink and he will take it from there Please do continue to make Club events and dining a regular part of your social calendar even if there are still some minor obstacles You know there will be outstanding service new menu items and seasonal specials Treat yourself to a night at the Club where everyone knows your name SPRING 2015

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W H AT A D I F F E R E N C E me know and we will try to fit it into a future article This publication will be printed and distributed seasonally four times per year We try very hard to keep emails from the Club to a minimum and therefore will continue to do one eNews email per week I beg you to read it as it is our best way to let you know what is happening at the Club Social media such as Twitter and Facebook will regularly follow all aspects of the Club as well The food and beverage staff are very excited to be in their new kitchen at the Glenmore end of the building and would be happy to show it to you As was the practice all fall and winter all food is being prepared out of the one kitchen so although it is a little crammed now it will be great when everything is back to normal Jon Nusink GM COO jnusink londonhuntclub com This month marks my one year anniversary back at the Club To be honest it feels like it s only been a month And what a year it has been When I tell this story years from now people will be certain I am exaggerating We started off the season with the catastrophic loss of our greens and battled them back to host the 2014 CP Women s Open with great success Two days later we began another major feat in the history of this great Club and embarked on its largest construction and renovation project yet This winter again has seen more record low temperatures than I care to remember but we are comforted by the knowledge we get when our Members wintering down south educate us about how much warmer and greener it is down there For that we truly thank you From the bottom of our 30 degree hearts sarcasm at its best But the truth is we miss you No really And we re excited to show you what s been happening at the Club all winter long Some in the golf club business use the winter for hibernation Hibernation by definition is a state of inactivity and metabolic depression in endotherms It refers to a season of heterothermy that is characterized 6 by low body temperature slow breathing and heart rate and low metabolic rate Depression Maybe weather related low body temperature Definitely But inactivity Not a chance As you are reading this the new Pro Shop structure the cart and bag storage and the fitness centre have been erected The locker rooms and lower lounges are being dry walled the Banquet Room and Main Kitchen are being demolished and the new Glenmore Kitchen is open for service We attempt to communicate with regular updates on the construction and they can be found either on our construction page of the Members website or through our weekly emails from the Club Every two weeks or so we update a video slide show to illustrate the progressive changes that are happening Communication is very important to the Club and it s Members I am happy to introduce you to the new version of our newsletter titled Club Life Instead of a bulletin we thought a higher end magazine would better reflect the Club It will develop over time but our focus is to add interest articles communicate upcoming events and provide a greater satisfaction in readership If you have a general interest article that you think would be good to include please let SPRING 2015 The London Hunt and Country Club is the perfect setting your next event Our elegant facilities and knowledgeable staff offer a variety of options for all your function needs from an intimate gathering conference or meeting to dream wedding One of our mandates this winter was to keep things fresh and exciting and we received such good feedback from our Robbie Burns and Chinese New Year themed Friday Night Buffets that we have decided to make the last Friday of each month a special themed buffet in the Glenmore Stay tuned to the weekly club emails to see what feature is coming up A YEAR MAKES LONDON HUNT AND COUNTRY CLUB Here are just some of the reasons to make the Club your next event destination I am very excited to officially welcome Adam Baranowski as the new Director of Tennis We have had lots of conversations about the upcoming season and he is definitely not short of enthusiasm I know he will do a great job The calendar looks to be full of exciting events and weekly leagues and a continuing focus on junior players We have also discussed including more beginner clinics and tennis intros to ensure that beginners can easily fall in love with the sport EVENT FACILITIES Set the date and leave the rest to us New Hunt Club Ballroom with seating for 300 We offer stress free planning from booking to staging No two functions are the same customize your event menu with the Chef Unique themed events are our forte if you can think it we will deliver it An event with a view No need to hire a decorator we have the most stunning backdrop in the city Contact Kim Keating today to discuss your next event at the legendary London Hunt and Country Club Although we are under construction we are still open for business and look forward to the start of the golf and tennis seasons Major events like the league openings Member Member and Member Guest are all going as planned Our long standing tradition of a Canada Day barbeque and fireworks will happen but with some new twists and shortly after construction ends we will have an exciting Completion Celebration and give you behind the scenes access to all the great additions of the new Clubhouse And you thought 2014 was exciting Wait until you get a taste of 2015 It s going to be a great year A N N UA L G E N E R A L M E E T I N G W E D N E S D AY A P R I L 1 5 2 0 1 5 6 00 p m 7 SPRING 2015

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W H AT A D I F F E R E N C E me know and we will try to fit it into a future article This publication will be printed and distributed seasonally four times per year We try very hard to keep emails from the Club to a minimum and therefore will continue to do one eNews email per week I beg you to read it as it is our best way to let you know what is happening at the Club Social media such as Twitter and Facebook will regularly follow all aspects of the Club as well The food and beverage staff are very excited to be in their new kitchen at the Glenmore end of the building and would be happy to show it to you As was the practice all fall and winter all food is being prepared out of the one kitchen so although it is a little crammed now it will be great when everything is back to normal Jon Nusink GM COO jnusink londonhuntclub com This month marks my one year anniversary back at the Club To be honest it feels like it s only been a month And what a year it has been When I tell this story years from now people will be certain I am exaggerating We started off the season with the catastrophic loss of our greens and battled them back to host the 2014 CP Women s Open with great success Two days later we began another major feat in the history of this great Club and embarked on its largest construction and renovation project yet This winter again has seen more record low temperatures than I care to remember but we are comforted by the knowledge we get when our Members wintering down south educate us about how much warmer and greener it is down there For that we truly thank you From the bottom of our 30 degree hearts sarcasm at its best But the truth is we miss you No really And we re excited to show you what s been happening at the Club all winter long Some in the golf club business use the winter for hibernation Hibernation by definition is a state of inactivity and metabolic depression in endotherms It refers to a season of heterothermy that is characterized 6 by low body temperature slow breathing and heart rate and low metabolic rate Depression Maybe weather related low body temperature Definitely But inactivity Not a chance As you are reading this the new Pro Shop structure the cart and bag storage and the fitness centre have been erected The locker rooms and lower lounges are being dry walled the Banquet Room and Main Kitchen are being demolished and the new Glenmore Kitchen is open for service We attempt to communicate with regular updates on the construction and they can be found either on our construction page of the Members website or through our weekly emails from the Club Every two weeks or so we update a video slide show to illustrate the progressive changes that are happening Communication is very important to the Club and it s Members I am happy to introduce you to the new version of our newsletter titled Club Life Instead of a bulletin we thought a higher end magazine would better reflect the Club It will develop over time but our focus is to add interest articles communicate upcoming events and provide a greater satisfaction in readership If you have a general interest article that you think would be good to include please let SPRING 2015 The London Hunt and Country Club is the perfect setting your next event Our elegant facilities and knowledgeable staff offer a variety of options for all your function needs from an intimate gathering conference or meeting to dream wedding One of our mandates this winter was to keep things fresh and exciting and we received such good feedback from our Robbie Burns and Chinese New Year themed Friday Night Buffets that we have decided to make the last Friday of each month a special themed buffet in the Glenmore Stay tuned to the weekly club emails to see what feature is coming up A YEAR MAKES LONDON HUNT AND COUNTRY CLUB Here are just some of the reasons to make the Club your next event destination I am very excited to officially welcome Adam Baranowski as the new Director of Tennis We have had lots of conversations about the upcoming season and he is definitely not short of enthusiasm I know he will do a great job The calendar looks to be full of exciting events and weekly leagues and a continuing focus on junior players We have also discussed including more beginner clinics and tennis intros to ensure that beginners can easily fall in love with the sport EVENT FACILITIES Set the date and leave the rest to us New Hunt Club Ballroom with seating for 300 We offer stress free planning from booking to staging No two functions are the same customize your event menu with the Chef Unique themed events are our forte if you can think it we will deliver it An event with a view No need to hire a decorator we have the most stunning backdrop in the city Contact Kim Keating today to discuss your next event at the legendary London Hunt and Country Club Although we are under construction we are still open for business and look forward to the start of the golf and tennis seasons Major events like the league openings Member Member and Member Guest are all going as planned Our long standing tradition of a Canada Day barbeque and fireworks will happen but with some new twists and shortly after construction ends we will have an exciting Completion Celebration and give you behind the scenes access to all the great additions of the new Clubhouse And you thought 2014 was exciting Wait until you get a taste of 2015 It s going to be a great year A N N UA L G E N E R A L M E E T I N G W E D N E S D AY A P R I L 1 5 2 0 1 5 6 00 p m 7 SPRING 2015

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CONSTRUCTION UPDATE Geoff Davies Clubhouse Construction Committee Chair gdavies1 rogers com The Club published a complete update in the weekly eNews at the end of January Understanding that some Members may not have seen this update the following is a repeat of that report with updates to the date of this newsletter Since our last update in early December the Construction phase continues and the evidence that we are in the midst of a major project has become increasingly apparent The progress on preparation for and erection of the exterior addition structures has been significant as has the interior work in terms of demolition shoring mechanical electrical and framing which for all but a few staff is basically invisible We hope that the ongoing communications through the website have made it possible for everyone to get some sense for the magnitude and complexity of this project and to see the very substantial change and progress which is evolving each day The goal of this report is to update our Membership in terms of the key areas of this project which are affecting the Club s operations and its Members and to provide a general overview as to where we stand currently with the overall Project 8 Prior to the Christmas holiday period we were in good shape in terms of progress against the Project timelines We had been fortunate with very favourable weather and notwithstanding some expected disruptive surprises all aspects of the first phase of the process were on or very close to being on schedule The combination of the holiday slow down and the winter weather during Christmas and following New Years along with some additional more significant surprises has impacted progress on the exterior work and has caused a delay in the transition from the Main Kitchen to the new Glenmore Kitchen The plan according to the timeline was to close the Main Kitchen in early January and transition all food services to the newly expanded and renovated Glenmore Kitchen The new Glenmore Kitchen will provide all food services until the completion of the expansion and renovation of the Main Kitchen While it would have been preferable to have made this transition while the Club was closed the later transition was made with little or no impact on the Club s operations or usage by our Membership The new Glenmore Kitchen began operation on February 24th The surprises referenced are all related to issues which are to be expected but impossible to predict or quantify in advance of actually digging some holes or exposing the current structure We have an old building which has issues that have an impact on planning timelines and costs These issues include Designated Substance Abatement mould and asbestos inaccurate original building plans the discovery of sub standard existing services infrastructure which for very good practical reasons have to be dealt with during Construction and some minor changes which we have initiated to enhance the outcome or provide savings subsequent to completion of the Project While all of these issues and changes are covered by the Construction Contingency Fund some of these costs would have been incurred at some point in the future irrespective of our undertaking this renovation and addition project The Project is within the budget and the timetable for completion remains on track for substantial completion on June 30th SPRING 2015 HIGHLIGHTS DINING AND FUNCTIONS As per the timetable the Main Dining banquet area has been closed since January 1 All food and beverage services continue to be available in the Glenmore and Mixed Grill Rooms and with the exception of the Main Dining Room and the South Lounge all function facilities are available While our ability to host larger functions is limited pending the completion of the Project there is no change in the Club s ability to continue to provide us as Members with excellent dining entertainment and related amenities FITNESS The fitness programs continue to operate in the Card Room formerly the Ladies Locker Room On completion of the Project fitness will relocate to our new fitness facility which will be expanded with the addition of a fully equipped cardio room BRIDGE The new Card Room is now in use LOCKER ALLOCATION The draw for lockers has been completed Member s new locker number and location will be communicated in the very near future is allocated to the Construction workers do not respect the added stop signs and are ignoring the one way restriction when entering the small parking lot We need everyone s cooperation These changes are in place almost entirely on behalf of safety concerns and or regulations as they apply to Workplace Safety Your cooperation is sincerely requested The safety of our Members guests and staff is paramount GOLF The Pro Shop will continue to operate from its temporary location in the Tennis Chalet throughout the winter and into the 2015 golf season until the new Pro Shop opens We will continue with the temporary golf course layout with 16 as the starting hole until the new Pro Shop is open and functioning Bag drop Starters shuttle services etc will continue per the temporary format I trust everyone is as excited as I am that our time as trunk slammers will come to an end this summer We also invite all golfers to come back with respect to a beer a drink or something to eat in the Clubhouse before or after your game We can accommodate the golf carts or provide shuttle services as we did last fall PARKING There are no changes planned for the current temporary parking format The number of vehicles associated with the Construction has been increasing since the New Year and we can anticipate that this will continue as the work shifts to focus more on the interior construction E CARTS Those Members who have requested storage for their e caddy carts will be accommodated We are continuing to have some issues with the current format in terms of Members guests who continue to park in the area which The House Committee is developing a plan for a Completion Celebration We will have more on this as we approach the coming summer 9 OTHER All furniture fixtures and equipment have been ordered to ensure that we do not suffer any delays in our timetable Ongoing current communications continue through the eNews and on the website The dedicated Construction site on the web is replete with visuals of the construction phase as it progresses and this continues to be updated regularly If you wish to get a perspective of how much progress there actually has been with this very significant and complex Project I invite you to visit the galleries in the Clubhouse Construction section of the website and have a look OTHER Your project team comprised of management staff the Clubhouse Construction Committee and Project Manager Tom Falls continue to be very closely involved in the oversight of the process While design planning and furnishing and fixtures selection is now complete we continue to deal with issues as they arise and to remain focused on the Project and its successful completion on time and on budget We continue to work closely with other Club Committees including the Finance and Audit Committee and with your Board of Directors to ensure that we have the information and support needed for this Project to succeed and to ensure that we are doing all that we can to optimize the communications processes with every stakeholder While there is some disruption associated with the Clubhouse Construction Project we are now half way through it The spirit and excitement surrounding this Project is now very palpable as we look forward to the realization of this major step in the attainment of our Club s Vision If anyone has any questions or comments for the Committee please do not hesitate to contact Jon Nusink or myself SPRING 2015

