MASTER CALENDAR PY 2024 – 2025Child Development Program
PROGRAM FOUNDATIONSProgram LeadershipProfessional DevelopmentContinuous Learning and Quality ImprovementProgram EnvironmentFamily PartnershipsTeaching and LearningCommunity PartnershipsAccess and ContinuityPROGRAM IMPACT AREASFamily Well-beingPositive Parent-Child RelationshipsFamilies as Lifelong EducatorsFamilies as LearnersFamily Engagement in TransitionsFamily Connections to Peers and CommunityFamilies as Advocates and LeadersFAMILY OUTCOMESChildren are:SafeHealthy and WellLearning and DevelopingEngaged in Positive Relationships with Family Members, Caregivers, and Other ChildrenReady for SchoolSuccessful in School and LifeCHILD OUTCOMESPOSITIVE & GOAL-ORIENTED RELATIONSHIPSEquity, Inclusiveness, Cultural and Linguistic ResponsivenessHEAD START PARENT, FAMILY, AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT FRAMEWORK
Frequency Area Center Director Monitoring ActivityOne-Time Health Ensure children have all immunizations before the start of school. No Shots No School (CP 3390)One-Time Health Print CP3390 Immunization Record & Sign in each Child’s FileOne-Time Health County will reach out to CDs with Immunization IZ Report due date. Recordkeeping Conduct Pre-Opening Posting/Recordkeeping monitoring prior to start of school (OM-05)Ongoing ERSEA Consideration is always made for the classroom age composition and special needs/accommodations to ensure appropriate placement (CP2025)FCE Monitor Parent Bulletin Boards, ensure all information is up to date reference SOP (FCE 4)One-Time & Ongoing Licensing & HRCCL, Labor Postings; Compare LIC 500 to current staff roster; Check LIC 610 Emergency Disaster Plan by Each Classroom Exit; Complete LIC 9040. Ensure Labor Union Board is availableTransportation Provide Transportation/Pedestrian Safety Information to each family finalizing at the beginning and during the school year, prior to starting classOngoing FCEMonitor Family Goals for compliance and quality, ensure goals established with families are S.M.A.R.T (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely) goal format. As Occurs Record Keeping Notify Data Manager of any changes to classroom staff (move, temp assignments/leaves etc.)Daily Health & SafetyEnsure Teachers/staff are conducting daily Health & Safety Checks (OM-200). Monitored and initialed by the CDs weekly and followed up with work orders if needed. Collect and file at end of each monthWeekly Health Desktop monitoring requirements Weekly Education Lesson Plan monitoring and feedback using ED-310 and ED-310A for all sessions and upload both documents to S DriveMonthly Health & Safety Monthly Health and Safety inspections by Center Directors or Designee (OM-204)Monthly Health & Safety Monitor First Aid Kit using Blood Spill Kit/First Aid Kit Monitoring & Inventory Log CardMonthly Transportation Van Use Reports (TR-801) are monitored. Scan originals & email to the Transportation ManagerMonthly Education DRDP Observations – all class sessions sampling monitored monthly using Observation Monitoring and Feedback formQuarterly Education Monitor for compliance and quality for Time 1, Time 2, and Time 3 DRDPs 2x per year HR Monitor Personnel Files using checklist and include compliance for Teacher QualificationsPP RR OO GG RR AA MM PP LL AA NN NN II NN GG RR OO AA DD MM AA PPONGOING MONITORING AND OTHER ACTIVITIES DUE THROUGHOUT THE YEAR
MAAC Coordinated Monitoring System (CMS)MAAC CDP staff will use Coordinated Monitoring System (CMS) monitoring tools to monitor various service areas throughout the program year. The most current CMS monitoring tools are accessible by running ChildPlus Report 8020. Please refer to the most current CMS monitoring calendar for monitoring schedules and CMS standard operating procedures for monitoring processes. The monitoring calendar outlines which monitoring layers are particular CMS tools each month, with the Quality Assurance Manager providing specific monitoring assignments. PP RR OO GG RR AA MM PP LL AA NN NN II NN GG RR OO AA DD MM AA PPONGOING MONITORING AND OTHER ACTIVITIES DUE THROUGHOUT THE YEARDate Due To Do DescriptionDailyChildren’s attendance is recorded daily on iPad. - Review CP2310 child attendance report to ERSEA for completeness, attendance from the prior day. - Review attendance/meal counts: follow-up on absences (i.e. consecutive and unexcused noted in CP Case Notes) Ongoing All Year Schedule appointments for applicationsOngoing All Year Family Fun Packs are distributed to parents monthly to promote school readiness at homeOngoing All YearEHS Transition Planning:- Must begin at conversation at 2.6 years of age- Starting at 2.9 years of age complete HS application and submit to ERSEA Department. This applies to all EHS children in all optionsOnce per month Purchase Requisitions: Submit Purchase Requisitions to Admin. Use the Purchase Requisition form for all orders by the 7th of each monthMonthly/Ongoing Staff Performance Meetings: Review areas of strength and focus with all staff supervisedMonthly/Ongoing Maintain Binder System and CMR Box up to