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Charity Celebration Booklet 1.25

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Messagerie Charity CelebrationFOUNDATION OF HOPE Inspire. Give. Hope.• Saturday, January 25th, 2025 • Welcome to our Charity Celebration 2025!With hearts full of gratitude, we warmly welcome you to thisspecial evening of generosity, compassion, and celebration.Tonight, we gather not only to honor the incredible work of ourorganization but to recognize the unwavering support of eachand every one of you who make our mission possible and thiscommunity a better place.We extend our deepest thanks to our dedicated partners,sponsors, and volunteers whose kindness and commitment upliftthe lives of so many. I thank God, whose guidance and grace allow us to touch thelives of so many.With heartfelt appreciation,Rebecca Prosper Chairwoman Foundation of

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Foundation of HopeFounder & Chairwoman Rebecca ProsperFounder and Chairwoman of the Foundation of Hope, a publishedauthor, Rebecca Prosper is a passionate advocate for social justice andcommunity empowerment. She has dedicated her life to helping thosein need, leveraging her extensive experience in communitydevelopment. Having served with the Norwalk Police Department andthe Westport Police Department through various initiatives such as theBureau of Justice's Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation programs, shehas been instrumental in fostering community-building initiatives andstrengthening local neighborhoods.For over 15 years, under her visionary leadership, the Foundation ofHope has operated as a volunteer-based nonprofit organizationdedicated to addressing critical social issues. Its mission encompassesa broad spectrum of initiatives, including medical assistance, andhumanitarian aid, with a special focus on children and education. TheFoundation actively collaborates with other charitable organizationsto raise local awareness and advocate for positive change.The Foundation of Hope has partnerships with many organizations,including local shelters to provide meals and support to the homeless,embodying her commitment to serving the most vulnerable members ofsociety.Central to its efforts are free educational programs, after-schoolinitiatives, and ESL programs that empower families and promotelearning opportunities in underserved communities. Through herunwavering dedication, Rebecca continues to inspire hope and drivemeaningful change, ensuring that families in our communities receivethe support and resources they deserve.

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Rebecca ProsperFoundation of HopeFounder & Chairwoman

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BECOME A SPONSOR TODAY!• Six (6) tickets to the Gala• Half-page ad in the event program• Recognition and logo placement on eventmaterialsHOPE SPONSOR $700GOLD SPONSOR $1000• Eight (8) tickets to the Gala• 1 page ad in the event program• Recognition and logo placement on event materials• Twelve (12) tickets to the Gala• 2 page ad in the event program• Backdrop with your company logo for photos• Headlining sponsorship recognition and• logo placement on event materials and signageInspire. Give. Hope.Individual tickets can be purchaseddirectly or donated for $200.To make a separate donation, please visitour website SPONSOR $500FOUNDATION OF HOPE

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FUTURE INITIATIVES:Youth Enrichment Programs: Science,Technology, Arts, Engineering & Math(S.T.E.A.M)GED Preparation & TestingEnglish As a Second LanguageComputer Literacy (Excel, Word, PowerPoint)Job Training ReferralsSocial Service ReferralsCombating Homelessness InitiativesSingle Parent Initiatives Community Health InitiativesFinancial Literacy WorkshopsWellness WorkshopsConnecticut Job CreationCURRENT INITIATIVES:FOUNDATION OF HOPE To make a separate donation, please visit our website Give. Hope.

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FOUNDATION OF HOPE To make a separate donation, please visit our website: Give. Hope.For the past 15 years, the foundation has been a dedicated, volunteer-based non-profit organization committed to making a lasting impact inour communities. Our mission is to collaborate with charitable organizations to raise localawareness of social issues, ecological justice, disaster relief, medicalassistance, and humanitarian aid, with a particular focus on supportingstudents and education. We believe in the power of partnership and community engagement.Over the last 15 years, we have worked tirelessly to provide meals for thehomeless through our collaborations with local shelters . Beyond immediate relief efforts, we are committed to long-termsolutions that uplift families, offering free educational programs, after-school support, and ESL classes to empower individuals with knowledgeand opportunities. We are more than just an organization—we are a movement for positivechange. We campaign passionately for families, advocating forresources and support systems that create stronger, healthier, and moreresilient communities. With a foundation built on compassion, service, and action, we remainsteadfast in our commitment to transforming lives and fostering hopefor a better future.