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CONSTRUCTION UPDATE Geoff Davies Clubhouse Construction Committee Chair gdavies1 rogers com The Club published a complete update in the weekly eNews at the end of January Understanding that some Members may not have seen this update the following is a repeat of that report with updates to the date of this newsletter Since our last update in early December the Construction phase continues and the evidence that we are in the midst of a major project has become increasingly apparent The progress on preparation for and erection of the exterior addition structures has been significant as has the interior work in terms of demolition shoring mechanical electrical and framing which for all but a few staff is basically invisible We hope that the ongoing communications through the website have made it possible for everyone to get some sense for the magnitude and complexity of this project and to see the very substantial change and progress which is evolving each day The goal of this report is to update our Membership in terms of the key areas of this project which are affecting the Club s operations and its Members and to provide a general overview as to where we stand currently with the overall Project 8 Prior to the Christmas holiday period we were in good shape in terms of progress against the Project timelines We had been fortunate with very favourable weather and notwithstanding some expected disruptive surprises all aspects of the first phase of the process were on or very close to being on schedule The combination of the holiday slow down and the winter weather during Christmas and following New Years along with some additional more significant surprises has impacted progress on the exterior work and has caused a delay in the transition from the Main Kitchen to the new Glenmore Kitchen The plan according to the timeline was to close the Main Kitchen in early January and transition all food services to the newly expanded and renovated Glenmore Kitchen The new Glenmore Kitchen will provide all food services until the completion of the expansion and renovation of the Main Kitchen While it would have been preferable to have made this transition while the Club was closed the later transition was made with little or no impact on the Club s operations or usage by our Membership The new Glenmore Kitchen began operation on February 24th The surprises referenced are all related to issues which are to be expected but impossible to predict or quantify in advance of actually digging some holes or exposing the current structure We have an old building which has issues that have an impact on planning timelines and costs These issues include Designated Substance Abatement mould and asbestos inaccurate original building plans the discovery of sub standard existing services infrastructure which for very good practical reasons have to be dealt with during Construction and some minor changes which we have initiated to enhance the outcome or provide savings subsequent to completion of the Project While all of these issues and changes are covered by the Construction Contingency Fund some of these costs would have been incurred at some point in the future irrespective of our undertaking this renovation and addition project The Project is within the budget and the timetable for completion remains on track for substantial completion on June 30th SPRING 2015 HIGHLIGHTS DINING AND FUNCTIONS As per the timetable the Main Dining banquet area has been closed since January 1 All food and beverage services continue to be available in the Glenmore and Mixed Grill Rooms and with the exception of the Main Dining Room and the South Lounge all function facilities are available While our ability to host larger functions is limited pending the completion of the Project there is no change in the Club s ability to continue to provide us as Members with excellent dining entertainment and related amenities FITNESS The fitness programs continue to operate in the Card Room formerly the Ladies Locker Room On completion of the Project fitness will relocate to our new fitness facility which will be expanded with the addition of a fully equipped cardio room BRIDGE The new Card Room is now in use LOCKER ALLOCATION The draw for lockers has been completed Member s new locker number and location will be communicated in the very near future is allocated to the Construction workers do not respect the added stop signs and are ignoring the one way restriction when entering the small parking lot We need everyone s cooperation These changes are in place almost entirely on behalf of safety concerns and or regulations as they apply to Workplace Safety Your cooperation is sincerely requested The safety of our Members guests and staff is paramount GOLF The Pro Shop will continue to operate from its temporary location in the Tennis Chalet throughout the winter and into the 2015 golf season until the new Pro Shop opens We will continue with the temporary golf course layout with 16 as the starting hole until the new Pro Shop is open and functioning Bag drop Starters shuttle services etc will continue per the temporary format I trust everyone is as excited as I am that our time as trunk slammers will come to an end this summer We also invite all golfers to come back with respect to a beer a drink or something to eat in the Clubhouse before or after your game We can accommodate the golf carts or provide shuttle services as we did last fall PARKING There are no changes planned for the current temporary parking format The number of vehicles associated with the Construction has been increasing since the New Year and we can anticipate that this will continue as the work shifts to focus more on the interior construction E CARTS Those Members who have requested storage for their e caddy carts will be accommodated We are continuing to have some issues with the current format in terms of Members guests who continue to park in the area which The House Committee is developing a plan for a Completion Celebration We will have more on this as we approach the coming summer 9 OTHER All furniture fixtures and equipment have been ordered to ensure that we do not suffer any delays in our timetable Ongoing current communications continue through the eNews and on the website The dedicated Construction site on the web is replete with visuals of the construction phase as it progresses and this continues to be updated regularly If you wish to get a perspective of how much progress there actually has been with this very significant and complex Project I invite you to visit the galleries in the Clubhouse Construction section of the website and have a look OTHER Your project team comprised of management staff the Clubhouse Construction Committee and Project Manager Tom Falls continue to be very closely involved in the oversight of the process While design planning and furnishing and fixtures selection is now complete we continue to deal with issues as they arise and to remain focused on the Project and its successful completion on time and on budget We continue to work closely with other Club Committees including the Finance and Audit Committee and with your Board of Directors to ensure that we have the information and support needed for this Project to succeed and to ensure that we are doing all that we can to optimize the communications processes with every stakeholder While there is some disruption associated with the Clubhouse Construction Project we are now half way through it The spirit and excitement surrounding this Project is now very palpable as we look forward to the realization of this major step in the attainment of our Club s Vision If anyone has any questions or comments for the Committee please do not hesitate to contact Jon Nusink or myself SPRING 2015

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THE RESURGENCE OF BROWN WHISKEY Michael Hearse Food and Beverage Manager mhearse londonhuntclub com For the first time in recent history brown whiskey surpassed vodka in total sales dollars in the marketplace Distilled spirits like bourbon rye blends and scotch have seen resurgence as consumers seek a deeper flavour from their pre or post dinner cocktails As well there is an element of sophistication that has been elevated by television shows such as Mad Men where ultra chic personas like Don Draper sip on glistening amber beverages With Baum Whiteman listing this as one of its beverage trends of 2015 an increase in local distilleries specializing in small batch whiskies that focus on natural local and authentic has been referred to as the grain to bottle movement This trend also has a correlation to the ever growing wine culture as these spirits are typically barrel aged and get better with years behind them LONDON HUNT AND COUNTRY CLUB EasterBrunch The Club carries an extensive array of bourbons scotches and ryes for your enjoyment Some popular brands are Blanton s Woodford Reserve Macallan Glenlivet and Collingwood So next time you are with us enjoy a smooth Bourbon Manhattan Old Fashioned or Single Malt Scotch S U N D AY A P R I L 5 1 1 0 0 A M T O 2 0 0 P M On Saturday April 18th the Club will hold its Annual Opening Cocktail Reception from 6 00 p m to 9 00 p m Come out and enjoy an evening of delicious food incredible wine displays and live entertainment Come and see the construction progress and kick off the new season This truly is a special night to share the companionship of your fellow Members and to celebrate the beginning of another season at London Hunt and Country Club From the special welcome surprise this will be unlike anything you have ever seen heard or dreamt about at our Club to the wines from all over the world this event is one that you will not want to miss So mark it on your calendar RSVP and be a part of an evening that is sure to be remembered Gather w ith fri en d s fami l y an d o u r special guest the Easter Bun n y t o s av o r a b o u n t i ful array of your favourite cu l i n ary d el i g h t s Easter Egg Hu n t i n cl u d ed fo r t h e k i ds Adults 36 95 I Ch i l d ren 4 t o 1 2 1 7 95 I C hildren 3 and under free 10 Contact the C l u b t o mak e res erv at i o ns SPRING 2015 11 BOURBON MANHATTAN 2 ounces Woodford Reserve Bourbon 1 ounce Sweet Vermouth 2 3 dashes of Angostura Bitters Maraschino Cherry and Orange Peel for garnish Fill a martini glass to the brim with ice so it chills while you make the Manhattan Add bourbon sweet vermouth and bitters to a shaker or glass with a few ice cubes and then stir or gently shake Discard ice from the martini glass and then strain Manhattan into the chilled glass Garnish with cherry and orange peel SPRING 2015

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THE RESURGENCE OF BROWN WHISKEY Michael Hearse Food and Beverage Manager mhearse londonhuntclub com For the first time in recent history brown whiskey surpassed vodka in total sales dollars in the marketplace Distilled spirits like bourbon rye blends and scotch have seen resurgence as consumers seek a deeper flavour from their pre or post dinner cocktails As well there is an element of sophistication that has been elevated by television shows such as Mad Men where ultra chic personas like Don Draper sip on glistening amber beverages With Baum Whiteman listing this as one of its beverage trends of 2015 an increase in local distilleries specializing in small batch whiskies that focus on natural local and authentic has been referred to as the grain to bottle movement This trend also has a correlation to the ever growing wine culture as these spirits are typically barrel aged and get better with years behind them LONDON HUNT AND COUNTRY CLUB EasterBrunch The Club carries an extensive array of bourbons scotches and ryes for your enjoyment Some popular brands are Blanton s Woodford Reserve Macallan Glenlivet and Collingwood So next time you are with us enjoy a smooth Bourbon Manhattan Old Fashioned or Single Malt Scotch S U N D AY A P R I L 5 1 1 0 0 A M T O 2 0 0 P M On Saturday April 18th the Club will hold its Annual Opening Cocktail Reception from 6 00 p m to 9 00 p m Come out and enjoy an evening of delicious food incredible wine displays and live entertainment Come and see the construction progress and kick off the new season This truly is a special night to share the companionship of your fellow Members and to celebrate the beginning of another season at London Hunt and Country Club From the special welcome surprise this will be unlike anything you have ever seen heard or dreamt about at our Club to the wines from all over the world this event is one that you will not want to miss So mark it on your calendar RSVP and be a part of an evening that is sure to be remembered Gather w ith fri en d s fami l y an d o u r special guest the Easter Bun n y t o s av o r a b o u n t i ful array of your favourite cu l i n ary d el i g h t s Easter Egg Hu n t i n cl u d ed fo r t h e k i ds Adults 36 95 I Ch i l d ren 4 t o 1 2 1 7 95 I C hildren 3 and under free 10 Contact the C l u b t o mak e res erv at i o ns SPRING 2015 11 BOURBON MANHATTAN 2 ounces Woodford Reserve Bourbon 1 ounce Sweet Vermouth 2 3 dashes of Angostura Bitters Maraschino Cherry and Orange Peel for garnish Fill a martini glass to the brim with ice so it chills while you make the Manhattan Add bourbon sweet vermouth and bitters to a shaker or glass with a few ice cubes and then stir or gently shake Discard ice from the martini glass and then strain Manhattan into the chilled glass Garnish with cherry and orange peel SPRING 2015

