Certified Recovery Specialists (CRS) provide support through lived experience recoveringfrom substance use disorders. They’re certified to provide support and guidance toindividuals struggling in their own recovery. Like many, they take their own recoveryone day at a time.SUPPORT THAT UNDERSTANDSSUPPORT THAT UNDERSTANDSSUPPORT THAT UNDERSTANDSSUPPORT THAT UNDERSTANDSBEDFORD CAMBRIASOMERSET LACKAWANNALUZERNE WYOMINGSUSQUEHANNA888 733 7781info@peerstarllc.comCERTIFIEDRECOVERYSUPPORTServicesavailableProvide consistent support before, during, and after treatment.Help rebuild relationships with family.Introduce and engage individuals in the recovery community.Link with community resources to help meet basic needs.Engage in alcohol/drug free social and recreational activities.Encourage and identify educational and employment opportunities.Support through common obstacles during the early stages of recovery.Provide consistent support before, during, and after treatment.Help rebuild relationships with family.Introduce and engage individuals in the recovery community.Link with community resources to help meet basic needs.Engage in alcohol/drug free social and recreational activities.Encourage and identify educational and employment opportunities.Support through common obstacles during the early stages of recovery.Provide consistent support before, during, and after treatment.Help rebuild relationships with family.Introduce and engage individuals in the recovery community.Link with community resources to help meet basic needs.Engage in alcohol/drug free social and recreational activities.Encourage and identify educational and employment opportunities.Support through common obstacles during the early stages of recovery.Provide consistent support before, during, and after treatment.Help rebuild relationships with family.Introduce and engage individuals in the recovery community.Link with community resources to help meet basic needs.Engage in alcohol/drug free social and recreational activities.Encourage and identify educational and employment opportunities.Support through common obstacles during the early stages of recovery.Provide consistent support before, during, and after treatment.Help rebuild relationships with family.Introduce and engage individuals in the recovery community.Link with community resources to help meet basic needs.Engage in alcohol/drug free social and recreational activities.Encourage and identify educational and employment opportunities.Support through common obstacles during the early stages of recovery.Provide consistent support before, during, and after treatment.Help rebuild relationships with family.Introduce and engage individuals in the recovery community.Link with community resources to help meet basic needs.Engage in alcohol/drug free social and recreational activities.Encourage and identify educational and employment opportunities.Support through common obstacles during the early stages of recovery.Provide consistent support before, during, and after treatment.Help rebuild relationships with family.Introduce and engage individuals in the recovery community.Link with community resources to help meet basic needs.Engage in alcohol/drug free social and recreational activities.Encourage and identify educational and employment opportunities.Support through common obstacles during the early stages of recovery.Provide consistent support before, during, and after treatment.Help rebuild relationships with family.Introduce and engage individuals in the recovery community.Link with community resources to help meet basic needs.Engage in alcohol/drug free social and recreational activities.Encourage and identify educational and employment opportunities.Support through common obstacles during the early stages of recovery.Provide consistent support before, during, and after treatment.Help rebuild relationships with family.Introduce and engage individuals in the recovery community.Link with community resources to help meet basic needs.Engage in alcohol/drug free social and recreational activities.Encourage and identify educational and employment opportunities.Support through common obstacles during the early stages of recovery.Provide consistent support before, during, and after treatment.Help rebuild relationships with family.Introduce and engage individuals in the recovery community.Link with community resources to help meet basic needs.Engage in alcohol/drug free social and recreational activities.Encourage and identify educational and employment opportunities.Support through common obstacles during the early stages of recovery.Provide consistent support before, during, and after treatment.Help rebuild relationships with family.Introduce and engage individuals in the recovery community.Link with community resources to help meet basic needs.Engage in alcohol/drug free social and recreational activities.Encourage and identify educational and employment opportunities.Support through common obstacles during the early stages of recovery.Provide consistent support before, during, and after treatment.Help rebuild relationships with family.Introduce and engage individuals in the recovery community.Link with community resources to help meet basic needs.Engage in alcohol/drug free social and recreational activities.Encourage and identify educational and employment opportunities.Support through common obstacles during the early stages of recovery.BEDFORD CAMBRIASOMERSET LACKAWANNALUZERNE WYOMINGSUSQUEHANNAServicesavailable