THE CHANGE DECISIONSERVICES1Building support for the changeCommunicating change messages and tuninginto what your team needs to hear from youAligning and coaching your leadership teamto step into their role as change leadersSelecting and monitoring the metrics that tellyou whether you're making progressInterpreting what’s happening among yourstakeholders and deciding what to doIn the first meeting, we clarify the changesituation and your goals. We agree onmeeting frequency and the best way to worktogether asynchronously.We stay connected between meetings on aprivate online space to discuss emergingscenarios and share information.We make traction on work toward yourgoals, which may be anything fromnavigating a tricky change situation,developing a specific message or preparingfor an important meeting.Example focus areas:Pricing: 3 months: $9,000; 6 months: $16,000How it works:You to get targeted, timely advice for thechange you’re leading and expand your changeleadership skills in the process!CHANGELEADERSHIPCOACHINGOne-on-one coaching for you to successfullylead your organization in a significant change toyour business.
2+1804-506-0403joy@thechangedecision.com313 East Broad St, Suite 203Richmond, VA 23219THE CHANGE DECISIONSERVICESThe Change Decision is a change and culturecompany focused on growing Joy at Work --making the workplace better through howbusiness change is done.Roxanne Brown is the CEO and a well-knownchange expert with more than 20 years ofexperience in technology, policy and culturechange. She's also the former President of theAssociation of Change ManagementProfessionals (ACMP). Roxanne's thinking hasinspired companies to look at business changeas a lever for strengthening culture.Ed Cook is the President and an experiencedleader of large organizations and big complexinitiatives. He's a former Navy pilot and aProfessor at the University of Richmond,teaching graduate and undergraduate Analyticsin the Robins School of Business. Ed brings aninventive approach to leading teams to change.They use their combined perspectives of thechange expert and business leader to helpothers navigate the most complicated changesituations.The Change Decisionis a SWaM CertifiedWoman-OwnedBusinessThe Co-Founders