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EMERGING CULINARY TREND FERMENTED FOODS Michael Stark Executive Chef mstark londonhuntclub com One the emerging trends this year in culinary is the use of fermented foods The resurgence of fermented foods is owed to their health benefits Fermented foods have very high amounts of pro biotic bacteria like lactobacillus acidophilus This probiotic bacteria is beneficial to the flora of the intestinal tract and the overall health of those that enjoy fermented foods The National Academy of Science showed a link between the probiotics found in fermented foods and their ability to lower stress hormones in addition to their protective qualities against depression Fermented foods also help to balance the production of stomach acid when eaten on a regular basis The carbohydrates in fermented foods are broken down or pre digested which makes them easier for the body to consume especially for people with diabetes as it does not put extra burden on the pancreas While the origins of fermented foods is widely argued the one thing that is agreed upon is that fermented foods were discovered by accident When food begins to break down it gets slowly devoured by bacteria and decays Sometimes the bacteria that breaks down the food acts in such a way that it preserves the food This method of preservation also had the added benefit of making the food more flavorful The art of fermentation can be found in almost every culture around the world from the spicy and pungent Kimchi of Korea to the sour and briny Sauerkraut of Germany Fermented foods are already very popular items that people eat daily including pickles yogurt and buttermilk But the more uncommon items such as Kimchi Kefir and Kombucha tea are all becoming more common place Included is a recipe for Kimchi for you to try I suggest serving it over steamed rice or using it on a sandwich to add a little more zip 12 INGREDIENTS Head of Napa cabbage about one pound Sea salt Water Fine red chili flakes 1 tablespoon minced garlic 1 tablespoon minced ginger 3 4 green onions sliced 2 tablespoons anchovy or fish sauce optional 1 2 yellow onion 1 2 ripe apple 1 2 ripe pear DIRECTIONS Separate cabbage leaves and chop into bite size pieces Dissolve a quarter cup of sea salt in a bowl of warm water then pour salt water over cabbage leaves Give cabbage a gentle toss to distribute salt water Allow salted cabbage to sit for at least four hours Give cabbage a good rinse to remove excess salt then transfer cabbage to a large bowl Combine a quarter cup of fine red chili flakes with warm water stir gently with spoon to create a red chili paste then transfer chili paste to cabbage Add minced garlic minced ginger green onions and fish sauce Blend yellow onion apple and pear with one cup of water then add this natural sweetener to the cabbage Put on a pair of plastic gloves and give everything a thorough toss and rubdown You want to evenly distribute all ingredients especially the red chili paste Transfer seasoned cabbage leaves into a large glass bottle Be sure to use firm pressure with your hands to push down on cabbage leaves as they stack up inside the bottle Transfer any liquid that accumulated during the mixing process into the bottle as well this liquid will become kim chi brine Some liquid will also come out of the cabbage leaves as you press down on them as they are stacked in the bottle Be sure to leave about 2 inches of room at the top of the bottle before capping it tightly with a lid Allow bottle of kim chi to sit at room temperature for 24 hours Your kim chi is now ready to eat Refrigerate and take out portions as needed The refrigerated kim chi will continue to ferment slowly in the refrigerator over time So long as you use clean utensils to take out small portions it will keep for up to a month in your refrigerator SPRING 2015 KIMCHI Traditional fermented Korean main dish made of vegetables with a variety of seasonings 13 SPRING 2015

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EMERGING CULINARY TREND FERMENTED FOODS Michael Stark Executive Chef mstark londonhuntclub com One the emerging trends this year in culinary is the use of fermented foods The resurgence of fermented foods is owed to their health benefits Fermented foods have very high amounts of pro biotic bacteria like lactobacillus acidophilus This probiotic bacteria is beneficial to the flora of the intestinal tract and the overall health of those that enjoy fermented foods The National Academy of Science showed a link between the probiotics found in fermented foods and their ability to lower stress hormones in addition to their protective qualities against depression Fermented foods also help to balance the production of stomach acid when eaten on a regular basis The carbohydrates in fermented foods are broken down or pre digested which makes them easier for the body to consume especially for people with diabetes as it does not put extra burden on the pancreas While the origins of fermented foods is widely argued the one thing that is agreed upon is that fermented foods were discovered by accident When food begins to break down it gets slowly devoured by bacteria and decays Sometimes the bacteria that breaks down the food acts in such a way that it preserves the food This method of preservation also had the added benefit of making the food more flavorful The art of fermentation can be found in almost every culture around the world from the spicy and pungent Kimchi of Korea to the sour and briny Sauerkraut of Germany Fermented foods are already very popular items that people eat daily including pickles yogurt and buttermilk But the more uncommon items such as Kimchi Kefir and Kombucha tea are all becoming more common place Included is a recipe for Kimchi for you to try I suggest serving it over steamed rice or using it on a sandwich to add a little more zip 12 INGREDIENTS Head of Napa cabbage about one pound Sea salt Water Fine red chili flakes 1 tablespoon minced garlic 1 tablespoon minced ginger 3 4 green onions sliced 2 tablespoons anchovy or fish sauce optional 1 2 yellow onion 1 2 ripe apple 1 2 ripe pear DIRECTIONS Separate cabbage leaves and chop into bite size pieces Dissolve a quarter cup of sea salt in a bowl of warm water then pour salt water over cabbage leaves Give cabbage a gentle toss to distribute salt water Allow salted cabbage to sit for at least four hours Give cabbage a good rinse to remove excess salt then transfer cabbage to a large bowl Combine a quarter cup of fine red chili flakes with warm water stir gently with spoon to create a red chili paste then transfer chili paste to cabbage Add minced garlic minced ginger green onions and fish sauce Blend yellow onion apple and pear with one cup of water then add this natural sweetener to the cabbage Put on a pair of plastic gloves and give everything a thorough toss and rubdown You want to evenly distribute all ingredients especially the red chili paste Transfer seasoned cabbage leaves into a large glass bottle Be sure to use firm pressure with your hands to push down on cabbage leaves as they stack up inside the bottle Transfer any liquid that accumulated during the mixing process into the bottle as well this liquid will become kim chi brine Some liquid will also come out of the cabbage leaves as you press down on them as they are stacked in the bottle Be sure to leave about 2 inches of room at the top of the bottle before capping it tightly with a lid Allow bottle of kim chi to sit at room temperature for 24 hours Your kim chi is now ready to eat Refrigerate and take out portions as needed The refrigerated kim chi will continue to ferment slowly in the refrigerator over time So long as you use clean utensils to take out small portions it will keep for up to a month in your refrigerator SPRING 2015 KIMCHI Traditional fermented Korean main dish made of vegetables with a variety of seasonings 13 SPRING 2015

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GOLF UPDATE Tim McKeiver Head Golf Professional tmckeiver londonhuntclub com As you read this our golf season is just weeks away hard to believe after another hard cold winter These are exciting times at the London Hunt and Country Club with the Clubhouse renovation on track to finish July 1st The Members that I have spoken with over the winter months seem excited about the new Pro Shop locker rooms fitness centre kitchens and casual dining area In the meantime we will be continuing to function out of the Tennis Chalet Club drop and parking will remain at the side of the Tennis Chalet The Golf Committee and the Pro Shop with your support will continue to run a full calendar of events for the 2015 golf season Please refer to the Club website as Club events are now posted For spring and early summer events such as Opening Days and Member Member events the Club will be using different areas to facilitate the food and beverage and social portions An enthusiastic group of Men s and Ladies Golf Committees have been working diligently on new formats to enhance this season s Wednesday night men s leagues and to introduce a new Nine and Dine Ladies Team Golf League Both leagues will set up a draft format to create teams that will be balanced by handicaps These teams will compete on specific days throughout the season The new format Men s Leagues will run on designated Wednesday afternoons and Ladies Nine and Dine on designated Thursday evenings More details to come in the next few weeks The Ladies 9 and 18 Hole Leagues will continue on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings respectively I had the privilege of attending the PGA Golf and Merchandise show in Orlando in January Fifty thousand members of the golf industry from all over the world attend the Merchandise Show each year It is a great chance to get a feel for the pulse of the golf industry This year s show revealed an exciting display of technological advancements that will enhance the game for all skill levels and included the following 14 1 Taylor Made new R15 Driver has quickly become the 1 driver on the PGA Tour Multiple weight and loft adjustments make this the most versatile drive on the market The R15 irons come in three different models enhancing distance and launch angle 2 Adams Golf have developed two new lines Red is tour proven adjustable weighted hybrids in a number of different shaft and loft options The Blue line is really innovative with some new thin shaft technologies These shafts are designed to increase the higher handicap players club head speed therefore increasing distance Blue is available driver fairways hybrids and irons 3 Titleist have redesigned their 915 Driver fairways and hybrids Vokey wedges and Scotty Cameron putters have a number of new models on the market 4 Ping G30 series introduce turbulators technology for increased speed The new Glide wedges are designed to increase spin and control around the greens These four industry leaders will be at our demo day Saturday May 2nd I encourage you to come out and try the lastest golf club innovations As well the Pro Shop will display the latest fashions in golf apparel which is more lifestyle orientated and less golf specific 1 3 UPCOMING GOLF EVENTS 2 MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR THESE UPCOMING EVENTS G o l f D e m o D a y S a t u r d a y M a y 2 J u n i o r G o l f O p e n i n g D a y S u n d a y M a y 3 L a d i e s G o l f O p e n i n g D a y Tu e s d a y M a y 5 M e n s G o l f O p e n i n g D a y W e d n e s d a y M a y 6 Ta y l o r M a d e F i t D a y F r i d a y M a y 8 M e n s W h i t e Te e E v e n t S a t u r d a y M a y 9 E c c o S h o e D a y S a t u r d a y M a y 9 P i n g F i t D a y T h u r s d a y M a y 1 4 T i t l e i s t F i t D a y F r i d a y M a y 1 5 Ta y l o r M a d e F i t D a y W e d n e s d a y M a y 2 0 M e n s M e m b e r M e m b e r R e c e p t i o n T h u r s d a y M a y 2 1 M e n s M e m b e r M e m b e r R o u n d 1 F r i d a y M a y 2 2 M e n s M e m b e r M e m b e r R o u n d 2 S a t u r d a y M a y 2 3 4 SPRING 2015 15 SPRING 2015

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GOLF UPDATE Tim McKeiver Head Golf Professional tmckeiver londonhuntclub com As you read this our golf season is just weeks away hard to believe after another hard cold winter These are exciting times at the London Hunt and Country Club with the Clubhouse renovation on track to finish July 1st The Members that I have spoken with over the winter months seem excited about the new Pro Shop locker rooms fitness centre kitchens and casual dining area In the meantime we will be continuing to function out of the Tennis Chalet Club drop and parking will remain at the side of the Tennis Chalet The Golf Committee and the Pro Shop with your support will continue to run a full calendar of events for the 2015 golf season Please refer to the Club website as Club events are now posted For spring and early summer events such as Opening Days and Member Member events the Club will be using different areas to facilitate the food and beverage and social portions An enthusiastic group of Men s and Ladies Golf Committees have been working diligently on new formats to enhance this season s Wednesday night men s leagues and to introduce a new Nine and Dine Ladies Team Golf League Both leagues will set up a draft format to create teams that will be balanced by handicaps These teams will compete on specific days throughout the season The new format Men s Leagues will run on designated Wednesday afternoons and Ladies Nine and Dine on designated Thursday evenings More details to come in the next few weeks The Ladies 9 and 18 Hole Leagues will continue on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings respectively I had the privilege of attending the PGA Golf and Merchandise show in Orlando in January Fifty thousand members of the golf industry from all over the world attend the Merchandise Show each year It is a great chance to get a feel for the pulse of the golf industry This year s show revealed an exciting display of technological advancements that will enhance the game for all skill levels and included the following 14 1 Taylor Made new R15 Driver has quickly become the 1 driver on the PGA Tour Multiple weight and loft adjustments make this the most versatile drive on the market The R15 irons come in three different models enhancing distance and launch angle 2 Adams Golf have developed two new lines Red is tour proven adjustable weighted hybrids in a number of different shaft and loft options The Blue line is really innovative with some new thin shaft technologies These shafts are designed to increase the higher handicap players club head speed therefore increasing distance Blue is available driver fairways hybrids and irons 3 Titleist have redesigned their 915 Driver fairways and hybrids Vokey wedges and Scotty Cameron putters have a number of new models on the market 4 Ping G30 series introduce turbulators technology for increased speed The new Glide wedges are designed to increase spin and control around the greens These four industry leaders will be at our demo day Saturday May 2nd I encourage you to come out and try the lastest golf club innovations As well the Pro Shop will display the latest fashions in golf apparel which is more lifestyle orientated and less golf specific 1 3 UPCOMING GOLF EVENTS 2 MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR THESE UPCOMING EVENTS G o l f D e m o D a y S a t u r d a y M a y 2 J u n i o r G o l f O p e n i n g D a y S u n d a y M a y 3 L a d i e s G o l f O p e n i n g D a y Tu e s d a y M a y 5 M e n s G o l f O p e n i n g D a y W e d n e s d a y M a y 6 Ta y l o r M a d e F i t D a y F r i d a y M a y 8 M e n s W h i t e Te e E v e n t S a t u r d a y M a y 9 E c c o S h o e D a y S a t u r d a y M a y 9 P i n g F i t D a y T h u r s d a y M a y 1 4 T i t l e i s t F i t D a y F r i d a y M a y 1 5 Ta y l o r M a d e F i t D a y W e d n e s d a y M a y 2 0 M e n s M e m b e r M e m b e r R e c e p t i o n T h u r s d a y M a y 2 1 M e n s M e m b e r M e m b e r R o u n d 1 F r i d a y M a y 2 2 M e n s M e m b e r M e m b e r R o u n d 2 S a t u r d a y M a y 2 3 4 SPRING 2015 15 SPRING 2015

