COMMUNIO INTERNTIONALIS BENEDICTINARUM Hybrid Conference of Delegates4-8 September, 2023
List of Regions/ParticipantsDelegate in black; Substitute in red; Zoom participant in greenRegion 1 Italy & Malta Noemi Scarpa Region 2 Spain & Portugal Almudena Vilariño Periáñez Rosario del Camino Fernández-Miranda Region 3 France & Israel Clotilde Lesigne Region 4 Great Britain & Ireland Anna Brennan Region 5 Benelux Myrese Dupagne Madeleine Boland Region 6 GASS* Franziska Lukas Katarina Rask (Zoom participant) Region 7 Poland/Ukraine/Lithuania Blandyna Michniewicz Region 8 Croatia Marija Rafaela Dominis (Zoom participant) Ivana Sikirić (Zoom participant) Region 9 USA/Canada Aileen Bankemper Nicole Kunze Isabelle ouin (Zoom participant) Marie erese Long Mary Elizabeth Kloss Region 10 ABECCA** Maria Teresa Razo Laguna Region 11 Brazil Maria Regina Silva (Zoom participant) Region 12 Cono-Sur*** Maria Cristina Moroni (Zoom participant) Region 13 Illumina Lee Korea/Japan/Taiwan/Vietnam Region 14 Philippines Cecile Lañas Mary Placid Dolores Luz Region 15 Oceania Patty Fawkner Hilda Scott Region 16 East Africa Asante Goliama (Zoom participant) Region 17 No participants Central/West Africa/MadagascarRegion 18 South Africa, Namibia Edith Reischert Ottilie Endjala (Zoom participant) Region 19 India, Sri Lanka Nirmala Narikunnel Asha ayyil (Zoom participant) Moderator Lynn McKenzie Administrative Council Member María del Mar Albajar i Viñas
Executive Secretary Mary Luke JonesTreasurer Helen JilekAssistant to treasurer Cathy Cawiezel Observer-AIM Int’l Christine Conrath Canonist Scholastika HäringJuridical committee Nancy BauerArtist Mary Bruno Italian translator Maria Clemens Laguardia French translator Marie-Cecile Dassonneville Spanish translator Patricia Henry Korean translator Young Ok Park Technology Specialist Michelle SinkhornAssnt. Technology Specialist Tamara omasSpeaker Joan Chittister (Zoom participant)Speaker Ephrem Hollermann (Zoom participant) *GASS = Germany/Austria/Switzerland/Scandinavia**ABECCA = Benedictine & Cistercian Association of the Caribbean & the Andes/Costa Rica/ Guatemala/Nicaragua/Mexico/Colombia/Ecudor/Peru/Bahamas/Cuba/Martinique/Puerto Rico/St. Lucia/Bolivia/Venezuela***Cono-Sur = Argentina/Chile/Paraguay/Uruquay
Maria del Mar AlbajarAdministrative Council MemberSant Benet de MontserratSpainWhat is your favorite quote from the Rule of Benedict?Chapter 72: us they should anticipate one another in honor. is quote coming from Jesus: love one another is the goal and the way to true humanity to me. Benedict knows human nature and knows how self centered we are. Anticipate one another in honor, love one another, take care of each other is a reminder to me every day of how to build community and a reminder of the true freedom that Benedict wants us to live.Number of years you have been in the monastery 23Number of years you have served as superior 8Number of Members in your community 28
What is your favorite quote from the Rule of Benedict?From the Prologue “Let us ask God to supply by the help of grace what is impossible to us by nature.” ere is hardly a day that passes that I am not aware of the need of God’s grace to address needs, situations occurring in the Monastery. It is of comfort to know that God’s loving grace is always present. I have been prioress long enough to know the importance of this truth. Number of years you have been in the monastery 59Number of years you have served as superior 5Number of Members in your community 27 Aileen BankemperDelegate - Region 9St. Walburg MonasteryUSA
Madeleine Boland Substitute - Region 5What is your favorite quote from the Rule of Benedict?“Prefer nothing to the love of Christ” is the word that comes to me spontaneously.It is a source of profound joy and peace, and essential for living through our sometimes stormy crossings. Number of years you have been in the monastery 46Number of years you have served as superior 17Number of Members in your community 20 Abbaye des Bénédictines Paix Notre-Dame Belgium
