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CC Taylor Foundation-ChaplainCare

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We are blessed and grateful to have had a team of selfless servant leaders keeping the CCTaylor Foundation-ChaplainCare train running on time. The inaugural Executive Teamcomprises former corporate and military chaplains who, in 2022, provided 8,320 volunteerhours of their time, talents, treasure, and testimonials while adhering to the sacredobligation to safeguard the public trust. As they bid us farewell, we are grateful for their service and pray God's continued blessings."We are like dwarfs on the shoulders of giants so that we can see more than they, and things at agreater distance, not by virtue of any sharpness of sight on our part, or any physical distinction, butbecause we are carried high and raised up by their giant size." -French philosopher Bernard of Chartreschaplaincare.comcctaylorfoundation.orgPHILANTHROPY AND STEWARDSHIP CC TAYLOR FOUNDATION - CHAPLAINCARE SPRING ISSUELOOKING BACK OVER 2022-MOVING FORWARD TO 2025Chaplain Doyle Dunn Chaplain Mark HendricksChaplain Judy NelsonChaplain Kimberly MosesChaplain Alan T. "Blues" Baker"Blessed To Be A Blessing"

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Please know how deeply grateful Iam for your investment of time,energy, and thought leadership. In a short period over the past year,with God’s help and yours, CC TaylorFoundation and its' wholly-ownednonprofit subsidiary ChaplainCareLLC have accomplished an amazingamount of work.ChaplainCare LLC has a strongchaplain talent-recruiting network,an outstanding website, and anaffordable high-quality App to assiststudents, clients, employees, andservice members and their familiesin navigating life's mental,emotional, and spiritual resiliencychallenges. We are developing a competency-focused distance learning academywith an evidence-based curriculumthat uses personal, professional,and spiritual growth resources. Moreover, God has forged anoverflow of Trustees, Advisors, andStaff who inspire people to flourish in life, school, work, and community.Dear Friends and Supporters, I am grateful for theaccomplishments and impact youmade possible in the fiscal year2022. Engaging, learning, andserving with you in this meaningfulwork is exciting. John Maxwell said, "Nobodyfinishes well by accident." To catapult your vision of inspiringpeople to finish well, our 2022-2025philanthropic actions and strategiesare intentionally proactive in helpingchildren and their families,companies, and communitiesflourish as they strengthen theirfaith, leadership, and learning.Thanks to your generosity, systemicbarriers to quality education andemployment are addressedequitably and transformed.Underserved students haveopportunities and tools to completeK-12 and postsecondary education.Together, we are helping othersfinish well. -ShirleyFriends, Supporters and Donors,St. Paul teaches us that we eachhave our own gifts. Importantly, thegifts we are given are not by randomchance. They are gifts that differ accordingto the grace given to us by God(Romans 12:6-8).St. Paul exhorts us to exercise thesegifts. In particular, he asks us to begenerous and cheerful.This teaching is one of the drivingforces in CC Taylor Foundation-ChaplainCare.The Foundation brings togetherpeople with unique God-giventalents to achieve its vision,mission, and values.I am proud to serve with our greatteam. Generous people with aservant’s heart!“Blessed To Be A Blessing” Joe Shirley ByersChairperson Joe Leidig, Jr.Vice-ChairpersonMAXIMIZING LEADERSThe disciples were professional fishermen but had fished all night and caught nothing. When we're not seeing things happen as we expect, it's easy to feel frustrated and discouraged. But God still has all the fish that belong to you. Let down your nets and get ready because God's overflow is coming. -Joel Osteenchaplaincare.comcctaylorfoundation.orgPHILANTHROPY AND STEWARDSHIP CC TAYLOR FOUNDATION - CHAPLAINCARE SPRING ISSUE