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M A RC H E V E N T S 8 30 Muscle Conditioning 9 30 Yoga 75 min 1 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval and Stretch 10 30 Muscle Conditioning 2 Clubhouse Closed 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Yoga 75 5 00 Functional Strength and Stretch 6 00 Yoga 75 3 9 30 Power Up Circuit Training 10 30 Yoga 75 6 30 Muscle Conditioning 8 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval and Stretch 10 30 Muscle Conditioning 9 Chicken Night Men s Bridge 10 Taste of Italy Intermediate Chopped Event 11 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Yoga 75 5 00 Functional Strength and Stretch 6 00 Yoga 75 9 30 Power Up Circuit Training 10 30 Yoga 75 6 30 Muscle Conditioning Chicken Night 12 Trap Chalet Chili Night 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 Sculpt In Motion 10 30 Mat Pilates 13 8 30 Energy Surprise 45 9 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Yoga Taste of Italy Taste of Italy Kids Cooking Date Night Taste of Italy Friday Night Buffet March Break Kids Eat Free 15 16 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval and Stretch 10 30 Muscle Conditioning 17 18 19 20 March Break Kids Eat Free Clubhouse Closed 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Yoga 75 5 00 Functional Strength and Stretch 6 00 Yoga 75 9 30 Power Up Circuit Training 10 30 Yoga 75 6 30 Muscle Conditioning St Patrick s Feature Taste of Italy 7 9 30 Power Up Circuit Training 10 30 Yoga 75 6 30 Muscle Conditioning March Break Kids Eat Free March Break Kids Eat Free Ladies Bridge March Break Kids Eat Free 2 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Yoga 75 14 4 Easter Saturday Doubles Championship Good Friday Fish and Chips D E Wellman Spring 100 Shoot 9 00 Golf Fit 10 00 Cardio Core and Strength 11 00 Yoga 75 3 Good Friday Watford Good Friday Shoot Chicken Night Friday Night Buffet 5 Easter Sunday Easter Brunch 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval and Stretch 10 30 Muscle Conditioning 6 Taste of Italy March Break Kids Eat Free 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Yoga 75 5 00 Functional Strength and Stretch 6 00 Yoga 75 7 9 30 Power Up Circuit Training 10 30 Yoga 75 6 30 Muscle Conditioning 8 9 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Yoga 75 Men s Bridge 10 8 30 Energy Surprise 45 9 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Yoga Friday Night Buffet Chicken Night 11 9 00 Golf Fit 10 00 Cardio Core and Strength 11 00 Yoga 75 Wobble Championship Tennis Opening Reception Ladies Bridge 21 12 8 30 Muscle Conditioning 9 30 Yoga 75 min 13 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval and Stretch 10 30 Muscle Conditioning 14 8 30 Energy Surprise 45 9 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Yoga St Patrick s Themed Friday Night Buffet 9 00 Golf Fit 10 00 Cardio Core and Strength 11 00 Yoga 75 15 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Yoga 75 5 00 Functional Strength and Stretch 6 00 Yoga 75 9 30 Power Up Circuit Training 10 30 Yoga 75 6 30 Muscle Conditioning Men s Bridge Bridge Lessons The Play s The Thing March Break Kids Eat Free Saturday Shooting 16 17 Annual General Meeting Friday Night Bridge March Break Kids Eat Free Chicken Night 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 Sculpt In Motion 10 30 Mat Pilates 1 Saturday Shooting Ladies Bridge 8 30 Muscle Conditioning 9 30 Yoga 75 min 9 00 Golf Fit 10 00 Cardio Core and Strength 11 00 Yoga 75 Taste of Italy Friday Night Bridge Men s Bridge Clubhouse Closed 6 8 30 Energy Surprise 45 9 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Yoga Taste of Italy Ladies Bridge Taste of Italy Taste of Italy 5 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 Sculpt In Motion 10 30 Mat Pilates Kids Cooking Date Night Taste of Italy Taste of Italy 8 30 Muscle Conditioning 9 30 Yoga 75 min 4 APRIL EVENTS 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Yoga 75 8 30 Energy Surprise 45 9 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Yoga Friday Night Buffet Chicken Night 18 9 00 Golf Fit 10 00 Cardio Core and Strength 11 00 Yoga 75 Handicap Championship Club Opening Reception Ladies Bridge Men s Bridge 22 8 30 Muscle Conditioning 9 30 Yoga 75 min 23 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval and Stretch 10 30 Muscle Conditioning 24 25 Clubhouse Closed 29 8 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 00 Yoga Retreat 31 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval and Stretch 10 30 Muscle Conditioning 9 30 Power Up Circuit Training 10 30 Yoga 75 6 30 Muscle Conditioning Men s Bridge March Break Kids Eat Free 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Yoga 75 5 00 Functional Strength and Stretch 6 00 Yoga 75 26 27 Ladies Bridge Chicken Night 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 Sculpt In Motion 10 30 Mat Pilates Kids Cooking Date Night 8 30 Energy Surprise 45 9 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Yoga Friday Night Buffet 31 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Yoga 75 5 00 Functional Strength and Stretch 6 00 Yoga 75 Men s Bridge 19 8 30 Muscle Conditioning 9 30 Yoga 75 min 26 Event Calendar Legend 8 30 Muscle Conditioning 9 30 Yoga 75 min Fitness Events Classes Intermediate Events Junior Club Events 22 27 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval and Stretch 10 30 Muscle Conditioning 9 30 Power Up Circuit Training 10 30 Yoga 75 6 30 Muscle Conditioning Golf Events Tennis Events Men s Tennis Opening Bridge Lessons The Play s The Thing 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Yoga 75 Sunset Skirts Team Draw Party 24 8 30 Energy Surprise 45 9 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Yoga Friday Night Buffet 25 9 00 Golf Fit 10 00 Cardio Core and Strength 11 00 Yoga 75 16 yd Championship and Closing Dinner Junior Tennis Fair 28 29 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Yoga 75 5 00 Functional Strength and Stretch 6 00 Yoga 75 9 30 Power Up Circuit Training 10 30 Yoga 75 6 30 Muscle Conditioning Women s Tennis Opening Evening 30 Men s League Draft Party Ladies Bridge Chicken Night 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Yoga 75 Women s Tennis Opening Day Opening Cocktail Reception S AT U R D AY A P R I L 1 8 KIDS 1 2 A ND U ND ER EAT F REE I N T HE G L ENM ORE W I T H T HE P U RC HA SE O F AN ADULT ENT R E d i ne i n only C ONTAC T T HE C L U B T O M A K E RESERVAT I O N S SPRING 2015 23 Ladies Bridge Chicken Night Men s Bridge Trap and Skeet Events Club Dining Events 21 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Yoga 75 5 00 Functional Strength and Stretch 6 00 Yoga 75 Men s Bridge Bridge Lessons The Play s The Thing Earth Hour Candle Lit Dinner KIdS EAT FREE 16 20 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval and Stretch 10 30 Muscle Conditioning Skeet Championship Bridge Events Clubhouse Closed 28 9 00 Golf Fit 10 00 Cardio Core and Strength 11 00 Yoga 75 17 SPRING 2015

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M A RC H E V E N T S 8 30 Muscle Conditioning 9 30 Yoga 75 min 1 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval and Stretch 10 30 Muscle Conditioning 2 Clubhouse Closed 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Yoga 75 5 00 Functional Strength and Stretch 6 00 Yoga 75 3 9 30 Power Up Circuit Training 10 30 Yoga 75 6 30 Muscle Conditioning 8 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval and Stretch 10 30 Muscle Conditioning 9 Chicken Night Men s Bridge 10 Taste of Italy Intermediate Chopped Event 11 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Yoga 75 5 00 Functional Strength and Stretch 6 00 Yoga 75 9 30 Power Up Circuit Training 10 30 Yoga 75 6 30 Muscle Conditioning Chicken Night 12 Trap Chalet Chili Night 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 Sculpt In Motion 10 30 Mat Pilates 13 8 30 Energy Surprise 45 9 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Yoga Taste of Italy Taste of Italy Kids Cooking Date Night Taste of Italy Friday Night Buffet March Break Kids Eat Free 15 16 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval and Stretch 10 30 Muscle Conditioning 17 18 19 20 March Break Kids Eat Free Clubhouse Closed 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Yoga 75 5 00 Functional Strength and Stretch 6 00 Yoga 75 9 30 Power Up Circuit Training 10 30 Yoga 75 6 30 Muscle Conditioning St Patrick s Feature Taste of Italy 7 9 30 Power Up Circuit Training 10 30 Yoga 75 6 30 Muscle Conditioning March Break Kids Eat Free March Break Kids Eat Free Ladies Bridge March Break Kids Eat Free 2 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Yoga 75 14 4 Easter Saturday Doubles Championship Good Friday Fish and Chips D E Wellman Spring 100 Shoot 9 00 Golf Fit 10 00 Cardio Core and Strength 11 00 Yoga 75 3 Good Friday Watford Good Friday Shoot Chicken Night Friday Night Buffet 5 Easter Sunday Easter Brunch 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval and Stretch 10 30 Muscle Conditioning 6 Taste of Italy March Break Kids Eat Free 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Yoga 75 5 00 Functional Strength and Stretch 6 00 Yoga 75 7 9 30 Power Up Circuit Training 10 30 Yoga 75 6 30 Muscle Conditioning 8 9 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Yoga 75 Men s Bridge 10 8 30 Energy Surprise 45 9 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Yoga Friday Night Buffet Chicken Night 11 9 00 Golf Fit 10 00 Cardio Core and Strength 11 00 Yoga 75 Wobble Championship Tennis Opening Reception Ladies Bridge 21 12 8 30 Muscle Conditioning 9 30 Yoga 75 min 13 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval and Stretch 10 30 Muscle Conditioning 14 8 30 Energy Surprise 45 9 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Yoga St Patrick s Themed Friday Night Buffet 9 00 Golf Fit 10 00 Cardio Core and Strength 11 00 Yoga 75 15 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Yoga 75 5 00 Functional Strength and Stretch 6 00 Yoga 75 9 30 Power Up Circuit Training 10 30 Yoga 75 6 30 Muscle Conditioning Men s Bridge Bridge Lessons The Play s The Thing March Break Kids Eat Free Saturday Shooting 16 17 Annual General Meeting Friday Night Bridge March Break Kids Eat Free Chicken Night 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 Sculpt In Motion 10 30 Mat Pilates 1 Saturday Shooting Ladies Bridge 8 30 Muscle Conditioning 9 30 Yoga 75 min 9 00 Golf Fit 10 00 Cardio Core and Strength 11 00 Yoga 75 Taste of Italy Friday Night Bridge Men s Bridge Clubhouse Closed 6 8 30 Energy Surprise 45 9 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Yoga Taste of Italy Ladies Bridge Taste of Italy Taste of Italy 5 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 Sculpt In Motion 10 30 Mat Pilates Kids Cooking Date Night Taste of Italy Taste of Italy 8 30 Muscle Conditioning 9 30 Yoga 75 min 4 APRIL EVENTS 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Yoga 75 8 30 Energy Surprise 45 9 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Yoga Friday Night Buffet Chicken Night 18 9 00 Golf Fit 10 00 Cardio Core and Strength 11 00 Yoga 75 Handicap Championship Club Opening Reception Ladies Bridge Men s Bridge 22 8 30 Muscle Conditioning 9 30 Yoga 75 min 23 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval and Stretch 10 30 Muscle Conditioning 24 25 Clubhouse Closed 29 8 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 00 Yoga Retreat 31 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval and Stretch 10 30 Muscle Conditioning 9 30 Power Up Circuit Training 10 30 Yoga 75 6 30 Muscle Conditioning Men s Bridge March Break Kids Eat Free 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Yoga 75 5 00 Functional Strength and Stretch 6 00 Yoga 75 26 27 Ladies Bridge Chicken Night 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 Sculpt In Motion 10 30 Mat Pilates Kids Cooking Date Night 8 30 Energy Surprise 45 9 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Yoga Friday Night Buffet 31 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Yoga 75 5 00 Functional Strength and Stretch 6 00 Yoga 75 Men s Bridge 19 8 30 Muscle Conditioning 9 30 Yoga 75 min 26 Event Calendar Legend 8 30 Muscle Conditioning 9 30 Yoga 75 min Fitness Events Classes Intermediate Events Junior Club Events 22 27 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval and Stretch 10 30 Muscle Conditioning 9 30 Power Up Circuit Training 10 30 Yoga 75 6 30 Muscle Conditioning Golf Events Tennis Events Men s Tennis Opening Bridge Lessons The Play s The Thing 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Yoga 75 Sunset Skirts Team Draw Party 24 8 30 Energy Surprise 45 9 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Yoga Friday Night Buffet 25 9 00 Golf Fit 10 00 Cardio Core and Strength 11 00 Yoga 75 16 yd Championship and Closing Dinner Junior Tennis Fair 28 29 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Yoga 75 5 00 Functional Strength and Stretch 6 00 Yoga 75 9 30 Power Up Circuit Training 10 30 Yoga 75 6 30 Muscle Conditioning Women s Tennis Opening Evening 30 Men s League Draft Party Ladies Bridge Chicken Night 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Yoga 75 Women s Tennis Opening Day Opening Cocktail Reception S AT U R D AY A P R I L 1 8 KIDS 1 2 A ND U ND ER EAT F REE I N T HE G L ENM ORE W I T H T HE P U RC HA SE O F AN ADULT ENT R E d i ne i n only C ONTAC T T HE C L U B T O M A K E RESERVAT I O N S SPRING 2015 23 Ladies Bridge Chicken Night Men s Bridge Trap and Skeet Events Club Dining Events 21 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Yoga 75 5 00 Functional Strength and Stretch 6 00 Yoga 75 Men s Bridge Bridge Lessons The Play s The Thing Earth Hour Candle Lit Dinner KIdS EAT FREE 16 20 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval and Stretch 10 30 Muscle Conditioning Skeet Championship Bridge Events Clubhouse Closed 28 9 00 Golf Fit 10 00 Cardio Core and Strength 11 00 Yoga 75 17 SPRING 2015