dateMonthly Conduct Fire Drills, with the first one conducted within the first ten days (Ref: CO 8 SOP)MonthlyCenter Committee Officers and Center Directors meet to plan Parent Meeting. Meetings to be scheduled within the first two weeks of the month- not to conflict with Policy Council Trainings or MeetingsMonthly Generate Health Reports (CP3015, CP3060, CP3065 for current health status) and on Performance PanelMonthly Complete Center Director Monthly Report in CP by the 7th of each monthQuarterly Conduct Earthquake Drills. First Earthquake Drill to be conducted before the end of the first 30 days of the PY (Ref: CO 8 SOP)Quarterly DRDP Data Analysis Summary Reports: review with teachers and evidence of activities gathered and file2 X per year Conduct Intruder Alert/practice drill on a no school day with staff only
RR EE QQ UU II RR EE MM EE NN TT SS ,, AA CC RR OO NN YY MM SS && DD EE FF II NN II TT II OO NN SS Service Duration RequirementsAcronymsEntry Date DefinitionCDE HS FD/PD Ext FCC EHS FD 175 Days 1020 Hrs. 1,960 Hrs. 1380 Hrs.CB Center Based FD Full Day (up to 10 hrs./5 days per week) PD ExtPart Day Extended (6.5 hrs. minimum/ 5 days per week)CDE CSPPCA Department of Education, CAState Preschool ProgramHR Human Resources PLC Professional Learning CommunityCP ChildPlus HS Head Start HV/PTC Home Visit/ Parent Teacher ConferenceCQI Continuous Quality Improvement LM Labor Management Px/TB Physicals, Tuberculosis Due EHS Early Head Start PAC Parent Advisory Committee TDT Teacher Dedicated TimeFCCFamily Child Care Program (up to 10 hrs./5 days per week)PC Policy Council NTS“Non-Teaching Staff” at Centers (FSA/W’s, Kitchen Aides, Program Aides, Custodians)FCE Family & Community EngagementDSS Developmental Support Services Dx Dentals DueBWC Baby Wellness Check VH/GAVision & Hearing and Growth Assessments DueA child’s “Entry Date” starts the timeline for all requirements. “Entry Date” is defined as the first day that Early Head Start or Head Start services are provided to the child. For CB – first day of class. All timeline requirements are reflected on the calendar.Minimum Days = Family Engagement Days — 4 hours of care, breakfast and lunch will be servedSlow Start Minimum Day is part of Phase-In and is designed to support children and families’ transition into MAAC Child Development Program. Slow Start was developed to initiate the process of relationship-building between staff, children, and their families; support families with developmental screenings; and plan Back to School Night. The process prepares children and families for a smooth transition from home to school. (see CO-13 for policy)
JULY 2024 PROGRAM PLANNING ROADMAPPROGRAM OPTION TO DO DESCRIPTION DATE DUE☐☐All TR-801 Transportation Van Sign In-Out 7/5 ☐☐ EHS/FCC Monitor Immunization Report CP 3320 7/10☐☐All OM-204 Safety Monitoring Due 7/16☐☐FCC First Day of School 7/15☐☐EHS First Day of School for EHS 7/18☐☐FCC /EHS Ten Day Requirement. Monitor CP 3015 7/24☐☐HS Monitor Immunization Report CP 3320 7/26☐☐PD Ext Create Bus Routes As needed 7/30☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐DAY TRAINING TOPICS AUDIENCE7/18 New Hire Onboarding 7/9, 7/10,7/11 & 7/15EHS Pre-Service 7/16 EHS New Hire Training7/17 NTS-Training7/18Labor Management (LM) Meeting 7/24Community of Practice Meeting Center Directors7/23, 7/25 & 7/29HS Pre-Service 7/26Pre-Service General Session7/30TPOT/TPITOS Calibration 7/31HS New Hire Training, NTS-TrainingOTHER EVENTS & NOTESLibby Lake Resource Center- Resource Fair- Oceanside Diaper Distribution: 1st Wednesday 7:30-9:30AM & 3rd Wednesday 4:00-6:00PM Reminder to initiate Performance Evaluations at the start of the month- Please see HR for Questions
Sat/Sun 142128761320JULY 2024SCHOOL DAYSMon Tue Wed Thu Fri 8 9 11 1215 16 17 18 19102 3 41Holiday4TH OF JULY2722 23 24 25 263029 30312728Slow Start Minimum Day applies to EHS/CDE/HS FD & PD Ext. ONLY to allow for home visits and parent orientation. Breakfast and lunch is served to children. No rest time. Children Will be signed out after completing CDE Hours and HS scheduled lunch time. NTS-Training Non Teaching Staff Training (up to 4 hours of training)5NOTESHead Start 12 FCC 12Early Head Start 9 FD 9First Day of Schoolfor EHS Slow Start Minimum Day EHS Home Visit PMEHS NTS Center Set-UpSlow Start Minimum Day EHS Home Visit PMEHS NTS Center Set-UpEHS CB Staff Return EHS Center Set-Up CDE/HS Staff Return HS Center Set-UpFirst Day of SchoolFCCEHS Home Visit EHS NTS Center Set-Up OM-204 Safety Transportation Due FCC Health Assessment DayHS Pre-ServiceImmunizations FCC/EHS Due Report EHS Pre-ServiceEHS Pre-ServiceEHS New Hire TrainingNo School for All General Session for AllHS Pre-ServiceEHS Home VisitEHS NTS Center Set-UpEHS Home Visit EHS NTS-Training4:00-6:00PM Diaper Distribution HS Home Visit HS NTS-Training HS Home Visit HS NTS Center Set-Up TPOT/TPITOS CalibrationEHS Back to School NightHS New Hire Training7:30-9:30 AM Diaper Distribution 10:00-11:00AM Community of Practice “The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education.” - - Martin Luther King, Jr.
