HISTORY OF LIONS CLUB OF CITY OF PERTH HOST CONTENTS In tr od uc ti on i to iii Chapter Page I GENESIS 1 II FIRST BIRTHDAY 6 III SECOND BIRTHDAY 10 IV THIRD BIRTHDAY 15 v FOUR TH BIRTHDAY 21 VI FIFTH BIRTHDAY 27 VII SIXTH BIRTHDAY 31 Appendix 1 Register of Service 2 Illustrations Numbers in margin of History are referenced to photographs in this and successive Albums
INTRODUCTION It was during the sixth year of the Lions Club of City of Perth that the Board of Directors conceived the idea of recording the Club s history For whatever satisfaction is derived by its readers full credit is due to this Board For whatever torrr1ent has been undergone by the historian and other helpers this Board is fully responsible Nevertheless looking back on the achievements of this great Service Club one of some 22 OOO such organizations the writer feels fully recompensed for the time and effort required Realising that in the embryo stage records were not always as complete as they should have been there is some excuse for possible errors and omissions Then too in an effort to record the personal achievements of members the writer has been faced with the problem of undue modesty on the part of several members who would not list their good Lionistic deeds If the writer is to blame for inaccuracies or omissions of certain members 1 records he offers his apologies On the other hand if members r modesty has been the cause of such omissions such Lions are requested to be forthcoming with personal information which may be included at the time of periodic revision There may be those who will criticise this history for including certain District matters and historical details of expansion of Lionism considered to be not directly associated with this Club The answer is simply that the author has seen an 1indirect 11 link with this Club The policy has been when in doubt to record matters of importance_ There are Lions whose Club activities are far from a true record of their service work For ex ample Lions Tom Chapple and Bob Linton have on occasions spent as much or more time in their close ass ociation with the Foundation for the Prevention of Blindness as they may have devoted to the cause of Saving Sight within the Club s activities There are certain Lions who over and above their official responsibilities as officers of the Club have been ready to rise to the occasion either at moments of crisis or to assist on special occasions To wit 11 Swanee 11 Swanson who acted with dignity as Charter Chairman for the memorable Charter Dinner of the Lions Club of City of Perth has rendered invaluable service on other important occasions His willingness to substitute for absent Vice Presidents and Directors has proved a salvation to many a President Again there are certain Lions 1 Ladies who have done far more than 1
their share in the harrowing work connected with the Opportunity Den And there is Lion s Lady Aileen Durack who has generously given of her time and nursing skill on many occasions by administering eye drops to the public preparatory to Glaucoma Tests There are other members too numerous to mention who have carried out community services of which we are proud but which have no obvious link with Lionism Acknowledgements are due to many Lions who have helped the writer to fill gaps in record d information These include all Past Presidents and Secretaries including even District Officers outside this Club The assistance of two persons has been so great as to warrant personal thanks To International R presentative Lion Joe Mason the writer is eternally grateful for his answers to many and varied queries And to Lion Arthur Nutt not just the 11 City of Perth members but all Lions of Western Australia owe a debt of gratitude Without being requested to fill the official role of photographer Lion Arthur Nutt over a period of the first six years of Lionism in this State voluntarily and at his own time and expense has recorded in professional standard photography the outstanding events of West Australian Lionism The thoroughness of his photographic records have even assisted the writer in including certain historical facts which might otherwise have been overlooked Again where secretarial records have been in doubt the untiring help of the 11 many times 11 Treasurer Lion Allyn Bryant has been invaluable Lastly to the two Lions International Representative Joe Mason and Arthur Nutt readers owe them a debt of gratitude for their valued contribution in cross referencing the photographic records to the written events in this History Acknowledgements are also due to the members of the Foundation for the Prevention of Blindness for their voluntary untiring work in bringing help to the public through the medium of the Mobile Glaucoma Clinic donat d to them by the Lions Club of City of Perth Appreciation should also be recorded to His Excellency the Governor of Western Australia an Honorary Lion the Senior Puisne Judge Sir Lawrence Jackson Past Lord Mayors Sir Thomas Meagher Sir Harry Howard and the late Charles Veryard several Mayors and leaders of Government Departments for their unqualified support in the cause of Lionism Though mentioned later in the pages of this History special gratitude is due to the leaders of Lions Districts C F and J in the persons of Past District Governors Bill Tre sise Frank Litchfield Bevan Rutt John Le Cornu and their respective Cabinet Secretaries for their great help and guidance in the earlier years prior to the formation of Western Australia s own District ZOlL 11
