EDUCATE. EQUIP. ENGAGE. EMPOWER. WhyCFE:OVERNIGHT?2024 CFE:OVERNIGHTOvernight Trip options are an opportunity to broaden thelens through which we see our own lives and learn fromothers in communities outside of our own. Studentsparticipating in Overnight Trips will travel during the weekof CFE and potentially into the week of Spring Break.
Where to start... 2024 CFE:OVERNIGHTStudents interested in participating in an Overnight CFE trip, willreceive more detailed information about trips in an Assembly at thebeginning of the school year. This information will also be sent out tostudents and families via Schoology and ParentSquare in the fall. Student Informational Meetings about specific trips will be offeredduring the school day prior to applications opening in the fall. It ishighly encouraged for students to attend these meetings! Additionally, Parent Informational Meetings about each trip will beoffered in the fall before students apply.Step 2: Trip InformationStudents MUST apply to be considered for an OvernightTrip. Online applications will open in September. Trips have limited capacity and acceptance to these trips is notnecessarily guaranteed. Students should be thoughtful and take timewhen applying. A committee of people review these applications thoroughly, takinginto consideration not only the written responses on the applicationsbut other factors such as opportunities and experiences studentshave or have not had in the past, opportunities that they may be ableto have if they are younger and can participate in the CFE programagain in the next couple years, trip size, gender ratios, and groupdynamics. Students and Parents will be notified by the end of September,if they have been accepted onto a trip.Step 3: The Application ProcessOvernight trips are opento 10-12th grade only,with the exception of the9th grade retreat.Who can apply? Review the trip options for CFE 2024! Talk with your family andfriends about opportunities that might interest you. Remember -Overnight Trips are OPTIONAL. Students in 9th-11th grade willparticipate in a LOCAL:CFE option if they choose to not go on anOvernight Trip. Step 1: Explore! Students may apply forup to 2 trips. Selectionswill be available on theTrip Application! Can I apply formore than 1 trip?
Yes!! Please check out our CFE Fundraising Booklet below for creative ways to pay for aCFE:OVERNIGHT Trip. Many students have fundedtheir own trips through using these methods!CFE FUNDRAISING GUIDE Who Can Apply?A limited number of scholarships are available to10-12th grade students who are accepted on anOvernight Trip. Students who have received ascholarship for a previous trip may apply foranother, however, priority consideration may go tostudents who have not yet received a scholarship.SCHOLARSHIPINFORMATIONHow Much is Offered? Scholarships are offered in the amount of$500/student or $1,000/student. How Do I Apply?Scholarship applications will be available online inSeptember. Scholarship Application is seperatefrom the Trip Application. Can I Fundraise?
NationalLocated 130 miles west of Albuquerque, students will return to work with our partner, RehobothChristian School. Using the historic Rehoboth campus as a base, students will learn about thediverse and fascinating cultures of the Navajo and Zuni peoples. Students will also be servingon and off-campus and experience fellowship within the Rehoboth community.This team will experience first-hand the humble attitudes of the local people, their passion fortheir country, sports and family, and their love language for cooking. In partnership with localministries, this trip will have a strong focus on the needs of the local community by addressingfood and home insecurity and caring for the residents of Puerto Rico. The team will also haveopportunities to explore the beauty of this country with explorations of the rainforest, beach,and historic city of San Juan. 2024 CFE:OVERNIGHTTrips$1,795 $2,895Hawaii$3,700POSTPONED UNTIL2025!Puerto Rico - March 16-23New Mexico - March 15-23
InternationalSweden - March 16-25Embracing the origins of Minnehaha Academy and the wonder of Scandinavia, this trip willexplore the ideas of immigration and home through various lenses, from the roots of MA & thestories of immigration in MN and Sweden to the importance of traditions passed down overtime. The trip, based in Stockholm, Sweden, will include collaborative and experiential learningwith a local Christian school as well as time at many cultural points of interest.Join us as we explore Canada's Quebec City and Montreal's rich French Culture, Native Historyand the Great Outdoors. The group will travel by train between Quebec City and Montreal,touring the historical cities, learning more about the French influence and history, hearing thestories of the Indigenous people of Canada, and explroing the beautiful landscapes of thecountry. Quebec City & Montreal - March 16-24Explore the beauty and rich culture of Colombia! Travel to Bogota, Colombia to experience thebeautiful city and breathtaking mountains. Here the group will spend time with the children ofFANA, the orphanage and school that Minnehaha student, Cate Skow, was adopted from. Enjoyand learn about the delicious ethnic food and coffee by cooking and going to authenticrestaurants. Finally, prepare to relax and reflect on the gorgeous beaches of Cartagena at theend of your time in Colombia.2024 CFE:OVERNIGHTTrips$2,950$3,250$2,150Colombia - March 16-24
MLI FellowsBoundary Waters - June 9-142024 CFE:OVERNIGHTTrip$685Current 10th and 11th grade Fellows in the Minnehaha Leadership Instituteare invited to join us for the Minnehaha Leadership Adventure to theBoundary Waters. Partnering with Adventurous Christians, the Fellows willembark on an unforgettable 5 day experience as they work together in the wilderness to grow in servant leadership, relationships, and spiritual discipline. This opportunity is open ONLY TO CURRENT 10TH AND 11TH GRADEFELLOWS IN THE MINNEHAHA LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE. This trip will count toward CFE credit, if a student opts to participate. Fellowsparticipating in this trip are welcome to apply to another Spring CFE OvernightTrips or participate in the Local CFE options, although it is not required.