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Chemical peel protocols

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CONFIDENCE WITH CHEMICAL PEELSCONTINUING EDUCATIONFeel confident in choosing the right chemical peel. Feel empowered tocreate your own protocol. This course was created to help estheticiansunderstand when and how to properly use chemical peels. Available Online

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PRE + POST CAREPEEL ESSENTIALSKrX Peels can safely be used on all Fitzpatrick skin types.. However, it is recommended that the skin isproperly prepped when applying multiple layers orextending the length of time the peel remains on the skin. The following chemical peels can be safelyincorporated with calming and hydrating facials. If you're new to chemical peels, we recommendtaking our Confidence with Chemical Peels course.

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PRE PEEL CLEANSERFormulated with organic extracts, thePre Peel Cleanser is a non-strippingcleanser that should be used beforechemical peels. It gently removes allsurface oils and should be followed with KrX Pre Peel Toner. This cleanser is water based and issuitable for use with any brand ofchemical peels.PRE PEEL TONERA balancing toner to effectively preparethe skin before any chemical peel. It gently removes the last traces ofmakeup, dirt, and oil that may still belingering on the skin, even after cleansing. This is an essential part of any properchemical peel application. We recommend using KrX Pre PeelCleansing Gel as a first step, followedby this balancing toner. POST PEEL TONERKrX's Post Peel Toner neutralizes chemical peels and is rich in antioxidants. Both Green Tea and Chamomile help protect and repair the skin free radical damage. REPAIR CREAMKrX's Repair Cream is a Paraben-Freeointment type cream that creates abarrier over the skin and protects itpost laser or chemical peel. They come in a pack of 100 and arepacked individually.

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BLUEPROTOCOL +CONTRAINDICATIONSThe Blue Peel is a 10-minute gentle (3.5 pH) resurfacing peel that is appropriate for first time peel clients and is safefor all Fitzpatrick skin types. It contains Glycolic, Lactic, Tartaric, Citric, and Salicylic acids. Can be used as an exfoliating step at the beginning of facials.There is no prep needed, and this peel can safelybe used on all Fitzpatrick skin types.Cleanse skin.Apply one layer up to 10 minutes.Remove with cold water.Contraindications: Pregnancy, Allergies to anyof the ingredients, Sunburn, Impaired barrier,and Dermatitis.Gentle Peel78

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CLEARPROTOCOL +CONTRAINDICATIONSKrX Clear Peel is a gentle (2.9 pH) 30% Salicylic Acid with added antioxidants, such as Green Tea. Salicylic is a comedolytic (inhibits the formation of comedones), desmolytic (dissolves the bonds of dead skin cells),and anti-inflammatory agent. This is a gentle formula that is safe to use year round and is appropriate as a first time peel. It can also be used on allFitzpatrick skin types. Cleanse skin and degrease.Apply up to 4 layers, leaving on for a maximumof 10 minutes. Apply Post-Peel Toner, Aqua Cream, and SPF.Contraindications: Pregnancy, Allergies to anyof the ingredients, Sunburn, Impaired barrier,and DermatitisPro Tip: Use KrX's Cryofacial Cap mask for 10minutes before applying Aqua Cream.Acne Peel78

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BRIGHTENINGPROTOCOL +CONTRAINDICATIONSThe Brightening Peel is a gentle (2.9 pH) 40% Lactic Acid Peel that contains a host of melanin inhibitors: Kojic Acid,Bearberry Extract, Licorice Root, and, of course, Lactic Acid. This peel works by gently breaking the bonds that hold dead skin cells together, providing a gentle exfoliation. It also helps improve the skin's natural moisturizing factor by encouraging it to make more ceramides. Suitable for first time peel clients and safe for all Fitzpatrick skin types.Cleanse skin and degrease.Apply up to 4 layers, leaving on no longer than10 minutes. Remove with cold water and Post-Peel toner.Finish with Repair Cream and SPF.Contraindications: Allergies to any of theingredients, Sunburn, Impaired barrier, andDermatitisBrightening Peel79PREGNANCY SAFE