Madeleine Boland Substitute - Region 5What is your favorite quote from the Rule of Benedict?‘Vie with each other in showing honour’ (RB 63.17; 72.4). Benedict quotes this text from Romans twice (Rm 12.10): in the chapter ‘Order in the Community’ and in ‘The Good Zeal of Monks.’ To me, it speaks of the love and respect we should have for one another in community. If monastic life is to teach us how to love as God loves - we are made in his image and likeness - then putting our sisters, and others, before myself is one way to learn, and to practice Godly love. Number of years you have been in the monastery 31Number of years you have served as superior 4Number of Members in your community 23Anna Brennan Administrative Council Member Delegate - Region 4Stanbrook AbbeyUnited Kingdom
What is your favorite quote from the Rule of Benedict?I underline the rst word of the RB, LISTEN (Prologue 1), the door that allows us to see happy days (Psalm 33,13).It is a call to pay attention to Life, to everything that germinates (Dn 3,76), to the voice of God that speaks to us every day (Prologue 10), to the teachers who go ahead on the way, and to all those who walk beside us, welcoming the light that each person receives, because we are all summoned to counsel (RB 3).It is an invitation to enter into Life, learning and enjoying, listening with pleasure to the holy readings (RB 4,55).Number of years you have been in the monastery 36Number of years you have served as superior 12Number of Members in your community 21Ros ario De l Camino Representing Region 2 Monasterio de san PelayoSpain
Marija R afaela Dominis Delegate - Region 8Samostan Benediktinki Svete MarijeCroatiaWhat is your favorite quote from the Rule of Benedict?It is hard to say which is my favorite quote in RB, there are more, but I would single out chapter 72. e good zeal of monks. It summarizes everything necessary for a good life in the community, how to live together the commandment of love for God and brothers/ sisters and come together to everlasting life.Number of years in the monastery 35Number of years you have served as superior I am not superior or prioressNumber of Members in your community 17
What is your favorite quote from the Rule of Benedict?That in all things God may be gloried! it’s one of my favorite quotes.I take it as an invitation to consider nothing outside the scope of monastic life, outside of the scope of Christian life, outside of our search for God. Every meeting, encounter, every work is an occasion to offer Him all my desire and all my faith, hope and charity, to serve Him, to honor Him. Seeking God throughout the day, minute after minute because everything, as well as everybody, can offer an opportunity to live in his presence. So everybody, everything leads me to the glory of God, the glory that is his love! Number of years you have been in the monastery 42Number of years you have served as superior 25*Number of Members in your community 13*Current President of the European Benedictine Congregation of the Resurrection Myrèse Dupagne Delegate - Region 5Notre-Dame d’Hurtebise Belgium
Ottilie Endjala Substitute - Region 18Benedictine sisters of OshikukuNamibia
What is your favorite quote from the Rule of Benedict?“Prefer nothing whatever to Christ” (RB 72:11). Preferring Christ is at the heart of consecrated life. It is the focus of my commitment, putting my relationship with Christ ahead of any other person, project or plan. My preferring Christ also draws me into deeper relationship with every other person and the entire cosmos.Number of years you have been in the monastery 50Number of years you have served as superior 6Number of Members in your community 164Patty Fawkner Delegate - Region 15Sisters of the Good SamaritanAustralia
What is your favorite quote from the Rule of Benedict?Chapter 7, Rule of Benedict, Which insists on humility.This is because to me I understand this is the Rule of our father Benedict, also in my leadership, this rule I see it simplify my work as a leader, rst myself, I know this is the way of solving problems smoothly, if you communicate by anyone understanding this rule only good result will obtain, on other way if there is no humility quells to anyone. Number of years you have been in the monastery 46Number of years you have served as superior 6Number of Members in your community 830 Asante Goliama Delegate - Region 16The African Benedictine Sisters of St. AgnesTanzania