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Thank you for making a real differencechaplaincare.comcctaylorfoundation.orgPHILANTHROPY AND STEWARDSHIP CC TAYLOR FOUNDATION - CHAPLAINCARE SPRING ISSUEGive now and your gift will DOUBLETo help strengthen the faith, leadership, and learning ofVeterans, school children, young adult clergy, and laitylearners throughout and beyond the workforce, give McCollum, and Peter “Bear” Stitt, UnitedStates Naval Academy graduates of the Class of 1983,are raising funds for USNA, ChaplainCare, and othercharities on a 3,000-mile Bicycle ride from WhidbeyIsland, WA, to Annapolis, MD. A loyal donor has pledged $25,000.00 to match eachdollar you give to support ChaplainCare in Luke orPeter’s name. Go to TO GET INVOLVED - MOVING FORWARD TO 2025Another option is to double the impact of yourgift to the "All Veterans Care" EndowedScholarship fund by donating today.An anonymous donor has pledged to match dollarfor dollar each gift you give up to $25,000.00 Thanks to the spirit of Veterans their families,and friends, this endowment will provide meritand needs-based undergraduate scholarships forcurrent and future generations of leaders ofcharacter, especially from underrepresented andunderserved communities who personify honor,leadership, and effort.Thank you. Your gift makes a real difference! $50,000 MATCHING GIFT - DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT

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100% of the Board of Trustees pledged93% have already donated their gift100 first-time friend-raisers (donors) 40% of the goal is completeA mobile app that supports students' persistence andcompletion and boosts employees' mental health,engagement, productivity, and resilienceDFWAIC purchased the first LicenseAn anonymous donor gave $100,000A loyal donor deeded a $420,000 residential property to advance the vision and missionCorporate, Governmental, and EducationalStrengthening faith, leadership, learning, philanthropyThe Philanthropy and Stewardship Committee's goal is$220,000Sell up to three Licenses ChaplainCare Mobile AppsSecure Major Gifts to the Annual Fund Secure at least one Planned GiftPlacement of Chaplains in three sectorsLearning Academy offering evidence-based trainingYOU MAKE THE DIFFERENCE - MOVING FORWARD TO 2025S.M.A.R.T. GOALS 2023Purpose: Serving people, strengthening organizations, and supporting underserved communitiesVision: Societal and global problems solved by elevating philanthropy, faith, leadership, and learningMission: Mobilizing donors' generosity and interfaith chaplains' core competencies to closeeconomic, education, social, and spiritual equity gaps impacting work, workers, and the workplace Values: Leadership, Partnership, Relationship, Scholarship, and StewardshipGoals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. "Where there is no prophetic visioning, the people cast off restraint"Join this Ministry in Motion - where faith, leadership, learning and philanthropy intersectchaplaincare.comcctaylorfoundation.orgPHILANTHROPY AND STEWARDSHIP CC TAYLOR FOUNDATION - CHAPLAINCARE SPRING ISSUEGOAL: $220,000

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Engagement IndexTrustees and Executive Team Membersgiving at a Leadership Level at the end of the 1st Quarter of 2023. 100% Pledged and 93% Paid in Full - April 2023 ProgressContinuing Educationfor Chaplains inAccreditedChaplainCare LearningAcademy programsServing People andStrengtheningFaith-FriendlyCompanies,GovernmentAgencies, andEducationalInstitutions Preparingstudents forinformedcitizenship and alife-time ofsuccess is at theheart of ourCorporate SocialResponsibilityThree Impact Areas Where Your Gifts Are Making A Difference “God’s People - Doing God’s Business - God’s Way” chaplaincare.comcctaylorfoundation.orgPHILANTHROPY AND STEWARDSHIP CC TAYLOR FOUNDATION - CHAPLAINCARE SPRING ISSUE

