Pain PointsB Y - K e l l y N o b l e M i r a b e l l aW W W . S T E L L A R M E D I A M A R K E T I N G . C O M
Kelly Noble Mirabella is aninternationally sought afterMessenger Marketing trainer,consultant and builder. She is thecreator of Baby Got Bot and theowner of Stellar Media Marketing.She has worked with such clients asEcamm, OutBound Engine, KerwinRae, and AgoraPulse and hashelped countless professionals gettheir bot-building to the next level. Before discovering ChatMarketing, Kelly had an action-packed 10 year career in socialmedia marketing which attributesto her vast knowledge of not onlydigital marketing but also running asuccessful bootstrapped business. About MeW W W . S T E L L A R 2 4 7 . C O MEMAIL:Kelly@Stellar247.comFollow Me On Social MediaOver the past 17 years, Kelly hashelped teach and mentor digitalmarketers, REALTORS,entrepreneurs, and professionalsacross various industries to notonly use the digital marketing toolsand platforms available today butalso in the starting and running ofnew entrepreneurial adventures.Kelly’s depth of knowledge is wellknown in the industry and somehave even joked that she is like adigital marketing encyclopedia (foryou kids in the crowd: What is anencyclopedia)
(A cool trick I learned from my coaches, Andrew and Pete)You Want_________ [what they want]But ___________ [the problem]And _________[Add empathy with a very specific Situation orfeeling they are experiencing because of it] And you are worried _______ [Talk about the real deeper problemthat they may have]So you have a choice _______[Crossroads/realization point]Do you want_______[ call to action]There are however universal truths and strategies for the majorityof businesses and agencies out there across the industry. While youwant to adjust these universal strategies depending on whom youserve and what they need solutions for, the premise is the same:Solve your client’s problems.But how do you discover the true problems your clients have? What are people asking for? Where is the demand?Understand why people buy. It is not logical. It is emotional.PROBLEM MININGExample One: You want to get customers from social media. But you don't knowhow to do that. And every time you log in, you see your prospectscommenting on your competitor’s posts. And you're worried if youdon't do a more engaging post like them, you're going to lose out oncustomers. So you have a choice, are you going to continue beingleft behind losing customers daily, or are you going to hire me tosort this out for you? Do you want to grab a free Discovery call so Ican see how I can help you?
Example Two:You want Chat Marketing clients but you don't know how to priceyour services, sell your services, or even where to find customers.And no matter what other people tell you what to charge or how toposition your services, you don't have the confidence to ask for thesale or for the money you deserve. To make matters worse you areworried you will not be able to deliver what you promise and fearyou will disappoint your customers and yourself (are you goodenough?)This was me for so long after I started my business 10 years ago, so Iknow how you feel. But one BIG thing made the difference. I paid fora business coaching program that ran for 2 months. Following thatprogram, I raised my prices, found tons of new clients, and doubledmy business. This was year 5 in my business...You don't need to waitfor year 5.So you have a choice: Are you going to continue to spin your wheelsand charge too little, praying low prices will help you land a clientwith low expectations and feeling let down and left out while otherchatbot builders pass you by, OR are you going to let me help you?If you are ready to price yourself right, find new prospects, andposition your services and products in a way that makes clientsthrow money at your face then it's time to go check out my Baby GotMastermind Program and see how I can help.Your Prospect has to FEEL that painpoint. Buying is not logical. Buying isemotional.