Despite hours of toil over a period of many months the writer is appreciative of the honour of having been requested to record the first six years of this Service Club dedicated to help those less fortunate than ourselves He trusts that future Historians will gain equal satisfaction in contributing to the true story that has no end Malcolm Levinson 111
THE STORY OF THE OF CITY OF LIONS CLUB PER TH GENESIS 1962 1963 It was early in 1962 that a fair haired well built man of a happy and winning personality presented himself to both the Lord Mayor Sir Harry Howard and the Past Lord Mayor Sir Thomas Meagher His story conveyed a new way of life not previously known to Perth that of International Lionism Telling the story of the purple and gold badge the meaning of the word 11 LIONS 11 its origin way back in 191 7 in Chicago and its gigantic world magnitude Australian Secretary A J McLardie so established confidence with these two prominent citizens that they consented to help him Sir Thomas Meagher a Rotarian seeing the need for absorbing worthwhile citizens into another famous service organization joined with Sir Harry Howard in recommending certain citizens as being service minded It was on the night of 28th March 1962 in the Board Room of the Employers Federation that the historic meeting occurred of a mere handful of men convened by the Australian Secretary of Lions International A J McLardie This gentleman has rightly been described as the Father of Lionism in the State of Western Australia At this and the following meeting on 4th April 1962 those present included Tom Chapple Joe Mason Ken Thorpe Don Ham mence Don Bailey Robert Levinson Stan Webster H J Swanee Swanson John Lavan Ron Dadd Neal Durack Bill Berry and Malcolm Levinson These men represented different vocations with a varied experience in citizenship Amongst the organisations represented by several past members and a Life Member Swanee Swanson was that of Apex s These men in particular knew from personal experience the justification for Service Clubs Hence a resume of the activities of Lions International since its inception in 191 7 convinced those present that the so called 11 Cinderella State should not be without Lionism It was resolved that a Club be established to be called the Lions Club of City of Perth _ It was at the second meeting that the following interim officers were appointed I 1
President Secretary As sis t Se c re tar y Treasurer 1 st Vice President 2nd Vice President 3rd Vice President Tail Twister Lion Tamer Tom Chapple Robert Levinson Joe Mason Don Hammence Stanley Webster Neal Durack Malcolm Levinson Ron Dadd Joe Mason Arthur Nutt At a later stage four Dire c tor s were added Directors John Moyle Wilfred Barrett Alan Dodd Swanee Swanson With neither the normal help of a Sponsor Club nor an Ex tension Chairman these disciples of a new way of life survived long drawnout investigations mainly by letter and occasionally by the assistance of a visiting Lion Only by patience did they gradually learn the require ments of a properly constituted Lions Club This led up to the stage of the official Formation Ceremony on 22nd September 1962 at which the Australian Secretary Lion Jim 1 McLardie officiated With due decorum this Formation Meeting took place at the Morley Park Hotel Also present were the members 1 wives who at that stage were not sure whether they might have to tolerate the term 11 Lioness The necessary resolutions were passed specifying the name of the Club its boundaries its meeting times its joining fee and its annual subscription The highlight of this ceremony was the Induction of Members by the Australian Secretary who made those present conscious of the privilege of having the Lions Badge affix ed to their lapels With the exception of Ron Dadd filling the position of Assist Secretary Offic_e Bearers w e re elected with little change from their interim positions It was explainedby the Australian Secretary that at this stage though still not chartered 11 this was now a properly constituted Lions Club and would be recorded as affiliated with some 750 000 other Lions of some 18 000 Clubs in 12 9 countries Progress of the Club was naturally slow with no one to show the way Whilst no one was then quite sure of the recommended behaviour or activities of a Lions Club thanks are due to the first President Tom Chapple for so leading the Club as to establish a commendable and dignified image in the community The Club Bulletin of September 1962 2 7