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GLOWPROTOCOL +CONTRAINDICATIONSKrX's Glow Peel is a gentle (2.9 pH) 40% glycolic acid skin renewal peel that lightens hyperpigmentation and leavesthe skin glowing. Glycolic Acid is small in molecular size, which improves the efficacy of the added antioxidants found in this uniqueformula. Retinol, Green Tea, and Chamomile both prevent and repair free radical damage. Cleanse skin and degrease.Apply up to 4 layers, leaving on no longer than10 minutes. Remove with cold water and Post-Peel toner.Finish with Repair Cream and SPF.Contraindications: Pregnancy, Allergies to anyof the ingredients, Sunburn, Impaired barrier,and DermatitisPro Tip: Apply KrX Cryofacial Maskimmediately after removal.Rejuvenating Peel80

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LAZERPROTOCOL +CONTRAINDICATIONSThe LaZer Peel is a medium-depth peel (pH 1.7) that combines multiple acids to deliver a brightening effect, similarto a laser treatment. This peel contains Hexylresorcinol, an anti-pigment agent that has been shown to be 4 timesmore effective than hydroquinone and without the side effects. Important Note: This is a strong peel, that is not self neutralizing. Do not wait between layers, and please followprotocol closely. Change gloves between application and removal to avoid transferring the peel back onto skin. Safefor up to Fitz 4. Use caution during the summer. Cleanse and degrease the skin - Pre-Peel Toneris recommended.1st treatment: apply 1 layer for 1 minute.2nd treatment: 1 layer for 2 minutes or 2 layersfor 1 minute.3rd treatment: apply 2 layers for 2 minutes or 3layers for 1 minute.Remove with cold water followed by KrX Post-Peel TonerContraindications: Pregnancy, Allergies to anyof the ingredients, Sunburn, Impaired barrier,and DermatitisPigment + Resurfacing Peel82

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83Spicule PeelsGREEN SEAPEEL

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WHAT ARE SPICULES?Spicules form the exoskeleton of marinesponges or certain types of coral. Theyare mainly composed of calciumcarbonate or silicon dioxide. As astructural element, they can take onmany fascinating shapes, each unique totheir species. Spicules were first used in traditionalskin therapies in Eastern Europe andAsia. They were used to treat a varietyof skin concerns due to theirtherapeutic properties and high mineralcontent. They have slowly found theirway into the beauty industry and arenow used for total skin rejuvenation. The future of spicules is exciting. Eachyear scientists are finding thousands ofnew species, each with its own uniquespicule structure and composition. Theyare being used in a variety of clinicaltrials to treat not only skin disorders,but are also being used in cancerresearch and the treatment of various diseases. CHEMICAL PEEL VS SPICULESSpicules and chemical peels are verydifferent in their composition,application, pre-care, and post care.Spicules are 100% natural and containjust one ingredient, hydrolyzedsponge/coral. They are safe to use onthose who are pregnant orbreastfeeding. They do not contain any acids.Therefore, unlike chemical peels,protein denaturation will not occur. HOW DO THEY WORK?Due to the structure of spicules, withtheir sharp-like edges, they create amicrochanneling effect. Whenmechanically massaged into the skin,they enter the epidermis and act as atransepidermal delivery system. As they dissolve, they release apolypharmacy of vitamins, minerals,and natural steroids (Vitamin D), andantibiotics, which help stimulatecollagen, normalize melanocyte activity,and improve cellular health. THE POLYPHARMACY OF SPICULESZINCZinc is an essential trace mineral that isneeded for DNA synthesis and buildingkeratin and collagen. The skin’s collagenis produced by enzymes calledcollagenases, which are dependent onzinc, and studies have shown that adeficit results in a decrease in collagen. Zinc is also rich in antioxidants and hasantibacterial properties that helpaccelerate wound healing and supporthealthy skin tissue. The epidermiscontains a relatively high amount ofzinc, and so a zinc deficiency cansometimes be recognized by the roughtexture of one's skin. When absorbed through foods orsupplementation, zinc also helps withthe absorption of omega 3s, which isoften helpful when treating acne.