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Inspire. Give. Hope.FOUNDATION OF HOPE HonoreesOrder of Events Musical Selection.............................................................Ronald Derise CAYLCOpening................................................................................Wayne Winston Activist, radio Host, Foundation of Hope Vice ChairVideo Gabor Papp Foundation of Hope VolunteerRemarks...............................................................................Dr. Aseba Green Foundation of Hope VolunteerAwards CeremonyRemarks..............................................................................Malaiya Prosper Foundation of Hope VolunteerRemarks................................................................................Angelle Derise Foundation of Hope VolunteerClosing Remarks..............................Pastor David Eric WashingtonMusical Selection.............................................................Ronald Derise

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Senator Richard Blumenthal has served as a Connecticut State Senatorsince 2011 and is currently in his third term. Previously, he served fiveterms as Connecticut’s Attorney General from 1991 to 2011, fighting forconsumer protection, environmental stewardship, labor rights, andpersonal privacy and helping to reshape the role of state attorneys generalnationwide. His aggressive law enforcement hundreds of millions ofdollars for Connecticut taxpayers and consumers each year. He was a keyplayer in the national fight against Big Tobacco, where he helped enddeceptive marketing aimed at children and helped lead efforts on bettersocial media safeguards for children from internet predators. Notably, he argued successfully before the U.S. Supreme Court to upholdthe Connecticut sex offender registry and fought and sued the federalgovernment for failing to follow or enforce environmental laws and energystatues.In the Senate, Senator Blumenthal has built on his longtime advocacy forconsumers by holding companies accountable for the safety of theirproducts. He has pushed GM to fix its cars’ fatal defects, fought to keepdangerous nicotine products out of the hands of children, and worked tomake communities safe from hazardous chemicals. As chair of the Commerce Consumer Protection subcommittee, he ledhearings and legislation to hold tech platforms like Facebook, Google,Twitter, and TikTok accountable for privacy failings, toxic and illegalcontent, and other serious harms. Working with Connecticut’s Congressional Delegation, he has securedbillions of dollars of federal funding to improve rail safety, promotedclimate resiliency, and protected Long Island Sound and Connecticut’srivers and streams.Outstanding Congressional Leader Inspiring Hope AwardSenator Richard Blumenthal

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Outstanding Congressional Leader Inspiring Hope AwardSenator Richard Blumenthal

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Careen G. Derise is the President for the Connecticut Association ofYouth Leaders for Christ (CAYLC), a multicultural, non-denominationalministry with the mission to inspire, equip and empower this generationand spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. CAYLC is dedicated to encouraging the youth to spread the Gospel ofJesus Christ through dynamic crusades and community activities thatwill promote growth and wellness. The organization is a multiculturalgroup of youth leaders united in a love of the gospel and its message ofhope, joy, unity and justice, with a focus in promoting evangelism of theGospel of Jesus Christ through the empowerment and fellowship of youthministries. The CAYLC is committed to faith-building through prayer calls, worshipexperiences and crusades, and work to increase youth involvement andparticipation through faith-building activities and crusade services.Through Zamar, CAYLC Mass Choir and Dance Like David, the youth aretrained to serve in ministry. Workshop presentations and leadership seminars to further developministry tools and strategies in youth ministry. In their purpose andvision, the organization prays for revival and seeks to increase in youthengagement in ministry. The CAYLC prays for increase of testimonies,for miracles, signs and wonders and advocates for growth in churchmusic ministries. The core of the ideology to strengthen families and contribute to a youthnetwork for school, career and relationship. The CAYLC encourages thecommunity to join the movement for revival, and to be inspired, equippedand empowered.Outstanding Distinguished Educator AwardCareen G. Derise

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Outstanding Distinguished Educator AwardCareen G. Derise

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Organizational Defense Leader, United States MilitaryDr. Aseba Green is a dedicated community advocate, veteran, and volunteer,celebrated for her commitment to service. With 20 years in the Army, includingtwo deployments to Iraq, she brings resilience and adaptability to every endeavor.Awarded the Presidential Volunteer Award by President Obama, Dr. Green’scommunity work reflects her belief that true success lies in lifelong learning andimpactful contributions.An active member of the Top Ladies of Distinction, Dale City-Prince WilliamCounty chapter, she serves as Senior POC for the Top Teens and Ways and MeansCommittee Chair, guided by a goal to “make a difference a little at a time.” Herrecent volunteer work includes raising awareness for Sickle Cell Disease,Alzheimer’s, elder care support, and youth empowerment.Professionally, Dr. Green is a course director and instructor at the Army ForceManagement School. Her academic achievements include a Bachelor of Science inLiberal Studies, a Masters of Science in Management, a Doctorate in BusinessAdministration, a Masters in Professional Studies in Industrial and OrganizationalPsychology, and a Master Certificate in Agile Methods, showcasing hercommitment to excellence. She has shared her insights in publications such as*The Importance of Mentorship in the Workplace* and frequently speaks onempowering women in the workplace, with engagements like *EmpoweringWomen to Break the Glass Ceiling* at Trinity Washington University.Not a stranger to adversity, she realized through her journey that you do not haveto have a specific path to be successful. Success is defined through life-longlearning and contributions to society. Currently, Dr. Green is co-authoring thesecond book in a trilogy with her business partner and is working on another bookon servant leadership. She aspires to establish a nonprofit organization to supportwomen and veteran entrepreneurs. Outside of her professional and volunteercommitments, she enjoys reading, writing, star-gazing, and spending time withfriends and family.Outstanding Military Service AwardDr. Aseba Green