showed some 30 members the more recent acquisitions including Allyn Bryant Arthur Edward Wally Hughes Dick Marum Ron Moyle and George Lithgo At the Perth Club an informal meeting was held in honour of an experienced visiting Lion Bill Berge Phillips who gave considerable guidance as to what was meant by Charter This led the way to not only the first but perhaps the most outstanding Charter Ceremony to occur in W A In fact some visitors declared it the best ever Charter CITY OF PER TH CHARTER On November lOth 1962 at the Palace Hotel there was such an assemblage of civic dignitaries as has never since been surpassed at a Charter Night Distinguished Lions and their ladies in some cases came over 2 OOO miles to honour the occasion of the Charter of the Lions Club of City of Perth Firstly there was the founder of Lionism in Australia District Governor Bill Tresise of District 201C He was accompanied by his Cabinet Secretary Jim Edward Distinguished guests included the Senior Puisne Judge Sir Lawrence Jackson the Hon Mr Charles Court M L A the Rt Hon the Lord Mayor Sir Harry Howard various other Ministers and representatives of other allied Service Organizations including Rotary and Apex Notable Lions from the Eastern States included Neville Gibson Merv Pentreath and Louis Miranda After an inspiring address the Charter C ertificate bearing the signature of the World President of Lions International was presented by District Governor Bill Tresise to the first Lions Club in Western Australia It was during this same month of November 1962 when the Empire Games were also staged in Perth that the Lions Club of the City of Perth waa added to the many Chartered Clubs in the District 201C the largest geographical district in the world of Lionism LADIES 1 AUXILIARY During this inaugural year of W A s first Lions Club on 23rd October 1962 the members 1 wives formed themselves into a body called the Ladies 1 Auxiliary Interim Office Bearers were Lion 1 s Lady Nell Bryant Chairman Rosemary Hodder Secretary and Joan Ellis Treasurer These ladies held the fort until the elections early in 1963 when the following persons accepted office President Lion s Lady Nell Bryant Secretary Pat Chapple and Treasurer Edna Cornish 3
These ladies declared the purpose of their auxiliary to be threefold Firstly to foster friendship between themselves secondly to further strengthen the bonds of fellowship between their husbands and thirdly to offer support in that community work undertaken by their husbands as members of the Lions Club of City of Perth Little was it dreamed of by this group of Lions Ladies whose first modest project was the raffling of a giant Christmas Stocking that they would eventually establish themselves as a great fund raising organisation for helping those less fortunate than themselves ACTIVITIES OF 1962 1963 Though perhaps the greatest achievement in the year ended June 1963 was the starting of a second Lions Club in W A the main projects carried out were a b c d The painting of the last tram Donating a T V set to Swan Cottage Homes for the Aged A donation to the Daily News Orphans 1 Fund Christmas Stocking Raffle by the Ladies 1 Auxiliary The painting of the last tram an historic relic in the grounds of the South Perth Zoo brought happiness to countless children who played there The execution of this project with members all at a common level in their working clothes was a striking ex ample of the slogan of the kindred organization of Apex Fellowship through Service The second project of the year was the provision of funds enabling presentation of a T V set to the value of 240 This T V specially equipped with earpieces for the hard of hearing was given to the Swan Cottage Homes for the Aged This presentation whilst being made with eloquence by the President Tom Chapple marked the Organization s first contact with the Hon Member Mr Dick Cleaver M H R later to become a Lion himself 8 The Daily News Orphans Fund was the recipient of a donation of 25 from the Lions Club of City of Perth The Lions 1 Ladies by the raffle of their giant Christmas Stocking raised some 300 towards the Service Fund THROW THEM TO THE LIONS No doubt Perth made history whe n three Service Club members faced the perils of the Lions 1 Den In front of a large audience in a Circus 4 9