Mary Elizabeth Kloss Substitute - Region 9St. Scholastica PrioryUSAWhat is your favorite quote from the Rule of Benedict?RB 31:10 (the Cellarer) is to look upon all the vessels and goods of the monastery as though they were the sacred vessels of the altar.I love this because IF the tools of the monastery are to be treated as the vessels of the altar - then in the monastery the altar is the oor of the monastery, the ground and everything we do from the conversatio of our life is a sacred action, a sacred moment. Number of years you have been in the monastery 48Number of years you have served as superior 19Number of Members in your community 12
Mary Elizabeth Kloss Substitute - Region 9St. Scholastica PrioryUSANicole KunzeDelegate - Region 9Annunciation MonasteryUSAWhat is your favorite quote from the Rule of Benedict?RB 4:41 - Place your hope in God alone.I appreciate how it reminds me that everything is in God’s hand. I don’t have control. Number of years you have been in the monastery 27Number of years you have served as superior 7Number of Members in your community 31
What is your favorite quote from the Rule of Benedict?“Listen... with the ear of your heart.”I love this quote because it reminds me that when I listen with my heart, I widen the radius of my understanding and compassion with others. This even enables me to decode their language left unspoken because of fear and timidity. The ear of the heart has a creative and magneticforce. When we are listened to, it creates us, makes us unfold and expand.If listening is a sign of respect, listening with the ear of one’s heart is a sign of great love, mercy and compassion. Indeed, Jesus is listening to us with the ear of his heart.Number of years in the monastery 45Number of years you have served as superior 24*Number of Members in your community 152*16 years Prioress 6 years Prioress General Cecile LañasDelegate - Region 14Administrative Council MemberCongregation of Benedictine sisters of the Eucharistic KingPhilippines
Cecile LañasDelegate - Region 14Administrative Council MemberCongregation of Benedictine sisters of the Eucharistic KingPhilippines Illumina Lee Delegate - Region 13 Missionary Benedictine Sisters of TutzingSeoul PrioryKoreaWhat is your favorite quote from the Rule of Benedict?Above all, let him not neglect or undervalue the welfare of the souls committed to him, in a greater concern for eeting, earthly, perishable things; but let him always bear in mind that he has undertaken the care of souls, and that he will have to give an account of them. RB. Ch. 2, 33-34Why:Among the duties of the Prioress, the most important thing is to make the spiritual journey of unity with God through the spiritual growth of the Sisters. So I pray for them, take care of their spiritual journey, and try to listen to them who are in suffering circumstances. Number of years in the monastery 44Number of years you have served as superior 3Number of Members in your community 128
Clotilde Lesigne Delegate - Region 3 Abbaye Notre Dame de ProtectionFrance What is your favorite quote from the Rule of Benedict?“ imitate in his conduct the words of the Lord: “I have not come to do my own will but that of the one who sent me.” (John 6:38)” (RB 7,32)This verse reminds us how important it is to imitate Jesus Christ, to follow him along the path he himself took. His whole desire, his food (Jn 4:34) was to do the Father’s work. For me, it is to carry out the work that Christ entrusts to me.Number of years in the monastery 41Number of years you have served as superior 9Number of Members in your community 17
Marie Therese Long Substitute - Region 9St. Joseph MonasteryUSAWhat is your favorite quote from the Rule of Benedict?See how the Lord in his love shows us the way to life. Prol 20is was the quote I chose from the Rule for my nal profession. e Lord has been true to this promise in my life and in the life of our community. His gentle and loving presence is what sustains us in community, for he himself is the life we seek each day in the monastery.Number of years in the monastery 29Number of years you have served as superior 3Number of Members in your community 10
