Choose the RightLongarm QuiltingMachine 8 Q u e s t i o n s t o A s kY o u r s e l f B e f o r e Y o u I n v e s ti n Y o u r Q u i l t i n g J o u r n e y
Because you’re reading this, you’re likely one of theestimated 30 million active sewists in the US andCanada who love to quilt. Welcome, you are inexcellent company!We’re a passionate bunch, known to spend dayson end lovingly working on our creations, tirelesslyinvesting our time and energy into beautiful designsto sell, donate, and give away to loved ones. For many of us, our quilts are art, love, design, andcreative prowess all sewn into the fabric. But there comes a time when our art demandsmore than a household sewing machine can offer.That’s when we look to longarm quilting machines. Source: Quilter’s Survey 2022
A longarm quilting machine is a type ofsewing machine that is designedspecifically for quilting. It typically features a large frame thatholds the quilt in place and allows themachine to move freely over the fabric,allowing the quilter to easily create largeand intricate quilt designs.
But if you’ve already started to learnabout longarm machines, then youknow that not every machine ismade equal. The cost of a longarm can rangefrom $5,000 to $60,000. And whilesome are made overseas with cheapplastic parts, others are fabricatedwith all metal parts and made inAmerica.
Considering the price and thepossibility ahead, a longarm quiltingmachine is a significant investment.That’s why it’s so important tounderstand what you arepurchasing. And while quality and price areimportant factors, there are otherconsiderations (some of which mightsurprise you).
You deserve a quiltingmachine that matches yourlove and excitement for the art.Here are 8 questions to ask yourself to ensureyou choose the right one—the first time.
WHAT LEVEL OF QUALITYIS RIGHT FOR ME?The old adage that the right machinefor you is the most expensive one youcan afford does have merit when itcomes to longarm machines. With that in mind, there is aconsiderable increase in quality whenyou enter the $15,000 and higherrange. For many enthusiasts, this is thebare minimum investment to get aquality machine. 1
Dabbler1-2 quilts per yearA few hours per monthHobbyist4 quilts per yearAn hour per weekEnthusiast1-2 quilts per monthAbout 6 hours per weekProfessional1 or more quilts per weekOver six hours per weekConsider your sewing habits. How many quilts do you finishand how much time do you spend sewing each week?A Dabbler can get away with a cheaper machine. But Hobbyists, Enthusiasts, and Professionals needmachines that can withstand the immense workload and unavoidable wear and tear. Surveys show that more than 60% of passionate quilters spend 6-20 hours per week on their projects.For these quilters, a poorly made machine might not last six months. Source: Quilter’s Survey 2022
IS THIS A QUICK PURCHASEOR AN INVESTMENT?Some quilters are content knowing they willonly get a few hundred hours worth of use outof their longarm machine. Others want to invest in a machine that theywon’t have to replace anytime soon (or ever). Some casual quilters may choose to start witha less expensive model and upgrade a fewtimes as their skills and needs progress, whileothers may decide that they would rather buyone longarm machine that lasts a lifetime. 2
Ultimately, how you approach thispurchase should depend on yourindividual circumstances, preferences,and goals. If you love quilting, and want to savemoney in the long run, considerinvesting in a quality machine.
DO I NEED ANYCUSTOMIZATION ORSPECIAL FEATURES? There is no one-size fits all solution for longarmquilting needs. Consider what length of throatyou’ll need as well as the size of the frame andtable. Features such as electronic channel locks,thread break sensors, hand wheels, clamps, ledlights and advanced stitch regulation are otherfactors to consider. As a quilter, what do you care about? 3
FEATURES THAT QUILTERSCARE ABOUTThroat spaceA larger throat space can providemore room for maneuvering andquilting larger projects. The size of thethroat space can range from around18 inches to over 30 inches.Stitch regulationThis feature helps to maintain evenstitch length and speed, regardless ofthe movement of the quilter. Stitchregulation can be manual orcomputerized, and can be a keyfactor in achieving high-quality quiltingresults.Frame size and designLongarm quilting machines often comewith frames that are designed to holdthe fabric and provide support for themachine. The right frame size for you isinfluenced by the kinds of quilts youmake and available space. If youknow you’ll want to quilt King size quilts,for example, consider a large frame.Accessories and additional featuresSome longarm quilting machines comewith additional features, such asautomatic thread cutters, lighting, andbuilt-in stitch designs.These are just a few of the features thatpeople consider when selecting alongarm quilting machine, and whichfeatures are most important dependson individual needs and preferences.