AUGUST 2024 PROGRAM PLANNING ROADMAPPROGRAM OPTIONTO DO DESCRIPTION DATE DUE☐☐HS First Day of School 8/1☐☐ All In-Kind, Mileage, Petty Cash Due 8/5☐☐All Creative Curriculum Fidelity Begin 8/5☐☐FCCPhysicals/Tuberculosis Due (Px/TB)/Baby Wellness Check(BWC): 30 Days 8/13☐☐EHS Physicals/Tuberculosis Due (Px/TB)/Baby Wellness Check (BWC): 30 Days8/16☐☐All OM-204 Safety Monitoring Due 8/16☐☐FCC/EHS Health and Development Screenings Week 8/5-8/16☐☐HS Health and Development Screenings Week 8/19-8/30☐☐Partners First Day of School 8/20☐☐FCC/EHS SNIPS Due 8/23☐☐FCC Vision/Hearing and Growth Assessments Due (VH/GA). 45Days Monitor CP 30158/28☐☐FCC/Partners OM 204B Oversight Safety Due 8/30☐☐HS SNIPS Due 8/30☐☐EHS Vision/Hearing & Growth Assessments Due (VH/GA)/ASQs: 45Days Monitor CP 30158/30☐☐HSPhysicals/Tuberculosis Due (Px/TB): 30Days Monitor CP 30158/30DAY TRAINING TOPICS AUDIENCE8/1, 8/15,8/29 New Hire Onboarding8/21 CDP Leadership Meeting CDP Management 8/15 Apprenticeship Training Apprentices 8/16 Training Time For All8/27Social Emotional Leadership Team Meeting8/28 Community of Practice Meeting Center Directors 8/29 Apprenticeship Training Apprentices OTHER EVENTS & NOTESFlapjacks for Backpacks: Pancake Breakfast & Back to School Fair-San MarcosVista Boys and Girls Club: Block Party & Backpack Giveaway Event- VistaDiaper Distribution: 1st Wednesday 7:30-9:30AM & 3rd Wednesday 4:00-6:00PM Reminder to initiate Performance Evaluations at the start of the month- Please see HR for Questions
AUGUST 5 6 8 912 13 14 15 1619 20 21 22 2371 2 1262024Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 17243110304111825Sat/Sun 27 28 292Slow Start Minimum Day applies to CDE/HS FD & PD Ext. ONLY to allow for home visits and parent orientation. Breakfast and lunch is served to children. No rest time. Children Will be signed out after completing CDE Hours and HS scheduled lunch time. NTS-T Non Teaching Staff Training30SCHOOL DAYSNOTES21 CDE 21Head Start 21 FD 2120 FCC 32Early Head Start 21 FD 30HS Back to School NightFirst Day of School HSSlow Start Minimum Day HS Home Visit PMHS NTS Center Set-UpFirst Day of School PartnersVH/GA/ASQs Due EHS (45Days) Px/TB/BWC Due HS(30Days)OM204B Oversight Safety Due Partners/FCCSNIPS Due HS10:00-11:00AM Community of Practice MeetingVH/GA/ASQs Due FCC (45Days)Health and Safety Screener DueHealth and Developmental Screenings VH/GA/ASQs Week FCC and EHS Health and Development Screenings VH/GA/ASQs Week FCC and EHS Health and Developmental Screenings VH/GA/ASQs Week Head Start Center No School for All Training Time for All OM-204 Safety Monitoring Due Px/TB/BWC Due EHS (30Days)Health and Developmental Screenings VH/GA/ASQs Week Head Start Center Slow Start Minimum Day HS Home Visit PMHS NTS Center Set-UpEHS Coaching Needs Assessment Due 9:00-11:00 Social Emotional Leadership Team Meeting5:30PM Policy Council Meeting9:00-11:00AMCDP Leadership Meeting 7:30-9:30 AM Diaper Distribution 4:00-6:00PM Diaper Distribution SNIPS Due FCC/EHS “Education is the most powerful weapon, which you can use to change the world.” - - Nelson MandelaPx/TB/BWC Due FCC (30Days)
SEPTEMBER 2024 PROGRAM PLANNING ROADMAPPROGRAM OPTION TO DO DESCRIPTION DATE DUE☐☐EHS/HS/Partners CLASS Observations Begin 9/1☐☐ All In-Kind, Mileage, Petty Cash Due 9/5☐☐FCC Dentals Due (Dx). Monitor CP 3015 9/12☐☐EHS Dentals Due (Dx). Monitor CP 3015 9/13☐☐HSVision/Hearing and Growth Assessments Due (VH/GA)/ASQs: 45Days Monitor CP 30159/13☐☐EHS DRDP Time 1 Due 9/13☐☐All OM-204 Safety Monitoring Due 9/16☐☐EHS Parent Teacher Conference (PTC) Due 9/27☐☐HS DRDP Time 1 Due 9/27☐☐HS Dentals Due (Dx) 9/27☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐DAY TRAINING TOPICS AUDIENCE9/3 Comprehensive PLC Family Service Staff 9/4Parent Leadership Parent InfoParents 9/5 CD PLC Meeting Center Directors 9/11 CDP Leadership Meeting CDP Management 9/13Open Enrollment Fair, CPR/FA (1), Training Time for All9/12 & 9/26 New Hire Onboarding 9/19Labor Management LM Meeting 9/24 Policy Council Meeting9/25 Community of Practice Meeting Center Directors 9/26 Apprenticeship Training Apprentices 9/27 TDT (1), NTS-Training9/27MAAC Quarterly Managers MeetingMAAC Management OTHER EVENTS & NOTESCarlsbad Annual Art Walk- Carlsbad Diaper Distribution: 1st Wednesday 7:30-9:30AM & 3rd Wednesday 4:00-6:00PM Reminder to initiate Performance Evaluations at the start of the month- Please see HR for Questions
