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Chambership and More!!!

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Chambershipand More!

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Membership Benefits1. Premier Networking Events2. Chamber Programs3. Sponsorship Opportunities (Monthly)4. Sponsorship Opportunities (Annual)5. Member Benefits at a Glance6. Promotion7. 551 Event Center Perks8. Contact Information9.take a look insideOur Mission:To champion business growth through advocacy, connection,education, and innovation.

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Let us show you what our team of professionalscan do for you and your business.WHAT WE OFFER YOUNo matter what kind of business you have, membership in your local Chamber ofCommerce will always benefit you. Here's how: CONNECT ADVOCATE IMPACTPeople do business withpeople they know andtrust. Building relationshipsand making connections iscrucial to building abusiness network, and theLewisville Area Chamberoffers you a variety ofgreat networkingopportunities.The Lewisville AreaChamber is an advocate forits broad and diversemember businesses and avoice for the businesscommunity, creating aclimate of growth andsuccess that benefits all.The Lewisville AreaChamber provides uniqueopportunities forbusinesses and individualsto make a difference byinforming them ofimportant communityissues through events andprograms.BECOMING A MEMBER HAS NEVER BEEN EASIER!Membership Benefits1

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Premier Networking EventsMonthly Events 2Weekly LEADS Power Networking (Doors open every Friday morning at 8 A.M.)Chamber Night Out(Held upon request.)Monthly Wind Down Wednesday (Held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month.)Monthly Women of Influence Network Luncheons(Held the 3rd Friday of each month.)Lewisville Business Connection Meetings(Held quarterly with the City of Lewisville EconomicDevelopment Department.)Chamber 101(Held every other month.) Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies(Held for grand openings, new management, or uponrequest.)750YP (Lunches are held on the 2nd Tuesday and mixers onthe 4th Thursday.)

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Chamber ProgramsWIN provides a platform to support andencourage women in business and toprovide a voice for women’s businessissues. It's a great opportunity to meetand network with other women inbusiness and a great time to learn and be inspired!Ambassadors serve asthewelcoming arm of the chamber,hosting ribbon cuttings andgreeting members and guests atspecial events, partnershipluncheons and Chamber Night Out. A M B A S S A D O R SG O V E R N M E N TA F F A I R SW I N - W O M E N O FI N F L U E N C EN E T W O R KThe Government Relations Task Force worksto educate our members and advocate forissues that affect the business community.They help member businesses navigatepolicies, regulations, ordinances and laws.3L E W I S V I L L E B U S I N E S SC O N N E C T I O NOur Lewisville Business Connection isa three part series in partnership withthe City of Lewisville's EcomomicDevelopment Department. This serieshosts quarterly meetings throughoutthe year that connect employers andcommunity partners together todiscuss the needs and goals of ourcommunity.

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Held weekly on the firstfour Friday mornings of themonth, LEADS is a greatway to introduce yourselfto an average of 50-60businesses in thecommunity. Typically held the fourthTuesday of the month,each PartnershipLuncheon featuresnetworking time, a high-level speaker who willeducate members aboutcurrent community issues,and the presentation ofour monthly awards. Chamber Night Out is agreat way to connect andnetwork with fellowbusiness professionals ina relaxed setting everymonth. Business cards area must!Sponsorone of our weeklyradio/podcast shows or amonth of weekly shows. MindYour Business can be heardon Spotify or online!Our Annual Golf Tournament brings together localbusiness leaders to enjoy fresh air and friendlycompetition on the greens. Golfers make new businessconnections and enjoy fun contests and great food.LEADS POWERNETWORKINGMONTHLYPARTNERSHIPLUNCHEONCHAMBER NIGHT OUTMIND YOURBUSINESSGOLFTOURNAMENTSponsorship Opportunities4

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The WIN "Imagine"Conference provides anopportunity to connect withother women professionals,entrepreneurs and businessrepresentatives and to learnfrom an inspiring panel ofleaders and keynotespeaker. In addition, ourBusiness Expo provides acloser look at localcompanies and lots of greatnetworking opportunities. The Chamber's annualcelebration to honor themany people and businessesthat help make theLewisville Area Chamber ofCommerce such a success!WOMEN OFINFLUENCE (WIN)"IMAGINE"CONFERENCE & EXPOANNUAL AWARDS GALALEADERSHIPLEWISVILLELeadership Lewisville is anine-month program that runsmonthly from Septemberthrough May. Each classsession educates, inspiresand provides opportunities todevelop and polishleadership skills. 750 YP is a new program of theLewisville Area Chamber ofCommerce that aims to gatheryoung talent while developingthe next generation of leaders.We host brunches and mixersevery month! 750 YP5

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Membership Benefits at a Glance

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- Your companys' Job Listing on ourwebpagePromotion-Feature all your'Hot Deals' on our webpage- Social MediaSpotlights- Adds in ourweekly memoSearchSEO-Exposure on ourOnlineDirectoryINCREASE7

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- "The Hive" common workspace- Priority Reservations at event center- Featured on preferred Vendor list- comfortable lobby- Check-in area & coat check- Full Kitchen- High Speed Internet- Audio/Visual Presentation- Access to Supplies in store HouseAs a member you have access to:Rental Amenities:8

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551 N. Valley Parkway Lewisville, Texas 75067Contact Us:Lori FicklingPresident/CEOlori@lewisvillechamber.orgNina Hernandez Director of Communications & Eventsnina@lewisvillechamber.orgDavid HodgesDirector of Member & Community Relationsdavid@lewisvillechamber.org972-436-9571Isha KamkhaliaAdministrative Assistant