Marketing A U D I TS T E L L A R M E D I A M A R K E T I N G . C O M
Follow the audit prompts to seewhat email template you shoulduse for your pitch.PAGE 12R E S U L T SBRICK AND MORTAR PAGE 8ECOMMERCE PAGE 9B2B PAGE 10A U D I T W O R K S H E E T SFind other ways to land newclients and expand yourservice offerings.PAGE 11B O N U ST A B L E O F C O N T E N T SLearn how to use this Click toMessenger Audit Guide so you can landmore clients with ease. PAGE: 3I N S T R U C T I O N SCustomize this pitch deck to help closethe sale once you get a prospect on thephone. CLICK HERE to accessMake sure you MAKE A COPY before you edit thepitch deck.P I T C H D E C KCUSTOMER SERVICE PAGE 13LEAD ENGAGEMENT PAGE 14LEAD CONVERSION PAGE 15BONUS EMAIL PAGE 16E M A I L T E M P L A T E S
A g e n c y C h a t M a r k e t i n g S e r v i c e A u d i t P A G E 0 1Facebook Audit Checklist plus a helpful videothat demonstrates an audit in actionEmail templates for each of the threeFacebook Messenger and chat automationrecommendations covered in the FacebookAudit Checklist (plus a BONUS template!)Customizable pitch deck that makes it easy topresent Facebook Messenger and chatautomation to new clientsResources list to help you get the job doneFinding new clients can be one of the mostchallenging aspects of leading a marketingagency. To make work easier and more profitablefor our Agency clients, Agorapulse created thisstep-by-step guide to make connecting with newclients easier and more effective. How? Witheasy-to-use forms and eye-catching emailtemplates that don’t strip out personalization—they pack it in. In this how-to-guide, we will cover:FACEBOOK AUDIT CHECKLISTBy guiding you through a quick audit of aprospect’s Facebook page, you can make valuablebusiness recommendations around Click-to-Messenger and Comment-to-Messenger (C2M) —all neatly packaged into professionally writtenemail templates that add real value for yourtarget audience. Once you get the hang of the Facebook AuditChecklist, you can go from audit to email in 15minutes or less. Making it easy to add newbusiness development to your routine and evendelegate it!
A g e n c y C h a t M a r k e t i n g S e r v i c e A u d i t P A G E 0 1Step 1: Choose the FACEBOOK AUDITCHECKLIST [link] that best fits thebusiness you’ve selected:Brick and Mortar Business (retail, restaurant)[link]A brick-and-mortar business refers to anorganization that has a physical location that itscustomers can go to, such as a store orrestaurant. The business could also have multiplelocations or an online store as part of what itdoes, but its primary business is done in personthrough a physical location.E-commerce (online sales of retail products orservices directly to consumers) [link]An e-commerce business primarily sells productsand services directly to consumers online. Salescan take place through third-party retailers (e.g.,Amazon and Shopify), or through its own website.B2B (business-to-business sales of goods orservices, online or in-person) [link]A B2B company provides goods or services toother businesses or organizations, not consumers.These purchases are typically larger ticket itemssold directly online or in person. Step 2: Use the Facebook Audit Checklistto recommend a Facebook C2M and chatautomation solution that will benefittheir unique business. CUSTOMER SERVICE Chat Automation:Improve response times, answer frequently askedquestions, and direct customers to additionalresources.LEAD ENGAGEMENT Chat Automation: Build anemail list for remarketing, improve outreach, andbuild affinity through newsletters, rewardsprograms, and special offers. LEAD CONVERSION Chat Automation: Qualifyleads by interest, type, and readiness-to-buy;guide prospects to additional information, andimprove conversion rates.The Facebook Audit Checklist will guide you toone of three recommendations:
CUSTOMER SERVICE Chat Automation LEAD ENGAGEMENT Chat AutomationLEAD CONVERSION Chat Automation Choose the email template that matches your recommendation and personalize it to reflect what you learnedabout the new client during the Facebook Audit Checklist process. Choose from one of these email templates:Each email includes an attention-grabbing subject line and makes a compelling case for how Facebook C2Mand chat automation can improve your new client’s business. Remember, following up is just as important asreaching out. Connect on LinkedIn, send a follow-up email, message them on Facebook, or just pick up thephone and call.BONUS WORKSHEET: Want to take prospect personalization to the next level? Use this worksheet todocument three services (e.g., Facebook ads, social media management, consulting, content management,etc.), you would like to highlight on your next client call. Make sure to include any relevant details yougathered from their Facebook Audit Checklist. [link]A g e n c y C h a t M a r k e t i n g S e r v i c e A u d i t P A G E 0 1Step 3: Based on the recommendation from Step 3, customize an email using one of threeavailable email templates [link]:ADDITIONAL AGENCY SERVICE FROM THE FACEBOOK AUDIT CHECKLISTBENEFIT TO CLIENTEXAMPLE: Social media managementHow active is the page? How many posts weremade in the past month?Needs Improvement (Posting less than 3 timesper week) A consistent postingschedule of goodquality contentimprovesengagement bycustomers.