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LOOKING BACK OVER 2022-MOVING FORWARD TO 2025Purpose: Serving people, strengthening organizations, and supporting underserved communities Vision: Societal and global problems solved by elevating philanthropy, faith, leadership, and learningMission: Mobilizing donors' generosity and interfaith chaplains' core competencies to close economic, education,social, and spiritual equity gaps impacting work, workers, and the workplace. Values: Leadership, Partnership, Relationship, Scholarship, and StewardshipOVERCOMING CHALLENGESFaith communities face critical leadershipshortages, with three times more leaders over65 than under 40. According to research byGeorge Barna, “If faith communities are going toleave a permanent mark on the local communitythrough a growing body of changing lives, theymust constantly expand their leadershipdevelopment quality and capacity.”K-12 student achievement in English LanguageArts, Mathematics, Science, and US History ismeasured by The Mississippi AcademicAssessment Program (MAAP). The MAAP graphic below depicts the challenge inHolly Springs, Mississippi, but the need is notlimited to the city, county, or state. The condition reflects what is happeningsystemically in underserved, under-resourced,and underrepresented communities nationwide.(Data exacerbated by COVID-19).Post Secondary Education AttainmentAccording to Lumina Foundation's StrongerNation Progress Report, addressing systemicbarriers perpetuating inequities and expandinglearning opportunities after high school foreveryone is essential to reducing the injusticeimpacting much of American life. By 2025, 60 percent of adults in the UnitedStates will need some quality credential beyondhigh school. To achieve this goal, any meaningful credentialmust have clear and transparent learningoutcomes leading to further education andfamily-sustaining employment.Every state must improveDramatic action is needed to meet the nation'sneed for talent and to ensure that all Americanshave real opportunities to learn, grow, and thrive.A growing proportion of today’s learners areBlack, Hispanic, Latino, and Native American, anddata show that their post-secondary attainmentrates persistently lag national averages.Sankofa is a mythical bird with its feet firmly planted forward and its head turned backward. ThisAfrican word and symbol from the Akan tribe in Ghana mean, “it is not taboo to fetch what is at risk ofbeing left behind.” The Akan believe that learning from the past through critical examination andintelligent and patient investigation directs our present and ensures a strong future.chaplaincare.comcctaylorfoundation.orgPHILANTHROPY AND STEWARDSHIP CC TAYLOR FOUNDATION - CHAPLAINCARE SPRING ISSUE

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My educational aspiration includes earning my degreein biochemistry with a double minor in biology andmathematics. Afterward, I plan to attend medical school to preparefor a pathology career.I want to go to medical school and become a doctorbecause I live with family members who have issueswith their health. I hope to help find a cure for diseases like cancer,diabetes, Chiari malformation, and COPD. Receiving this All Veterans Care EndowedScholarship is vital to me because it helps acceleratemy dreams of helping people who struggle daily withsevere health conditions live better, healthier lives.I am grateful for the Veterans and your network offamily and friends who care enough to invest in theeducation of students in financial need whom you havenever met. "Leadership is not about you; it is about investing in the growth of others." - Ken BlanchardAloha, my name is K.I’ve always had to and will continue to work harderthan everybody else because of my background.My parents were not born in the USA but ended upliving here to give us better opportunities in life. Ourfamily is considered economically disadvantagedbecause my hardworking parents cannot secure good-paying jobs in this small rural town.English is my second language. My parents canunderstand and speak some of it but speak Spanish athome. When I was in the 2nd grade, I began to learnEnglish. Even today, there are many things and wordsthat I need help understanding because I grew upspeaking something other than English.Despite the challenges, El Señor Dios blessed me toscore 25 on my ACT composite, maintain a 3.71 GradePoint Average while working part-time to help myfamily, and complete 12 dual credit college courses. I scored 66 on my ASVAB and joined the Army NationalGuard to help pay for college. My dream is to become amechanical or civil engineer and open doors ofopportunity for future generations. Thank you, AllVeterans Care donors, for investing in me."I love math and science. When I save up enough money, I want to start abusiness or businesses related to engineering orconstruction to keep my hands and mindengaged."Hola, my name is Jair.ALL VETERANS CARE SCHOLARS