Franziska Lukas Assistant ModeratorDelegate - Region 6Abtei St. ScholastikaGermanyWhat is your favorite quote from the Rule of Benedict?Put your hope in God (RB 4, 41)Why is it my favourite verse?1. It is the verse I received for my profession.2. When I hear it, read it or even live it, it makes gratitude grow in me. And when I remember it in difcult times, it helps me to grow in trust.3. My experience over the years is that this verse holds a deep truth.Number of years in the monastery 49Number of years you have served as superior 15Number of Members in your community 20
Franziska Lukas Assistant ModeratorDelegate - Region 6Abtei St. ScholastikaGermany M. Placid Dolores Luz Substitute - Region 14 OurLady of Peace AbbeyPhilippinesWhat is your favorite quote from the Rule of Benedict?“Seek rst the kingdom of God and his justice and all these things will be given you as well” (RB 2:35; Mt 6:33)is is the same text that touched me before I decided to enter religious life. For me it speaks loud that nothing more is of greater value than the kingdom of God. My occupation is to seek him - in all things and at all times. I am condent of God’s love and justice.Number of years you have been in the monastery 44Number of years you have served as superior 4*Number of Members in your community 35*President of Congregation of Benedictine Nuns of the Eucharastic King
Lynn McKenzie Moderator Sacred Heart MonasteryUSAWhat is your favorite quote from the Rule of Benedict?RB 4:20-21 Your way of acting should be different from the world’s way; the love of Christ must come before all else. While none of us is immune from being inuenced by “the world’s way,” nevertheless Benedict urges us that it must not be that way with us. ALWAYS and EVERYWHERE the love of Christ must be rst in our hearts, and it is from that love that we make decisions and take actions both within and outside the community. It is a high ideal, but one to which we have committed our lives. Through delity to the monastic way of life we try and try again to always have Christ’s love be rst and foremost. It is important to have high ideals even if we know we don’t always live up to them. We set examples for each other in community, for good and for bad.Number of years in the monastery 42Number of years you have served as superior 9*Number of Members in your community 34* 9 Years as President of the Monastic Congregation of St. Scholastica
Blandyna Michniewicz Delegate - Region 7 Monastery of Benedictine Nuns of Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed SacramentPoland What is your favorite quote from the Rule of Benedict? I have many favorite quotes from the Rule. One of them is: “nemo perturbetur neque contristetur in domo Dei - so that nobody may be disturbed or grieved in the house of God” (RB 31,19). - because it shows St. Benedict caring for the peace and good humor of every monk ;) Number of years in the monastery 43Number of years you have served as superior 13*Number of Members in your community 20*16 years as President of the Federation
What is your favorite quote from the Rule of Benedict?NADA ANTEPONER AL AMOR DE CRISTOPut nothing before the love of Christ.Number of years in the monastery 44Number of years you have served as superior 15Number of Members in your community 33María Cristina Moroni Delegate - Region 12Abadía de Santa EscolásticaArgentina
María Cristina Moroni Delegate - Region 12Abadía de Santa EscolásticaArgentinaNirmala Narikunnel Delegate - Region 19Shanti Nilayam Benedictine AbbeyIndia What is your favorite quote from the Rule of Benedict?Ch.72 prefer nothing whatever to Christ. To be a monastic the most important thing is to put Christ above everything in life. Everything will fall in line when Christ is the center of my life. Number of years in the monastery 47Number of years you have served as superior 10Number of Members in your community 30