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LINOLEIC ACID Linoleic Acid, an Omega-6 fatty acidrich in antioxidants, helps fortify andprotect the skin’s barrier, resulting inthe skin being able to retain moistureand keep irritants and pollutants out. It is often used in creating ceramidesthat help build and strengthen the epidermis. CALCIUM Similar to zinc, a majority of calcium inthe skin is found in the epidermis. It isessential in regulating many skinfunctions, including cell turnover,maintaining barrier homeostasis, andplays a role in the development ofantioxidants that help prevent DNA damage. VITAMIN D Vitamin D, although classified as avitamin, is actually a fat-soluableprohormone steroid. Like many of theother ingredients discussed, it hasantimicrobial and moderate anti-inflammatory properties and is anessential part of maintaining a healthyskin barrier. AMINO ACID COMPLEXAmino acids are the building blocks ofall protein, including keratin, elastin,and collagen. They are required forwound healing, acid/water balance inthe cellular layers of the skin, protectingagainst UV damage, and supporting theskin’s barrier by helping it maintainhydration and protecting it from freeradical damage. COPPERCopper plays a key role in proteinsynthesis, and it also has biocidalproperties. In the skin, copper stimulates fibroblastactivity, promotes wound healing, andinhibits oxidative damage.TREATING SKIN CONCERNSProduct usage, including makeupDiet, including supplements Lifestyle choicesAcne and Textural Issues Treating acne is a process, and properhome care is going to account for 80%of your client’s results. Some things to consider when treatingacne include:Once the above have been addressed,proceed with treatments to help yourclient along their journey.

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Acne-causing bacteria is anaerobic,meaning it exists and thrives in anoxygen-free environment. Whenspicules are rubbed into the skin, itcreates a histamine reaction thatreleases antibodies and increasesblood flow, thus having a greatoxygenating effect. Spicules also help loosen sebumplugs when massaged into the skin,making it an excellent treatmentfor maturation arrest acne. The polypharmacy containedwithin each spicule deliversimportant vitamins and mineralsthat help accelerate healing.Spicules can help with both inflamedand non-inflamed acne. However, it isrecommended to try to reduce as muchinflammation prior to treating with spicules. How Spicules Improve Acne Medical diagnosis and treatment ofpossible pre-existing condition,A Zinc supplement may be helpful,as it helps regulate estrogen,Using a mineral sunscreen everyday,Keeping the skin from overheating,The use of a tyrosinase inhibitor. Treatments such as spicule orchemical peels.The three types of melasma are:Epidermal (surface), Dermal (deep), andCombination (both epidermal and dermal).Melasma presents itself in brownpatches on the skin that are oftenbilateral and are most commonly seenon the upper lip, forehead, and cheeks. Although often associated withpregnancy, melasma can actually betriggered by many things, includingthyroid disorders and atrophic gastritisto name a few. Unfortunately, we don’tquite know all of the reasons melasmaoccurs. Melasma can occur in all Fitzpatrickskin types and can affect both men andwomen, though it’s seen predominantlyin women.Although melasma is complex, there areproactive steps that can be taken to helpminimize the discoloration anddiscourage it from coming back. Success in treating melasma relies on this:Age + HyperpigmentationSpicules have a profound effect on skintexture and elasticity. They not onlystimulate fibroblast activity, but theyalso can resurface the skin, giving a totalrejuvenating effect. Melasma There are three types of melasma andmore causes than understood by science.