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GROUNDS REPORT M AY E V E N T S Jayson Griffiths Golf Course Superintendent jgriffiths londonhuntclub com 1 8 30 Energy Surprise 45 9 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Yoga Friday Night Buffet 9 00 Golf Fit 10 00 Cardio Core and Strength 11 00 Yoga 75 2 ICE REMOVAL The biggest gains in golf course improvements are often realized in the shoulder seasons Golf Demo Day Singles Clinic Cardio Tennis 8 30 Muscle Conditioning 9 30 Yoga 75 min 3 Junior Golf Opening Day Parent Tot Program 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval and Stretch 10 30 Muscle Conditioning 4 Men s League Bridge Lessons The Play s The Thing 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Yoga 75 5 00 Functional Strength and Stretch 6 00 Yoga 75 5 Ladies Opening Day Women s League 10 11 Mother s Day Brunch 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval and Stretch 10 30 Muscle Conditioning Parent Tot Program Men s League Bridge Lessons The Play s The Thing 12 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Yoga 75 5 00 Functional Strength and Stretch 6 00 Yoga 75 18 Hole Ladies 17 Junior HEAD Singles Series 18 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval and Stretch 10 30 Muscle Conditioning Chicken Night Men s Opening Day Cardio Tennis 7 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 Sculpt In Motion 10 30 Mat Pilates Ladies Golf and Dinner 8 8 30 Energy Surprise 45 9 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Yoga Friday Night Buffet TaylorMade Fit Day Women s Day League Singles Clinic 13 9 30 Power Up Circuit Training 10 30 Yoga 75 6 30 Muscle Conditioning Chicken Night 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Yoga 75 14 Ping Fit Day Friday Night Buffet Ladies Golf and Dinner 9 Hole Ladies Cardio Tennis 15 8 30 Energy Surprise 45 9 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Yoga Women s Day League Advanced Doubles Tennis Anyone Clinic Titleist Fit Day 20 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Yoga 75 5 00 Functional Strength and Stretch 6 00 Yoga 75 9 30 Power Up Circuit Training 10 30 Yoga 75 6 30 Muscle Conditioning 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Yoga 75 21 22 8 30 Energy Surprise 45 9 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Yoga 24 Parent Tot Program 25 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval and Stretch 10 30 Muscle Conditioning Men s League Beer and Wings Ladies Golf and Dinner Friday Night Buffet 9 Hole Ladies Men s Member Member Reception Men s Member Member Round 1 TaylorMade Fit Day Women s Day League Singles Clinic Women s League 8 30 Muscle Conditioning 9 30 Yoga 75 min Men s White Tee Event Ecco Shoe Day 16 9 00 Golf Fit 10 00 Cardio Core and Strength 11 00 Yoga 75 Cardio Tennis Ladies Closing Bridge 19 Cardio Tennis 26 improved vista and airflow from the 10th hole below In addition undergrowth removal of invasive Buckthorn and Poison Ivy by the Grounds Department will allow for the establishment of native fescues and pollinator flowers to further enhance the forest eco system and neighbouring playable areas Singles Clinic Senior Men Men s League 9 Tennis Anyone Clinic 18 Hole Ladies Parent Tot Program 9 00 Golf Fit 10 00 Cardio Core and Strength 11 00 Yoga 75 Cardio Tennis Advanced Doubles Men s Golf and Dinner Senior Men Women s League 8 30 Muscle Conditioning 9 30 Yoga 75 min 6 Ladies Bridge Men s Bridge 8 30 Muscle Conditioning 9 30 Yoga 75 min 9 30 Power Up Circuit Training 10 30 Yoga 75 6 30 Muscle Conditioning Chicken Night 27 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Yoga 75 5 00 Functional Strength and Stretch 6 00 Yoga 75 9 30 Power Up Circuit Training 10 30 Yoga 75 6 30 Muscle Conditioning 18 Hole Ladies Senior Men Women s League Margarita and Dip Men s Golf and Dinner 9 Hole Ladies Cardio Tennis 28 Men s Member Member Round 2 Cardio Tennis Wilson Men s Singles Series Advanced Doubles Tennis Anyone Clinic 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Yoga 75 23 9 00 Golf Fit 10 00 Cardio Core and Strength 11 00 Yoga 75 29 8 30 Energy Surprise 45 9 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Yoga Ladies Golf and Dinner Friday Night Buffet Women s Day League Singles Clinic Advanced Doubles Tennis Anyone Clinic 30 9 00 Golf Fit 10 00 Cardio Core and Strength 11 00 Yoga 75 Junior Pizza and Round Robin Night Cardio Tennis Mother s Day Brunch Sunday May 10 As I write this report a fresh blanket of snow covers the golf course and it appears we have a few more weeks of winter before the comforting sights and sounds of spring arrive Looking back the preparations and efforts the Grounds Department have experienced before and during the winter of 2015 will not be fully realized until the transition from snow covered ground to freshly clipped grass Winter injury is a complex issue dependant on soil moisture plant acclimation processes temperature extremes fall and winter sunlight plant and soil respiration and spring dehardening rates It is a paradigm that confuses the brightest of people but inevitably makes one appreciate the complexities of nature and the majesty of a sparkling dew kissed fairway on a sunny spring day Although that day is fast approaching 18 SPRING 2015 19 the biggest gains in golf course improvements are often realized in the shoulder seasons Necessary course improvements and cultural practices demand time labour and occasionally large equipment all of which result in varying degrees of course disruption The real gains are achieved when additional manhours are available and work can be performed efficiently without causing undue interference to play One such improvement was the initiation of the 2015 Woodlot Management Project This project focuses on enhancing the longterm health of the forest ecosystem while maximizing other benefits in a financially responsible way A licensed Provincial Forester selected declining trees for saleable removal while promoting featured cathedral White Pines Oaks Birch Sugar Maple and Beech This will provide the backdrop to the 12th hole and include an The year ahead is one of excitement energy and challenge The awakening of the golf course will be met with another active golf schedule as well as the completion of the 9th green surround project the re alignment of the 1st tee and the opening of the much anticipated Pro Shop and Clubhouse renovations and addition In closing we greatly appreciate the time and patience extended to us by our Membership in order to complete these very crucial tasks and projects With your support and the co operation of favorable spring weather the entire Grounds Department is committed to preparing the setting for an exciting golf season For those who are interested in learning more about the Club s best cultural practices and in depth turf management information please visit the LHCC Grounds Blog and Twitter accounts for regular updates SPRING 2015