Almudena Vilariño PeriáñezDelegate - Region 2 San Pelayo de AntealtaresSpain What is your favorite quote from the Rule of Benedict? “Ne quid nimis” (RB 64, 12) “Do not be extreme in anything.”The truth is that it is difcult for me to select a single quote from the Rule of Benedict because it has so much wisdom! But, perhaps, this maxim can summarize the discretion of St. Benedict. This advice is not an invitation to mediocrity, we know that well, but an exhortation to welcome, to listen, to be meek and also to be decisive and determined, and all this in order to make us grow up. In these times of increasing polarization, I nd no better suggestion than this: Ne quid nimis! We will avoid more than one fundamentalism....Number of years in the monastery 27Number of years you have served as superior 2Number of Members in your community 23
Almudena Vilariño PeriáñezDelegate - Region 2 San Pelayo de AntealtaresSpain Katarina Rask Substitute - Region 6Monastery of the Sacred HeartSwedenWhat is your favorite quote from the Rule of Benedict?Let them prefer absolutely nothing to Christ, and may he lead us all together to everlasting life. RB 72:11,12These verses summarize the struggles and longings of each day: ever anew we may look to Christ who leads us to the goal in community. Along the way, we carry and are carried; this constantly gives us new strength and courage. Number of years in the monastery 43Number of years you have served as superior 7Number of Members in your community 14
María Teresa Razo Laguna Delegate - Region 10Misioneras Guadalupanas de Cristo Rey, OSBMexicoWhat is your favorite quote from the Rule of Benedict?Mi favorita está en el Prol. de La Regla. Escucha con el oído de tu corazón. La invitación permanente a ser una mujer en constante y atenta escucha a la voz y voluntad de Dios, a la comunidad y a la realidad que me rodea, como lectura de los signos de los tiempos. Y la humildad como camino de vida que me lleva a acompañar a la comunidad en actitud de obediencia. My favorite is in the Prologue of the Rule. Listen with the ear of your heart. The permanent invitation to be a woman in constant and attentive listening to the voice and will of God, to the community and to the reality that surrounds me, as a reading of the signs of the times. And humility as a way of life that leads me to accompany the community in an attitude of obedience.Translated by Number of years in the monastery 44Number of years you have served as superior 9Number of Members in your community 25 (Community) 105 (Congregation)
María Teresa Razo Laguna Delegate - Region 10Misioneras Guadalupanas de Cristo Rey, OSBMexicoEdith Reischert Delegate- Region 18Benedictine Sisters of St. AlbanSou th Af ricaWhat is your favorite quote from the Rule of Benedict?There are many quotes which are dear to me, but let me choose the following:“Listen carefully my daughter … with the ear of your heart. This is advice from a father who loves you, welcome it and faithfully put it into practice.” (Prologue 1)and “... that in all things God may be gloried” (RB 58.7)and “This is the good zeal which monks/sisters must foster with fervent love … Let them prefer nothing whatever to Christ, and may he bring us all together to everlasting life.” (RB 72)It is so amazing that God loves us and wants to give us advice as a loving father. When I listen carefully to him, glorify him in all that I do, I can only respond with good zeal and fervent love, preferring nothing to Christ. … and I love the community dimension “bring us all together to everlasting life.”Number of years in the monastery 32Number of years you have served as superior 14Number of Members in your community 9
Noemi ScarpaCIB Future Study CommitteeDelegate - Region 1Monastero S. AnnaItaly What is your favorite quote from the Rule of Benedict?“Whoever you are that you hasten to the heavenly home-land.” (RB 73,8)Because it gives the breadth of the possibility of holiness without asking the starting point, who you are today, your sins, your reality but look at the heart, your desire for God and love! Number of years in the monastery 25Number of years you have served as superior 9Number of Members in your community 30
