Engaging Change Leaders Conversation GuideProductively involving leaders in Change Measurement.The goal in measuring change is to see the signs of adoption and then decide what to do so that youachieve the behavior change and the related business outcomes you’re seeking. Identifying these signsand deciding what to do usually involves change leaders because they have such a big influence on howwell the change goes. This guide outlines how to introduce your Change Measurement approach toleaders and then continue to engage them in a way that feels valuable to you and your leaders.Introducing the PlanOnce you’ve developed the first significant draft of your Change Measurement Plan, that’s a good time toget reactions from leaders before finalizing it. We recommend this step for two reasons:1. They will receive the reports you create so you want to make sure the information will resonate.2. It’s a productive way to engage them in the change process.1 © 2021 The Change Decision
Engaging change leaders means:● Communicating that you know the business goals of the change● Communicating that you understand what they care about most● Showing how the measures and approach to measuring connects to mitigating risks andidentifying opportunities to achieve those goals● Asking if this is what they want to see and what else they would like to seeIt does not mean:● Assuming they know how your approach connects to the goals they care about● Asking them to come up with measuresWhen introducing your plan, you will need to connect the dots for them so they can get into the discussionwith you as quickly as possible. In an ideal situation, that first conversation will help them see how thisinformation could help them lead within their sphere of influence. Ideally, they would bring that upbecause it would mean they see the discussion as valuable and would want to have future conversationsabout your measurement findings. A conversation like this has the potential to help them see how to bepart of the change process in their leadership role.Deciding Who to EngageTo decide who to meet with and prepare for the conversation, ask yourself the following questions:● Which leaders have an interest in the change?● What would you want them to do ideally in response to receiving the change measurementinformation?● What do you think their interest level is in seeing the information?● What’s their interest in the change and how could the information help them with that?● What forums already exist to share this information with them?● Will you need to create new forums to ensure they and others can discuss the information and acton it?● How else might you share the information?These questions will help you see who it would be important to meet with to request their thoughts onyour proposed approach.If you feel that it may be difficult to get on their calendar, you could ask someone to present the plan onyour behalf to get leader input. The challenge will be to make sure that person feels comfortable withpresenting the information because it may feel abstract to them. If this is a concern then you could givethem something very brief and simple to present. Even just a little input from leadership is often goodenough at this stage.Prepare for the conversation by making sure your executive summary connects the business goals to theapproach you’re proposing and make sure you address what they care about most.2 © 2021 The Change Decision
The First ConversationTo have the first conversation you could follow this outline:1. Start with why you’re sharing this information with them:“I want to be sure the Change Measurement approach we’re taking will give you the insights you need tomake informed decisions about the people-related risks and opportunities for this change initiative. I’llshare how the approach will help us achieve the business goals of the change, how we arrived at thesemeasures and how they will support informed decision-making. I’ll also share how we propose to get themin front of you, including frequency and for what purpose. I’ll ask a few questions to make sure thisapproach will be valuable to you as the change progresses.”2. State the change problem.3. Summarize the stakeholders involved, where the greatest adoption risks lie and why.4. Review the metrics for each stakeholder or focus on only 1 or 2 examples so they can see howyou’ve arrived at them. Choose stakeholders they care most about.5. To give them a full view of your approach across time, show them the measurement schedule. Theymay not care about the details but it will give them comfort that you’re thinking about how thestakeholders will experience your data collection efforts.6. You could also show the reporting schedule so they can see who will receive the information otherthan them or you could just describe how you would like to involve them and keep them informedif you think that’s all they’ll be concerned with.7. Throughout the conversation you can ask:○ Does this address the risks you’re most concerned about?○ What else would you like to see?8. To end the conversation you could ask:○ Who else on your team would like me to share this with?○ Could you help me with getting access to the existing report information I need?○ Could I present the future findings in one of your standing meetings?○ May I meet 1:1 with you at a regular cadence to review the information?○ What else would you like to see from me?The outcome you’re looking for is their confidence that this approach to monitoring change progress willbe valuable.Presenting Your FindingsOnce you’ve finalized your plan, begun collecting data and are ready to present your findings, the“Actionable Insights” questions below are helpful prompts for the conversations you have with leadersand others to evaluate the data you’ve collected.3 © 2021 The Change Decision
The spirit of the conversation with leaders is about providing a starting point by sharing the themes yousee and your recommendations for how to act on those themes. You also invite them into the discussion:● What other themes do they see?● How do they see data reflected in the behaviors they notice in their organizations?● What else can they help you see?The goal is to discuss what the data is telling you and decide how to act on it. Usually your actions arefocused on mitigating risks, reinforcing progress or deciding to do nothing and just continue to monitorwhat’s happening.Other Helpful TipsBe careful about being reactive to something negative in the data, taking things personally or coming tonegative conclusions about people. How you think about the people matters. If your outlook of them ispoor they will detect it. It’s important to assume everyone is doing the best they can. In fact, you can safelyassume that their reaction to the situation is perfectly reasonable from their point of view because it’s areflection of their life’s experience. Instead, try to focus on what you can do constructively.If you’re concerned that leadership will not be on board with measuring, you can start with simplemeasures and provide the valuable insights that help them with leading change, then grow yourmeasurement approach as the appetite for more grows.Engaging leadership in change measurement can be tricky, especially if this is new to them or they areskeptical about the need to do it. The idea behind measurement is to help make informed decisions toachieve the goal. If you can help them see how your approach does that, you will be in good shape.Although company values can feel abstract, they can be put to practical use when leadingchange. Look to the company’s values when deciding what leaders can do in response toadoption progress. How change is led has a significant impact on company culture.4 © 2021 The Change Decision
Thoughts to reflect onafter the conversation:● What were you surprised to hearfrom leaders? What does that tellyou about what you need to learn orfollow up on?● What are the emerging complexitiesin the change problem?● What are the cultural advantagestoward and disadvantages againstachieving the change goal?● What would be most helpful to theleadership team immediately? Whatinformation would be beneficial tohave with you next time you meet?5 © 2021 The Change Decision