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ALL VETERANS CARE SCHOLARS My mother passed away when I was three years oldfrom breast cancer, so everything I've done so far hasbeen to honor my mother. To keep myself motivated, I got closer to God. Istarted attending church more, studying the bible, andpracticing positive things that I knew God would wantme to do.Thanks to the generosity of All Veterans Care donors,I can attend a four-year in-state university and go onto become a dentist.There are so few dental clinics within 30 miles ofwhere I live. I plan to return to my hometown, set up asmall clinic where children and adults can get theirteeth cleaned, and educate younger and middleschoolers on proper oral hygiene.I live by this motto,"My faith has to be greater than my fears." Hello, my name is Jahni.Thanks to the All Veterans Care EndowedScholarship's support, I plan to study psychology inhopes of helping others keep moving forward in theirtimes of adversity. I aim to be the first of my siblings to finish college, getan excellent job, and help provide for my family.When I was 7, my three cousins came to live with meand my two siblings, which made me appreciate thecompany of people and helped me meet new ones. Once my father left the house, life changed. I watchedmy mother, with God's help, support and provide forthe nine of us to the best of her ability. When I noticedsome of my family members struggling, I tried to helpcare for them emotionally. Since the age of 12, I feltlike I had to step up and be the man of the house.What I learned from the adversity I faced is to workhard in every situation, and no matter how hard it is,you have to keep going; you have to go through it. Ialso learned never to take anything for grantedbecause circumstances can change in a split second. "I am proud to help my mom care for our family as I become the man she raised me to be."Hi, my name is Alexander.

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My educational aspiration includes obtaining abachelor’s degree in biological sciences with aconcentration in Pre-Med. Afterward, I plan to attend medical school to preparefor a career as a neurosurgeon.In 2015, my maternal grandfather was diagnosed withAlzheimer’s and Dementia. He slowly became forgetfuland unaware of his surroundings. Both diseasesgreatly affected my grandfather’s health, leading tohis passing on December 27, 2022.Achieving my childhood dream career of becoming aneurosurgeon will allow me to serve others in theirtime of need and hopefully find a cure for Alzheimer’sand Dementia.I am grateful for the Washington and MildredJohnson Endowed Scholarship because it allows meto afford college without enormous student debt. "The most influential person in my life is my mother. She is my confidant and mentor." Greetings, my name is Anthony.With the help of the All Veterans Cares EndowedScholarship, I can attend and complete my collegeeducation. One of the state community colleges has acceptedme, and I plan to major in Industrial Technology toprepare me as a technical and managementprofessional in the process technology sector.My parents are hard workers and do their best toprovide for my sister and me. My dad works extra hours weekly to ensure we havewhat we need. This merit-needs-based scholarship, combined withothers, enables me to focus on my full-time studiesrather than worrying about how to pay the rising costof an accredited post-secondary education.Because you chose to believe in me, I will work hard toexcel as a leader, scholar, and person."I envision leaving a legacy that impacts, inspires, and improves the lives of those who follow me."Hello, my name is Robert.ALL VETERANS CARE SCHOLARAND WASHINGTON AND MILDRED JOHNSON SCHOLAR

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Have you ever experienced a moment when the hingesof life appear to be coming off? When I was very young and did not understand, Iremember the hinges flying off and how from that dayforward, everything changed.I graduated in the top three of my class. I am a memberof the ACT 20 Plus Club and the National HonorsSociety and have a minority-owned small businessincubator project.I greatly appreciate the Judith Woolley McKevittEndowed Scholarship because it helps me sharpen mybusiness knowledge, skills, and experiences at an out-of-state university. I am an entrepreneur withinnovative ideas for opening multiple product lines.My Mother, a single parent of two, could not attendcollege due to financial reasons, making me a first-generation college student. My Mother instilled in methe ambition for success and modeled the importanceof never giving up on my God-given goals and dreams.Mrs. McKevitt, thank you for your trust andconfidence. You are a blessing from God! "My Mother has shown me time and time again that no matter how hard life gets, there is always a way forward, but only if you work for it."Hi, my name is Aania.I plan to attend a community college that has anoutstanding technical school in welding andcommercial truck driving, two occupations requiringresponsible people with discipline and determination.I have strived to achieve a good education. As a youngchild, I gave up on myself by letting my environmentdetermine who I could soon become.However, with the help of my family, I started enrollingin programs to increase my knowledge which changedmy perspective on life. I began to build my motivationand determination, making me one of the top fourNational Honors Society students in my senior class.I possess excellent leadership skills. I strive to be aconsistent role model to my classmates, especially mysiblings. I love to motivate people to be the best theycan be. I also have always recommended that peopledo the right thing. My goal is to impact the worldpositively.I have always faced financial issues throughout life,which motivated me to strive for greatness. As aresult, the Judith Woolley McKevitt EndowedScholarship is life-changing for me. Mrs. McKevitt,thank you, for you are indeed a blessing!"My hometown has much poverty, and it hurts my heart not to be able to make things better.I want to open many businesses in my community to help those in need."Hello, my name is Adam. JUDITH WOOLLEY MCKEVITT SCHOLARS

