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CenterPoint Features Comparison

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ReportsGeneral BusinessSoftwareFinancial ConfidenceSupportCreating financials/council reports requires use ofmultiple programs. May require expensiveoutsourcing to run financial statements.Software is designed for business use and doesnot allow for understanding information at thefund or department level.Budgeting is limited and better suited forbusinesses rather than cities.Payroll staff is required to manually generate anddistribute liability payments. Important paymentsmay be misapplied which can lead to costlypenalties. Call center staff works primarily with businessesand lacks knowledge in fund accounting.Not qualified or available for questions fromauditors.Delayed response support from foreign callcenters.Having to use work-arounds to provide financialreports often causes errors and decisions to bemade on the wrong information.Without an audit trail, it is difficult to hold youremployees accountable when they make error, orworse, when fraudulent transactions have beenentered.Limited installation, training and ongoing supportfor your clerks.Staff can easily customize reports within CenterPointand save for later use. Reports designedspecifically for cities are included, so you knowwhere your city stands at all times.Fund based accounting allows for pulling out reportsby fund, department or project that would helpcouncil make better decisions for your city.Budgeting is included and customizable. Budget toActual reports are easily run. Council can have aBudget to Actual that is current for every meeting. CenterPoint automatically generates the liabilitiespayable after every payroll. This helps assure thatcostly penalty payments are not incurred.5 Star support by US based support team.Support team are specialists in fund accounting.Should your staff be unable to perform their duties,the CSA team can help you when you need us most.CSA works closely with your auditor, and can helpwith the city audit reports, or assist in resolving prior"findings".CenterPoint, designed for municipal accounting,provides better financial reporting. This tells thetrue status of city funds, allowing for sound citydecision making.CenterPoint provides a good audit trail which keepsa user record for each transaction entered into thesystem, including the time and date. The audit trailcannot be altered.CSA fund accounting specialists work closely withyour city staff, providing personalized installation,training and ongoing support.CenterPoint® FundAccounting and PayrollCenterPoint® Fund Accounting and PayrollSold and Supported by:CSA Software Solutions(800)