SEPTEMBER 2 3 5 69 10 11 12 1316 17 18 19 2040 0 0 0232024SCHOOL DAYS24 25 26Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 271421287181522Sat/Sun HolidayLABOR DAY0 0 0 0 12930HIGHLIGHTS18 CDE 39 Head Start 18 FD 3918 FCC 50Early Head Start 18 FD 48Parent Leadership Election Due September 30th 10:00-11:30AM Open Enrollment Health Fair HS/EHS Home Visit CPR/First AidTraining Time for AllVH/GA/ASQs Due HS(45Days)Dx Due EHS DRDP Time 1 Due EHSTDTNTS-Training10:00AM-12:00PM MAAC-Quarterly Managers Meeting Dx Due HSDRDP Time 1 Due HS PTC Due EHS4:00-6:00PM Diaper Distribution Dx Due FCCOM-204 Safety Monitoring Due Acronyms for Requirements:Px/TB = Physicals & Tuberculosis DueH/V & GA= Hearing & Vision and Growth Assessments DueASQs, = Ages & Stages QuestionnaireSafety Month Add Emergency Preparedness to Lesson Plan 9:00-12:00 Comprehensive Services PLC HS Coaching Needs Assessments Due No School for AllNo School for All9:00-11:00AMCDP Leadership Meeting 1:00-4:00 CD PLC Meeting1:30-5:00CD Cluster MeetingLM Meeting 7:30-9:30AM Diaper Distribution 5:30-7:00 Virtual Leadership Info Session 5:30PM Policy Council Meeting Complete 30, 45 & 60 Day Requirements in Health & Education for late staring childrenReminder: 10:00-11:00AM Community of Practice Meeting“Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.“- - John DeweyA family goal must be initiated within 90 days of first day of school
OCTOBER 2024 PROGRAM PLANNING ROADMAPPROGRAM OPTION TO DO DESCRIPTION DATE DUE☐☐EHS/HS/FCC Ready Rosie Kick-Off 10/01☐☐ Partners Vision, Hearing & Growth Assessment.45 Days 10/3☐☐TR-801 Due 10/4☐☐All In-Kind, Mileage, Petty Cash Due 10/5☐☐FCCAll Health Requirements & Follow Up Due. Monitor CP 3015, 3065 or Performance Pannels 10/10☐☐FCC Family Goal Due 10/10☐☐EHS 1st Parent Teaching Conference 10/11☐☐EHS All Health Requirements & Follow-Up Due. Monitor CP 3015,306510/15☐☐EHS Family Goal Due 10/16☐☐EHS 90 Days Due 10/15☐☐All OM-204 Safety Monitoring Due 10/16☐☐HS 1st Parent Teacher Conference 10/25☐☐HS Family Goal Due 10/25☐☐HSAll Health Requirements & Follow-Up Due. Monitor CP 3015,306510/29DAY TRAINING TOPICS AUDIENCE10/1Comprehensive Services PLCFamily Service Staff 10/10 & 10/24 New Hire Onboarding New Hires10/10 Apprenticeship TrainingApprentices 10/11 TDT (2), NTS TrainingAll10/17 CD Cluster Meeting Center Directors 10/19Policy Council Leadership Day 10/23 Community of Practice Meeting Center Directors 10/24 Apprenticeship TrainingApprentices 10/25TDT (3), NTS-Training, CPR/FA (2)All 10/29 Policy Council MeetingOTHER EVENTS & NOTESSan Marcos Harvest Festival- San Marcos Vista Fright Night on Main Street- VistaDiaper Distribution: 1st Wed 7:30-9:30AM & 3rd Wed. 4:00-6:00PMReminder to initiate Performance Evaluations at the start of the month- Please see HR for Questions
OCTOBER 7 8 10 1114 15 16 17 1821 22 23 24 2591 2 30282024SCHOOL DAYS29 30 31Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 271926281229613202750Sat/Sun HolidayINDIGENOUS PEOPLE’S Day 4NOTES20 CDE 59Head Start 20 FD 5921 FCC 71Early Head Start 20 FD 68No School for AllTDTCPR/First AidNTS-Training1st PTC Due HS 90 Days EHS Dx Due Partners 5:30PM Policy Council Meeting 90 Days HSNo School for AllTDTNTS-Training1st PTC Due EHS 90 Days FCC4:00-6:00PM Diaper Distribution OM-204 Safety Monitoring Due 5:00-7:30PM PC Training FIELD TRIPS: Del Dios HS, FB View, Gosnell, North Coast, Pauma, Rincon9:00-11:30 Policy Council Leadership Day9:00-12:00 Comprehensive Services PLC Ready Rosie Kick-Off 7:30-9:30AM Diaper Distribution 9:00-11:00AMCDP Leadership Meeting9:00:11:30AM Leadership Training in Person 1:00-4:00 CD PLC MeetingVH/GA Due Partners 1:30-5:00CD Cluster Meeting Reminder: Complete 30, 45 & 60 Day Requirements in Health & Education for late starting children 10:00-11:00AM Community of Practice Meeting“The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.“- - Sydney J. Harris
NOVEMBER 2024 PROGRAM PLANNING ROADMAPPROGRAM OPTION TO DO DESCRIPTION DATE DUE☐☐All In-Kind, Mileage, Petty Cash Due 11/5☐☐ All OM-204 Safety Monitoring Due 11/15☐☐HS/EHS Environmental Rating Scale IT/PS 10/22☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐DAY TRAINING TOPICS AUDIENCE11/1 Policy Council Transition Dinner 11/5 Comprehensive Services PLC Family Service Staff11/7 CD PLC Meeting Center Directors11/8Training Time for All, Teaching, CPR/FA (3)11/7 & 11/21 New Hire Onboarding 11/20 Community of Practice Meeting Center Directors 11/13 CDP Leadership MeetingCDP Management 11/14 Apprenticeship Training Apprentices 11/19Social Emotional Leadership Team Meeting 11/21Labor Management LM Meetings11/21 CD Cluster Meeting Center Directors 11/22 HS Manual Policies 11/27 TDT (4), NTS-Training OTHER EVENTS & NOTESFather Figure in Action- In person Orientation Diaper Distribution: 1st Wed 7:30-9:30AM & 3rd Wed. 4:00-6:00PMReminder to initiate Performance Evaluations at the start of the month- Please see HR for Questions