WILL I NEED ANY SUPPORTWITH INSTALLATION? Talk to any quilter and you’ll find that findinga reliable, knowledgeable, and genuinelyhelpful online or offline retailer is just asimportant as which machine you choose.Why? Because regardless of your skill or knowledgeas a quilter, you will need help setting up themachine. 4
The best retailers will dothe setup themselves, inyour home. And they won’t leave until you canoperate the machine, including thesoftware, on your own. It’s also important to look for retailersthat will give you continued supportwhile you get to know your newmachine. Like anything, it takes practiceand patience to learn how to use thenew technology, and you don’t want towaste valuable time troubleshooting onyour own.
WHAT KIND OF WARRANTYDO I WANT?How long does the machine warranty last?Which parts are covered? If your machine does need repair, what costsare covered? And, if you plan to use your machine in abusiness, does the warranty includecommercial use?Nobody wants to read a lengthy warranty. Butlike the quality of machines, the value betweenwarranties varies greatly. Here are a few things to look for in the warranty: 5It's important to carefully review the details of anywarranty that comes with a longarm quiltingmachine, including the duration of coverage,any exclusions or limitations, and anyrequirements or procedures for making awarranty claim. Some warranties may require that the machinebe serviced by an authorized dealer ortechnician, and may have specific proceduresfor submitting a warranty claim or obtainingrepairs.
CAN I GET EVERYTHING INEED IN ONE PACKAGE?A little trick some retailers use is to price and selleverything you’ll need separately. That way itappears as though you’re getting a deal, but inreality, you may end up paying more becauseyou’ll need to purchase additional parts separatelyor even from different vendors.6Longarm machine head: This is the maincomponent of the machine, which typicallyincludes the sewing head, control panel, andany associated components such as stitchregulators or computerized controls.Frame: Longarm machines are typicallymounted on a frame that supports the fabricand allows the machine to move freely overthe quilt. The frame may be made of metal orwood, and can come in different sizes andconfigurations depending on the model.Rollers: The frame may include rollers that allowthe quilt to be rolled and unrolled as it is quilted,providing access to different sections of thequilt without having to reposition the fabric.
HAND-GUIDED ORCOMPUTERIZED?When it comes to longarm quilting machines, thereare generally two types of systems to choose from:hand-guided and computerized.7longarm quilting machines are operated by thequilter manually moving the machine head acrossthe fabric, using their hands to guide the quiltingdesign. These machines often have stitch regulators to helpmaintain even stitch length, and may haveadditional features such as adjustable speedcontrol and manual or electronic channel locks toassist with straight lines and corners.Hand-guidedmachines can greatly expand your quiltingoptions. They allow you to select digitizedpatterns from a tablet screen and modify themto meet your creative goals. You can resize,rotate, mirror, combine, and change anypattern you want, allowing for incredibleflexibility. Computer-guidedWhen deciding which machine is right for you,consider your goals and budget. Computer-guided machines are more expensive, but arealso more comfortable to use.
WHO DO I WANT TO DOBUSINESS WITH? As dedicated quilters, we spend anincredible amount of time with our machines.And over the days, weeks, and years spentworking with our equipment, we start to forma bond. Ask any experienced quilter why they lovetheir brand and they’ll undoubtedly havestrong opinions as to why it’s the best there is. A quilter’s choice of retailer can say a lotabout the kind of quilter they are.8
Get to Know
Gammill machines don’t just last years, but generations.Many of our customers say they are using machines thathave been operating reliably for more than 35 years. In fact, durability was one of the reasons Paul Statlerchose the Gammill when he created the originalcomputerized quilting technology in the early 1990s. And while some companies build other kinds of machinestoo, we’ve only ever been a quilting machine company. Our longarm machines are made in the US andfabricated from all metal parts, which means lessfrustration and more sewing. Gammillmachines arethe highestquality.