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The medical industry has always interested andintrigued me. My love of biology and the challenge ofunraveling scientific secrets inspires me to chooseforensic science as my field of study. I am thrilled to embark on this path to solving theriddles behind the crime scenes.A life-changing event helped me choose forensicscience as my career. The death of my aunt caused my desire to deepen. Ifeel a strong pull in the direction of this industry, and Iam confident that it represents the ideal careerpathway for my life's calling. As a student with a deep interest in biology and a solidmotivation to assist others, my first step is to earn anursing degree at a community college. Because I will have to work while pursuing my post-secondary education, the Judith Woolley McKevittEndowed Scholarship lifts some of the financialworries off my shoulders. This scholarship allows meto devote my time and attention to academic work. Thank you, Mrs. McKevitt, for believing in me andinvesting in my future. I will make sure to pay itforward."I am an active member of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church. Helping people and giving back to the community is my passion."Hi, my name is Sharnerica.I am the third of four children. I have always had a passion for pursuing a career inMathematics.My parents encouraged me to engage with numbersand quantities as a child.I plan to become an engineer to help my impoverishedcommunity. The utility department needs help to keepthe electricity and water infrastructure systemsoperational.My oldest sister graduated from college, and her hardwork and determination inspired me to pursue anassociate degree in mathematics and, ultimately, anengineering degree. The only goal that I have in mind is to ensure that myparents are proud. Earning the Judith WoolleyMcKevitt Endowed Scholarship helps me to make myparents proud. I also have a younger sibling to whom Iwant to be a role model by staying on the straight andnarrow path. Mrs. McKevitt, thank you for helping me become abetter person."My parents struggled to keep me from goingthrough the same things they went through. This Scholarship helps my parents focus on myyounger sister and ensures she will have a betterquality of life."Hello, my name is Oneil. JUDITH WOOLLEY MCKEVITT SCHOLARS

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I am the President of the National Honor Society andgraduated with a 4.08 Grade Point Average. My journey to higher education has been challengingbecause I have worked part-time since I was 15 to helpassist my mom. I’ve been saving money for college.My lifetime goal is to become a Nurse.At the age of 2, my mom was diagnosed with bonecancer. It was a challenging task for her and me.Watching her struggle and being unable to return towork was hard to see. A few years from now, I can seemyself helping others with any health problems or justproblems in general.All I ever wanted to do was to help others, but I had tostruggle through life's obstacles, which includedfinancial and family hardships.The Judith Woolley McKevitt Endowed Scholarshipwill go towards my college tuition and prepare me toprovide the best healthcare possible for peoplethroughout the rural south.I am determined to be the best nurse I can be, tobe a person of assurance for the patient,to be confident in my skills and abilities to helpthe patient, and most importantly, to be thepatient advocate and champion for their healthand well-being during a time when they cannotdo it for themselves.Hi, my name is Carissa.My intended major is Physical Therapy with a minor inExercise Science. I plan to attend a major university and then earn myDoctor of Physical Therapy from the university'smedical center.I want to become a Physical Therapist because I toremy ACL. I spent much time recuperating in therehabilitation center.Physical Therapy made me realize how helpful it wouldbe to help others get back on their feet and to supportthem mentally and physically. A physical therapist gaveme a second chance to do what I love; as I invest mylife in doing that for others, I know I will find that mostrewarding.Thanks to the Sunshine Shehee Payne EndowedScholarship, I can engage in a small community ofscholars and diverse leaders of the future. To thefamily and friends of Mrs. Payne, determination is oneof my biggest strengths; once I'm focused within myheart and mind, there are no distractions. My workethic is tireless. "I remember and embracethe ones that invest in me. Therefore, I will always give back to help those most in need." Luke 1:37Hello, my name is Trashod.JUDITH WOOLLEY MCKEVITT SCHOLARANDSUNSHINE SHEHEE PAYNE SCHOLAR