NOVEMBER 21 224 5 7 811 12 13 14 1518 19 2060 1 20252024SCHOOL DAYS26 27 28Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 291623309DEC 131017242Sat/Sun HolidayTHANKSGIVINGHolidayDAY AFTER THANKSGIVINGHolidayVETERANS DAY1NOTES14 CDE 73Head Start 14 FD 7314 FCC 86Early Head Start 14 FD 82No School for AllTDTNTS-TrainingStaff In-ServiceGeneral SessionNo School for AllStaff In-ServiceNo School for All90 Days Partners OM-204 Safety Monitoring Due 7:30-9:30AM Diaper Distribution 1:00-2:00PM Child Safety Committee Meeting5:30-7:00PM Fathers/Father Figures in Action (In-Person)FIELD TRIPS: REMINDER: Del Dios EHS, Eureka, FB Street HS, Foothill, Island Club, Laurel Tree, Westlake 9:00-11:00 Social Emotional Leadership Team Meeting5:30PM PC Council Meeting 6:00PM Policy Council Transition Dinner 10:00-11:00AM Community of Practice Meeting4:00-6:00PM Diaper Distribution No School for AllCPR/First AidTraining Time for All9:00-11:00AMCDP Leadership Meeting 9:00-12:00 Comprehensive Services PLC 1:00-4:00 CD PLC Meeting1:30-5:00CD Cluster MeetingLM Meeting Complete 30, 45 & 60 Day Requirements in Health & Education for late starting children“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.“- - Benjamin Franklin
DECEMBER 2024 PROGRAM PLANNING ROADMAPPROGRAM OPTION TO DO DESCRIPTION DATE DUE☐☐All In-Kind, Mileage, Petty Cash Due 12/5☐☐ All OM-204 Safety Monitoring Due 12/16 ☐☐All Fiscal Closeout 12/20☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐DAY TRAINING TOPICS AUDIENCE12/3Comprehensive Service PLCFamily Service Staff 12/5 CD PLC Meeting Center Directors 12/5 & 12/19 New Hire Onboarding12/10MAOF Parent Engagement Event12/11 CDP Leadership Meeting CDP Management 12/11Father/Father Figure in Action- Virtual 12/19 Apprenticeship Training Apprentices 12/18Community of Practice Meeting Center Directors 12/19 CD Cluster Meeting Center Directors12/20 TDT (5), NTS-Training12/20 MAAC Quarterly Manager Meeting MAAC Management OTHER EVENTS & NOTESEscondido Holiday Festival- Escondido Diaper Distribution: 1st Wed 7:30-9:30AM & 3rd Wed. 4:00-6:00PMReminder to initiate Performance Evaluations at the start of the month- Please see HR for Questions
DECEMBER 2916232024SCHOOL DAYSMon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat/Sun 293 5 610 11 12 1317 18 19 20424 25 26 27782821221415HolidayCHRISTMAS 30031 0 0 0 0WINTER BREAK: ALL PROGRAM OPTIONS CLOSED. ADMIN OFFICES CLOSED TO THE PUBLICWINTER BREAK: ALL PROGRAM OPTIONS CLOSED. ADMIN OFFICES CLOSED TO THE PUBLICNOTES14 CDE 87Head Start 14 FD 8714 FCC 100 Early Head Start 14 FD 95No Policy Council MeetingOM-204 Safety Monitoring Due FIELD TRIPS: Fallbrook Street EHS, Hickory, Linda Vista, North Campus, Old GroveREMINDER: Complete 30, 45 & 60 Day Requirements in Health & Education for late starting children No School for AllTDTNTS-Training10:00AM-12:00PM MAAC Quarterly Managers Meeting9:00-12:00 Comprehensive Services PLC 7:30-9:30AM Diaper Distribution 10:00-11:00AM Community of Practice Meeting4:00-6:00PM Diaper Distribution 9:00-11:00AM CDP Leadership Meeting 5:30-6:30PM Fathers/Father Figure in Action (Virtual)1:00-4:00 CD PLC Meeting1:30-5:00CD Cluster Meeting 5:00-6:30 MAOF Parent Engagement Event “Every child deserves a teacher who believes in them. Be that one!“- - John DeweyFiscal Closeout: All purchases with receipts due 12/20(mileage, petty cash, tuition reimbursements, travel, parent engagement closeouts)
JANUARY 2025 PROGRAM PLANNING ROADMAPPROGRAM OPTION TO DO DESCRIPTION DATE DUE☐☐All In-Kind, Mileage, Petty Cash Due 1/5☐☐ All OM-204 Safety Monitoring Due 1/16 ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐DAY TRAINING TOPICS AUDIENCE1/02,1/16, 1/30 New Hire Onboarding 1/6 TDT (6), NTS-Training1/7Comprehensive Services PLCFamily Service Staff 1/8 CDP Leadership Meeting CDP Management 1/9 CD PLC Meeting Center Directors 1/09 Apprenticeship Training Apprentices 1/16Labor Management LM Meeting1/22Community of Practice Meeting Center Directors 1/23 Apprenticeship Training Apprentices 1/23 CD Cluster Meeting Center Directors 1/28 Policy Council Meeting 1/31 Impact Conference 2025OTHER EVENTS & NOTESDiaper Distribution: 1st Wed 7:30-9:30AM & 3rd Wed. 4:00-6:00PMReminder to initiate Performance Evaluations at the start of the month- Please see HR for Questions
JANUARY 36200 1 20272025CB SCHOOL DAYS28 29 30Mon Wed Thu Fri 311825011051219264Sat/Sun 7 9 1014 15 16 1721 22 23 248HolidayNEW YEAR’S DAY13HolidayMARTIN LUTHER KING JR. BIRTHDAYWINTER BREAK: ALL PROGRAM OPTIONS CLOSED. ADMIN OFFICES CLOSED TO THE PUBLICNOTES 17 CDE 104Head Start 17 FD 10417 FCC 117Early Head Start 17 113No School for AllTDTNTS-TrainingNo School for AllMAAC Impact Conference 2025OM-204 Safety Monitoring Due LM Meeting 7:30-9:30AM Diaper Distribution 9:00-11:00AMCDP Leadership Meeting 10:00-11:00AM Community of Practice Meeting4:00-6:00PM Diaper Distribution 5:30PM Policy Council Meeting 9:00-12:00 Comprehensive Services PLC 1:00-4:00 CD PLC Meeting1:30-5:00CD Cluster Meeting Field Trips: Make-Up Reminder: Complete 30, 45 & 60 Day Requirements in Health & Education for late starting children