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Outstanding Military Service AwardDr. Aseba Green

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As the President and founder of Each One Build One Foundation, Inc., Juliette A.Labeach-Kirby stands as an inspirational figurehead for the power of oneindividual's unwavering commitment to making the world a better place. Her remarkable journey, from her Jamaican roots to her impressive career inhealthcare, entrepreneurship, and philanthropy, is a testament to herindomitable spirit and passion for creating positive change in the lives of others.In 1995, Juliette's journey in service and leadership began as the Program Directorfor Citywide Dental Services. Here, her passion for healthcare and communitywelfare took root, driving her relentless dedication to making quality dental careaccessible to all, especially the marginalized. In 2006, Juliette ventured into entrepreneurship, navigating the world of businesswith the same vigor and tenacity that characterizes her work in social services.She founded Kirby's Delivery, LLC., exemplifying her entrepreneurial spirit andcommitment to growth and development. In 2007, she opened and assumed the role of CEO at Mainstream Tires & CarDetailing, LLC., proving her ability to drive innovation and success in competitive markets.Juliette's love and dedication to foster care are unparalleled, having not onlyadopted 8 children but also fostered over 70 more, alongside raising her twobiological sons. Beyond her dedication to children, Juliette also extends hernurturing care to displaced women in need. Her work in providing support and resources to these women is a testament to herbelief in the importance of empowering and uplifting those who have facedadversity. Juliette’s legacy resonates with compassion, dedication, and thesteadfast belief that, together, we can truly build a better world for everyone.Outstanding Humanitarian Youth Crisis AwardJuliette Labeach-Kirby

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Outstanding Humanitarian Youth Crisis AwardJuliette Labeach-Kirby

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Camelia Lawrence, MD, FACS, is a board-certified surgeon specializing in benignand malignant breast disease. She has fellowship training in advanced breastcancer surgery, including skin- and nipple-sparing mastectomy, sentinel nodebiopsy and oncoplastic techniques. She earned her bachelor’s degree from Fordham University and her medical degreefrom the University of Rochester School of Medicine. She completed her residencyat New York Medical College and then entered her fellowship training in breastsurgical oncology at the John Wayne Cancer Institute in Santa Monica, CA. She currently serves as director of breast surgery with Hartford Healthcare for theHospital of Central Connecticut and Midstate Medical Center, responsible forhelping to further develop their breast program. She serves as assistant professor of surgery at the University of ConnecticutSchool of Medicine, where she works with medical students and surgical residents,nurturing her personal interest in teaching the future generation. She holdsmembership in the American College of Surgeons, the New England SurgicalSociety, the Society of Black Academic Surgeons, and the American Society ofBreast Surgeons. Dr. Lawrence co-authored a book chapter entitled “Benign BreastDiseases,” published in Berek and Novak’s Gynecology, 2012. She has served as a peer-reviewer for journals, and her scholarly activities haveyielded abstracts, poster presentations and papers. Her research interests span awide array of topics related to breast health, including findings related to healthdisparities in breast cancer. Additionally, she has traveled to South Africa as a surgeon delegate from theUnited States for the Annual AORTIC conference on “Cancer in Africa: BridgingScience and Humanity.” In 2023, she co-authored two books, “Flat and Happy” and“The Mastectomy Planner” with Katrin Van Dam. Commitment to public service has earned Dr. Lawrence received numerousawards, including the 2020 Denise Taft Davidoff Empowerment Award for Mid-Fairfield County Dress for Success, the Dr. Kenneth Woodard Memorial Award,Rush-Henrietta Rotary Club’s Dr. Edwin Robinson Humanitarian Award and theCarrie-Ann Smith Award.Outstanding Healthcare Leadership AwardDr. Camelia Lawrence