“I finally landed on Statler and Gammill, and I’m so glad I did.I’ve had my machine for two months and couldn’t be happierwith its performance and ease of use.” - Robin D.
Gammill supportsquilters.Our factory-trained technicians are your expertguides to purchasing, using, and maintaining yourlongarm machine. They will assist you in finding the longarm that is theright fit for you, bring it to your location, set it up, andprovide the training you need to confidently useyour Gammill. Gammill also offers a wealth of education andtraining opportunities including hundreds of onlinevideos, online classes, in-person classes and retreatsaround the world, phone support and more.
Gammill provides…Nationwide IN-HOME installation, training, and service.That means when you purchase from Gammill, you canbe confident that you will have everything you need tobe successful.Training and education–before delivery and ongoing,both live and on videoTech support 8am - 8pm, 7 days a weekWe’re committed to helping you quilt with confidence.That means we’re always on hand. Unlike otherbrands, you’ll never have to break your machinedown, pack it up, and ship it off for repairs.
“I was able to learn the software while waiting for my machine to bedelivered. In fact, eight days after it was installed, I finished my firstcustom quilt! It was a show quilt that won second place! That’s agreat indication of just how easy the software has been to learn.”- Robin D.
We want quilters to spend more time quilting and lesstime fixing machines.Gammill has awarranty thatlives up to itsname.All new Gammill machines come with…A lifetime mechanical warranty against defectivematerials and/or workmanship
Three-year electrical parts warrantyIncludes commercial useOther longarms do not cover commercial use, whichmeans if you're finishing quilts for other, you've voided the warrant. The Gammill warranty covers both commercial and domestic use of the machines.Read our complete warranty here.
“I purchased my Gammill used and upgraded it to Statler technologyin 2009. I work with my church and friends to make quilts for veteransand children. Over the past four years, we have provided 100 to 125 tothe children of wounded veterans. And we just delivered 65 quilts tothe Family Help Center for high-risk children. We are trying to make theworld a better place, one quilt at a time.” - Kathy M.
No matter what your quiltinggoals, Gammill has a machineto help you achieve yourquilting dreams. Customers can also upgradetheir existing Gammill machinewith an Elevate or Statlerretrofit to add computerizationto a hand-guided model.Gammill offersvarious typesof longarms toprovide quilterswith the rightequipment.
“I am in love with the Vision! One of the best features is the ability to goreally slow and then when I speed up it automatically goes intoregulated mode. This is terrific when you are doing small work andthen quilt right into a larger area. I had my 4 year old granddaughter using the settings. The icons areeasy to see, easy to use, and are all done on a touchscreen. Gammillhas brought me into the 21st century! Thanks, I love it!” -Carol E
VISION 2.0Hand-Guided QuiltingComplete System Starting at $14,999All-Inclusive Pricing:Delivery, Installation, & Initial Training*Delivery, Installation, & Initial Trainingincluded for residents of the lower 48 states.
STATLERAdvanced ComputerizationComplete System Starting at $42,999All-Inclusive Pricing:Delivery, Installation, & Initial Training*Delivery, Installation, & Initial Trainingincluded for residents of the lower 48states.
STATLER ASCENDAdvanced ComputerizationComplete System Starting at $48,999All-Inclusive Pricing:Delivery, Installation, & Initial Training*Delivery, Installation, & Initial Trainingincluded for residents of the lower 48states.
Become A Confident Quilter with GammillThe CreativeStudio product, coupled with the dependability of Gammill, has given me theconfidence to take on any job that comes my way (and complete that job to theamazement and delight of my customers). Without this computerized addition to myGammill Optimum, I would be just another long-armer, and not a very good one at that.I have never run across a group of people that are more dedicated to getting it right.- Michael Q.
Learn more about the options available Build and price your perfect machineReceive best-in-class training and supportExplore education opportunities Become a confidentquilter with Visit us at Gammill.comWhere you can… Or Schedule a Demo Here