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ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence language model developed by OpenAI. It isdesigned to understand and generate human-like text based on the input it receives.ChatGPT can hold conversations, answer questions, provide information, and evengenerate creative content like stories and poems.WHAT IS CHATGPT?Visit the OpenAI website ( and look for the ChatGPT section.What is ChatGPT? How to Get Started:Creating an Account: If you don't have an account, you may need to sign up. Followthe instructions to create an account.Accessing ChatGPT: Once logged in, navigate to the ChatGPT interface. You may needto agree to terms and conditions before starting.Start Chatting: Type your questions or prompts into the text box and ChatGPT willrespond accordingly.OpenAI's ChatGPT Documentation: OpenAI provides detailed documentation on how touse ChatGPT effectively. You can find it at OpenAI's documentation page.Tutorial Videos: YouTube is a great resource for finding tutorial videos on how to useChatGPT. Search for "ChatGPT tutorial" to find helpful videos created by other users.Online Forums: Websites like Reddit or Stack Overflow often have discussions and tipsfrom users who have experience with ChatGPT. You can search for specific questions orjoin relevant communities to learn more.OpenAI's Blog: OpenAI regularly publishes blog posts about their latest developmentsand research, including updates about ChatGPT. Check out their blog at OpenAI's blog forinsightful articles and news.Additional Resources
PersonaPurpose & identy of the person “speaking”A character created to represent aspecific target audience or user group,embodying their characteristics, needs,and behaviors. It's important for tailoringresponses and ensuring relevance,empathy, and effectiveness incommunication with diverse users.ContextSpecificStart & Endingsimagine you're trying to teach a robothow to make a PB&J sandwich. "Heyrobot, make me a sandwich!’ won’t workwithout specific steps. Instead, you'dbreak it down into specific steps, like "1. Get two slices of bread. 2. Spreadpeanut butter on one slice. ...etcClear instructionsmake a differenceWhen you ask ChatGPT a question orgive it a task, providing details helps itunderstand exactly what you're lookingfor. For example, if you want help with amath problem, it's important to providethe numbers and the operations you'reworking with.CRACK THE CHAT GPT CODESix strategies for getting better results
ExamplesSpecific examples thatdemonstrate whatis neededIn ChatGPT, when it uses the tactic ofproviding examples, it's like your artteacher showing you how to draw.Instead of just explaining somethingwith words, they provide examples orshow you how something works in real-life situations. DeliminateSymbols or charactersused to separateIf you were to ask AI to “"I want to knowabout cats dogs birds,” it may bedifficult for ChatGPT to understandwhere one topic ends and begins. Use"Tell me about cats. What about dogs?And birds?” For better results.LengthWord, sentance and paragraph countsDepending on what you are askingChatGPT to do, you may need a book, aparagraph or a sentence. You can ask forspecific amounts of words, sentences,paragraphs or even bullet points. CRACK THE CHAT GPT CODESix strategies for getting better results
PersonaPurpose & identy of the person “speaking”A character created to represent aspecific target audience or user group,embodying their characteristics, needs,and behaviors. It's important for tailoringresponses and ensuring relevance,empathy, and effectiveness incommunication with diverse users.CRACK THE CHAT GPT CODEWelcome to Brooke the Nerd’s ChatGPT Madlib! This tool is designed to help you understand the importance ofpersona when crafting better ChatGPT prompt. Dear ChatGPT. I am a ______________in _____________. I am knowledgeableabout _______________,_____________and_____________.
CRACK THE CHAT GPT CODEWelcome to Brooke the Nerd’s ChatGPT Madlib! This tool is designed to help you understand the importance ofpersona when crafting better ChatGPT prompt. I will provide you with informationabout_________________. Please write______ ___________________. Here is thelink to the information. (Paste link toinfo or copy words here.)
CRACK THE CHAT GPT CODEWelcome to Brooke the Nerd’s ChatGPT Madlib! This tool is designed to help you understand the importance ofpersona when crafting better ChatGPT prompt. Share _______ tips and tricks for homesellers about _______________ that are_________________.SpecificStart & Endingsimagine you're trying to teach a robothow to make a PB&J sandwich. "Heyrobot, make me a sandwich!’ won’t workwithout specific steps. Instead, you'dbreak it down into specific steps, like "1. Get two slices of bread. 2. Spreadpeanut butter on one slice. ...etc
CRACK THE CHAT GPT CODEWelcome to Brooke the Nerd’s ChatGPT Persona Madlib! This tool is designed to help you understand the importance ofpersona when crafting better ChatGPT prompt. Here is an example of what I likedfrom a previous____________. (copyand paste article or link here.)ExamplesSpecific examples thatdemonstrate whatis neededIn ChatGPT, when it uses the tactic ofproviding examples, it's like your artteacher showing you how to draw.Instead of just explaining somethingwith words, they provide examples orshow you how something works in real-life situations.
CRACK THE CHAT GPT CODEWelcome to Brooke the Nerd’s ChatGPT Madlib! This tool is designed to help you understand the importance ofpersona when crafting better ChatGPT prompt. The response should be formatted asa/an____________ under __________________ and target home sellerswho are __________ about selling.LengthWord, sentance and paragraph countsDepending on what you are askingChatGPT to do, you may need a book, aparagraph or a sentence. You can ask forspecific amounts of words, sentences,paragraphs or even bullet points.
CRACK THE CHAT GPT CODEWelcome to Brooke the Nerd’s ChatGPT Madlib! This tool is designed to help you understand the importance ofpersona when crafting better ChatGPT prompt. Please provide __________ facts for___________, __________ and____________ about market stats in________________________.DeliminateSymbols or charactersused to separateIf you were to ask AI to “"I want to knowabout cats dogs birds,” it may bedifficult for ChatGPT to understandwhere one topic ends and begins. Use"Tell me about cats. What about dogs?And birds?” For better results.
CRACK THE CHAT GPT CODEPlease design five unique topics for Instagram storiesthat will engage followers of a REALTOR.Please develop ten blog post ideas that promote a realestate business’s services and expertise.Please generate five creative ideas for a podcast seriesfocusing on real estate development in New England.Please help me write 7 reasons buying a home issmarter than renting in [your city]. This content isdesigned to attract first-time homebuyers.Please give me a 1 minute video script about the 7biggest regrets homeowners in [your city] have afterlisting their home for sale including the 7th one notcalling [you]. This one is focused on attracting potentiallisting clients.Please give me 20 ideas on small gifts under $5 that Ican show appreciation for my past clients or referralpartners.Please help me create a 2-minute video script thatoutlines the pros and cons of selling your home withouta real estate agent.