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Outstanding Healthcare Leadership AwardDr. Camelia Lawrence

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In 2015, the Urban League of Southern Connecticut chose her toreceive the Woman of Power Award during its Women’s Empowerment Summit. She also was awarded the 2017 Doctor of Distinction Award for Fairfield County,the American Cancer Society Award for Women Leading the Way to Wellness andthe Susan G. Komen Inaugural More Than Pink Honor for her commitment tobreast cancer care. More recently, she received the 100 Women of Color Award in Hartford and theSouthern Connecticut Black Chamber of Commerce Business Woman of the YearAward. She is the physician recipient of the Hartford Business JournalConnecticut’s Health Care Heroes Award 2021. In 2023, Dr. Lawrence received the Distinguished Heritage Award from theConsulate General of Jamaica,New York for her unparalleled dedication in making significant contributions toher community here in the US and her country of origin. She advocates forwomen’s health, especially breast cancer care, in public speaking engagements,TV interviews, articles and presentations. Dr. Lawrence volunteers her time and knowledge to support numerousorganizations throughout CT, including the Board of Directors for the Women’sMedical Association of Fairfield County, the Community Foundation of GreaterNew Britain, the Jamaican American Connection and serves as a medical advisorto the CT DPH Breast and Cervical Cancer Board. She is the former Vice President of Susan G. Komen New England. In January 2023,she was elected President of Fairfield County Medical Association –the first black woman to hold the title in the organization’s 231-year history. Most recently, Dr. Lawrence was named the 76 th Barnum Festival Ringmaster for2024, making her the second woman and first Black woman, in the 75-year historyof the festival. She is also the first physician and mother to be named ringmaster. She is themother of two beautiful children, Ashleyand Nathan.Outstanding Healthcare Leadership AwardDr. Camelia Lawrence

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Outstanding Healthcare Leadership AwardDr. Camelia Lawrence

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Dr. Carmela M. Levy-David, an award-winning educational leader, was namedSuperintendent of Bridgeport Public Schools, Connecticut's largest and mostdiverse school district in August of 2023. She is recognized as a dynamic, innovative, and transformative educator withmore than 27 years in public education. Dr. Levy-David has a proven trackrecord of community engagement and building bridges in support of studentsuccess and academic achievement. She began her career as a classroomteacher and counselor, before serving as a vice principal, principal and thencentral office administrator. Dr. Levy-David earned a bachelor’s degree in history from TexasA&M, a master’s degree in counseling from Prairie View A&M, a master’sdegree in education from University of Phoenix, her superintendent’scertification from the University of Texas at Arlington, and a doctorate ofeducation in organizational leadership from Abilene Christian University.While grounded in her Panamanian roots, Dr. Levy-David is inspired daily byher family and the gift of empowering fellow educators. She attributes herpassion and focus from her immigrant background and her inspiration toremove barriers and develop innovative and sustainable pathways to successfor all students. Dr. Levy-David defines success as nurturing teacher growthand staff development, honoring student voice, creating opportunities for all,and supporting parents as partners in their children’s education. As an English-Language Learner herself, Dr. Levy-David understands theimportance of supporting all learners, regardless of their background, so theycan have access to the tools and resources they need to be successful andfulfill their dreams. She is proud to continue her leadership journey with thegoal of working together to transform and change lives in one generation!Outstanding Educational Leader AwardCarmela M. Levy-David

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Outstanding Educational Leader AwardCarmela M. Levy-David