marquee 11 Perth s 11 inaugural President Lion Tom Chapple apprehensively entered the Lions Den In company with him were the Lion Tamer of the Circus Lion Jim Allen and a dainty morsel in Lion Ken Scampton The occasion was the Induction as a member of the Lions Club of Fremantle of Lion Jim Allen by President of the sponsor club Lion Tom Chapple of 11 City of Perth 11 The wild Kings of Beasts sat on their stools and listened intently to the Objects and Ethics Thanks to an ample breakfast or may be the fear of the Lion Tamer s whip or the administering of a pharmaceutical prescription to the lions by Chemist Lion Jim these monster animals showed great restraint Despite the broad shoulders and the avoir de pois of Lion Ken Scampton these giant 11 cats 1 decided to 11 build up and not destroy A NEW CLUB WAS BORN 11 VICTORIA PARK 11 And last but not least the greatest activity of the year was the formation on 1 7th April 1963 followed by Charter on 1 st June 1963 of the Lions Club of Victoria Park at the Boomerang Hotel The Charter was presented by District Governor Bill Tresise to the Club s inaugural President Lion Guy Brown It was this Club the second in Western Australia which eventually had the honour of hosting the first Regional Convention And so the first year of Lionism ended with the Inaugural President Lion Tom Chapple later to become a Zone Chairman handing over the Gavel as an emblem of authority to the newly elected President Lion Stanley Webster 5
1s L BIRTHDAY 1963 1964 Heralding the second year of Lionism in Western Australia the newly elected Officers for 1963 64 were installed as follows Lion Lion Lion Lion Lion Lion Lion Lion Lion Lion Lion Lion Lion Lion Lion Lion Lion President lst Vice President 2nd Vice President 3rd Vice President Secretary Treasurer Tail Twister Lion Tamer Pro tem lst Vice Pres Directors Immediate Past Pre s Auditor Office Bearers of the Ladies 1 Stanley Webster Malcolm Levinson Joe Mason Robert Levins on Alan Ellis Allyn Bryant Desmond Wooding Arthur Nutt 11 Swanee 11 Swanson Alan Dodd 11 Swanee 11 Swanson George Lithgo Dick Marum Don Morrison Bob Cook Tom Chapple John Murdoch Aux ilia1 y President Secretary Treasurer Lion s Lady Edna Cornish Lion s Lady Pat Chapple Lion s Lady May Levinson This the first Change over or Installation Night was carried out V ith due de co rum In ex pressing his grateful thanks to his outgoing Officers Past President Tom Chapple presented each of them with an attractive ceramic ash tray wrought by the hands of the Past President s wife Pat The ceremony was further celebrated by the retiring President Tom kissing each of the officers wives which action eventually earned him the rare distinction of being nick named 11 hot lips 11 It was during this year that Past President Tom Chapple was honoured by b eing the first appointed District Officer in Western Australia with the office of Zone Chairman This second year of West Australian Lionism found this State re zoned under the jurisdiction of District ZOIF under the leadership of District Governor Frank Litchfield Again as previously ex pressed perhaps the most important activities of the year were the sponsorship of new Lions 6 21
Clubs These as it were increased the army of workers the ultimate result being of greater importance than anything which might have been directly achieved by the original Club LIONS CLUB OF MORLEY Formed on 14th November 1963 the Lions Club of Morley was chartered on l 3th 1VI ch 1964 The Certificate of Charter was eloquently presented by District Governor Frank Litchfield to orley s 11 inaugural President Stanley Weymouth LIONS CLUB OF BUNBURY Perth s 11 third progeny coming into being spread the yoke of Lionism 120 miles south of the capital city Formed on llth February 1964 the Lions Club of Bunbury received its Charter at the hands of the Australian Secretary Jim McLardie on llth April 1964 The proud recipient of this Charter Certificate was Bunbury s inaugural President Lion Richard Piper the Charter Dinner being chaired by Lion Joe Mason 11 LIONS CLUB OF FREMANTLE Perth 1 s 11 fourth offspring might well have been described as premature Though formed after Bunbury on 21 st February 1964 it received its Charter earlier on 14th March 1964 This may account for it sometimes being referred to as the 11 Premier Club 11 LIONS CLUB OF MELVILLE Still enthused by its ever growing family City of Perth 11 sponsored yet another Club on the south side of the river Formed on 26th April the Lions Club of Melville was presented with its Charter on l 3th June 1964 to the inaugural President Ron Douglas On the occasion of most of the extensions in this year District Governor Frank Litchfield honoured the Clubs by presenting the Charters on behalf of Lions International Over this period he with his Lion s Lady Bessie endeared himself to all members W A s FIRST LIONS FORUM It was whilst we were still neither a District nor even a Region and hence lacked the guidance and help of District Officers that our first Forum was planned As many Lions as possible from every Club in W A assembled to learn the whys and wherefores of efficient Lionism 7 ft 22
