Why Choose UsStrategic Process.Measured Results.CCMS & Associates is a specialized claim adjustingservice implementing technology solutions with a humantouch. Our residential and commercial property third-party claim administrators are dedicated to solvingchallenges and issues in the property & casualty claimsservice sector. We align with our carrier partnerscreating tailored programs to enhance their response tothe policyholder's needs. Our clients trust us to pivot with theirchanging needs TPA ServicesField Adjusting ServicesLEARN HOW WE REDUCE TIME TO COVERAGEDECISION BY 70%Dispute Resolution ProgramsData AnalyticsOur seasoned team gives us the flexibility toprovide a customized solution Comprehensive claims management includingintake, evaluation, adjustment, and settlement Years of specialty experience in disputeresolution, litigation management, mediation,and corporate representation We scale our team quickly in the face ofunpredictable and urgent weather eventsNationwide Coveragecassandra@ccmsclaims.comccmsclaims.comCASSANDRA GALLEGOS 727-234-1967 X 1003
20152018STRATEGIC PROCESS | MEASURED RESULTS2017Complex Claims ManagementSolutions formed to serveniche claim handling need inFlorida, reducing total incurredon complex files by 30%Strategic Process..Measured Result.Dispute Resolution Program developedwith unique data analytic tools. 20,000claims post Hurricane Irma and Michaelwith 95% concluded with full release priorto appraisal, complaint or litigaiton.Commercial, Excess Lines andSpecialty Program Management Division Opened.DBA CCMS & Associates with thesame focus in mind. OfferringLitigation Managemengt and fullTPA field |desk 20192021Development of technologysolutions to drive efficiency2022SIU Unit Opened to Serve Property& Casualty Carriers Nationwide daily and complex claimsservice began.ION-Insight.Onsite.N.ow. (SaaS)solution drove reduction in claimdecision time by 70% Roofing Permit Analysis UnitOpened2023Innovation continues with CCMS &Associates | ION-Insight.Onsite.Now. Driving Efficiencies throughout claimhandling.2024ION-Insight.Onsite.Now.Underwriting and RiskManagement tool QA Team enhancement toolsexceeding audit results CCMS & Associates
Serving as nationwide claim adjusting firm specializing in applying technology solutions with a human touch. Our residential and cmmercial property field adjuster teams and third-party claims admnistrators are dedicated to solving challenges in the proeprty and casualty claims service sector. We align with our carrier partners by creating claim handling solutiosn that enhance their response to the policyholder needs.
Our innovative solutions and strategic claims handling makes a positive impact on claim exposure.
Regional Account ManagerJim West727.201.2653 jw