1 Journal Writing Portfolio By Chance Rogers
2 Table of Contents: Page 1 Title Page Page 3 My Journal Writing Experience, Page 4 A World Event that changed me. Page 5 The purpose of my life. Page 6 Requirements of Daily Satisfaction Page 7 Fairy Tale Choice. Page 8 A list of my blessings Page 9 A Notebook of Hope for Children. Page 10 Smaller Journal Prompts
3 My Journal Writing Experience, This semester has been interesting in regard to journal writing. Writing for me is more akin to a hobby, even in a school setting. I have found it enjoyable. At home, it is a means to put ideas to paper, so to say, even though it tends to be quite unorganized. I myself prefer fiction and fantasy, so I was a bit out of my comfort zone writing about non-fiction and even more so about myself. There were a lot of journals prompts that I had to think about due to their relation to reality. I was at a loss with a few of them as they were asking stuff that I didn't really experience, or the only answer I had, wasn't something I wanted to put in a journal. I think my interest shows such as in the journals that have fictional elements, such as the fairy tale journal. The works I have chosen are the ones I am most confident in that I did well and that I wanted to share. The majority of my writing in this collection is spontaneous, not something I really spent a lot of time ruminating over, and I think that a lot of my best writing comes from that. I often get a lot of fleeting ideas that are best to write down at the moment; an issue I have with my writing arises when I think too much on a certain subject, as I often take things a bit too literally and second guess myself. I have and will go back over all of my works and try and improve as best I can, and my works will likely undergo considerable change. Overall, however, I'm quite happy with how all of these turned out and am glad to share it with whoever sees this
4 A World Event that changed me. As far as world events, the only thing that comes to mind, which I believe is true for just about everyone, would be COVID-19 and the pandemic. I missed a significant portion of my Senior year of high school and missed out on a lot of school-related things I was looking forward to, like the senior trip. Being stuck at home for so long was frustrating; stores were having trouble keeping stocked up. Many were closed for a month or two. We also missed seeing family that year because of the pandemic. Covid-19 seeped into every portion of our lives, from school, work, home, politics, and hobbies. I don't believe anything went untouched. The main emotions I felt were from being in my house 24 hours, 5-7 days a week did drive us a bit stir crazy as well as frustration; I wasn't scared, even when my parents got Covid, they weren’t affected to badly, if anything the FLU my family got the second week of school was worse. The World before Covid didn't look in any particular way outside of "normal" afterward; everything came to a grinding halt, a standstill for months until quarantine ended and businesses reopened. It's pretty much gone back to "normal" as much as it really can at this point.
5 The Purpose of my Life. I'm not sure what my life's purpose is exactly. I believe God has things in mind that he wants me to accomplish, but as of right now, I don't know what that is. I will continue moving forward until I see a sign as to what path that is but until then I plan to further my education. Right now, I will soon graduate from Cowley and perhaps pursue psychology or sociology at Bethel College, or I might change my mind, and something else might pique my interest. I know I want to gain the skills and knowledge to be successful.
6 Requirements for Daily Satisfaction I feel satisfied at the end of the day when I end up doing everything that needs to be done that day, as well as having the time for a personal time like reading comics and watching my shows. I don't usually have too much, but I also need to fulfill all my expectations for the day, the small goals like waking up at a certain time, cleaning this up, watching this show, playing with friends, etc. I also need a clean, comfortable and cool bed to be satisfied, as not having these ruins the feeling of satisfaction at the end of the day. If I don't get what needs to be done, I often feel annoyed at myself or stressed, mostly because I have a lot of free time and Will likely have no excuse for not doing those things outside of procrastination. At the same time, it's frustrating if I don't have time to do the things I enjoy in the day, as I often use that to relax.
7 Fairy Tale Choice. If I were to choose to be any fairy tale character, I think I would choose to be Aladdin (From The Arabian Nights). Aladdin was an easygoing individual but was liked by the people, and he had a happy ending. He also had the genies of the lamp and the ring. He also had an infinite number of wishes as opposed to the movie, which is a plus. It would make learning the necessary skills for any job easy be able to provide for oneself and family. If Other characters from the fairytale would as exist in the modern world I think that the ones that make sense are the Sultan and his daughter, The Evil magician, and his brother. These were crucial figures in the fairy tale; thus, I thought they should be represented; the Sultan can be the owner of a large company or something of the sort, while the magician and his brother are corrupt salesmen or something of the sort to fit the original roles of the story itself. The daughter likely works in a high position given to her by her father to fit the role of royalty, but she would likely put in effort to make her own path using the opportunities presented to her.
8 A List of my Blessings Despite life’s adversities I believe I’m blessed in many ways. For one I’m grateful to be alive, born in this modern age and in the United States. I’m blessed that my family has enough money to have food on the table and live comfortably. Being able to go to school and get an education without worrying too much about finances is certainly a blessing. I’m blessed to have a group of friends that enjoy my company and vice versa. I’m sure there is numerous more but I can’t currently think of them and put them to paper. I try my best not to be complacent or ungrateful, I listen to my parents and try to adhere to God’s word.
9 A Notebook of Hope for Children. I would include many of the positive achievements of humanity and heroism, although it's a bit difficult not to include the reasons as the problems or issues are often caused by people as well. I would also include stories of human persistence and the struggles that we have overcome since ancient times, and how we have progressed technologically. There would be ideas on how we can overcome our troubles today and how people are trying to overcome issues even now regarding research in energy, medicine, infrastructure, space travel, et
10 Smaller Journal Prompts "What I would like people to remember about Myself." I certainly don't want people to remember anything negative about myself. I would want them to remember me as a good person or at least someone who accomplished something positive. However, at my current point in my life, I haven't done anything worth remembering on any grand scale, and in this regard, I wouldn't mind being forgotten by all but close friends and family. I currently don't have any specific ambition on how I desire to leave my mark on the world. "If I could tell the whole world something." If I could say one thing to the entire world, it would be to ask everyone for a paltry sum that any rich or poor man could afford. I would say something along the lines of "I wish that everyone could find it in their hearts, or somewhere on the ground a measly penny and send it to me." If I could receive a penny from everyone, I would be fairly wealthy; it might be the smallest form of our currency, often discarded and forgotten, but it can make a difference. "The Invariable mark of wisdom is to see the miraculous in the ordinary." (- Ralph Waldo Emerson) What do I think that’s considered ordinary and is miraculous? I think the scale of everything in a cosmic sense is miraculous. That an individual can be made up of and house trillions of microscopic organisms, stand atop of material stitched together by quintillions of atoms, all on a planet that is no bigger than an atom in comparison to the vast universe.