As a talking point guide during a new client call As a slide presentation during an in-office visit As an attachment to an email to recap a call or presentation So, you’ve booked the call or presentation, now what? Grab a copy of the Pitch Deck Template [link] andeasily customize it to fit your prospect’s needs. There are three ways to use this Pitch Deck Template:Additional information and interesting statistics have been added to the notes section at the bottom of eachslide. If you decide to email the deck to a client, remember to remove the notes before you hit send. A g e n c y C h a t M a r k e t i n g S e r v i c e A u d i t P A G E 0 1Step 4: Make the pitch. Step 5: Seal the deal.A well-organized proposal, contract, and client onboarding process are the first step to a long and prosperousclient relationship. Here are some resources to help you dot those i’s and cross those t’s so you can focus onwhat you love doing: making great things happen for your client.
A g e n c y C h a t M a r k e t i n g S e r v i c e A u d i t P A G E 0 1Kelly Noble Mirabella is an internationally sought-afterMessenger Marketing trainer, consultant, and builder. She is thecreator of Baby Got Bot and the owner of Stellar MediaMarketing.She has worked with such clients as ManyChat, Kerwin Rae, andAgoraPulse and has helped countless professionals get theirbot-building to the next level. Before discovering ChatMarketing, Kelly had an action-packed 16-year career in socialmedia marketing which attributes to her vast knowledge of notonly digital marketing but also running a successfulbootstrapped business.Over the past 16 years, Kelly has helped teach and mentordigital marketers, REALTORS, entrepreneurs, and professionalsacross various industries to not only use the digital marketingtools and platforms available today but also in the starting andrunning of new entrepreneurial adventures. Kelly’s depth ofknowledge is well known in the industry and some have evenjoked that she is like a digital marketing encyclopedia.Kelly is board certified in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, TimeLine Therapy™ , Hypnosis, and NLP coaching. Specialized inhelping entrepreneurs get over mindset blocks, impostersyndrome, and motivation issues.
A g e n c y C h a t M a r k e t i n g S e r v i c e A u d i t P A G E 0 2Is there a Messenger button under the cover banner or a popup Messenger box on theFacebook page?If yes: skip to question 2If no: recommend CUSTOMER SERVICE Chat Automation.Check the Messenger window. Are there any welcome messages or automation?If yes: skip to question 3If no: recommend CUSTOMER SERVICE Chat Automation.Enter a common consumer question (e.g., closing time) into the Messenger box thencheck: Does a response automatically appear?If yes: skip to question 4If no: recommend CUSTOMER SERVICE Chat Automation.Assess the current automatic chat messages. Are the answers clear and conversational?Do they answer the most common questions a customer would ask?If yes: skip to question 5If no: recommend CUSTOMER SERVICE Chat Automation.Do they average five or more comments on each post?If yes: skip to question 6If no: recommend CUSTOMER SERVICE Chat Automation (plus social media management).Does the business have any customer loyalty programs or on-going promotions thatwould benefit from collecting customer emails and additional information?If yes: recommend LEAD ENGAGEMENT Chat AutomationIf no: this business is a good candidate for Marketing consulting
A g e n c y C h a t M a r k e t i n g S e r v i c e A u d i t P A G E 0 3Is there a Messenger button/popup on the Facebook page? If yes: skip to question 2If no: recommend CUSTOMER SERVICE Chat Automation.Check the Messenger window. Are there any welcome messages or automation?If yes: skip to question 3If no: recommend CUSTOMER SERVICE Chat Automation.Enter a common consumer question (e.g., closing time) into the Messenger box thencheck: Does a response automatically appear?If yes: skip to question 4If no: recommend CUSTOMER SERVICE Chat Automation.Assess the current automatic chat messages. Are the answers clear and conversational?Do they answer the most common questions a customer would ask?If yes: skip to question 5If no: recommend CUSTOMER SERVICE Chat Automation.Do they average five or more comments on each post?If yes: skip to question 6If no: recommend CUSTOMER SERVICE Chat Automation (plus social media management).Does the business have any customer loyalty programs or on-going promotions thatwould benefit from collecting customer emails and additional information?If yes: skip to question 7If no: recommend LEAD ENGAGEMENT Chat AutomationDoes the business sell digital products?If yes: Messenger automation is not a good fit to sell digital products but you can help the clientRecommend Customer Service Chat AutomationIf no: recommend LEAD ENGAGEMENT Chat Automation
A g e n c y C h a t M a r k e t i n g S e r v i c e A u d i t P A G E 0 4Is there a Messenger button/popup on the Facebook page? If yes: skip to question 2If no: recommend CUSTOMER SERVICE Chat Automation.Check the Messenger window. Are there any welcome messages or automation?If yes: skip to question 3If no: recommend CUSTOMER SERVICE Chat Automation.Enter a common consumer question (e.g., closing time) into the Messenger box thencheck: Does a response automatically appear?If yes: skip to question 4If no: recommend CUSTOMER SERVICE Chat Automation.Assess the current automatic chat messages. Are the answers clear and conversational?Do they answer the most common questions a customer would ask?If yes: skip to question 5If no: recommend CUSTOMER SERVICE Chat Automation.Do they average five or more comments on each post?If yes: skip to question 6If no: recommend CUSTOMER SERVICE Chat Automation (plus social media management).Does the business have any customer loyalty programs or on-going promotions thatwould benefit from collecting customer emails and additional information?If yes: skip to question 7If no: recommend LEAD ENGAGEMENT Chat AutomationDoes the business sell digital products?If yes: Messenger automation is not a good fit to sell digital products but you can help the clientRecommend Customer Service Chat AutomationIf no: skip to question 8Does the business set appointments or phone calls in order to close sales? If yes: recommend LEAD CONVERSION chat automationIf no: recommend CUSTOMER SERVICE Chat Automation
How active is the page? How many posts were made in the past month?Needs Improvement (Posting less than 3 times per week): Discuss the social media marketingservices you offerGood (Posting 3+ times per week): Explain how reports and analytics could helpthem maximize their current social media strategyWhat is something the business is doing well? Either on the existing Facebook page orsomething, the business does well in general? (logo/layout, great product, business/ownerreputation, or a personal experience, etc.)A g e n c y C h a t M a r k e t i n g S e r v i c e A u d i t P A G E 0 6BONUSIs the content good on their page or could it use some help?Needs Improvement: Discuss the social media management service and content creation servicesyou offer Good: Discuss adding Click-to-Messenger ads to generate more leads and capture emailsScroll down on the page to check out the section titled ”Page Transparency.” Are theycurrently running Facebook ads or have they run ads in the past month?If yes: discuss adding Facebook Click-to-Messenger ads to generate new leads and capture emailsIf no: discuss adding Facebook ads to grow their business
A g e n c y C h a t M a r k e t i n g S e r v i c e A u d i t P A G E 0 5Based on the audit above, customize the email templatethat makes the most sense for the prospect’s needs.Use the CUSTOMER SERVICE chat automation EMAIL TEMPLATE [link] to showprospects how they can save employees time, so they can focus on more important tasks.Use the LEAD ENGAGEMENT chat automation EMAIL TEMPLATE [link] to showprospects how they can be used to capture valuable customer information (like email addresses),increase engagement with special offers and loyalty programs, and build the client's email listfor re-marketing and future sales.Use the LEAD CONVERSION chat automation EMAIL TEMPLATE [link] to showprospects how they can quickly qualify leads and push qualified leads to set appointments,make reservations, or convert into customers.
