Locations Indications for an Evaluation 15260 Ventura Blvd Suite 1200 Sherman Oaks CA 91403 Changes in Memory Poor short term recall Failure to recognize familiar people and or places Poor Attention and Concentration Difficulty following the flow of conversation Difficulty completing multi step tasks Changes in Language Abilities Receptive aphasia Comprehension of language Expressive aphasia Expressive language Word finding difficulties Impaired Executive Function Difficulty planning organizing problem solving Poor judgement difficulty with decision making Impulsivity Changes in Visuospatial Abilities Difficulty navigating Misperceiving the environment Change in Daily Functioning Driving Medication and financial management Basic daily tasks e g ofbathing dressing Purpose the Evaluation Changes in Emotional Behavioral Functioning 2600 W Olive Ave Floor 5 Burbank CA 91505 355 S Grand Ave Suite 2450 Los Angeles CA 90071 26565 W Agoura Rd Suite 200 Calabasas CA 91302 4000 MacArthur Blvd East Tower Suite 600 Newport Beach CA 92660 Additional locations by appointment v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v Anaheim Hills Carlsbad Cerritos El Segundo Huntington Beach Irvine Long Beach Manhattan Beach Mission Viejo Orange Pasadena Rancho Cucamonga San Diego Santa Clarita Temecula Westlake Village Woodland Hills For additional information to make a referral or to schedule an appointment please contact CFNA at 818 588 4300 or info cfnaneuropsych com Clinical Referral Examples Common reasons for referrals include but are not limited to v Early detection of neurological disorders e g Mild Major Neurocognitive Disorder v Documentation of cognitive decline following brain insult e g TBI stroke v Determine capacity to live independently or perform activities of daily living v Assist with differential diagnoses e g psychiatric vs neurological v Establish areas of strength and weakness to inform treatment options v Monitor of brain function following major treatments like neurosurgery or chemotherapy v Assess appropriateness for surgical procedures e g spinal cord surgeries bariatric surgery CLINICAL AND FORENSIC NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATES INC SEASONED PSYCHOLOGISTS WITH OVER 20 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE IN NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL EVALUATIONS Dr Selina Mangassarian Psy D CBIS CA Lic PSY30847 Certified Brain Injury Specialist ACBIS 27160 818 588 4300 info cfnaneuropsych com www CFNAneuropsych com
About CFNA CFNA specializes in evidence based objective neuropsychological psychodiagnostic and psychoeducational evaluations Neuropsychology is the study of brain behavior relationships It investigates how a person s cognition and behavior are affected by brain injuries or illnesses Neuropsychological evaluations examine the impact of functional skills as a result of brain dysfunction related to neurological medical developmental and or psychiatric conditions The neuropsychologist s role is to determine the degree of impairment resulting from brain dysfunction e g TBI stroke and to document mental health conditions Dr Mangassarian s education and training meet specialty clinical neuropsychology board certification requirements A neuropsychological evaluation is indicated when impairment in cognitive behavioral and or emotional functioning is suspected Referrals include but are not limited to the impact of confirmed or suspected conditions of v Traumatic Brain Injury TBI v Dementia Alzheimer s Disease FTD v Mild Cognitive Impairment v Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases v Seizure Disorders v Intellectual Disability v Learning Disorders Attention Disorders v Movement Disorders e g Parkinson s Disease v Neuropsychiatric Disorders e g Schizophrenia v Substance Use Disorders v Neurotoxic Exposure e g Lead v Cancer e g Following chemotherapy v Metabolic Disorders v HIV AIDS Neuropsychological Evaluation CFNA neuropsychologists personally complete all portions of evaluations without the use of assistants or technicians A neuropsychological evaluation involves v Clinical interview with the client and when appropriate collateral informants v Extensive review of relevant medical academic legal and or occupational records v Administration of standardized and objective neuropsychological and or psychological measures via paper pencil and or computer tests v Areas of functioning assessed depend on the referral question but typically include Intellectual functioning Learning and memory Attention and concentration Executive functioning Language abilities Visuospatial skills Verbal and non verbal reasoning Academic achievement Gross and fine motor functioning Daily living functioning Personality and emotional functioning Behavioral functioning Capacity e g Financial management Credibility e g Symptom Performance Validity v Test scores are compared to normative data of healthy people of similar age education and or cultural group v If performance is below expectation CFNA studies the scores to determine if particular disease patterns exist v The CFNA neuropsychologist writes a thorough yet concise report of findings aiming to tie all components of the evaluation together to make sense of present mental functioning and clinical presentation Possible Outcomes v Determine if cognitive changes are age related or resulting from a particular disease or injury v Identify if cognitive and or behavioral emotional problems are related to medical conditions e g sleep apnea alcoholism cardiovascular diseases v Differentiate neurologic from psychiatric conditions v Profile of individual strengths and weaknesses to guide treatment v Identify compensatory strategies to enhance function based on the patient s strengths v Understand what daily tasks can be done independently and which require assistance v Referrals to medical mental health and or academic vocational specialists v Provide education support and coping resources to patient and their loved ones v Establish a baseline of abilities to compare to future re examinations v Monitor progress resulting from treatment or lack thereof to inform continued treatment planning v Determine appropriateness for surgical procedures e g bariatric surgery epilepsy surgery spinal cord procedures