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Visionary Entrepreneur, Global Advocate, and Founder of LikobaAgathe Likoba is an award-winning entrepreneur, global advocate, and changemaker whoseinfluence spans fashion, business, and community service. Born in Cameroon, raised in France,and thriving in the United States, Agathe’s multicultural heritage and dynamic vision havepropelled her to the forefront of innovation and leadership. Fluent in English, French, Italian, andBassaa, she proudly refers to herself as "the United Nations," representing three continents andserving as a global ambassador for resilience, creativity, and purpose. As the founder and CEO ofLikoba LLC, Agathe has revolutionized the fashion industry with her high-end luxury brand.Specializing in custom jumpsuits, Likoba stands out as the only jumpsuit-exclusive boutique on theEast Coast, drawing clients from across the nation to its elegant Connecticut location. Agathe’sdesigns have graced Hollywood’s elite, with her bespoke creations showcased at the Oscars andother prestigious events. In addition to its renowned jumpsuits, Likoba offers a cosmetics line,fitness wear, designer sunglasses, and men’s accessories, creating a comprehensive lifestyleexperience. The brand’s global acclaim includes its Times Square cosmetics campaign andAgathe’s personal recognition on a Times Square billboard during Women’s History Month,celebrating her entrepreneurial achievements. Agathe’s visionary work has earned her the titlesof Couture Designer of the Year in 2016 and 2019 for her Renaissance and Parisienne jumpsuitcollections.As President of the Greenwich Rotary Club, Agathe has revitalized the organization, leadingefforts to rebrand and attract younger members to sustain its legacy of service. Under herleadership, the club has become more active and visible in the community, initiating impactfulprojects and fostering a spirit of innovation. Recently, the club made a $10,000 donation toHeartcare International, demonstrating its commitment to global health and service.Agathe’s leadership extends to transformative projects such as the Flags for Veterans Project,partnerships with Abilis and Kids in Crisis, and monthly service initiatives. Her dedication hasearned her the distinguished Paul Harris Fellow award, a testament to her commitment to“Service Above Self.” With 11 years of Manhattan commercial real estate experience, Agathespecializes in assisting international companies in establishing subsidiaries in the United States.A member of the Real Estate Board of New York and the Luxury Marketing Council, she is atrusted advisor to global corporations. Through her consulting firm, Agathe Consulting, shecoaches clients in time management, brand building, and public image development, empoweringthem to excel.Agathe is a sought-after motivational speaker, inspiring audiences at schools and universitiesacross Connecticut and beyond. She mentors women in business and youth across the UnitedStates, Africa, Europe, and China, fostering a new generation of leaders. Her dedication tomentorship also includes her work with Junior Achievement, empowering young people to dreamboldly and achieve their ambitions. Agathe’s journey from Cameroon to France and the UnitedStates exemplifies resilience, creativity, and a relentless drive to make a difference. Whethershe’s dressing Hollywood stars, leading community initiatives, or inspiring future leaders, Agathecontinues to redefine success and purpose. As a devoted mother, she supports her daughterAngélique’s aspirations to become a Judge and eventually the President of the United States,passing on a legacy of ambition, service, and empowerment. Agathe Likoba is not just a leader; sheis a movement. Through her brand, Likoba, her global advocacy, and her transformativeleadership, she inspires others to embrace innovation, service, and excellence. Likoba:Empowering Luxury, inspiring lives. Building a legacy with compassion!Outstanding Humanitarian Service AwardAgathe Likoba

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Outstanding Humanitarian Service AwardAgathe Likoba

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Outstanding Humanitarian Service AwardHailey E. PedicanoAssociate Law Clerk at Cuddy & Feder LLP and a cum laude graduateof the Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University, Hailey E.Pedicano brings a breadth of legal experience gained throughclerkships and internships across both public and private sectors.Her practice focuses on zoning, real estate, and cannabis law, areaswhere her expertise will enhances the firm’s ability to meet diverseclient needs.Her professional journey reflects her commitment to environmentaladvocacy and social responsibility. During her time at law school, sheserved as a student attorney with the Pace Environmental LitigationClinic, where she gained invaluable experience in environmental lawand litigation. She also contributed her insights on sustainablepractices as a co-author for the American Bar Association’s Sectionof Environment, Energy, and Resources.Outside of her legal work, Hailey has demonstrated a steadfastdedication to community service, volunteering her time for variousenvironmental, legal, and humanitarian causes. Her commitment togiving back has been exemplified through roles with organizationssuch as the American Cancer Society, where she recentlyparticipated as a fundraiser and runner in the 2024 New York CityMarathon, and Meals on Main Street, where she volunteered as afood server.

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Outstanding Community Service AwardHaliey E. Pedicano

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Frank Recchia is an Emmy-nominated and Edward R.Murrow Award-Winning TV and lead reporter forNews 12 Connecticut and has been honored by twositting Connecticut governors for doing stories thathelp marginalized people & communities. In addition to his professional accomplishments, hehas continuously given back to communities inConnecticut. In 2019, he hosted the annual Gala forthe Building Hope Foundation, which helps peoplewith autism through music therapy, among otherservices. In 2020, Recchia was presented with theExtraordinary Caregiver’s Award by the Alzheimer’sAssociation after caring for his 84-year-old mother,who had the disease. Most recently, in July 2024,Monitor My Health, a Bridgeport nonprofit thatpromotes healthy eating and diabetes preventionawareness, honored Recchia with the MLK Award forExcellence in Community Service.Media Excellence AwardFrank Recchia

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Outstanding Media Excellence AwardFrank Recchia