Noemi ScarpaCIB Future Study CommitteeDelegate - Region 1Monastero S. AnnaItaly Hilda ScottAdministrative Council MemberSubstitute - Region 15Benedictine Abbey JamberooAustraliaWhat is your favorite quote from the Rule of Benedict?Never lose hope in God’s mercy: Rule of Benedict 4:74 This spoke to me so strongly when I rst came to the monastic life and means more each passing day. It speaks to me of God’s everlasting delity which He never ceases to make visible to me and gives me reassur-ance when hope wains.Number of years in the monastery 32Number of years you have served as superior 4.6Number of Members in your community 22
Ivana Sikirić Substitute - Region 8Benediktinke Svete MarijeCroatiaWhat is your favorite quote from the Rule of Benedict? Every line of the Rule of Benedict is special and full of life, but theProloque is extrimely powerful for me and I read it evety time as something new and I reveal it full of God’s spirit. It strengthens me so I consider it as a guide and as a path in monastic life.Number of years in the monastery 55Number of Members in your community 17
Ivana Sikirić Substitute - Region 8Benediktinke Svete MarijeCroatiaMaria Regina Silva Delegate - Region 11 Mosteiro de Maria Mãe do CristoBrazilWhat is your favorite quote from the Rule of Benedict? “Christo omnino nihil praeponant.” “Let them prefer nothing to the love of Christ.”It is my motto as abbess. Number of years in the monastery 45Number of years you have served as superior 14Number of Members in your community 13
Asha Thayyil Substitute - Region 19Ashirbhaven Priory/Benedictine Sisters of St. LiobaIndiaWhat is your favorite quote from the Rule of Benedict? My Favorite Quote from the Rule of St. Benedict is Prefer Nothing to the Love of ChristThe reason why I love this quote and how it has become my favorite quote, it’s very simple because I love Christ more than anything in the world. Christ is the center of my life and he alone is the source and submit of our life. He is the one who is able to help us to overcome all the struggles and barriers of life. St. Benedict, our Holy Father earnestly says to us to prefer nothing to the love of Christ. I have full condence in these words of him because I haveexperienced the love of Christ through out these 30 years of religious life. I am happy and content in my religious life.Number of years in the monastery 30Number of years you have served as superior 3Number of Members in your community 10 6 Novices 11 Aspirants
Asha Thayyil Substitute - Region 19Ashirbhaven Priory/Benedictine Sisters of St. LiobaIndiaIsabelle Thouin Delegate - Region 9Abbaye Sainte-Marie des DeuxCanada What is your favorite quote from the Rule of Benedict? Ut in omnibus gloricetur Deus (57,9) so that in all things God may be gloried. Gratias agimus tibi propter magnam gloriam tuam: (O God) we give you thanks for your great glory; the glory of God is the aim of all LIFE! All creation sings the glory of God. “The glory of God is the living man, and the life of man is the vision of God.” (Saint Irenaeus) Number of years in the monastery 50Number of years you have served as superior 28Number of Members in your community 26
Support StaffTranslatorsObservers
Nancy BauerSt. Benedict Monastery USACIB Future Study CommitteeMary BrunoUSAArtist Creator of a printed scroll of the Rule of St. BenedictCathy CawiezelUSAAssistant to the CIB Treasurer
Joan ChittisterSt. Benedict Monastery USASpeakerChristine ConrathND de JouarreFranceAIM ObserverMarie-Cécile Dassonneville FranceFrench Translator
Scholastika Häring Abtei Sankt Scholastika, Kloster Burg DinklagCIB Future Study CommitteeGermanyCanon Lawyer Patricia HenryCIB Future Study CommitteeMonasterio Pan de VidaMexicoSpanish TranslatorEphrem HollermannSt. Benedict MonasteryUSASpeaker
Helen JilekSacred Heart MonasteryUSACIB TreasurerMary Luke JonesOur Lady of Grace MonasteryUSACIB Executive Secretary Maria Clemens Laguardia San MarcoItalyItalian Translator
Young Ok ParkSouth Korea Korean TranslatorMichelle SinkhornMonastery Immaculate Conception USATechnology SpecialistTamra ThomasSt. Benedict MonasteryUSAAssistant Technology Specialist
Our thanks to theBenedictine Sisters of Cullman, AlabamaSacred Heart Monastery916 Convent RoadCullman, Alabama 35055