A g e n c y C h a t M a r k e t i n g S e r v i c e A u d i t P A G E 0 1EMAIL 1: FACEBOOK C2M CUSTOMER SERVICE CHAT AUTOMATIONSubject: How quickly are you responding to Facebook messages? Hey [NAME],I took a quick look at [THE PROSPECT’S COMPANY’s] Facebook page and was very impressed by[NAME SOMETHING THEY’RE DOING REALLY WELL]. Given how great the page is, I waswondering whether you are getting the traffic and engagement you expect. I ask because some of myclients in [prospect’s industry] have had their traffic negatively affected by their message responsetimes. Your response time, though it sounds like a little thing, can have a big impact on your visibility. Aslower response time could limit your page’s reach and increase your ad costs! (Facebook keeps trackof how fast you respond.)If you are like my clients, there is no way to run your business AND (somehow) watch your Facebookinbox like a hawk. That’s where chat automation can make a big difference. Automatic responses mean that Facebook measures your response time in seconds rather thanminutes, hours, or days … Your rating, along with your visibility and ad effectiveness, will go way up!Let’s talk about it—I would love to see you get the most out of your Facebook page and Click-to-Messenger, Comment-to-Messenger, plus Chat automation is a simple way to give you a head start.Feel free to book time with me here: CALENDAR LINK]Looking forward to hearing from you, [YOUR NAME]
A g e n c y C h a t M a r k e t i n g S e r v i c e A u d i t P A G E 0 1EMAIL 2: FACEBOOK C2M LEAD ENGAGEMENT CHAT AUTOMATIONSubject: How do you qualify FB leads without DMing them yourself? Hey [NAME],I took a quick look at [THE PROSPECT’S COMPANY’s] Facebook page and was very impressed by[NAME SOMETHING THEY’RE DOING REALLY WELL]. Given how great the page is, I waswondering if you are getting the engagement you expect. A great Facebook page is one thing, but the ability to use that Facebook page to get your customersexcited about [business name] is where the rubber meets the road. Without it, your Facebook page isjust one big vanity metric.My clients in [prospect’s industry] have been able to turn their Facebook pages from a glorifiedyellow pages ad into a valuable business tool by adding a critical feature: the ability to collect and usetheir customers’ email addresses. By setting up Facebook Click-to-Messenger, Comment-to-Messenger, and chat automation, you canautomatically ask for and capture customer email addresses. Plus, those features can also invitecustomers to join loyalty programs, inform them about upcoming events, and enroll them in yournewsletter—all without your team having to write a single email. Facebook can be such a great tool, and I think chat automation is a simple way to give your businessa head start. If you would like to talk more about it, I would be happy to make time on my calendar.[CALENDAR LINK]Looking forward to hearing from you soon, [YOUR NAME]
A g e n c y C h a t M a r k e t i n g S e r v i c e A u d i t P A G E 0 1EMAIL 3: FACEBOOK C2M LEAD CONVERSION CHAT AUTOMATIONSubject: How do you keep FB leads from fizzling out? Hey [NAME],Hey [NAME],I took a quick look at [THE PROSPECT’S COMPANY’s] Facebook page and was very impressed by[NAME SOMETHING THEY’RE DOING REALLY WELL]. Given how great the page is, I waswondering: Are you getting the sales you expect? A great Facebook page is one thing, but the ability to use it to drive sales is where the rubber meetsthe road. Without that ability, your Facebook page is just one big vanity metric.My clients in [PROSPECT’S INDUSTRY] have used Facebook Click-to-Messenger, Comment-to-Messenger, and chat automation to automatically direct prospects to additional resources, groupthem by like attributes, and sort out the tire kickers— all without their sales team having to write asingle email. Facebook can be a powerful business tool and I think chat automation is a simple way to give yourbusiness a significant edge over your competition. If you would like to talk more about it, I would behappy to make time on my calendar. [CALENDAR LINK]Looking forward to hearing from you soon, [YOUR NAME]
A g e n c y C h a t M a r k e t i n g S e r v i c e A u d i t P A G E 0 1Answer questions faster: You know that Facebook keeps track of how fast you respond tomessages, but did you know that speed affects how often your page is seen in the news feed?Better response times = better visibility! Gather information, including email addresses: Looking for ways to engage your Facebook visitorsand get them more involved? Use your new email list to remarket them with loyaltyprograms,special promotions, and more! Make the most of your time: Want to direct customers to the information they need withouttaking up valuable staff time? Chat automation allows you to segment customers and move themthrough the sales process efficiently. BONUS EMAIL: FACEBOOK C2M CHAT AUTOMATION - GENERAL INTROSubject: Some thoughts on super-charging your Facebook page Hi [NAME],I took a quick look at [THE PROSPECT’S COMPANY’s] Facebook page and was very impressed by[NAME SOMETHING THEY’RE DOING REALLY WELL]. While I was there, I noticed your businesscould see big benefits by making a few, small changes to your page. For example, how would you like to be able to:Facebook’s Click-to-Messenger, Comment-to-Messenger, and chat automation are like having anextra employee who’s awake 24/7 and doesn’t mind answering the same questions over and overagain. :)Happy to make some time to talk through your options. Feel free to book time with me here:CALENDAR LINK]Looking forward to speaking with you! [YOUR NAME]
A g e n c y C h a t M a r k e t i n g S e r v i c e A u d i t P A G E 0 1B2B (BUSINESS-TO-BUSINESS)This type of business provides goods or services to other businesses or organizations, not consumers. BRICK AND MORTAR BUSINESS A brick-and-mortar business refers to an organization that has a physical location that its customerscan go to, like a store or restaurant. The business could also have other locations which are not brickand mortar. CHAT AUTOMATION (AKA CHATBOT) Chat automation is a way to automate Facebook chat conversations. When a user initiates aconversation with your Facebook page, you can set up the chat automation to reply to them in aspecific way using the Messenger platform. Learn more: CLICK-TO-MESSENGER (C2M) ADS Click-to-messenger ads are a type of advertisement on Facebook that clicks on the ad will connectyou to Messenger, the social media network's messaging app. You can then chat with other people orbusinesses. COMMENT-TO-MESSENGER (C2M) AUTOMATION Comment-to-Messenger automation allows you to set up automatic message responses andcomment replies when visitors make a comment on a business page post. CONDITIONAL LOGIC Conditional logic is used when you're using automation in your marketing. It is used when an actiontakes place depending on the result of a certain condition. For example, if someone responds to yourad they are sent one email, but if they don't then they are sent another email. Think, if this is true,then that will happen. CONVERSATIONAL MARKETING Conversational marketing is a strategy that focuses on the customer and the interactions they havewith your company. It creates a dialogue in order to disrupt the traditional one-sided approach tomarketing and can be used in all areas of business ranging from advertising to service. With this typeof marketing, it's easy for customers to ask questions and for you to provide relevant answerswithout feeling pressured by any deadlines because there are no set end times or deadlines.