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Harry W. Rilling has served as the 40th Mayor of Norwalk since 2013. Born andraised in Norwalk, Mayor Rilling graduated from Norwalk High School in 1965 andenlisted in the United States Navy in 1967. During his military service, he servedas a communications specialist with a Top Secret Special Category SecurityClearance, was assigned as communication supervisor at the headquarters of theCommander-in-Chief of the Atlantic Fleet and was honorably discharged with therank of E-5 in 1971. In September of 1971, he joined the Norwalk Police Departmentwhere he began his career as a patrolman. He was promoted to the rank ofDetective in 1976, the rank of Sergeant in 1980, the rank of Lieutanant in 1983, andbecame Deputy Chief of the Norwalk Police Department. In May 1995, Mayor Rilling received his promotion to the rank of Chief of Police,where he served under three different mayors. Following his retirement in 2012,Mayor Rilling was appointed to the Norwalk Zoning Commission, where he serveduntil his election as Mayor. In addition to his considerable duties as Chief, he hasbeen an educator in police related fields of study, as well as served on numerousboards and commissions locally and throughout the nation during his career inlaw enforcement. From 1996 to 2004, he was an Adjunct Professor of CriminalJustice at Norwalk Community College. Shortly after September 11, 2001, Harry was selected teach a course developed byMichigan State University and the Department of Homeland Security titled"Leading From the Front - Weapons of Mass Destruction Awareness for LawEnforcement Executives." For three years he taught this course in various citiesaround the country. Harry, in the past, led of both the Fairfield County Chiefs ofPolice Association (FCCP) and Connecticut Police Chiefs Association (CPCA) andwas chosen by the CPCA to be Connecticut's representative to the InternationalAssociation of Chiefs of Police (IACP). He is a Life member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police and aBoard member of the National Committee on Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs acommittee of the Drug Enforcement Administration. Mayor Rilling was elected toserve as Police Union President in 1976.Outstanding Political Leadership AwardHarry Rilling

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Outstanding Political Leadership AwardHarry Rilling

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Outstanding Ministry Leader AwardPastor David Eric WashingtonPastor David Eric Washington serving as the Pastor of Word of Faith Churchof God in Christ; the result of a merger in 2014 between Little Zion Church ofGod in Christ, Inc. (founded in 1936) and Greater Agape Christian Fellowship(founded in 1989). Pastor David Eric Washington is also the Interim Pastor ofthe Saint James Missionary Baptist Church, Norwalk, Connecticut sinceFebruary 2023. Serving in the capacity of a Missionary, Pastor Washington has made morethan fifteen trips to the island of Jamaica and more than ten trips to theisland of Grenada. As a result of his foreign missions experience, he wasappointed as a Director of Missions for Grenada in the Church of God inChrist. As an Evangelist, he has preached several revivals across thecontinent of the U.S., with multiple visits to North Dakota, Virginia,Mississippi, Louisiana and New York.For several years, Pastor Washington served as an Organist in the MusicMinistry Department for New Light MBC (Norwalk), Mount Zion MBC(Norwalk), Union Baptist Church (Stamford), Faith Tabernacle MBC(Stamford), and Rehoboth COGIC (Bridgeport). He was the organizer of “The Shepherds Corner”, a program that fed over 125people daily at Little Zion Church of God in Christ, Inc and was a liaison toformer Stamford mayor Dannel Malloy on Homelessness. Pastor Washingtonhas served as a board member for multiple committees that empower theyouth and community and is a licensed insurance agent.His favorite scripture is Phil. 4:13, “I Can Do All Things Through Christ WhichStrengthens Me.”

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Outstanding Ministry Leader AwardPastor David Eric Washington

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Outstanding Entrepreneur Achievement AwardMichael WhiteSmall business entrepreneur who migrated to the USA at the age of 14. He startedoff working for others, but quickly realized that he could not work for anyone otherthan himself. He had a vision for himself and knew that he could make strides inthe business industry with determination and hard work. His passion forentrepreneurship is far bigger than his fear of failing. He has owned and managed multiple businesses for over 30 years. Currently he hastwo businesses, Brick & Barrel and Bank Sports Bar, located in downtownBridgeport, CT. Both businesses are located in close proximity to each other, whichmakes managing them more conducive to Michael’s lifestyle and visionary outlook.After all, he is a very hands-on person, which means he is very present and activein the day-to-day operations of both businesses. He is fully attentive to his customers and employees, a fact that all that know himcan attest to this. In addition to being a creative businessman, he has helped andmentored others to do the same. His leadership skills and generosity have helped tomake him the successful man he is today. Michael does not have a conventionaleducational background. Instead, he is self taught and uses the skills he hasacquired along the way to pave his way through a life of success. His first business was established in 1990. That has been the stepping stone to hisvast achievements. When Michael is resting from managing his businesses inConnecticut, he travels to Georgia looking for more endeavors. He is alwaysworking on expanding his entrepreneurial journey. He is currently adding anotherbusiness, Connecticut Pizza & Pasta, where he plans on bringing his Connecticutrecipes to Georgia. Another project he has in the works is franchising hisbourbon bistro, Brick & Barrel. With his continued passion forbeing a restaurateur, he is excited to embrace new challengesand contribute to the world as an entrepreneur. He remainscommitted to his craft and strives to make a positive impactthrough his work.