Lectures were given and discussion panels led by District Governor Frank Litchfield and Australian Secretary Jim McLardie 3o Like all other Lions who attended City of Perth members left this rendezvous not only fortified in knowledge but thoroughly enthused by their leaders Gratitude to ou r hosts the C T A Club was marked by a presentation to their Secretary Rotarian Tom Chalker In this second year of the Lions Club of City of Perth under the leadership of President Stanley Webster Lions lived up to the reputation of doing big things Upon the incentive of Lion Bob Cook the Board of Directors made the unanimous decision to promote a popular stage show led by the star Johnny O Keefe Special Directors meetings were called special project Committees formed and all other pertinent committees such as Finance Committee etc were thrown into top gear Faced with a possible loss personally guaranteed by the Directors the Club made every post a winner A theatre season at the Capitol Theatre brought this idol of Perth 1 s youthful public thronging to the first public entertainment staged by Lions in Western Australia In just one week during the month of September the Lions sponsorship of the Johnny O Keefe Show yielded 6 800 Lions showed itself to be a force in the community it brought happiness and amusement to Perth 1 s teenagers and with the proceeds it set almost unprecedented standards in projects which helped those less fortunate members of the community Included in the projects for 1963 64 were the collection of 300 pairs of spectacles for India conservative value 1200 The prevention of blindness 640 Donation to Torchbearers for Legacy 255 Donation to Ngala f e 494 Arranged employment for a semi crippled girl Conspicuous amongst Lions projects was the development of a Primary Training Centre as part of the National Safety Council s Safety Park This project conceived by the Lions Club of City of Perth with the participation of Ampol Ltd and supported by the Government enabled the building of a Primary Centre one of the first of its type for training children to avoid road accidents at a value of some 12 0 00 This re sulted from planning and negotiation by City of Perth Club together with its own contribution of 2000 The official opening of this Project was carried out in the presence of Sir Thomas Meagher Minister Lewis Brigadier Hunt and other respected citizens 8 31 aa
During part of this second year of the Club President Stanley Webster was unfortunately the victim of serious illness and hospitalisation In accordance with the Constitution the temporary leadership of the Club fell to the First Vice President Malcolm Levinson ably supported by Secretary Lion Alan Ellis Fate was kind to our President Stanley who before the completion of the year was back at the helm In the course of expressing his thanks to those who deputised for him he gave forth words of wisdom worthy of record in this History He said We have learned two lessons firstly that no one is indispensable and secondly that the functioning of any organization need suffer no interruption by the absence of one or more of its officers if the sensible precaution is followed of keeping one s possible successor or deputy completely in the picture on all aspects of one s responsibilities 11 In recognition of his tremendous contribution part of which was voluntary Honorary Membership as a Lion was conferred upon Johnny O Keefe by the Lions Club of City of Perth The intense activities of this year set a standard hard to follow The word Lions 11 had reached th tips of everybody s tongue and the future augured a good response by the public to further projects 9
PERTH S 11 SECOND BIRTHDAY 1964 1965 The second Installation Ceremony of the Lions Club of City of Perth lifted the curtain on the Club s third year of history The newly appointed Office Bearers were as follows President 1 st Vice President 2nd Vice President Pro tem 2nd Vice President 3rd Vice President Secretary Treasurer Tail Twister Lion Tamer Dinectors Immediate Past President Auditor Lion Lion Lion Lion Lion Lion Lion Lion Lion Lion Lion Lion Lion Lion Lion Malcolm Levinson Robert Levinson Colin Masel Swanee Swanson Arthur Nutt Wally Hughes Allyn Bryant George Lithgo Norm Rankin Tom Chapple Bob Linton Don Morrison Ossie Gamble Stan Webster Allan Schaill Ladies 1 Aux iliar y President Secretary Treasurer Lion s Lady Edna Cornish Lion s Lady Eunice Hughes Lion s Lady May Levinson Though only one of the newly formed Clubs in this year was sponsored by City of Pe r th the fact that the other sponsored Clubs were themselves the progeny of City of Perth caused some reflected value Bunbury sponsored Albany formed 28th City of Perth sponsored Perth Western chartered 24th April 19 65 Victoria Park sponsored Swan Districts chartered 22nd May 1965 Fremantle sponsored Cottesloe formed 4th September 1965 Jan chartered 27th March 1965 formed 3rd March 1965 formed 23rd March 1965 l 7th January 1963 chartered The last mentioned Charter brought the total of West Australian Lions Clubs to ten in number all owing some allegiance to the inaugural Club City of Perth 1 O