A g e n c y C h a t M a r k e t i n g S e r v i c e A u d i t P A G E 0 1CONVERSION Conversion is the process of bringing a lead to a final purchase or transaction. Conversion can also bereferred to as "closing." CRM (CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT) A CRM, or Customer Relationship Management software, is a system for managing an organization'sinteractions with its customers. CUSTOMER SERVICE Customer service is the act of providing customer care to improve satisfaction and maintain a healthyrelationship with customers. This includes answering questions about company products, services, orpolicies. DATA COLLECTION Data collection is the act of gathering data. For example, Facebook's data collection tells them whattheir user's favorite games are to boost engagement with their app. Data collection can also refer tocollecting valuable information used for re-marketing, like prospect name, email address, and phonenumber. ECOMMERCE BUSINESS An Ecommerce business is a company that sells products and services online. For example, aneCommerce business could sell its products on Amazon, Shopify, or its own website. FAQS (FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS)FAQs can be found on a website or in an app and provide answers to common questions.FAQs helpyou save time and effort because all of your most frequently asked questions are listed in one place.It also saves the customer from having to contact you with individual questions throughout thecourse of their experience with your company. INTEGRATION Integration is the process where two or more systems work together. So, for example, integrationmay occur between an analytics tracking system and a CRM. Integration can also happen in onlinemarketing when you’re using third-party platforms to help reach your goals.
A g e n c y C h a t M a r k e t i n g S e r v i c e A u d i t P A G E 0 1LEAD A lead is a potential customer. This person may be interested in your product, service, or offer andwill likely make a purchase from you soon. Also known as a prospect. LEAD CAPTURE Lead capture is the process of collecting contact information from website visitors. The lead capturepage often stands out visually compared to the rest of the site and contains contact form fields forname and email address. Lead capture is an important part of marketing because it provides you withfresh leads that are not yet tired of hearing about your business. LEAD MAGNET A lead magnet is anything given away for free in exchange for contact information. Lead magnets canbe things like eBooks, guides, templates, infographics, cheat sheets, discount codes, etc. Once youhave someone's email address it can be used to drive sales or continue the relationship withcommunications. LEAD NURTURING This is the process of building relationships with leads as they pass through the buying process. Thisis typically done by offering educational or promotional content to prospects that help them learnabout your industry and why they should buy from you. After seeing how much effort has been puttowards nurturing a relationship, customers are more likely to trust you and purchase from you. LEAD QUALIFICATION Lead qualification is the process of determining or evaluating whether a lead is qualified to use yourservices. The process usually involves testing the lead for basic understanding and interest in yourservices. ONBOARDING Onboarding is the process of early, preliminary contact with a customer. This can be done throughemail or a phone call. Onboarding is a great way to establish set expectations and make an initial planwith new customers by providing them with information about your company and how you will bestwork together. RE-MARKETING Re-marketing is the act of showing ads to people who have previously visited your website,messaged your page, subscribed to your email list, or interacted with your business on social media,in order to increase their chances of converting.
A g e n c y C h a t M a r k e t i n g S e r v i c e A u d i t P A G E 0 1SCALE The term "at scale" is used in the marketing industry to describe how many people are reached by anadvertisement or campaign. The more people who see your advertisement, the greater the chance ofgenerating a response. SEGMENTATION Segmentation is one way to get more personal with your marketing by targeting specific customers.This can be done using parameters like location, age, gender or general interests. For example, anairline might want to only show their ads to females who live in a certain area between the ages of 18and 45. SEQUENCES A string of conversation blocks that makes up the core of chat automation.