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Outstanding Entrepreneur Achievement AwardMichael White

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Outstanding Health Excellence Award Dr. Jonathan KonecnyDr. Jonathan Konecny has been a dedicated chiropractor atKonecny Chiropractic Centers, LLC in Bridgeport, CT for over 40years. With a passion for helping patients achieve optimal health andwellness, Dr. Konecny specializes in treating a range ofconditions, including neck and back pain, headaches,migraines, carpal tunnel, sciatica, and more.At Konecny Chiropractic Centers, Dr. Konecny and his teamstay at the forefront of the latest chiropractic tools andtreatments, ensuring personalized and effective care for everypatient. Their mission is to provide a friendly, professional, andsupportive environment where patients feel empowered in theirhealth journey.Backed by a knowledgeable and compassionate staff, Dr.Konecny is committed to guiding patients through theirtreatment options, answering questions, and addressingconcerns to create a truly exceptional chiropractic experience.Whether you're dealing with chronic pain or looking forpreventative care, Dr. Konecny is here to help you move towarda healthier, pain-free life.Contact Konecny Chiropractic Centers today to take the firststep toward better health!

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Outstanding Health Excellence AwardDr. Jonathan Konecny

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Charity Celebration FundraiserFOUNDATION OF HOPE AcknowledgementsInspire. Give. Hope.We want to thank our family, friends and especially you for generouslysupporting the foundation. We are blessed by your patronage andassistance with our initiatives. Thank you!Considerable DonationsAndre WoodsonAnna MisztelaAnne Spurzem Ashley HamannBesa HoxaholliCamelia LawrenceCarmel BellCecelia AbediCenter for Vein RestorationChristian DiazChristina Marie KwartengClothes To Kids of Fairfield County, IncDana DrobenakDanielle PeruginiDanny DacruzDavid DeBaiseEdith BoyleElaine RubinsonGabor PappGilda BonannoGretchen PeacockHailey PedicanoHelp for Kids Jessica XuJewel ByrdJohn CallahanJonathan KonecnyJulie SorensonLIKOBA LLCMarie DerogeneMiguel PinaMike LoriMobile Registration ServicesMoney Matters 101, Inc.Opal HarmonParker Transportation, LLCRay Mrozinski Renee ProsperRoman Trisolini Ronald DeriseTreacy RiiskaValerie Brutus LucentiVincent A MelissanoProgram CommitteeCecelia AbediYelva DariusDeidra Davis Angielle DeriseBrian DunnBesa Hoxaholli Phebe Rene David Eric WashingtonWayne WinstonRonald Derise Jessica Xu

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Charity Celebration FundraiserFOUNDATION OF HOPE AcknowledgementsInspire. Give. Hope.We want to thank our family, friends and especially you for generouslysupporting the foundation. We are blessed by your patronage andassistance with our initiatives. Thank you!

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Charity Celebration FundraiserFOUNDATION OF HOPE AcknowledgementsInspire. Give. Hope.We want to thank our family, friends and especially you for generouslysupporting the foundation. We are blessed by your patronage andassistance with our initiatives. Thank you!