FEBRUARY 2025 PROGRAM PLANNING ROADMAPPROGRAM OPTION TO DO DESCRIPTION DATE DUE☐☐All In-Kind, Mileage, Petty Cash Due 2/05☐☐ All OM-204 Safety Monitoring Due 2/16☐☐EHS DRDP Time 2 2/28☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐DAY TRAINING TOPICS AUDIENCE2/4Comprehensive Services PLCFamily Service Staff 2/5Child Safety Committee Meeting 2/6 CD PLC Meeting Center Directors 2/7 CPR/First Aid (4) All 2/13 & 2/27 New Hire Onboarding 2/19Community of Practice Meeting Center Directors 2/20 CD Cluster MeetingCenter Directors 2/20 Apprenticeship Training Apprentices 2/28 Recruitment Training Day 2/25Social Emotional Leadership Team Meeting2/25 Policy Council Meeting2/28 TDT (7), NTS-TrainingOTHER EVENTS & NOTESFathers/Father Figures in Action- In-Person, February 12, 5:00-7:00PMVista Boys & Girls Club: Love our Community- Community Pancake BreakfastDSS Family Event, February 20, 5:00-7:00PMDiaper Distribution: 1st Wed 7:30-9:30AM & 3rd Wed. 4:00-6:00PMReminder to initiate Performance Evaluations at the start of the month- Please see HR for Questions
FEBRUARY 3 4 6 7101750 0 0024202525 26 27Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 281522MAR 18MAR 22916231Sat/Sun 11 12 13 1418 19 20 21HolidayPRESIDENTS' DAYSCHOOL DAYSHolidayLINCOLN’S BIRTHDAYNOTES16 CDE 120Head Start 16 FD 12016 FCC 133Early Head Start 16 FD 129Parent SurveysNo School for AllTDTNTS-Training: Recruitment 8:30AM-12:30PM DRDP Time 2 due EHSOM-204 Safety Monitoring Due 7:30-9:30AM Diaper Distribution1:00-2:00PM Child Safety Committee Meeting9:00-11:00 Social Emotional Leadership Team Meeting5:30PM Policy Council10:00-11:00AM Community of Practice Meeting4:00-6:00PM Diaper Distribution No School for AllCPR/First AidTraining Time for All9:00-11:00AMCDP Leadership Meeting5:00-7:00PM Father/Father Figures In Person9:00-12:00 Comprehensive Services PLC 1:00-4:00 CD PLC Meeting1:30-5:00PMCD Cluster Meeting5:00-7:00 PM DSS Family Event Field Trips: Fallbrook Street HS, Fallbrook View, Westlake Reminder: Late starting children must complete 30, 45 & 60 Day Requirements in Health & Education There is no single best way to teach because there is no single best way to learn.“- - Chris Dede, Harvard University
MARCH 2025 PROGRAM PLANNING ROADMAPPROGRAM OPTION TO DO DESCRIPTION DATE DUE☐☐All In-Kind, Mileage, Petty Cash Due 3/5☐☐ All OM-204 Safety Monitoring Due 3/16 ☐☐HS DRDP Time 2 Due 3/14☐☐FCC Spring Break Valley Center 3/17-3/21☐☐EHS 2nd Home Visit Due 3/28☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐DAY TRAINING TOPICS AUDIENCE03/04Comprehensive Services PLCFamily Service Staff 3/6 CD PLC Meeting Center Directors 3/12 CDP Leadership Meeting CDP Management 3/13 & 3/27 New Hire Onboarding 3/14 TDT (8), NTS-Training3/14MAAC Quarterly Managers Meeting MAAC Management 3/20Labor Management LM Meeting3/20 CD Cluster Meeting Center Directors 3/21Health Services Advisory & School Readiness Committee Community Partners & Invited Staff 3/26Community of Practice Meeting Center Directors 3/27 Apprenticeship Training Apprentices 3/28CPR/FA (5), Training For AllOTHER EVENTS & NOTESFathers/Father Figure In Action (virtual), 5:30-6:30PMMAOF Parent Engagement Event, March 27, 5:00-6:30PMDiaper Distribution: 1st Wed 7:30-9:30AM & 3rd Wed. 4:00-6:00PMReminder to initiate Performance Evaluations at the start of the month- Please see HR for Questions
MARCH 710 11 13 1417 18 19 20 2124 25 26 27 28124 5 63312025SCHOOL DAYS0 0 0 0Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 2229015091623308Sat/Sun HolidayCESAR CHAVEZ BIRTHDAYNOTES18 CDE 138Head Start 18 FD 13818 FCC 150Early Head Start 18 FD 147No School for AllTDTNTS-Training10:00AM-12:00PM MAAC Quarterly Managers MeetingDRDP Time 2 Due HSOM-204 Safety Monitoring Due 10:00-12:00 PM Health Service Advisory & School Readiness Committee DRDP Time 2 DueNo School for All CPR/First AidTraining Time for All 2nd HV Due EHS4:00-6:00PM Diaper Distribution5:30-6:30PM Fathers/Father Figure in Action (Virtual) 9:00-11:00AM CDP Leadership Meeting 9:00-12:00 PM Comprehensive Services PLC 1:00-4:00 PM CD PLC Meeting1:30-5:00 PMCD Cluster MeetingLM Meeting 7:30-9:30AM Diaper Distribution5:30PM Policy CouncilField Trips: Reminder: Del Dios HS, Eureka, Foothill, Island Club, North Coast, Rincon Complete 30, 45 & 60 Day Requirements in Health & Education for late starting children 10:00-11:00AM Community of Practice Meeting5:00-6:30 PM MAOF Parent Engagement Event “I never teach my pupils. I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn.“- - Albert Einstein
