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Change Measurement Project Task List

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Change Measurement Project Task ListWhat is the change measurement work?Because measuring change is still newly practiced, it can be mysterious to know what the actual work is.This can be especially unclear to those you’re working with if your work is part of a team project. This tasklist is meant to help you see what the typical tasks are and are presented in a way so that you can integratethem into your project management method, tracking software and other tools.Use this as a guide. In other words, you may decide that some of these tasks aren’t necessary for yourproject. You may decide to add new tasks that are relevant. The dependencies and level of effort areprovided to help you decide the duration for each task but you may have special circumstances that meanthe level of effort is much bigger or smaller than what’s indicated here.Our goal in providing this is to give you a starting point so you can decide what’s right for your changeinitiative and measurement approach. You’ll also see that each section of the task list corresponds to thelessons in the Change Measurement Plan course which means you’ll find more guidance in those lessons tohelp you decide.1 © 2021 The Change Decision

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Project Task ListGATHER INFORMATION [Lesson 2]TaskDependenciesLevel of EffortNotes1Identify the people-related goalsof the changeBusiness Case orImpactAssessmentMedium-HighThis could take awhile dependingon how clear thegoals are and thecomfort level withwhateverambiguity exists.2Identify the stakeholders involvedin the changeStakeholderAnalysisMedium3Identify the stakeholders who aremost critical to achieve the goalsStakeholderAnalysisMedium4Identify the expectations forreporting from leadershipExecutiveSponsors andProject LeadersMediumDRAFT THE CHANGE MEASUREMENT PLAN [Lesson 3]TaskDependenciesLevel of EffortNotes5Develop the metrics that will bemost valuable to monitor2, 3HighThis often takes asignificant amountof time becauseothers areinvolved inbrainstorming thepossibilities andthen narrowingdown to the mostvaluable set.6Decide how data will be collected2, 3Medium-HighThis could take awhile to determinewhen thecompany’straditional ways ofcollecting data areinadequate.2 © 2021 The Change Decision

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7Decide how data will be analyzed,how often and at what level ofdetail1, 4Medium8Decide how the data will bereported out and for whatpurpose4MediumFINALIZE THE PLAN [Lesson 4]TaskDependenciesLevel of EffortNotes9Identify who to get input from onthe draft plan among leadership4, 8Low10Present the draft to leadership togather reactions9Medium-HighThis could take awhile to completedepending on thenumber of leadersyou need to meetwith and theiravailability.11Finalize the plan based onleadership input10MediumSET UP TO EXECUTE THE PLAN [Lesson 5]TaskDependenciesLevel of EffortNotes12Create the data collection tools6High13Create the relevant tools, e.g.,surveys, focus groupquestionnaire scripts, 1:1interview questionnairescripts6High14Create the survey distributionlist, focus group list, 1:1interviewee list2, 3Medium15Obtain agreements fromreport owners to receiveaccess to the existing companymetrics11Medium-HighThis could take awhile dependingon how difficult itwill be to get3 © 2021 The Change Decision

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access permission;you may need torequest leadershipsupport.16Create reporting tools8High17Develop reports, dashboards,etc.8High18[If integrating data intoexisting reports]: Obtainagreement with existingreport/dashboard owners toinclude this change initiative’smeasurement data8Medium-HighThis could take awhile dependingon how difficult itwill be to getagreement; youmay need torequest leadershipsupport.19Set up reporting communicationchannels11Medium-High20[If using existingcommunication channels]:Identify channel protocolsfrom channel owners11, 16Medium21[If using existingcommunication channels]:Create the channel protocolrequirements11, 20MediumExamples ofprotocolrequirements areprovidingmaterials in aspecific format oradhering tocommunicationstyle guidelines.22[If using existing meetingforums]: Obtain invitation tomeeting forums11Medium-HighThis could take awhile dependingon how difficult itwill be to beinvited; you mayneed to requestleadershipsupport.23[If creating a new forum]:11High24Identify forum participantsStakeholderAnalysisMedium4 © 2021 The Change Decision

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25Create forum charter1MediumThe charterdescribes thepurpose of thegroup, what itdoes and does notdo, how itoperates, how itfits into the largerStakeholderManagement Planand how itsupports thechange goals.26Create forum invitationLow27Invite participants24, 26Low28Develop kickoff meetingmaterials25Medium-HighBecause this is aset-up step, thematerials will benew and thereforecould take a higherlevel of effort tocreate.29Hold kickoff meeting28Medium30Update charter based onkickoff meeting29Low31Send follow-up message tomeeting participants29Low32Send recurring meetinginvitation29LowEXECUTE THE PLAN [Lesson 6]TaskDependenciesLevel of EffortNotes33Gather data (recurring tasks)34Send the survey; conductfocus groups; conduct 1:1interviews13, 14Medium-High5 © 2021 The Change Decision

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35Obtain existing companymetrics from report owners15Medium36Analyze the data (recurring tasks)3337Analyze the data across datasources7, 33Medium-High38Prepare the reports37Medium39Present the data (recurring tasks)3640[If using existingcommunication channels]:Send the report information,adhering to the channelprotocols18Low41[If using existing meetingforums]: Present the report22Medium42[If leading a new forum (recurringtasks)]:2343Send meeting focus toparticipants prior to meetingMedium44Develop meeting materialsMedium45Hold meeting44Medium46Send follow-up message tomeeting participants45Low47Add new participants andremove participants as neededLowCLOSE OUT THE PLAN [Lesson 7]TaskDependenciesLevel of EffortNotes48Conduct a retrospective about theChange Measurement approachMedium49Summarize retrospective output48Low-Medium6 © 2021 The Change Decision

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50Identify what would useful tocontinue to measure to sustain thechangeMedium51Identify potential owners for thiscontinued measurement50Low-Medium52Meet with potential owners topresent the measurement work51Medium53Hand over measurementmaterials to new owners52Low54Deliver a final report to theleadership team and otherstakeholders involved49, 50Medium-HighThis could take ahigher level ofeffort dependingon how muchthere is to share inthe final reportand what theleaders and otherswant to see.When you remove the mystery of Change Measurement, it helps you focus on the quality of thework and achieving the outcomes. Because you know the scope, direction and level of effort itwill take, this can give you the room and confidence to invite others to participate.7 © 2021 The Change Decision

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Thoughts to reflect on:● How can you use this changeinitiative to develop your ChangeMeasurement skills? What do youmost want to learn?● Is there an opportunity and benefitto trying small tests or experiments?● Who might be interested inparticipating in the effort with youso they can learn and develop theirskills?● How might you use this project’smeasurement approach to help thecompany develop ChangeMeasurement as a competency?8 © 2021 The Change Decision