R e districting had rewarded South Australian extensions of Lionism with their own District ZOlJ To this District West Australian Lionism was transfer red coming under the leadership of District Governor Bevan Rutt whom West Australians were to have the privilege of welcoming on many occasions This third year in the history of Cify of Perth Club was conspicuous for the number of projects carried out s ome of which had been made possible by the vast fund raising efforts of the previous year A second Johnny O Keefe Season was run incorporating a Country Circuit in some of the towns which were outposts of Lionism Increased ex penses coupled with an inferior public response caused a disappointing result for the amount of work and responsibility involved Amongst the other projects of this year 64 65 were Contribution to Lord Mayor 1 s Flood Relief Assisted F lood Knock Appeal 20 man hours Donation to R S P C A Animal Hospital Sponsored Miss Australia aid Spastic Welfare Donated to family whose clothes stolen from line Contribution to Adventure Eclipse of Sun Eye Care Sponsored Paralympic Entrant to Tokyo Games Presented prizes to Sister Kate s Home 16 man hours Picnic Sister Kate s Children 180 man hours Christmas Party Crippled Children Contribution to Lord Mayor s Flood Relief Assisted Red Cross Appeal 20 man hours Donated 12 Bank s Writers to Braille Society Assisted Parker family after fire Proceeds Ladies 1 Auxiliary Jumble Sale Proceeds Ladies 1 Auxiliary Pie ture Night Youth to Asia Quest Winning Entrant Assisted Cracker Carnival Joint Project 13 600 600 389 20 97 640 41 3 44 i 5 d 100 700 215 50 46 1 58 672 200 3 7 ea9 4o 4 FIRST CRACKER CARNIVAL In this year 1964 65 the Lions Club of City of Perth participated in a breath taking joint project which helped to put the word Lions on the tip of the tongue of West Australia s population While there were then only 102 Lions in Western Australia in 4 metropolitan and 1 country clubs the project known as the Cracker Carnival took shape No less than 45 OOO patrons watched a mamouth fireworks display supported by other attractions such as Marching Girls St John 1 s Ambulance Fire 11 f8 49 so
Brigade and Baton Twirlers etc The ra1s1ng of approximately 13 200 despite cheap tickets for children and pensioners was the least of the achievements of this fantastic project The great contribution to society was the fact that by discouraging most of the 11 back yard 11 fireworks efforts eye casualties were almost non ex istent To have saved the sight of just one child would have more than justified the effort But based on previous statistics the sight of many persons was saved 11 City of Perth 11 like other clubs involved contributed to the planning committee organisation and manning of key positions But great tribute should be paid to Lions Fred Haupt and Warwick Broomfield both of Fremantle Club who by dint of good organisation and hard work effected such a successful project that other Districts and Clubs called for the know how YOUTH TO ASIA QUEST Worthy of special mention was this Club s participation in the Youth to Asia Quest True we were fortunate to have an entrant with charm intelligence and poise in Miss Fiona Stanle y Both she and the Club work ed hard to help her qualify by raising in ex cess of the minimum funds The total fund raising 0 672 more than justified her eligibility The rest was in the hands of the judges Against very many other en trants sponsored by Rotar y and other organisations 11 City of Perth was more than compensated by their entrant being declared the winner Miss Stanley toured Malaysia representing Australia overseas and we can truly describe her as having also been an ideal ambassador for Lionism It would be true to say this project through the medium of Miss Stanley helped us to carr y out our first Object 11 to create and foster a spirit of generous consideration among the peoples of the world 11 A LION BECOMES THE LORD MAYOR In this third year of our history honour was reflected on the Lions Club of City of Perth by one of its members being elected to the distinguished civ ic office of Lord Mayor Despite the weight of his civic responsibilities Lion Charles Veryard was a fre q uent attendant at Club meetings and he left no stone unturned to assist the cause of Lionism The eventual sad passing of so great a Lion before the allotted span of life left us with proud memories that such a popular and respected public figure had been a Lion of City of Perth t 1 Feelings of gratitude and respect for the then Lady Mayoress Kath Veryard and for her i ndire c t contribution to Lionism will also live in our memories 12 Q