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Family and friends of the Sunshine Shehee PayneEndowed Scholarship, thank you for blessing me.Like Mrs. Sunshine Shehee Payne, I dream of becominga teacher who uplifts current and future students.While in high school, I overcame one of the mostchallenging obstacles I’ve ever faced.Covid-19 changed my life in a significant way. I didn’tget to see my friends, and I had difficulty graspingwhat was being taught because everything was virtual.The transition to virtual learning taught me never togive up no matter what I’m doing or the circumstancesinvolved. Covid-19 taught me the importance of doing betterand staying persistent.This scholarship is helping me become a teacherwithout worrying about entering the workforce at aneconomic disadvantage due to student loans.Thank You, thank you, thank you! "I plan to be anencouraging role model for my students. I want to teach globally in the most creative and functional ways."Hi, my name is Leeann.Thanks to the Sunshine Shehee Payne EndowedScholarship, I will be the first in my family to earn acollege degree.I will attend an in-state community college and major inPhysical Therapy.When I think of the Sunshine Shehee Payne EndowedScholarship, I feel so grateful and blessed knowingthat my parents will not have to work more hours thanthey already do to help me pay for college.I want to be a physical therapist and eventually openmy physical therapy practice because I like workingwith people in health and fitness. Attending a community college allows me to remainclose to my family while preparing to transition to afour-year university. Thank you for changing thetrajectory of my life by believing in me enough toinvest in my education."My mom and dad work very hard to provide the essentials for my brother and me." Hello, my name is Kayunna. SUNSHINE SHEHEE PAYNE SCHOLARS

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“May their memory be a blessing.”chaplaincare.comcctaylorfoundation.orgPHILANTHROPY AND STEWARDSHIP CC TAYLOR FOUNDATION - CHAPLAINCARE SPRING ISSUEIN MEMORIAMIn gratitude to God andto continue the legacyof five philanthropicpioneers in faith,leadership, and learning,the Board of Trustees isdoubling the dollaramount of scholarshipseach scholar receivesfor the Academic Year2023-2024.LOOKING BACK OVER 2022-MOVING FORWARD TO 2025Dr. Mildred Poole JohnsonMay 3, 1930 - March 12, 2023Mr. Russell L. JohnsonFebruary 3, 1945 - June 8, 2022Mrs. Martha B. Sims JonesFebruary 15, 1926 - February 27, 2023Mr. Lawrence H. AutryAugust 12, 1929 - February 13, 2023Let's keep their memoryalive by using ourphilanthropic platforms,power, and prestige topositively change thetrajectory of people'slives locally, nationally,and globally.Mrs. Janice Newson TaylorOctober 23, 1962 - December 3, 2022

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REVEREND MARJEAN TAYLOR MYATT MINISTERIAL STIPEND THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY GRADUATES In 1985, James joined the Memphis Police Departmentand quickly rose through the department ranks. As a Memphis police officer, he served as a DAREOfficer, Crime Prevention Officer, and COACT Unit. Inthe rank of colonel, he cultivated relationships withneighborhood churches and community leaders,supporting his stations in achieving a four-yearreduction in crime. On June 2, 2017, James retired from the MemphisPolice Department. He became Executive Director of a Christian PastorsNetwork to help advance the organization’s work toreduce poverty through unity and collaboration amongchurches, businesses, and education centers. James is a 1978 graduate of Mitchell High School andattended the University of Memphis.Collaborating with Asbury Theological Seminary (ATS),the Reverend Charlie E and Cinderella S Taylor SrFoundation offer the Reverend Marjean Taylor MyattMinisterial Stipends to cover 80% of the tuition costsof accredited theological education. “I am the first in my cohort of seminariansto graduate student loan debt-free, thanks to the generosity of donors like you.”Hello, my name is James.My spiritual journey started as a teenager when I wasraised in a small rural town. Growing up, my family was not religious church-goers. Additionally, education was never a topic of discussionin my home. When I realized that no one in my familyhad ever graduated college with a four-year degree, Isat out to break that cycle. I went from having a Caverage in high school to a 3.3 GPA at the communitycollege and a 3.6 GPA at Mississippi State University. I graduated from seminary with honors thanks to theCC Taylor Foundation and Asbury Theological Seminary.To give back, I encourage those in my family, localcommunity, and pastorate to attend college and get aneducation - something no one can take from you. God is using me to carry this torch so I can turn andpass it on to others like it has been passed to me. I amdriven and passionate about faith, leadership, and thegift of life-long learning.As I work in corporate settings, I will help peopleimprove their lives by shifting their paradigms to get intouch with themselves—who they are, what they’recapable of, and what they want in life. "I aspire to bea role model worthy of emulation."Hello, my name is Cedric.