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GROUNDS REPORT M AY E V E N T S Jayson Griffiths Golf Course Superintendent jgriffiths londonhuntclub com 1 8 30 Energy Surprise 45 9 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Yoga Friday Night Buffet 9 00 Golf Fit 10 00 Cardio Core and Strength 11 00 Yoga 75 2 ICE REMOVAL The biggest gains in golf course improvements are often realized in the shoulder seasons Golf Demo Day Singles Clinic Cardio Tennis 8 30 Muscle Conditioning 9 30 Yoga 75 min 3 Junior Golf Opening Day Parent Tot Program 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval and Stretch 10 30 Muscle Conditioning 4 Men s League Bridge Lessons The Play s The Thing 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Yoga 75 5 00 Functional Strength and Stretch 6 00 Yoga 75 5 Ladies Opening Day Women s League 10 11 Mother s Day Brunch 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval and Stretch 10 30 Muscle Conditioning Parent Tot Program Men s League Bridge Lessons The Play s The Thing 12 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Yoga 75 5 00 Functional Strength and Stretch 6 00 Yoga 75 18 Hole Ladies 17 Junior HEAD Singles Series 18 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval and Stretch 10 30 Muscle Conditioning Chicken Night Men s Opening Day Cardio Tennis 7 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 Sculpt In Motion 10 30 Mat Pilates Ladies Golf and Dinner 8 8 30 Energy Surprise 45 9 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Yoga Friday Night Buffet TaylorMade Fit Day Women s Day League Singles Clinic 13 9 30 Power Up Circuit Training 10 30 Yoga 75 6 30 Muscle Conditioning Chicken Night 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Yoga 75 14 Ping Fit Day Friday Night Buffet Ladies Golf and Dinner 9 Hole Ladies Cardio Tennis 15 8 30 Energy Surprise 45 9 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Yoga Women s Day League Advanced Doubles Tennis Anyone Clinic Titleist Fit Day 20 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Yoga 75 5 00 Functional Strength and Stretch 6 00 Yoga 75 9 30 Power Up Circuit Training 10 30 Yoga 75 6 30 Muscle Conditioning 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Yoga 75 21 22 8 30 Energy Surprise 45 9 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Yoga 24 Parent Tot Program 25 8 30 Golf Fit 9 30 Cardio Interval and Stretch 10 30 Muscle Conditioning Men s League Beer and Wings Ladies Golf and Dinner Friday Night Buffet 9 Hole Ladies Men s Member Member Reception Men s Member Member Round 1 TaylorMade Fit Day Women s Day League Singles Clinic Women s League 8 30 Muscle Conditioning 9 30 Yoga 75 min Men s White Tee Event Ecco Shoe Day 16 9 00 Golf Fit 10 00 Cardio Core and Strength 11 00 Yoga 75 Cardio Tennis Ladies Closing Bridge 19 Cardio Tennis 26 improved vista and airflow from the 10th hole below In addition undergrowth removal of invasive Buckthorn and Poison Ivy by the Grounds Department will allow for the establishment of native fescues and pollinator flowers to further enhance the forest eco system and neighbouring playable areas Singles Clinic Senior Men Men s League 9 Tennis Anyone Clinic 18 Hole Ladies Parent Tot Program 9 00 Golf Fit 10 00 Cardio Core and Strength 11 00 Yoga 75 Cardio Tennis Advanced Doubles Men s Golf and Dinner Senior Men Women s League 8 30 Muscle Conditioning 9 30 Yoga 75 min 6 Ladies Bridge Men s Bridge 8 30 Muscle Conditioning 9 30 Yoga 75 min 9 30 Power Up Circuit Training 10 30 Yoga 75 6 30 Muscle Conditioning Chicken Night 27 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Yoga 75 5 00 Functional Strength and Stretch 6 00 Yoga 75 9 30 Power Up Circuit Training 10 30 Yoga 75 6 30 Muscle Conditioning 18 Hole Ladies Senior Men Women s League Margarita and Dip Men s Golf and Dinner 9 Hole Ladies Cardio Tennis 28 Men s Member Member Round 2 Cardio Tennis Wilson Men s Singles Series Advanced Doubles Tennis Anyone Clinic 8 30 Energy Surprise 9 30 20 20 20 10 30 Yoga 75 23 9 00 Golf Fit 10 00 Cardio Core and Strength 11 00 Yoga 75 29 8 30 Energy Surprise 45 9 30 Muscle Conditioning 10 30 Yoga Ladies Golf and Dinner Friday Night Buffet Women s Day League Singles Clinic Advanced Doubles Tennis Anyone Clinic 30 9 00 Golf Fit 10 00 Cardio Core and Strength 11 00 Yoga 75 Junior Pizza and Round Robin Night Cardio Tennis Mother s Day Brunch Sunday May 10 As I write this report a fresh blanket of snow covers the golf course and it appears we have a few more weeks of winter before the comforting sights and sounds of spring arrive Looking back the preparations and efforts the Grounds Department have experienced before and during the winter of 2015 will not be fully realized until the transition from snow covered ground to freshly clipped grass Winter injury is a complex issue dependant on soil moisture plant acclimation processes temperature extremes fall and winter sunlight plant and soil respiration and spring dehardening rates It is a paradigm that confuses the brightest of people but inevitably makes one appreciate the complexities of nature and the majesty of a sparkling dew kissed fairway on a sunny spring day Although that day is fast approaching 18 SPRING 2015 19 the biggest gains in golf course improvements are often realized in the shoulder seasons Necessary course improvements and cultural practices demand time labour and occasionally large equipment all of which result in varying degrees of course disruption The real gains are achieved when additional manhours are available and work can be performed efficiently without causing undue interference to play One such improvement was the initiation of the 2015 Woodlot Management Project This project focuses on enhancing the longterm health of the forest ecosystem while maximizing other benefits in a financially responsible way A licensed Provincial Forester selected declining trees for saleable removal while promoting featured cathedral White Pines Oaks Birch Sugar Maple and Beech This will provide the backdrop to the 12th hole and include an The year ahead is one of excitement energy and challenge The awakening of the golf course will be met with another active golf schedule as well as the completion of the 9th green surround project the re alignment of the 1st tee and the opening of the much anticipated Pro Shop and Clubhouse renovations and addition In closing we greatly appreciate the time and patience extended to us by our Membership in order to complete these very crucial tasks and projects With your support and the co operation of favorable spring weather the entire Grounds Department is committed to preparing the setting for an exciting golf season For those who are interested in learning more about the Club s best cultural practices and in depth turf management information please visit the LHCC Grounds Blog and Twitter accounts for regular updates SPRING 2015

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NEW YEAR NEW DIRECTOR TENNIS Adam Baranowski Director of Tennis abaranowski londonhuntclub com I hope all of you have had a great year thus far Looking out the window spring seems far away but I am hopeful this will quickly change The baton has officially been passed on I am honoured and proud to be coming back to the London Hunt and Country Club for the fourth year this year taking on the Director of Tennis position which I am very excited about After months of research and deliberation I would like to welcome a new addition to the tennis staff Marc Sopoco Associate Tennis Professional Marc brings with him over 20 years of coaching experience Certified through Tennis Canada Marc was the Director of High Performance at the Campus Tennis Centre in Oshawa and has been a Head Professional at several facilities throughout the Kawartha Lakes Marc most recently served as National Sales Director for Tecnifibre an ATP sponsor based in Paris France I am also happy to share with you that Alexander Renauldo Assistant Tennis Professional who has been with us the last couple of years will be returning for another season Over the last few months Alexander has been coaching at Orakei Tennis Club and Browns Bay Racquet Club in Auckland New Zealand We look forward to his return this spring ADAM BARANOWSKI G E T T O K N O W Y O U R P R O GET TO KNOW YOUR PRO A d a m m o v e d tto C a n a d a ffrro m W a rrs a w P o lla n d iin 1 9 8 6 H e c a p ttu rre d Adam moved o Canada om Wa saw Po and n 1986 He cap u ed a N a ttiio n a ll ttiittlle b y a g e e iig h tte e n P rriio rr tto s ttu d y iin g g rra p h iic d e s iig n a Na ona e by age e gh een P o o s udy ng g aph c des gn a tt T e x a s T e c h U n iiv e rrs iitty h e w a s s e lle c tte d ffrro m N iic k B o lllle ttttiie rrii s a Te x a s Te c h U n v e s y h e w a s s e e c e d om N ck Bo e e s T e n n iis A c a d e m y tto ttrra iin w iitth B o rriis B e c k e rr A d a m a c h iie v e d a Te n n s A c a d e m y o a n w h Bo s Becke Adam ach eved a w o rrlld rra n k iin g w h iille p lla y iin g o n tto u rr iin 1 9 9 7 H e w a s rra n k e d tto p wo d ank ng wh e p ay ng on ou n 1997 He was anked op 1 0 p lla y e rr iin tth e w o rrlld o v e rr 3 5 iin 2 0 1 1 a n d h e ffiin iis h e d 5 tth a tt IIT F 10 p aye n he wo d ove 35 n 2011 and he n shed 5 h a TF o v e rr 3 5 W o rrlld C h a m p iio n s h iip s iin S a n D iie g o C a lliiffo rrn iia iin 2 0 1 2 ove 35 Wo d Champ onsh ps n San D ego Ca o n a n 2012 I feel by bringing a wealth of knowledge experience and passion to the Club we are going to have a fantastic season The Tennis Chalet will reopen and be fully staffed and operational on April 1st followed by the courts weather pending I look forward to seeing you soon P rriio rr tto c o m iin g tto L o n d o n H u n tt C llu b iin 2 0 1 2 h e w a s tth e H e a d P o o com ng o London Hun C ub n 2012 he was he Head T e n n iis P rro ffe s s iio n a ll a tt K e w G a rrd e n s T e n n iis C llu b a n d tth e H e a d o ff Te n n s P o e s s o n a a K e w G a d e n s Te n n s C u b a n d h e H e a d o J u n iio rr D e v e llo p m e n tt a tt D o n a lld a C llu b iin T o rro n tto J u n o D e v e o p m e n a D o n a d a C u b n To o n o Opposite Adam age 8 at Latina Tennis Club Italy A d a m h a s o v e rr 1 5 y e a rrs o ff c o a c h iin g e x p e rriie n c e H e h a s lle v e ll 4 Adam has ove 15 yea s o coach ng expe ence He has eve 4 c o a c h w iitth N a ttiio n a ll C o a c h iin g IIn s ttiittu tte C llu b P rro 2 lle v e ll 3 c o a c h coach w h Na ona Coach ng ns u e C ub P o 2 eve 3 coach w iitth T e n n iis C a n a d a a n d tth e h iig h e s tt rra ttiin g a s a P rro ffe s s iio n a ll w h Te n n s C a n a d a and he h ghes a ng as a P o ess ona w iitth P T R U S A w h PTR U S A 20 SPRING 2015 21 SPRING 2015

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NEW YEAR NEW DIRECTOR TENNIS Adam Baranowski Director of Tennis abaranowski londonhuntclub com I hope all of you have had a great year thus far Looking out the window spring seems far away but I am hopeful this will quickly change The baton has officially been passed on I am honoured and proud to be coming back to the London Hunt and Country Club for the fourth year this year taking on the Director of Tennis position which I am very excited about After months of research and deliberation I would like to welcome a new addition to the tennis staff Marc Sopoco Associate Tennis Professional Marc brings with him over 20 years of coaching experience Certified through Tennis Canada Marc was the Director of High Performance at the Campus Tennis Centre in Oshawa and has been a Head Professional at several facilities throughout the Kawartha Lakes Marc most recently served as National Sales Director for Tecnifibre an ATP sponsor based in Paris France I am also happy to share with you that Alexander Renauldo Assistant Tennis Professional who has been with us the last couple of years will be returning for another season Over the last few months Alexander has been coaching at Orakei Tennis Club and Browns Bay Racquet Club in Auckland New Zealand We look forward to his return this spring ADAM BARANOWSKI G E T T O K N O W Y O U R P R O GET TO KNOW YOUR PRO A d a m m o v e d tto C a n a d a ffrro m W a rrs a w P o lla n d iin 1 9 8 6 H e c a p ttu rre d Adam moved o Canada om Wa saw Po and n 1986 He cap u ed a N a ttiio n a ll ttiittlle b y a g e e iig h tte e n P rriio rr tto s ttu d y iin g g rra p h iic d e s iig n a Na ona e by age e gh een P o o s udy ng g aph c des gn a tt T e x a s T e c h U n iiv e rrs iitty h e w a s s e lle c tte d ffrro m N iic k B o lllle ttttiie rrii s a Te x a s Te c h U n v e s y h e w a s s e e c e d om N ck Bo e e s T e n n iis A c a d e m y tto ttrra iin w iitth B o rriis B e c k e rr A d a m a c h iie v e d a Te n n s A c a d e m y o a n w h Bo s Becke Adam ach eved a w o rrlld rra n k iin g w h iille p lla y iin g o n tto u rr iin 1 9 9 7 H e w a s rra n k e d tto p wo d ank ng wh e p ay ng on ou n 1997 He was anked op 1 0 p lla y e rr iin tth e w o rrlld o v e rr 3 5 iin 2 0 1 1 a n d h e ffiin iis h e d 5 tth a tt IIT F 10 p aye n he wo d ove 35 n 2011 and he n shed 5 h a TF o v e rr 3 5 W o rrlld C h a m p iio n s h iip s iin S a n D iie g o C a lliiffo rrn iia iin 2 0 1 2 ove 35 Wo d Champ onsh ps n San D ego Ca o n a n 2012 I feel by bringing a wealth of knowledge experience and passion to the Club we are going to have a fantastic season The Tennis Chalet will reopen and be fully staffed and operational on April 1st followed by the courts weather pending I look forward to seeing you soon P rriio rr tto c o m iin g tto L o n d o n H u n tt C llu b iin 2 0 1 2 h e w a s tth e H e a d P o o com ng o London Hun C ub n 2012 he was he Head T e n n iis P rro ffe s s iio n a ll a tt K e w G a rrd e n s T e n n iis C llu b a n d tth e H e a d o ff Te n n s P o e s s o n a a K e w G a d e n s Te n n s C u b a n d h e H e a d o J u n iio rr D e v e llo p m e n tt a tt D o n a lld a C llu b iin T o rro n tto J u n o D e v e o p m e n a D o n a d a C u b n To o n o Opposite Adam age 8 at Latina Tennis Club Italy A d a m h a s o v e rr 1 5 y e a rrs o ff c o a c h iin g e x p e rriie n c e H e h a s lle v e ll 4 Adam has ove 15 yea s o coach ng expe ence He has eve 4 c o a c h w iitth N a ttiio n a ll C o a c h iin g IIn s ttiittu tte C llu b P rro 2 lle v e ll 3 c o a c h coach w h Na ona Coach ng ns u e C ub P o 2 eve 3 coach w iitth T e n n iis C a n a d a a n d tth e h iig h e s tt rra ttiin g a s a P rro ffe s s iio n a ll w h Te n n s C a n a d a and he h ghes a ng as a P o ess ona w iitth P T R U S A w h PTR U S A 20 SPRING 2015 21 SPRING 2015