APRIL 2025 PROGRAM PLANNING ROADMAPPROGRAM OPTION TO DO DESCRIPTION DATE DUE☐☐All In-Kind, Mileage, Petty Cash Due 4/5☐☐ All Second Growth Assessment Due 4/1-4/25☐☐All OM-204 Safety Monitoring Due 4/16☐☐HS/EHS Spring Break 4/7-4/11☐☐FCC Spring Break: Vista/San Marcos 3/31-4/4☐☐FCC Spring Break: Carlsbad/Oceanside 4/7-4/11☐☐FCC Spring Break: Fallbrook/Escondido 4/14-4/18☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐DAY TRAINING TOPICS AUDIENCE4/1Comprehensive Services PLCFamily Service Staff4/3 CD PLC Meeting Center Directors 4/9 CDP Leadership Meeting CDP Management 4/10 & 4/24 New Hire Onboarding 4/10 & 4/24 Apprenticeship TrainingApprentices 4/14 TDT (9), NTS-Training4/17 CD Cluster Meeting Center Directors 4/22 Policy Council Meeting4/23Community of Practice Meeting Center Directors OTHER EVENTS & NOTESVista Unified School District- Annual Early Childhood Fair Fallbrook Avocado Festival Day of the Child- Dia Del Ninx- Oceanside Parent Engagement Summit with Father/Fathers in Action Component, April 19STREAM Festival with Fathers In Action (tentative), April 26 Diaper Distribution: 1st Wed 7:30-9:30AM & 3rd Wed. 4:00-6:00PMReminder to initiate Performance Evaluations at the start of the month- Please see HR for Questions
APRIL 7 8 10 1114 15 16 17 1821 22 23 24 2591 2 30282025SCHOOL DAYS29 30 0 0Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1926012061320275Sat/Sun 4SPRING BREAK: NO SCHOOLNOTES16 CDE 154Head Start 16 FD 15417 FCC 167Early Head Start 16 FD 163No School for AllTDTNTS-TrainingEHS/HS Home Visits Self Assessment Training-AM OM-204 Safety Monitoring Due 4:00-6:00PM Diaper Distribution 9:00-11:00AMCDP Leadership Meeting9:00-12:00 Comprehensive Services PLC 1:00-4:00 CD PLC Meeting1:30-5:00CD Cluster Meeting 5:30PM Policy CouncilSTREAM Festival with Fathers in Action (tentative)7:30-9:30AM Diaper Distribution 9:00-1:00 Parent Engagement Summit Father/Fathers in Action ComponentField Trips: Gosnell HS, Hickory, Laurel Tree, Pauma (No Field Trips During ASA Week 4/17-4/26)Reminder: Complete 30, 45 & 60 Day Requirements in Health & Education for late starting children SELF ASSESSMENT & Program Self-Evaluation WEEKSELF ASSESSMENT & Program Self-Evaluation WEEKSchool Bus Drivers Day“Teaching is far from perfect. It is messy, and it’s in that mess that you will craft your teaching and really enjoy the journey.“- - Lisa Dabbs, Educator2nd HV Due HS
MAY 2025PROGRAM PLANNING ROADMAPPROGRAM OPTION TO DO DESCRIPTION DATE DUE☐☐All In-Kind, Mileage, Petty Cash Due 5/05☐☐ HS DRDP Time 3 Due 5/09☐☐All ASA Final Summary Report Due 5/15☐☐All OM-204 Safety Monitoring Due 5/16☐☐EHS DRDP Time 3 Due 5/23☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐DAY TRAINING TOPICS AUDIENCE5/8 & 5/22 New Hire Onboarding 5/8ASA Data Monitoring Results Overview Meeting5/9 Staff Appreciation Event5/15 Labor Management Meeting5/15ASA Final Summary Report Due5/22 Apprenticeship Training Apprentices5/21Community of Practice Meeting Center Directors 5/23TDT (10), NTS-Training, CPR/First Aid (6)OTHER EVENTS & NOTESMiraCosta College: STREAM Festival- Oceanside Escondido Street FestivalVista Strawberry Festival Diaper Distribution: 1st Wed 7:30-9:30AM & 3rd Wed. 4:00-6:00PMReminder to initiate Performance Evaluations at the start of the month- Please see HR for Questions
MAY 5 6 8 912 13 14 15 1619 20 21 22 2370 010262025SCHOOL DAYS27 28 29 30Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 17243110JUN 141118253Sat/Sun HolidayMEMORIAL DAY2NOTES19 CDE 173Head Start 19 FD 17319 FCC 186Early Head Start 19 FD 182No School for AllStaff Appreciation EventDRDP Time 3 Due HSOM-204 Safety Monitoring Due 9:00-11:00 Social Emotional Leadership Team Meeting5:30PM Policy Council MeetingNo School for AllTDT NTS-TrainingCPR/First AidDRDP Time 3 Due EHS4:00-6:00PM Diaper Distribution 9:00-11:00AM CDP Leadership Meeting 5:30-7:00PM Fathers/Father Figures In Action Appreciation Dinner 9:00-12:00 Comprehensive Services PLC 1:00-4:00 CD PLC Meeting1:30-5:00CD Cluster Meeting ASA Final Summary Report Due LM Meeting 7:30-9:30AM Diaper Distribution Field Trips: Del Dios EHS, Fallbrook Street EHS, Gosnell EHS, Linda Vista, Old Grove, North Campus Reminder: Complete 30, 45 & 60 Day Requirements in Health & Education for late starting childrenTeacher Appreciation Week 1:00-3:00PM ASA Data Monitoring Results Overview Meeting 1:00-3:00PM ASA Executive Summary Overview Meeting “It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.“- - Albert Einstein