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REVEREND MARJEAN TAYLOR MYATT MINISTERIAL STIPEND THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY GRADUATES As a child, I grew up in an economically disadvantagedhousehold due to my teenage parent’s socioeconomicstatus. My parents could not pay a doctor to treat asuperficial ear infection at age six. Due to the lack oftreatment, a simple ear infection led to the completeloss of hearing in both ears. At nine, my maternal great-grandmother introduced meto the Christian faith. I struggled with an event thatwould change how I viewed the world. I asked my mother if I could spend the summer with mygreat-grandmother. “Grand” began teaching meHebrew 11:1, “Now faith is the substance of thingshoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Becauseof “Grand’s” guidance, I trusted God for everything andregained 80% of my hearing.Because of God’s mercy and grace, I am dedicated toserving people in the community. Helping peoplerelieve their burdens and improving their livingconditions creates a better world for those I serve.“Thanks to this collaborative partnership, Iearned a Master’s degree in Ministry with aconcentration in Pastoral Counseling and ambecoming a Board Certified Chaplain!Hi, my name is Lavetta.My spiritual journey has been incredible. I can recallanswering the call to my ministry. I could not figure outwhy God called me to proclaim the Good News. As I grew in my ministry and as I grew in my faith, mypurpose was revealed, and I knew a transformationwas taking place. I applied for this ministerial stipend because it allowsme to further my ministry in education. Scripture teaches us to set and keep our minds on thehigher things, which are positive. To put our minds onsuccess, but always remember we can only doeverything with God; without Him, we can not doanything. I have always wanted to attend seminary school butnever thought I could go due to finances. I would like tosee growth within myself in my faith and leadership. This seminary experience has equipped and engagedme to be an effective leader in God's people'spersonal, professional, and spiritual growth.Thank you, CC Taylor Foundation and AsburyTheological Seminary, for believing and investing in me."To God be the Glory!" Hello, my name is Naderica.

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REVEREND MARJEAN TAYLOR MYATT MINISTERIAL STIPEND THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY GRADUATES Isaiah 55:8 says, “For my thoughts are not yourthoughts, neither are your ways my waysdeclares the Lord.”Everyone has a story. Everyone is on a journey calledlife. Over my life, I have faced trials and tribulations,joy and sorrow, and endured heartache and pain.My story includes marriage, domestic violence anddivorce, birth to my son and miscarriages,homelessness due to a fire, health, and illness. Butthrough it all, I have stood on God’s word and leaned onHis promises. Through prayer and meditation, I wasable then and am still able to find joy and peacebecause of my faith and trust in God.In 2019, I embarked on an exciting new chapter calledseminary. As an educator of over 25 years, I havefound that if you don’t study and have a clearunderstanding of the topics being taught, then you arenot an effective teacher, a proclaimer of good news,freedom, recovery, and hope that is eternal.The ministry is meaningful because I can helpsomebody because of what I’ve been through. BecauseI have lived and am living by faith and not by sight."Thanks to CC Taylor Foundation and Asbury Theological Seminary, I am helping others be more than conquers."Hi, my name is LaQuetta.I have been in the church all of my life and was bornand raised. I remember growing up and hearing storiesabout how the saints at my home church used to walkthe back of the pew when the Holy Spirit took control. I have watched and listened to my great-grandfatherpray until it seemed as if Heaven’s gates opened andpoured down blessings on our church. I’ve heard the voices of older stewardesses and choirmembers line out Old Ship of Zion songs that wouldhave the whole church in tears. You could tellthat those elders of the church loved the Lord andwere serious about doing His will. And I rememberthinking; I will be just like that one day.Attending Asbury Theological Seminary and receivingthe Reverend Marjean Taylor Myatt Ministerial Stipendhas equipped me with the knowledge, tools, andtraining I need to stand before the people to boldlyproclaim God’s Word and show the type of structureneeded, processes, and policies required to ensurethat all areas of ministry are thriving."My mission is to meet others where they are andencourage them that no matter where they’vebeen and who they, “think” they are, God has a plan to bless their life."Hello, my name is Jessica.