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DISCOVERING THE HISTORY OF YOUR CLUB WESTERN ROUND UPCOMING TENNIS EVENTS MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR THESE UPCOMING EVENTS O p e n i n g Te n n i s R e c e p t i o n F r i d a y A p r i l 1 0 J u n i o r Te n n i s F a i r S a t u r d a y A p r i l 2 5 M e n s Te n n i s O p e n i n g M o n d a y A p r i l 2 7 W o m e n s Te n n i s O p e n i n g Tu e s d a y A p r i l 2 8 W o m e n s Te n n i s O p e n i n g D a y T h u r s d a y A p r i l 3 0 J u n i o r H E A D S i n g l e s S e r i e s S u n d a y M a y 1 7 W i l s o n M e n s S i n g l e s S e r i e s S a t u r d a y M a y 2 3 J u n i o r P i z z a R o u n d R o b i n F r i d a y M a y 2 9 4 Then Through the crosswalk in front of the current Visual Arts building 4 Now Nestled among 275 acres of b r e a t h t a k i n g s c e n e r y When undergoing a renovation and or construction project is it easy to look back To see how far a project has progressed since breaking ground To remember what a corner used to look like Even to recall a previous project now decades old And for that moment you can appreciate the change appreciate the history that surrounds the London Hunt and Country Club One such memory is now 55 years old It was 55 years ago this fall when the London Hunt and Country Club at 1431 Oxford Street West opened it s grand doors to the Membership And for many of us it is the only Club we have ever known It is difficult to imagine that between 1924 and 1960 if you were playing a round of golf at the London Hunt and Country Club you were playing along side students rushing to class which likely contributed to the school s reputation as the envy of all others at the time The first Clubhouse resided in an old farmhouse until 1896 when it was relocated a larger structure on the southeast corner of Richmond and Windermere In 1900 the 9 hole course was laid out followed by the creation of the 18 hole course in 1916 on a portion of the 165 acres of farmland Western acquired from the Kingsmill family For the next 44 years Members and guests would navigate the course considering hazards that golfers the world over were accustomed to sand traps trees water Unique to the London Hunt however was the increasing hazard of a growing campus and resurrection of buildings closer to the fairways and greens Down to 5 100 yards from at one point 6 400 yards and aware that the universities expansion would jeopardize the course the Club began to look for a new location In the 1950 s the Club purchased the 275 acres it currently sits on and Robert Trent Jones was called upon to design the 7 200 yard Championship course Since the redesign in 2000 by his son Reese Jones slight enhancements have been made to the course but on the whole it stands much like it did in the fall of 1960 For the time being although the city is growing around us we are fortunate to enjoy this little piece of natural paradise 22 SPRING 2015 23 SPRING 2015

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DISCOVERING THE HISTORY OF YOUR CLUB WESTERN ROUND UPCOMING TENNIS EVENTS MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR THESE UPCOMING EVENTS O p e n i n g Te n n i s R e c e p t i o n F r i d a y A p r i l 1 0 J u n i o r Te n n i s F a i r S a t u r d a y A p r i l 2 5 M e n s Te n n i s O p e n i n g M o n d a y A p r i l 2 7 W o m e n s Te n n i s O p e n i n g Tu e s d a y A p r i l 2 8 W o m e n s Te n n i s O p e n i n g D a y T h u r s d a y A p r i l 3 0 J u n i o r H E A D S i n g l e s S e r i e s S u n d a y M a y 1 7 W i l s o n M e n s S i n g l e s S e r i e s S a t u r d a y M a y 2 3 J u n i o r P i z z a R o u n d R o b i n F r i d a y M a y 2 9 4 Then Through the crosswalk in front of the current Visual Arts building 4 Now Nestled among 275 acres of b r e a t h t a k i n g s c e n e r y When undergoing a renovation and or construction project is it easy to look back To see how far a project has progressed since breaking ground To remember what a corner used to look like Even to recall a previous project now decades old And for that moment you can appreciate the change appreciate the history that surrounds the London Hunt and Country Club One such memory is now 55 years old It was 55 years ago this fall when the London Hunt and Country Club at 1431 Oxford Street West opened it s grand doors to the Membership And for many of us it is the only Club we have ever known It is difficult to imagine that between 1924 and 1960 if you were playing a round of golf at the London Hunt and Country Club you were playing along side students rushing to class which likely contributed to the school s reputation as the envy of all others at the time The first Clubhouse resided in an old farmhouse until 1896 when it was relocated a larger structure on the southeast corner of Richmond and Windermere In 1900 the 9 hole course was laid out followed by the creation of the 18 hole course in 1916 on a portion of the 165 acres of farmland Western acquired from the Kingsmill family For the next 44 years Members and guests would navigate the course considering hazards that golfers the world over were accustomed to sand traps trees water Unique to the London Hunt however was the increasing hazard of a growing campus and resurrection of buildings closer to the fairways and greens Down to 5 100 yards from at one point 6 400 yards and aware that the universities expansion would jeopardize the course the Club began to look for a new location In the 1950 s the Club purchased the 275 acres it currently sits on and Robert Trent Jones was called upon to design the 7 200 yard Championship course Since the redesign in 2000 by his son Reese Jones slight enhancements have been made to the course but on the whole it stands much like it did in the fall of 1960 For the time being although the city is growing around us we are fortunate to enjoy this little piece of natural paradise 22 SPRING 2015 23 SPRING 2015

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C H A N G I N G Y O U R B E H AV I O U R T O WA R D S HEALTH WELLNESS NEW FITNESS FACILITIES A glimpse at what you can expect in the new facilities Lorna Roden Group Fitness Coordinator info londonhuntclub com 6 6 4 4 9 3 3 11 10 Fitness Studio 11 5 5 8 Looking towards the spring after a long hard winter we added weekly Golf Fit classes to the fitness schedule on Saturday mornings These proved to be such a success that a second hour has been added for March and April at 8 30 a m on Mondays The last Sunday in March a Yoga Retreat is planned Please sign up to reserve a spot for this event which will include 4 hours of yoga divided by a light healthy lunch All fitness classes are now co ed and have been very well attended considering the weather We would like to see an increase in attendance for the evening classes as the evenings are getting lighter and the weather is easing Stay fit and enjoy the workouts we offer daily Getting fit isn t all about pounds on the scale there are so many reasons to be fit The most 24 obvious reason is to be as healthy as possible keeping diseases such as diabetes cancer and so on at bay It is important to remember that when it comes to your health you don t have to feel you are depriving yourself of fun and the foods you like just remember everything in moderation It s easy if you take baby steps work on your behaviour and do it right Nothing is fast and nothing is easy but you can do it just don t pressure yourself Exercise to lose weight tone up strengthen your muscles lower your Resting Heart Rate improve your endurance decrease body fat increase your balance decrease your waist to hip ratio feel less stressed be able to function move more easily in your everyday life and most importantly to be there for your family wherever you can have your workout gear by the door and don t allow yourself to walk OVER it Add exercise to time outside of exercise activity like during tv commercials walk up and down the stairs stand while using your computer and park far away Did you know according to a recent study that it can take up to 5 weeks for fitness to become a habit So stay with it and make it happen you really feel like you shine from the inside out when you feel fit and strong 3 1 1 2 2 8 2 1 Matrix IC7 Indoor Cycle G3 MSFT 300 400 Functional Trainer 4 Aerobics Room 3 7 7 1 T7xe Treadmill R7xe Recumbent Cycle 8 9 8 7 6 TRX MultiMount Kit 14 Bar TRX Xmount BOSU Ball 10 5 11 MG MR47 MEGA Power Rack How do you change your behaviour toward health and wellness Walk Matrix A7Xe Ascent Trainer w 15 MG A61 Adjustable Decline Bench MG A85 Multi Adjustable Bench SPRING 2015 25 SPRING 2015

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C H A N G I N G Y O U R B E H AV I O U R T O WA R D S HEALTH WELLNESS NEW FITNESS FACILITIES A glimpse at what you can expect in the new facilities Lorna Roden Group Fitness Coordinator info londonhuntclub com 6 6 4 4 9 3 3 11 10 Fitness Studio 11 5 5 8 Looking towards the spring after a long hard winter we added weekly Golf Fit classes to the fitness schedule on Saturday mornings These proved to be such a success that a second hour has been added for March and April at 8 30 a m on Mondays The last Sunday in March a Yoga Retreat is planned Please sign up to reserve a spot for this event which will include 4 hours of yoga divided by a light healthy lunch All fitness classes are now co ed and have been very well attended considering the weather We would like to see an increase in attendance for the evening classes as the evenings are getting lighter and the weather is easing Stay fit and enjoy the workouts we offer daily Getting fit isn t all about pounds on the scale there are so many reasons to be fit The most 24 obvious reason is to be as healthy as possible keeping diseases such as diabetes cancer and so on at bay It is important to remember that when it comes to your health you don t have to feel you are depriving yourself of fun and the foods you like just remember everything in moderation It s easy if you take baby steps work on your behaviour and do it right Nothing is fast and nothing is easy but you can do it just don t pressure yourself Exercise to lose weight tone up strengthen your muscles lower your Resting Heart Rate improve your endurance decrease body fat increase your balance decrease your waist to hip ratio feel less stressed be able to function move more easily in your everyday life and most importantly to be there for your family wherever you can have your workout gear by the door and don t allow yourself to walk OVER it Add exercise to time outside of exercise activity like during tv commercials walk up and down the stairs stand while using your computer and park far away Did you know according to a recent study that it can take up to 5 weeks for fitness to become a habit So stay with it and make it happen you really feel like you shine from the inside out when you feel fit and strong 3 1 1 2 2 8 2 1 Matrix IC7 Indoor Cycle G3 MSFT 300 400 Functional Trainer 4 Aerobics Room 3 7 7 1 T7xe Treadmill R7xe Recumbent Cycle 8 9 8 7 6 TRX MultiMount Kit 14 Bar TRX Xmount BOSU Ball 10 5 11 MG MR47 MEGA Power Rack How do you change your behaviour toward health and wellness Walk Matrix A7Xe Ascent Trainer w 15 MG A61 Adjustable Decline Bench MG A85 Multi Adjustable Bench SPRING 2015 25 SPRING 2015

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BRIDGE REPORT Ruthanne Frise Bridge Chair 33ruthief gmail com The Ladies Bridge League continued to have strong attendance during January and February Weekly games on Wednesday afternoon will continue until the closing luncheon on May 13th Beginner bridge lessons began on January 20 and will run until early March Our instructor Marie Wiley has had numerous compliments on her teaching style and enthusiasm for bridge from the 20 participants The Tuesday Men s Bridge League has continued to have good support and will run until the good weather arrives and golf begins The convenor for the Men s Bridge League is Ian Turnbull Friday Night Bridge continues every second Friday evening Optional dinner is at 5 30 p m followed by bridge in the Card Room at 7 00 p m The convenor for Friday Night Bridge is Peter Maurice Watch the eNews and bridge emails for updates If you are not currently receiving bridge emails and would like to be on the list please contact the Club IN MEMORIAM REMEMERING FELLOW MEMBERS m A R I LY N N E F U L L E R d r j o h n m u r r ay 1926 2014 Member of 48 years 1942 2014 Member of 35 years trudy knoch d r r a m s ay g u n t o n 1931 2014 Member of 22 years 1922 2014 Member of 48 years janet thompson 1944 2014 Member of 20 years 26 ENJOY THE CLUB ALL YEAR TRAP SKEET THE PLAY S THE THING IN BRIDGE Monday April 13 Monday May 11 10 00 a m to 12 00 noon We have all nicely settled into a game contract and when dummy comes down we see we are one or two tricks short of making the game This is a series of lessons to review concepts you may have forgotten and we all need a review from time to time to help overcome the above problem Paul Needham Trap and Skeet Chair needhams rogers com The Trap and Skeet section is pleased to report another season of active shooting in spite of the coldest February on record and a goodly number of shooters being in sunnier climes With 2 3 of the season behind us thoughts now turn to the Championship Shoots which begin the last Saturday of March The first Championship Shoot is for the Skeet title followed each Saturday in April by the various Trap titles Keep these dates in mind and come hone your shooting skills prior to the Championships Following our last shoot of the season on April 25 we will host the Closing Dinner and Awards Presentation at the Main Clubhouse I d like to extend an invite to new shooters and Intermediates to attend this event and experience another element of our section we enjoy lots of camaraderie and fun off the range too Wednesdays continue to be practice days throughout the season presenting another good opportunity to come out and see what our section has to offer and for new curious shooters to take a shot at Trap and Skeet Remember that your dues cover 12 months of the year so come and enjoy some more of what you re paying for At the close of this season my tenure as Chair of the Trap and Skeet section comes to a close Sincere thanks goes to my fellow committee members as well as past Members for your invaluable assistance and insights Similarly I thank our Hunt Club staff for helping to make Trap and Skeet shooting at the Hunt Club such an enjoyable experience We have an incredible Club that offers amazing diversity so come and enjoy it all year round SPRING 2015 Cost for five lessons is 50 or 12 00 per lesson Subjects to be covered are The finesse vs promotion Read the lead it tells you a lot if you think about it Holding up Promoting a side suit The rule of 11 Draw trumps or cross ruff When to take our winners To finesse or not to finesse that is the question Ruffing losers safely Eliminating a loser etc Please contact the Club to register at 519 471 6430 or speak with Audrey Craig for more information 27 SPRING 2015

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BRIDGE REPORT Ruthanne Frise Bridge Chair 33ruthief gmail com The Ladies Bridge League continued to have strong attendance during January and February Weekly games on Wednesday afternoon will continue until the closing luncheon on May 13th Beginner bridge lessons began on January 20 and will run until early March Our instructor Marie Wiley has had numerous compliments on her teaching style and enthusiasm for bridge from the 20 participants The Tuesday Men s Bridge League has continued to have good support and will run until the good weather arrives and golf begins The convenor for the Men s Bridge League is Ian Turnbull Friday Night Bridge continues every second Friday evening Optional dinner is at 5 30 p m followed by bridge in the Card Room at 7 00 p m The convenor for Friday Night Bridge is Peter Maurice Watch the eNews and bridge emails for updates If you are not currently receiving bridge emails and would like to be on the list please contact the Club IN MEMORIAM REMEMERING FELLOW MEMBERS m A R I LY N N E F U L L E R d r j o h n m u r r ay 1926 2014 Member of 48 years 1942 2014 Member of 35 years trudy knoch d r r a m s ay g u n t o n 1931 2014 Member of 22 years 1922 2014 Member of 48 years janet thompson 1944 2014 Member of 20 years 26 ENJOY THE CLUB ALL YEAR TRAP SKEET THE PLAY S THE THING IN BRIDGE Monday April 13 Monday May 11 10 00 a m to 12 00 noon We have all nicely settled into a game contract and when dummy comes down we see we are one or two tricks short of making the game This is a series of lessons to review concepts you may have forgotten and we all need a review from time to time to help overcome the above problem Paul Needham Trap and Skeet Chair needhams rogers com The Trap and Skeet section is pleased to report another season of active shooting in spite of the coldest February on record and a goodly number of shooters being in sunnier climes With 2 3 of the season behind us thoughts now turn to the Championship Shoots which begin the last Saturday of March The first Championship Shoot is for the Skeet title followed each Saturday in April by the various Trap titles Keep these dates in mind and come hone your shooting skills prior to the Championships Following our last shoot of the season on April 25 we will host the Closing Dinner and Awards Presentation at the Main Clubhouse I d like to extend an invite to new shooters and Intermediates to attend this event and experience another element of our section we enjoy lots of camaraderie and fun off the range too Wednesdays continue to be practice days throughout the season presenting another good opportunity to come out and see what our section has to offer and for new curious shooters to take a shot at Trap and Skeet Remember that your dues cover 12 months of the year so come and enjoy some more of what you re paying for At the close of this season my tenure as Chair of the Trap and Skeet section comes to a close Sincere thanks goes to my fellow committee members as well as past Members for your invaluable assistance and insights Similarly I thank our Hunt Club staff for helping to make Trap and Skeet shooting at the Hunt Club such an enjoyable experience We have an incredible Club that offers amazing diversity so come and enjoy it all year round SPRING 2015 Cost for five lessons is 50 or 12 00 per lesson Subjects to be covered are The finesse vs promotion Read the lead it tells you a lot if you think about it Holding up Promoting a side suit The rule of 11 Draw trumps or cross ruff When to take our winners To finesse or not to finesse that is the question Ruffing losers safely Eliminating a loser etc Please contact the Club to register at 519 471 6430 or speak with Audrey Craig for more information 27 SPRING 2015

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JUST FOR JUNIORS 60 SECONDS WITH INCOMING PRESIDENT GLENN JONES Full name Frederick don t be calling me Freddy Glenn Jones Red or white Red unless it has bubbles A lways l at e f o r Cooking cleaning or anything that resembles housework Favourite place in the world London Hunt Country Club and Hong Kong What you do when you can t sleep Read and dream about shooting low 80 s Would love to be driving A 1964 Austin Healey 3000 Back in time or into the future Always more life ahead than behind and the surprise that comes with not knowing what it will be Technology you wish you understood better There is not a piece of technology that I DO understand Toughest accomplishment Trying to get Tim to refer to me as a golfer and Derek now Adam to refer to me as a tennis player without laughing neither of which I have accomplished as yet Define success He who dies with the most friends wins Best time at the Club was Dining golfing or playing tennis with great friends WHAT THE CLUB MEANS TO ME My wedding August 30 2013 I think let me check with Britta Finish the sentence this year will be Challenging fun rewarding interesting just like every year CAMPS PROGRAMS GOLF AND TENNIS SUMMER CAMP The London Hunt and Country Club is proud to offer a week long Sports Day Camp to all Junior Members This camp is a great way for Juniors to learn the basic skills of golf and tennis Other sports activities and games are played through out the day to enhance coordination while having fun with their peers All instructors are certified and instruction is given by PGA of Canada golf professionals and OTA tennis professionals certified with CPR training Lunch is provided daily in the Clubhouse and each Junior will receive a t shirt and hat on their first day Age categories are 5 to 9 and 10 to 13 Camp hours are 9 00 to 4 00 Fees are as follows Full Day 285 Half Day with Lunch 200 Half Day with No Lunch 170 Register online or contact the Pro Shop or Tennis Chalet today PROGRESSIVE TENNIS Progressive Tennis introduces the sport of tennis in a fun and interactive way and ensures immediate success for young players aged 5 10 Using modified tennis balls racquets nets and courts young players are properly equipped to enjoy rallies and learn the fundamentals of the game early on Skills are developed much quicker allowing for an easy transition to full court Tennis Canada fully endorses Progressive Tennis and is developing programs and competitive structures across the country to give more players the opportunity to experience its positive benefits Visit the Tennis Section of the website to learn more 28 SPRING 2015 29 SUNDAY FUN DAMENTAL GOLF Twice monthly see Golf Calendar for dates 4 00 p m to 5 00 p m Ages 4 and up Locations of clinics will be the Driving Range or Short Game Range Learn the basics grip stance and general swing mechanics Use fun teaching tools that have been developed by Physical and HealthCanada COMPETITIVE TOURNAMENT GOLF Every Tuesday in May June and September from 4 00 p m to 5 00 p m Every Tuesday and Thursday in July and August from 4 00 p m to 5 00 p m Each session will be a 1 hour clinic to help their individual swing technique and game development followed by on course play with arranged tee times Monthly evaluations with Club Teaching Professional Wendy Shackelton Clinics will vary from full range short game area and course Many of these Juniors will play in tournaments provincally and nationally although not mandatory SPRING 2015

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JUST FOR JUNIORS 60 SECONDS WITH INCOMING PRESIDENT GLENN JONES Full name Frederick don t be calling me Freddy Glenn Jones Red or white Red unless it has bubbles A lways l at e f o r Cooking cleaning or anything that resembles housework Favourite place in the world London Hunt Country Club and Hong Kong What you do when you can t sleep Read and dream about shooting low 80 s Would love to be driving A 1964 Austin Healey 3000 Back in time or into the future Always more life ahead than behind and the surprise that comes with not knowing what it will be Technology you wish you understood better There is not a piece of technology that I DO understand Toughest accomplishment Trying to get Tim to refer to me as a golfer and Derek now Adam to refer to me as a tennis player without laughing neither of which I have accomplished as yet Define success He who dies with the most friends wins Best time at the Club was Dining golfing or playing tennis with great friends WHAT THE CLUB MEANS TO ME My wedding August 30 2013 I think let me check with Britta Finish the sentence this year will be Challenging fun rewarding interesting just like every year CAMPS PROGRAMS GOLF AND TENNIS SUMMER CAMP The London Hunt and Country Club is proud to offer a week long Sports Day Camp to all Junior Members This camp is a great way for Juniors to learn the basic skills of golf and tennis Other sports activities and games are played through out the day to enhance coordination while having fun with their peers All instructors are certified and instruction is given by PGA of Canada golf professionals and OTA tennis professionals certified with CPR training Lunch is provided daily in the Clubhouse and each Junior will receive a t shirt and hat on their first day Age categories are 5 to 9 and 10 to 13 Camp hours are 9 00 to 4 00 Fees are as follows Full Day 285 Half Day with Lunch 200 Half Day with No Lunch 170 Register online or contact the Pro Shop or Tennis Chalet today PROGRESSIVE TENNIS Progressive Tennis introduces the sport of tennis in a fun and interactive way and ensures immediate success for young players aged 5 10 Using modified tennis balls racquets nets and courts young players are properly equipped to enjoy rallies and learn the fundamentals of the game early on Skills are developed much quicker allowing for an easy transition to full court Tennis Canada fully endorses Progressive Tennis and is developing programs and competitive structures across the country to give more players the opportunity to experience its positive benefits Visit the Tennis Section of the website to learn more 28 SPRING 2015 29 SUNDAY FUN DAMENTAL GOLF Twice monthly see Golf Calendar for dates 4 00 p m to 5 00 p m Ages 4 and up Locations of clinics will be the Driving Range or Short Game Range Learn the basics grip stance and general swing mechanics Use fun teaching tools that have been developed by Physical and HealthCanada COMPETITIVE TOURNAMENT GOLF Every Tuesday in May June and September from 4 00 p m to 5 00 p m Every Tuesday and Thursday in July and August from 4 00 p m to 5 00 p m Each session will be a 1 hour clinic to help their individual swing technique and game development followed by on course play with arranged tee times Monthly evaluations with Club Teaching Professional Wendy Shackelton Clinics will vary from full range short game area and course Many of these Juniors will play in tournaments provincally and nationally although not mandatory SPRING 2015

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ARE YOU READY FOR THIS SEASON TO TAKE OFF WE ARE TOO HUNTINGTON S clubhouse WWW HCLUBHOUSE COM COMING SOON save the date KIDS COOKING AND DATE NIGHT MARCH 5 12 26 KIDS EAT FREE MARCH 13 TO 22 EASTER BRUNCH april 5 Junior tennis fair april 25 opening junior golf kickoff party may 3 junior Round robin pizza night june 3 mother daughter high tea june 7 junior golf and movie night june 28 family golf and skills challenge july 5 gone fishin september 20 and much more coming soon COME DINE WITH US FOR AN EARTH HOUR candlelit dinner Turn off the lights and turn on the ambiance started at 8 00 p m on Saturday March 28 when the Club recognizes Earth Hour Enjoy a feature menu of locally sourced and grown products to only the soft glow of candles for a truely memorable evening Please contact the Club to make reservations colour 2 that are different just for laughs WHAT DO YOU CALL AN ALLIGATOR IN A VEST AN INVESTIGATOR colour HUNTINGTON 30 SPRING 2015 27 SPRING 2015

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ARE YOU READY FOR THIS SEASON TO TAKE OFF WE ARE TOO HUNTINGTON S clubhouse WWW HCLUBHOUSE COM COMING SOON save the date KIDS COOKING AND DATE NIGHT MARCH 5 12 26 KIDS EAT FREE MARCH 13 TO 22 EASTER BRUNCH april 5 Junior tennis fair april 25 opening junior golf kickoff party may 3 junior Round robin pizza night june 3 mother daughter high tea june 7 junior golf and movie night june 28 family golf and skills challenge july 5 gone fishin september 20 and much more coming soon COME DINE WITH US FOR AN EARTH HOUR candlelit dinner Turn off the lights and turn on the ambiance started at 8 00 p m on Saturday March 28 when the Club recognizes Earth Hour Enjoy a feature menu of locally sourced and grown products to only the soft glow of candles for a truely memorable evening Please contact the Club to make reservations colour 2 that are different just for laughs WHAT DO YOU CALL AN ALLIGATOR IN A VEST AN INVESTIGATOR colour HUNTINGTON 30 SPRING 2015 27 SPRING 2015

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