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Dedicated entrepreneur and community activist with over 25 years of experience inbusiness management, marketing, and public service. As a campaign strategist forRob Hoteling’s 2022 gubernatorial run under the Independent Party, Wayne hasplayed a pivotal role in shaping Connecticut's political landscape. His influenceextends nationally as a board member for the Harriet Tubman Learning Center inPowder Springs, GA, and locally as a board member for the Ruby & Calvin FletcherBlack History Museum in Stratford, CT – New England’s only Black historymuseum. Wayne's commitment to community engagement is reflected in his mediapresence. He co-produces the Sweetheart of the Week TV show, contributesregularly to News 12 Connecticut, and co-hosts A Different Perspective on WICC600 AM. His leadership extends to managing and owning the Faces of Beauty ModelTeam and serving as Vice President of Operations for Jobs Build America. Waynehas also been a key consultant for Click N Kids, supporting the Magic JohnsonFoundation's educational initiatives in New England. A recognized advocate forunderserved communities, Wayne received the inaugural "Wayne Winston Award"from the Needs Clearing House of Greenwich, CT, in honor of his exemplaryservice. His political consultancy has supported prominent figures, including U.S.Congressman Jim Himes, U.S. Senators Richard Blumenthal and Chris Murphy,and former Connecticut Governor Dan Malloy. Wayne notably served as Directorof Bridgeport operations and Fairfield County Co-Director for the historic Obamafor President Campaign in 2008. Wayne’s influence spans beyond politics. As aformer Connecticut Director for Jim Brown's Amer-I-Can program and organizerfor Rev. Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow PUSH Black Wall Street Project, he championsyouth empowerment and economic development. His founding of National BuyBlack Day in 2007 gained national attention from CNN, BET, MSNBC, and localmedia, advocating for the support and growth of Black-owned businesses. Hisextensive background includes leadership roles in the NAACP, co-ownership ofWSPN Urban Radio Station, and contributions as Assistant Editor for IN TOUCHurban newspaper. A graduate of the Connecticut School of Broadcasting, Wayneremains deeply rooted in his hometown of Bridgeport, CT, driven by his passion foruplifting the community and creating lasting, positive change.Board of Directors - Vice ChairWayne Winston

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Board of Directors - Vice ChairWayne Winston

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Executive Physician Liaison | Medical Sales Leader | Real Estate ExpertCecelia Abedi is an accomplished Executive Physician Liaison at the Centerfor Vein Restoration, where she excels in building strong relationshipsbetween healthcare providers and patients across Fairfield County andWestchester County. Her strategic efforts have significantly driven patientflow into the Norwalk, Stamford, and Scarsdale clinics, ensuring that moreindividuals have access to high-quality care. Cecelia's outstandingcontributions were recently recognized with the Top Performer of Q3 2024award for exceeding sales targets and maximizing her compensation plan,solidifying her as a top performer in her field.In addition to her work in healthcare, Cecelia is a respected real estateagent with Higgins Group Real Estate in Fairfield, known as an area expert.Her work has been featured in Vanity Fair Magazine and Top AgentMagazine, further establishing her as a trusted professional in the realestate industry. Outside of her career, Cecelia is an active volunteer,dedicating her time and expertise to various causes that align with herpersonal values and helping to create meaningful change in hercommunity.Cecelia’s passions extend to travel, tennis, culture, and science, as well asher love for her two French Bulldogs, Oscar, and Zoey. When she's notworking or volunteering, you can find her exploring new destinations,staying up to date with scientific developments, or enjoying quality timewith her dogs. Cecelia’s diverse accomplishments, combined with hercommitment to service, excellence, and continuous personal growth, makeher a standout leader in every endeavor she pursues.Honored AttendeeCecelia Abedi

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Honored AttendeeCecelia Abedi

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The Center for Vein Restoration (CVR) in Stamford,Connecticut, offers comprehensive care for vein diseases,including varicose veins, spider veins, and chronic venousinsufficiency. Led by board-certified physician Dr. MarkEdelman, a distinguished interventional radiologist withtraining from Johns Hopkins Medical Center, the Stamfordteam brings decades of expertise to diagnosing and treatingvascular conditions. Dr. Edelman and the CVR team prioritize patient comfort andunderstanding, combining advanced techniques withcompassionate care. In addition to the Stamford clinic, Dr.Edelman and team also run a practice in Norwalk. CVR islocated throughout other areas of Connecticut with 115 clinicsnationwide.Conveniently located near vibrant attractions such as CoveIsland Park, the Stamford Museum & Nature Center, and theBartlett Arboretum, CVR's Stamford clinic is easily accessiblefor patients. Whether experiencing leg pain, swelling, varicose veins, orother symptoms of venous disease, patients can rely on CVR forinnovative treatment options and personalized care. Call 240-881-0478 to book an appointment and start your journey towardhealthier veins. Honored AttendeeDr. Mark Edelman

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Honored AttendeeDr. Mark Edelman

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Honored Attendee Mildre GonzalezCancerCares

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Foundation of Hope Ambassador Dana DrobenakFaces of Beauty Agency by Wayne Winston

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Foundation of Hope Ambassador Cherelle GulleyFaces of Beauty Agency by Wayne Winston

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Honored Attendee Deidra Davis

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Honored AttendeeRenee Prosper

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Inspire. Give. Hope.Charity CelebrationFOUNDATION OF HOPE