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BIOHERB 50 PEELBIOHERB 50The BioHerb 50 is a light spicule peel that offers agentle exfoliation and is a great precursor to theGreen Sea Peel. It offers gentle exfoliation that issafe enough to be used at home. PROTOCOL After cleansing, apply BioHerb 50 to skin andmassage. Massage for up to 1 minute andimmediately apply a sheet mask for 15-20 minutes. Wash face and apply moisturizer. Contraindications: : Allergies to any of theingredients, Sunburn, Dermatitis, Severe rosacea.

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GREEN SEA PEELGREEN SEA PEELSpicules have become a great alternative totraditional chemical peels. This peel does not change the pH of the skin, and noprotein denaturation occurs. Instead, spicules aredelivered into the skin via massage, stimulatingcollagen and delivering a polypharmacy ofingredients that improves skin texture and improveshyperpigmentation. The Green Sea Peel comes with an activator that isformulated with Growth Factors, Hyaluronic Acid,Beta Glucan, and Allantoin. @Native2nature_esthetics@kinrituals

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GREEN SEA PEEL PRE-CARESpicules Pre-CareFor at least 48 hours before treatment, do notuse heavy moisturizers or hydrating masks. Thismay effect the amount of peeling. DO NOT EXFOLIATE. Do not manually exfoliate the skin for at least72 hours prior to treatment. TOPICALS Stop using all topicals at least 7 days beforetreatment. For best results, it is recommended to haveclients use the BioHerb 50 for 2 weeks prior totreatment and twice a week. This will allow them to become acclimated tothe spicule sensation and helps prep the skin. 89

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GREEN SEA PEEL POST-CARESpicules Post-CareDO NOT WASH THE SKIN FOR 24 HOURS. DO NOT OVERHEAT THE SKIN. For the first 72 hours, it's important to not doanything that would heat the internal bodytemperature, e.g., sauna, exercising, hot showers. DO NOT EXFOLIATE.Do not exfoliate the skin for at least 7 days postpeeling. DO NOT PICK OR PEEL. Do not pick or peel any skin. Doing so maycause PIH. PROTECT THE SKIN. Stay out of the sun and protect the skin byapplying moisturizer and SPF daily.90

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LIGHT PEEL PROTOCOLPREP THE SKIN Use KrX Pre-Peel Cleanser, followed bythe Pre-Peel Toner. GREEN SEA PEEL Mix ampoule with activator. TAP/MASSAGE Tap spicules into skin for 1-2 minutes.Massage with medium pressure in acircular motion for 2 to 3 minutes. LEAVE ONLeave on as a mask for up to 15 minutes. REMOVAL Rehydrate the Green Sea Peel with asoothing gel and remove peel with coldwater. Apply Aqua Cream.MED PEEL PROTOCOLPREP THE SKIN Use KrX Pre-Peel Cleanser, followed bythe Pre-Peel Toner. GREEN SEA PEEL Mix ampoule with activator. TAP/MASSAGE Tap spicules into skin for 1-2 minutes.Massage with medium pressure in acircular motion for 3-5 to minutes. LEAVE ONLeave on as a mask for up to 15 minutes. REMOVAL Rehydrate the Green Sea Peel with asoothing gel and remove peel with coldwater. Apply Aqua Cream.DEEP PEEL PROTOCOLPREP THE SKIN Use KrX Pre-Peel Cleanser, followed bythe Pre-Peel Toner. GREEN SEA PEEL Mix ampoule with activator. TAP/MASSAGE Tap spicules into skin for 1-2 minutes.Massage with light to medium pressurein a circular motion for 5-7 to 10minutes. LEAVE ONLeave on as a mask for up to 20 minutes. REMOVAL Rehydrate the Green Sea Peel with asoothing gel and remove peel with coldwater. Apply Aqua Cream.CONTRAINDICATIONSSHELL FISH ALLERGY Do not use on those with shell fishallergies out of an abundace of caution. SKIN CONDITIONSNot suitable for those with dermatitis,eczema, psoriasis, cold sores (unless on aprophylactic), skin cancer, or sunburns. OTHERNot suitable for those with impairedhealing, such as diabetes, unlessapproved by doctor.