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Rabbi Irv ElsonVP JCCAssoc. NAVADM (Retired) Joe Leidig, Jr.ViceChairMr. Ken HendersonRetiredCEO/COODr. Gerald Gray, SrFounderAphorozeinAtty. Shirley ByersChairMr. Trevor KnightPresidentMasterWorksSecretaryMr. Charlie TaylorEntrepreneur Past Chair Co-FounderVADM (Retired)Luke McCollumVP Wal-MartInc. 2022-2025 BOARD MEMBERS LEADING WITH INTENTMr. Otha TaylorEntrepreneurCCTF Co-FounderReverend George Taylor ProfessorCCTF Co-FounderMrs. Rubye Taylor-PooleCFOCCTFCo-Founder The CC Taylor Foundation and its single-member nonprofit limited liability company,ChaplainCare, is governed by a volunteer Board of Trustees comprised of distinguishedacademic, business, entrepreneurial, faith, and military leaders. The Foundation recognizesits board members for their outstanding leadership, dedication to the organization, andcontributions to our annual campaign. Your living legacy is in good hands with thistalented and committed board and the board of the future.While companies were once hesitant to include faith in DEI efforts, they are now taking importantsteps toward accommodating faith by extending compassionate, pastoral-style care and resourcesto all employees, regardless of faith affiliation.chaplaincare.comcctaylorfoundation.orgPHILANTHROPY AND STEWARDSHIP CC TAYLOR FOUNDATION - CHAPLAINCARE SPRING ISSUE

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ReverendEugene GillenLicensedSocialWorkerBishop Derek JonesAnglicanBishopDr. Clementine MaysPresidingElderCMEDr. Paul LampleyRetiredAcademicDeanBishop Joe CoffeyCatholicBishopMr. Greg PappianouChiefGrowthOfficerDr. LaPetria RhoeCollegeProfessorColonel Bob UnderwoodCEO Focal PointReverend Kevin TaylorCEO GreentownLabsMEET OUR NEW ADVISORS 2022-2025Dr. Dale WhiteUnitedMethodistChurchMrs. Rothenia Walton InternalRevenueServiceThe CC Taylor Foundation, founded in 2006, is the 501(c)(3) philanthropic arm ofChaplainCare. The Foundation mobilizes the power of charitable advisors, mentors, andprofessional chaplains to accelerate positive social changes in children, workers, and theirfamilies lives throughout and beyond the workplace. “Any good that I can do or kindness that I can show to any human being let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it for I shall not pass this way again.” -Mahatma Gandhi chaplaincare.comcctaylorfoundation.orgPHILANTHROPY AND STEWARDSHIP CC TAYLOR FOUNDATION - CHAPLAINCARE SPRING ISSUE

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Send your check donations to:CC Taylor FoundationP.O. Box 445Arlington, TN 380021-800-374-9039ChaplainCare LLC is a single-member managed limited liability company of the Reverend Charlie E and Cinderella S Taylor Sr Foundation, a 501(c)(3) corporation.Your donations are 100% tax-deductible.Trusted Throughout 2022 By: