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CheckGPT Info Pack

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CheckGPT’s Survival Guide ToGen AI Chatbots

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Strawberry?[1, 34, 47][4, 74, 25][6, 23, 7]Strawberry?What you see:What ChatGPT sees:How do Gen AI Chatbots work?Gen AI chatbots predict the next word intheir response based on patterns learnedfrom training data. Think of it asautocomplete but way more advanced! Thechosen word isn’t always the most probable— it depends on the model’s design, trainingdata, and your prompt. Despite how fluent these chatbots sound...Gen AI chatbots breakdown the human languageinto tokens, which can bewords, parts of words,letters or punctuation.Tokens are then represented bystrings of numbers, also knownas vectors, which machinelearning models use to classifyand identify patterns in text.TokenisationTokenisation VectorisationVectorisationGen AI chatbots do not understand the human language!?

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Identify Hallucinations?Identify Hallucinations?How toHow toHallucinations happen when Gen AI chatbotsprovide non-existent, inaccurate or fabricatedinformation in their responses or citations.Here are some instances of hallucinations:For one, the data which the chatbot was trained onmight contain errors, be incomplete, or biased.The chatbot model may also be designed to prioritiselanguage fluency over factual accuracy.Gen AI chatbots are a form of artificial intelligence. They sound fluent, but all they see are numbers!So before you call ChatGPT your bestie, remember that...With the chatbotDouble CHECK:Provided linksAsk the chatbot to regenerate its answerRecency of informationAre they working, credible and relevant?With other sourcesHow recently was the training data ofthis model updated?Like with any information you come across,cross-reference multiple credible sources!Did youDid youGen AI chatbots hallucinate!know?know?How does this problem comeabout in Gen AI chatbots?Training DataModel ArchitectureChatGPT in CourtFalsely Accused Exam Help

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to your chances of getting an accurate answer!Assign a knowledgeable, expert roleShare specific descriptors about the situation or environment you’re inIf you notice the chatbot straying away from your original context,remind it again!Use the Home. I’m going home. Home. I’m going home. Where to?Where to?Cat. I don’t know where you live.Cat. I don’t know where you live.Gen AI chatbots generate words basedon probabilities, not certainties.TheThes ofs of3 C3 C“You are a science researcher-”“-specialising in the study of energy.”Tips on ‘Context’!Tips on ‘Context’!Assign a roleAssign a roleProvide background infoProvide background infoPrompt EngineeringPrompt Engineering

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Use CAPITALISATIONto emphasise keywordsin your instructions!TheThes ofs of3 C3 CTips onTips on“Explain the process ofphotosynthesis.”Specify task objectiveSpecify task objective“Use an informational,academic tone of voice.”Tone and styleTone and style“Explain this to someonewith no prior knowledge.”Academic levelAcademic level of response of response“Explain the process ofphotosynthesis in terms ofits chemical formula.”Specify area Specify area of interestof interest“Describe your reasoning in steps."or "Explain your answer step-by-step.” prompting promptingChain-of-ThoughtChain-of-Thought‘Clarity’!‘Clarity’!Prompt EngineeringPrompt Engineering

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“Structure yourresponse inbullet points-”Limit outputlength“Use casestudies fromSingapore, 2015onwards only.”“Use only theinformation below.### (yourinformation) ###”Tips on ‘Constraints’!Tips on ‘Constraints’!Provideyour ownreferencesUse ###or “““ toseparatereferencefromprompt! “-in no more than 1000 words.”For text-based generative AI, it’s more effective to tell the chatbotwhat to do instead of what not to do. For example, “use only layman terms” instead of “omit any jargon”.Limit timeperiod orplace ofinterestLimit outputformatPrompt EngineeringPrompt EngineeringTheThes ofs of3 C3 C

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CHECK!CHECK!WAAIIIT!Checkers has one last “C” for you...His name is Checkers for a reason!If links or references are provided by the chatbot, check that:The links are not brokenThe information in the links are relevant andaccurately support the chatbot’s responseContext. Clarity. Constraints. Check!Even with better prompts, no chatbot is 100% accurate!Even with better prompts, no chatbot is 100% accurate!Check your chatbot’s response with multipleother credible sourcesLACKIN’Don’t getcaught

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CheckGPT is a communications campaign that helpsstudents address inaccuracies in generative artificialintelligence (GAI) chatbots, particularly in the context ofeducational use. This information pack serves as aresource for students, teachers and parents to learnabout how these chatbots work, why they canhallucinate, and how we can navigate Gen AIinaccuracies.While Gen AI chatbots provide convenient, fluentanswers, personal discernment and critical thinking arecrucial to prevent over-reliance on Gen AI chatbots. So the next time you use Gen AI chatbots, Funded by:Drop us an email at orslide into our DMs on Instagram at! Got questions, feedback,or just want to say hi?We’d love to hear from you!About Usdon’t just chat, CHECK!Supported by: Kwek Leng Joo (KLJ)Community Service FundView the printable version of this info pack here.

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checkgpt.sgNeed help recallingthe 4 Cs? We got you!Add our custom GPT in ChatGPT here! (You’ll need to log into your ChatGPTaccount!)CHECK, mate!Don’t just chat,

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Till next time,CHECK, mate!