REGION 3 OF DISTRICT 201J Because of the growth of Lionism in Western Australia and the need for local District Officers the Clubs were grouped into Region No 3 of District ZOlJ At the request of District Governor Bevan Rutt the following persons were appointed as District Officers Lion Lion Lion Lion Lion Lion Lion Lion Alan Dodd Joe Mason Malcolm Levinson Ken Scampton Bob Smyth Richard Piper Jim Richards Ian Forbes Deputy District Governor Regional Extension Chairman Zone Chairman Zone 1 Zone Chairman Zone 2 Zone Chairman Zone 3 Zone Chairman Zone 4 Regional Public Relations and Regional Secretary FOR UM OF REG ION 3 201 J Though the stage had been reached of becoming a self contained Region of District 201J the need still remained for further information in Lionism W As s second Lions 1 Forum was honoured by the presence of District Governor Bevan Rutt and Australian Secretary Jim McLardie This training session in which there was a very strong 11 Perth Club participation was memorable for the humour of its mock Directors 1 Meeting Lions were proud to witness the Opening of this Forum by the Right Honourable The Lord Mayor Lion Charles Veryard To facilitate this change all the Zone Chairmen who were Presidents handed over the second half of the year s presidential responsibilities to their lst Vice Presidents For the remainder of this year the Office Bearers were altered as follows Robert Levinson became President became 1 st Vice President Colin Masel Swanee Swanson became 2nd Vice President In the case of City of Perth Lion Robert Levinson so acquitted himself as Acting President until the end of the year that in the following year by the usual democratic procedure he was elected President for 1965 66 This meant a total period of eighteen months of presidential duties The fact that no less than four of the Regional Officers were withdrawn from the 11 City of Perth 11 was a major sacrifice by this Club The Club therefore rightly takes pride in the achievements of these District Officers in the part they played in eventually building up Lionism in Western Australia to the point of its own District 1 3
LEARNING TO LOOK AFTER YOURSELF A great example of Community Betterment was the launching of a commendable project to help our Youths Attractive illustrated booklets carrying the signatures of His Excellency the Governor Major General Sir Douglas Kendrew KEMG CB CBE DSO and the then DirectorGeneral of Education Doctor T L Robertso_n were widely issued to the young people of this State of W A The brochure as indicated by its name Learning to Look After Yourself gave timely warnings to our young ones of many forrr1s of danger from road accident electrocution to molestation Finally launched as a joint project by the Lions Clubs of Western Australia the spade work of this activity was carried out by the Lions Club of ity of Perth Amongst others Lion Arthur Nutt devoted tremendous time and effort to the cause The final presentation was made to the Education Department by Deputy District Governor Alan Dodd a member of this City of Perth Club The proof of this project being appreciated was an unsatisfied demand for still further supplies over and above the m _any thousands of brochures distributed to the children of our State Last but not least this third year of the Club s life marked the historic occasion of the first visit of a Vorld President of Lions International to Western Australia This dedicated Lion Claude De Vorss and his wife Bernice were shown every courtesy including the honour of a Civic Reception This was attended also by International Director Bill Parsons Australian Secretary Jim McLardie and their respective wives The Lions of the 11 City of Perth 11 took pride in seeing such a distinguished Lion uphold the image of Lions International And so the Lions Club of City of Perth part of Region 3 of District 201 J having completed a memorable year faced the crossing of the Equator It was the privilege of Deputy District Governor Alan Dodd to act as Installing Officer at the change of Office Bearers 14 I 6
SER VIC E RECORD PAST AND PRESENT MEMBERS OF LIONS CLUB OF CITY OF PERTH HOST f NAME t JOINED j 10 11 64 Unknown Unknown I 12 11 63 Unknown w p F ABDALE BAILEY J F D BARR BARRETT BATHGATE BENNETT L 10 11 62 22 5 69 10 68 BERRY w Unknown BONNERUP I p C N 3 66 BRYANT A G 10 11 62 BAX J 22 5 69 BUZZARD M R 17 10 68 BEALE A F 22 5 69 CAMPBELL R 21 10 68 CHAPPLE T 4 4 62 BO RD MEMBER DISTRICT OFFICER CLUB AWARDS DISTRICT AWARDS INTERNATIONAL AWARDS 20 11 63 22 5 69 APPLEYARD SPONSORED LIONS CHARTER or TRANSFER TERMINATED Director Trsf to S A 1 Charter Director Charter trsf from Albany Secretary Zone Chairman lOOo o Secret Award Cab Treas lOOo o Treas Award rJ yr Attendance Appreciation Certificate Unknown Aug 69 Treasurer Charter lOOo o Cab Treas I lst Exte nsion 2 lOOo o Attend Apprec Certificate Director Charter Zone Chairman lOOo o President Membership Pin D G s Apprec President COHEN R E 10 11 62 COLI c 12 11 68 COOK R H 10 11 62 5 67 CORBETT p J 10 8 65 12 4 66 CORNISH C H 10 11 62 12 67 7 68 1 Charter l I Director Charter I P R 0 Reg 3 I Charter l I I I CRAIG s l 2 6 62 Ii 11 62 I lI DADD R 14 6 62 DAVIES H J 10 11 62 10 11 64 DEIPIANO J 22 6 67 13 8 68 DEREPAS F D 10 10 68 DODD A J 10 11 62 I Charter i l I I I 1 67 Charter I I I I I Director D D G J_