JUNE 2025 PROGRAM PLANNING ROADMAPPROGRAM OPTION TO DO DESCRIPTION DATE DUE☐☐All In-Kind, Mileage, Petty Cash Due 6/05☐☐ HS Last Day of School 6/04☐☐EHS 2nd PTC Due 6/06☐☐All OM-204 Safety Monitoring Due 6/16☐☐EHS Last Day of School 6/17☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐DAY TRAINING TOPICS AUDIENCE6/3Comprehensive Services PLC Family Service Staff 6/5 CD PLC Meeting Center Directors6/5 & 6/19 New Hire Onboarding 6/7Fathers/Father Figures In Action Outdoor Event6/11 CDP Leadership Meeting CDP Management 6/13 MAAC Quarterly Managers MeetingMAAC Management 6/24 Policy Council Meeting 6/25 Community of Practice Meeting Center Directors 6/26 Apprenticeship Training Apprentices OTHER EVENTS & NOTESValley Center Western Days (2 Day Event)MiraCosta College: Latinx Book & Family Festival- Oceanside Crown Heights Resource Center: Resources Fair- Oceanside Diaper Distribution: 1st Wed 7:30-9:30AM & 3rd Wed. 4:00-6:00PMReminder to initiate Performance Evaluations at the start of the month- Please see HR for Questions
JUNE 19 10 12 1316 17 18 19 2023 24 25 26 27113 4 5 62302025SCHOOL DAYSMon Tue Wed Thu Fri 0 0 02128014708152229Sat/Sun 0HolidayJUNETEENTHNOTES3 CDE 176Head Start 3 FD 17612 FCC 197Early Head Start 12 FD 194EHS Staff Last Day EHS Close-Out Last Day of School for EHS (minimum day)EHS Close-Out Last Day of School for HS (minimum day)HS Close-Out 7:30-9:30 AM Diaper Distribution HS Staff Last Day HS Close-Out 2nd PTC Due EHS OM-204 Safety Monitoring Due End of Program Year: Petty Cash Closeout: Receipts Due 6/181:00-4:00 CD PLC Meeting HS Close-Out HS Close-Out Class/Center EHS Close-Out Class/Center 10:00AM-12:00PM MAAC Quarterly Managers Meeting9:00-11:00AMCDP Leadership Meeting9:00-12:00 Comprehensive Services PLC 5:30 Policy Council MeetingEHS Close-Out 4:00-6:00PM Diaper Distribution Fathers/Father Figures In Action Outdoor Event Reminder: Complete 30, 45 & 60 Day Requirements in Health & Education for late starting children Minimum Day Applies to EHS/HS for Family Engagement Events. Breakfast and Lunch is served to Children. No rest time. Children will be signed out after completing CDE hours and HS/ESH scheduled lunch time. EHS Close-Out Class/Center “Children want the same things we want. To laugh, to be challenged, to be entertained, and delighted.“- - Dr. Seuss
JULY 7 8 10 1114 15 16 17 1821 22 23 24 2591 2 3 4282025SCHOOL DAYSMon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1926012506132027Sat/Sun 29 30Holiday4TH OF JULY31NOTESHead Start Early Head Start OM-204 Due 9:00-11:00AM CDP Leadership Meeting “Every student can learn. Just not on the same day or in the same way.“- - George EvansIntentionally Left Blank for Planning Purposes PY 24/25
CARLSBAD EUREKA3368 Eureka Place Carlsbad, CA 92008 HS Lic. 376700775 (760) 720-4378LAUREL TREE1307 Laurel Tree Lane Carlsbad, CA 92011 EHS Lic. 376700768 (760) 930-0749ESCONDIDODEL DIOS835 W. 15th Avenue Escondido, CA 92025 EHS Lic. 376701309 HS Lic. 376700772 (760) 747-7027HICKORY635 N. Hickory Street Escondido, CA 92025 EHS Lic. 376701307 HS Lic. 376700770 (760) 741-0541FALLBROOKFALLBROOK STREET 405 W. Fallbrook Street Fallbrook, CA 92028 EHS Lic. 376700650 HS Lic. 372006255 (760) 723-4189FALLBROOK VIEW 901 Alturas Road, #A Fallbrook, CA 92028 HS Lic. 376700077 (760) 731-2062OCEANSIDEISLAND CLUB2322 Catalina Circle Oceanside, CA 92056 HS Lic. 372006461 (760) 941-7616NORTH COAST1501 Kelly Street Oceanside CA 92054 HS Lic. 376700061 (760) 966-7135OLD GROVE235 Via Pelicano Oceanside, CA 92057 HS Lic. 376600980 (760) 433-7589SAN MARCOSGOSNELL139 Gosnell Way San Marcos, CA 92069 EHS Lic. 376701254 HS Lic. 376600278 (760) 736-3066LINDA VISTA1587 Linda Vista Drive San Marcos, CA 92078 EHS Lic. 376600691 Lic. 37485136 (760) 744-7995WESTLAKE415 Autumn Drive San Marcos, CA 92069 EHS Lic. 376701118 (760) 631-2695VALLEY CENTERPAUMA33158 Cole Grade Road Pauma Valley, CA 92061 HS Lic. 376700371 (760) 615-2000RINCON33509 Valley Center Road Valley Center, CA 92082 EHS Lic. 376600656 HS Lic. 376600189 (760) 749-5190VISTAFOOTHILL1410 Foothill Drive Vista, CA 92084 EHS Lic. 376701308 Lic. 374845129 (760) 639-4465NORTH CAMPUS EARLY LEARNING CENTER956 Vale Terrace Drive Vista, CA 92084 EHS Lic. 376300395 HS Lic. 376300394 (760) 726-4272CHULA VISTAMAOF – DIONICIO MORALES2453 Fenton Street Chula Vista, CA 91914 HS Lic. 376700554 (619) 421-3940 ESCONDIDO ECCDC613 E. Lincoln Avenue Escondido, CA 92026 Lic. 376600817 (760) 839-9330SAN YSIDROMAOF – SAN YSIDRO EARLY LEARNING CENTER1901 Del Sur Boulevard, 1st Floor San Ysidro, CA 92173 Lic. 376701072 (619) 621-2525 Carlsbad – 92009, 92010 • Escondido – 92025, 92026, 92027 • Fallbrook – 92028 Oceanside – 92056. 92057 • San Marcos – 92069 • Vista – 92056, 92083, 92084
Vale Terrace Drive Vista, CA - Third Avenue Chula Vista, CA