SER VICE RECORD PAST AND PRESENT MEMBERS OF LIONS CLUB OF CITY OF PERTH HOST CHARTER TERMINATED JOINED NAME BOARD ME MBER orT NS _F_E_R L IO_N_S SPONSORED CLUB AWARDS DISTRICT OFFICER DISTRICT AWARDS INTERNATIONAL AWARDS _ i A J J I q 7 DOMINISH 2 66 J K DURA CK N E Charter 14 4 64 15 2 63 DUNLOP I 4 4 62 I I y Secretary 11 Charter Tail Tw1 ster Secretary lst Vic e Pres 2nd Vic e Pres I 7 yr lOOo o Attd Cab Chairman Membership D D G Zone Chairman Inter Relations lOOo o D D G f lOOo o Dist Ch l I DDG s Plaque Memb Plaque Dist Chairman 100 o Z Ch Award Key Me1nber 3rd Ext Cert of Appreciation October Member Award Membership Pin I I EARLY Dr T 10 2 62 ECKERT c s 21 12 65 EDWARD A ELLlS A ELLIS R I j l I 11 62 l 29 5 66 1 63 8 64 20 6 62 1 7 69 3 7 62 9 63 28 8 64 30 6 65 I II l Charter I 1 Charter Secretary Director Charter r I l FERGUSON C H FIORE c FLETCHER S M FORBES I I 6 66 14 10 67 5 68 I 10 10 68 FRERE G FORTUNE R 22 5 69 GAMBLE 0 F 14 7 64 GARLAND I v 7 63 GUDE R 22 8 66 HAIG K 14 8 62 Appreciation Cert I 1 7 69 1 7 65 C I I Trsf from Victoria Pk 1 I Tail Tw1 ster 1 I I tQ Membership Pin Reg 3 Secret Cracker Carn Treasurer f ____ i P R 0 Direct President Director lOOo o President Pres Apprec Awd Certificate and Me1nbership Pin 2 I 1 1 q 11 62 _ _ _ _________ _ _ ________
SER VICE RECORD PAST AND PRESENT MEMBERS OF LIONS CLUB OF CITY OF PERTH HOST F NAME LEVINSON LEVY CHARTER or TRANSFER TERMINATED JOINED Charter 4 4 62 R F LINTON R G 12 5 64 LITHGO G 10 11 62 LANGOULANT A May 69 J 10 10 68 McLEAN H 11 3 62 McGOVERN w MARUM R M I O l 10 11 62 c c l 1 2 63 If o Secretary 3rd Vice Pres lst Vice Pres President j i J _ t t l s q t l v I t I 13 6 67 Charter I 10 11 62 J H Charter Lion Tamer Asst Secretary 3rd Vice Pres 2nd Vice Pres lst Vice Pres 6 I 10 11 64 Charter I I Director Charter f 14 8 62 14 4 64 27 9 63 NILES w May 69 NUTT A J 10 9 62 Road Safety I I Region Extension Dist Extension Certificate and Membership Pin 3 DG Apprec Medal DG Apprec Pl DG Apprec Crt Apprec Cert 1 l yr lOOo o Attendance Pres Apprec Awd I I Appreciation A wd I I 10 11 64 J ISeattle Aurora Grnwd USA J I Charter lI I I Lion Ta111er 3rd Vice Pres 2nd Vice Pres Tail Twister Greeter DG s Apprec Certificate DG s Apprec Certificate DG s Apprece Certificate Me111bership 7 yr lOOo o Attendance Appreciation Awd Pres Gift of Onyx Desk Set l Inter Repres Key Supre111e Ext Awd 10 Ext Awards Inter Pres Awd Certificate and Membership Pin Charter t J lOOo o Cab Chm I I MURDOCK Membership Pin AchievementAwd Inter Relations 2nd Vice Pres lst Vice Pres Director I MOYLE 2 I D Pres Apprec Awd Pres Apprec Awd 8 yr lOOo o Attend 2 I MORRISON 4J t c i i I 10 2 62 lst Extension Key Me111ber Member Awd Director Actg Tail Twist Tail Twister 5 i G Cert of Apprec Cab Chair Awd Riverside Club Launceston T 4 4 62 ME WE TT 7 lOOo o Pres Cert 1 yr lOOo o Attd INTERNATIONAL AWARDS ii f l _ t ro I J H Men1bership 2nd Vice Pres I MASON DISTRICT AW ARDS 5 Charter tI MAS EL CLUB AWARDS 9 2 65 16 6 65 J DISTRICT OFFICER Director TR zt McCARTHY BOARD MEMBER Tsf from N Z 11 67 D J SPONSORED LIONS r J _ A r Bronze Plaque l J_
SER VICE RECORD PAST AND PRESENT MEMBERS OF LIONS CLUB OF CITY OF PERTH HOST O CONNOR R J 10 65 O SULLIVAN F p 10 10 68 RANKIN H E 3 63 RANKIN N J 30 6 67 I G lo 3 o 3 63 J c 11 5 65 5 68 RICCIO J G A 31 5 65 5 68 I Lion Ta1ner 2nd Vice Pres Secretary S A 12 1 65 ROSENTHALL K 28 11 63 9 2 65 RYNOR H 11 3 63 9 10 64 c SAW A G 22 8 66 c 9 64 71 SCAHILL A J Il I i 1 I t I I J Trsf to Melville I _ 22 8 66 I I I I 22 5 69 S W t SAVAGE I 1 6 68 RIFICI C E J INTERNATIONAL AWARDS l f7 f d RE ROUCHECOUSTE DISTRICT AWARDS CLUB AWARDS DISTRICT OFFICER SPONSORED BOARD MEMBER LIONS CHARTER or TRANSFER TERMINATED JOINED NAME i I i Director I 3rd Vice Pres I l I I Appreciation Cert Auditor I l 1 Gr SCOTT E 2 68 SEYMOUR H C 9 65 SEXTON G 10 9 68 SIMPSON L W 12 12 68 SLOAN F P 1 7 63 1 7 68 SMART w 14 6 62 11 62 SMITH N H 3 67 STRECKER w c 11 8 64 SWANSON H G 4 4 62 STRAUTINS s I I g I 1 t J I 1 Membership Pin Certificate and Me1nbership Pin 4 Charter 2 Director Act 2nd V Pres Appreciation Cert 22 5 69 ______ __ __
SER VIC RECORD PAST AND PRESENT MEMBERS OF LIONS CLUB OF CITY OF PERTH HOST JOINED NAME TERMINATED 8 11 63 30 6 65 11 63 4 68 4 4 62 Unknown TALAT G TAYLOR N B THORPE K TREMLETT H R VE RIOS s 10 65 12 67 VERYARD C J B 2 63 30 7 67 WARDLE T E SPONSORED LIONS CHARTER or TRANSFER CLUB AWARDS DISTRICT OF FICER BOARD MEMBER DISTRICT AWARDS INTERNATIONAL AWARDS 22 5 69 I Bulletin Editor 1 Deceased I 8 10 68 l WEBSTER T S J I WETTLER J E WIG ZELL T S I 2 Charter 4 4 62 I 8 12 64 3 7 62 Charter lst Vice Pres lOOo o President Membership Pin lOOo o President Membership Pin Achieve A ward President Director l Lion Ta1ner 1 67 Secretary WOODING D 8 62 WOODS E F 10 65 11 67 WYLE A J H 10 9 62 11 62 Charter I ___ __ ___ Assist Secretary Director 2nd Vice Pres lst Vice Pres President